"J »!’? ra» reading tbs paper aad ►nddcnly "topped and ►poke to me. ■arlcp: “Well, lan't It about lire? tn arts v»:t2u* about the negro?” “Why an?” *a5i t. 'Why, dost yoo in that tbe waste wiilmi of Um race prob lem mi act' leg In Atlanta taat Bra day? The major and the preacher*, black and white, all mads speeches, and reamed to agrri aad crerythtag la banana eras. So If 1 naa yon I would write a beat oooetbtn; elae. Taka no Hoorn Wa'-hlagton for a change aad let Hooker go dead.” Well they did play on the hnnnonl eaa right smart aad I hopu tba prob lem wall take a rest, for everybody ka tiled nf H. Rraa Cram packer la tlrad. and now tan the negro ant work oat bte o.ro salrsttoa. That * all right Wtm they call off the dogs. Ill salt They are waking up ta tho trac ehar acter of tba negro. A Chicago mas who baa b?ec Halting the prisons sari there ara stoat forty ate thousand m H»» 'a itau city, which la about two par ernt of the population aad that the p.-teoj records a* shown him by wanKsa, skbw rkc negroes to be thirty per rrwtf of all the criminals con3net!, and that tbs acrtn< quarter of the city la ihn vrctlnroog aad the refuge of neatly all the white burglars sad thfercs that latest the city. 8u> thM‘» ause of aw business, as my wife say*. Chicago nerds them for wcotclpal politics. Bat I hare quit, let the acgio go along aad sroltte. as Cram packer aaya. I had rather look 0*4 Of ate window aad sec two Uttlc Kiri* roaiaq up the walk band la band It. *4 e m* than ho writs about anything Ami it? little boy la coming, too. IllHa wnns* I* rolling him la bis carriage -»nti b< T7l« rna to tas as soon s« ha grt> Ir. fee room, aad wlU nestle oa n»r harms and say his little wotdu, and myaraaieat cocfort is that all of U^s* Waning m* C ak'duf-gobdiy: TP*. J"'? h “ *WPPer-colored alrl twriro rears old. aad she lore* lhal baby aad watches Um at care tally m a mother. She Is the daughter "foar scatoo. who la the Janitor of the •while school. Hr and his good wife Are eurerrieoa to aU the fratlltlea of 'Jr taro, cad so are their children. If there were many Uhe them there wowkt ho no race problem. Those 'hr?* little children corns to see me ‘ VJP *« *»* stage me ta forget my ■»«« wd asy king fllacs*. aad I dad my arW whispering -Suffer little children *1 CP?* nmto "Aad a Uttlc chIM shAU tend them.” What a pHy they hare to grow up aad lose their inco rcwt« and ace grkr sod tronble. How sweetly aad are the memories of our yoetn. flu »**t »a»a: °»- wowtd I war* a boy attain. When life teemed formed of sonny years. And all the heart the* knew of pals Was w«pt away ta tree*lent tears. And another says: 1 remember. 1 rwaobtr, tba bom* I *Ni» I nt ban. Tba IHtbiMwvtan tba aw tamo n error raw • vtak too aooa. _ Ttor bwian too loo* a day. Hoc aaa f ettoa wish tbo aicbt Had bone mj bnatb away. Aad ao do I remember tbe nu»c vtodow aad the low toon day a but • bare aarar wlahad that I bad died In ekltdhnod. aor do I wUb to dt* bow 1 wlah «e Dm tor tba aabr «t theaa same graadcblldrea. for 1 know I raa He aro*rMi, to ttaMa aad comfort tt«n tba Jaanty of Ufa. aad they x«."i aitn air. A <MM without a snaapa aad grandma baa aot bad Ito abr.'r of happlare*. VUi a beautiful war la tba last «a» or poor Tom Hood's poam: **i remember. I raammbar. tba fruit traao dart aad high. I **»<) to tbtnV their atoodar lops wars ■Ut agatast tba aky, ft amt a tblUUh Igtrwaaee. aad bow t** Hub* joy To haw I'm faatbar off from baoren .liryi when I wa» a boy." I of w merer tbe lrttle baby boy ■ w»a rkb. We feared be woabl die. Aa hr tor upas a pillow to Ms aeotber'a | top. (be Mttto (year old drl ml of cloao nd wMiperad to Mr motbor “Sltijfa, It baby dice mayat i keen bta; tur a 4oH7" I aoror tin of U Mr rb'Hiek to lb It to always efarere, and that U truth. tor etoeere maoaa wUb mt ve-——stolid, "elare serum”— An urr.i, epaa aad redd If im wish HtamrU xdaga that "eMUraa am! •tola nerer Be." aad (hto ramladt me « Ceerre Waaftogiri. wko. tndHioa ■ay*, eat ten a dim iff mm, mm atm bto talker tagalred fit did It. WMfed. "yroww | tornset toll a Ito. I t.il li "rtf; ta;* M!*t» krTrbet." I du l, M... .e Uoi. U mart bare ’.era a BMtffMr little tfaa (bat a Mttto tor Aad If bo wMmiairbtobmd M mdtol Mrs wade ■ySBtSr'Stt: iw-SJiuufSb'trsitc.'T; ;r«M concern. fpr ha had to ha away m public baainaaa moat o< tha time «od could not look attar them, lie In herited oho hundred nod forty and aU hand red acres of land nod bin wtf* noa hhndrad and Mty non aa aaveo hun dred acre* at land, and 1 reckon they did *tv* him trouble. Ha uacer bcafht or aold a ay, aad sat there all fra* la hta win. Mra.*Bot«rt E. Park, raegot far tha Oaar*fa icom of Use confederate ■awci at Richmond, wlahaa ow to «lva noileo that aaat month (April) tire cnafndaret* baaaar will ho held there for the bcaadt of the museum and tha Jaftartoa Darla mamorlpl arch. lire, pork atka for apedal Georgia contributlona for the Ibor (la room, aad oil tt* ream la of the aouthern atatre ark for help from ev ery man. woman aad chill, so that tha entire aonth may ahare to the honor. The circular !a much too loot to b* appendad to my tetter. Vut 1 will In rlami It to Vbe Constitution. Aad now ptrna* alcana Ely mention at a mi it if par renal to an old aobllrr. IV. Lao, a private of Company D In Hampton Logic", He haa lost hi* bora, a large, tern beautiful horn that while tn ramp bvJow Richmond he deuced and poltthcrl and oagravml -With bin Mile aal a wreath. Ho took the hum Jurat the hand of a Texas ■tier at e butcher pen In the rear cf Oram's army. He oeot it homo In th* fall of tilt Ur Uir brother, who atopuatl crer night at Columbia a*, the Wayultlr Homo ncl iter? lost It. He •ay*. “Major, I am Browing old, awaiting tbe blast of the last trump, bat 1 would llto to blow or owa horn onto more before 1 ilia." Do please towehody aand him that horn C. O. D. to Piedmont, 8. 0. STORM AT GASTONIA. Two Oleta Seriously Haft— A Colurs M II Wreck:*. Gastonia, N. C.. Spaclal.—Aa U>« ro amU of a atorm which awepi orer this place Saturday morning a large section at tiro wall of tha Avon Cotton Mill waa blown down aad (our or Ire of tha operatizes Injured. Two of theta, girls twelve and bitten yearn ol age. ware dangerously hart aad may sot recover. The mill waa damaged to Uia extent of about 15,boh. Other less actions damage also readied. Tba atom, ta ita greatest forea. struck the Avon Cotton Mill, In the rest era port of the town. The oper atives, whose ears ware 11) rd by the din of tp ladles and thunder of looms, were unaware of tha atorm that raxed without until U crushed the ooothern wall cf tha eaatorn half of tha Bill and Uftad oaa (Ida of tha root ard folded It over oa tha other half. Tha destruction cam* la a moment. Cat hundred aad bfty feat of the wall ra oloalag the eeccad story coltapeod without warning and (ell inward upon the operatitte aad machinery. as the roof with Its enormous raft*:* and beams, shafts, couaterahsfta, belt* sad P>Uaye went flying oS like ao much paper. The water cramecUuoa with tha las* la the lower war* torn and twist ed Ilk* green wlthca and torrents of *jtfrf_pour1ag in from aborj^aq^ wrack, tka darkness ana the roaring atom. Only focr or five operatives ware kart. Or these two 1UO* girls arc den geronsly Injured end may not recover. One la Sadie, the twelve-year-olj daughter of Jeff Beatty, aad the other Is Baaala. the flfttra-ysar-old daughter >f John Lay. The itttlo Deatty girl worked oa tka day shift aad had Just come In te clean up her spinning Irenes- Ska was found cloaked against tha frame by tha tailing wall. Her hair area twlsud on the spools and blood waa flowing In Jeu from her nova, mouth and g*eb*s oa her hand. Mias 1-ay's yaw aad one ban* were broken and the back of her bead waa crushed A little girt named Smith and other opc.stives were hint, but non* ao ** Houaly as the taro named, whoso chan ces for Ilf* are pslafnlly slender. The reason Bora were net caught m that fatal wall alley la that tha Bill waa short of eight heads. The damage to tka mill by wreck, wind aad water la about $6,000 and It will likely he ala weeks before It ts running to It* full capacity. h Oraat Fleet at Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Special.—With every trlb atarp of Urn Allegheny aat Moaouge belt rtran eaptjrtai awlrllag torrents Into ibe bunks of tksaa two streams aad rushing dowya to tha point where they converge to fora the Ohio, Pltto barg waa gtriiw a ruitatioa Sunday which furred hnadrada of fiailllaa cither to aboadoa thalr boats, or soak (scape froa the water la the upper sloe lee, while and aad orator spread discomfort below. Mllle la the low lylag level* throughout the eenoty. nahbcrtag between M and M. were flooded aad *tATI men are thrown out of work Cor (bar or bvo days with a tool at wages at am than MM.Wa. The tend was general throe ghost wes tern Peaasytvaala. Tha strsaas every where overflowed thalr hawks, seating Miri or Im dUMio to koaua tn.i farms that lay In thHr coarse. Down town la PWtebsrg. collars and bate owafs of boslasa* ksnasa which are (n the gwsersl flood bell, were toudstr.l while la Allegheny two railroads v.c e IsecpoTarily paralysed owtr.g to tlie water which roetred their tracks. Pec ■da la th* tr»t aad third wards of SI Isghsdy, bad to adopt Veaks methods ad |pstag to aad from thalr homes. Ample wsrotes hod boos roertved hy ■oat ad tha residents and bwtltem ■na* Urtatoosd. la daw far thorn to ■abs preporsltaas to stlalmte* incurs. Tha high sat Mag* reached by tha swallew rtran at Ptttaborg seas h.l feat at the goveeasseat <Um at Han’t Island. This was at « s'stoeh la th* evening. ft bscaom la flop s ry it tha; ■ark end gradually togas to ishlk. Tha raid wealhdr which aat In Ism eight served to cheek the flood and WATTS LIQUOR BILL Prtvisim of the Hew Measure as Pautd. MANY NEW FEATURES IN IT. tta Traffic and rUnnUelure CMflud to Incorporated Towus-O.her Pro. visions O.veo. The followlbo It the ttxt of ih* Watts bill: ffctllcn 1. Tint It shall be unlaw ful for any person r- persons, fli ji or corporation 10 ntanufretur*, rx>.l or mhrrw.se d.opcc: of for gmm any sp'r U-ors »incus or ix-i i:qvors or intox icating bitters wttMo the BUI.- or North Caroline excryl la lnrorpovaV T rltipe ami towns wlrecent the sale cr u-aaufecture of liquor la not or may not hrrsaftc.* be prchthHcd by lav. or Nnlxtert by spavlal lUlet:: Hrorlrt-o. this act shell net be < .is trued to forj'd lbs sale of such sylrllucnn, vinous cr null liquor* by drcj-.uls for sichn.-x* upon th* written prescription of a le gally qualified phyt'vitin haring such s.ck person unde; bla •i*in*; Provide 1 further, that this act atixtl nat be rou aimed as to apply to vine or elder teauufsetjred from xrapea. bculca or fiv.lts raised us the lands of the ir.rscu so manufacturing, or purchased by tbs manufacture from the grower* there of! Provided further, that this act shall not bo construed bo apply to b••surly manufactured from fruit cr grapes sod sold In original package* ol not leas than 0*o gallons. Boct'on T. That It shall be unlawful for any ps.son. iciiaas. Arm or cor port lion to manufacture, sell or other wise dgpeae of tor gain say spirituous, vinous or malt Uscore or Intavxioaiuig hitters, except as hereinbefore provid ed, la Incorporated city or town, with out flrst obtaining XI provided by law. a license therefor both from tbs board of commissioners of ike county In which said town or city Is situated, and from thy board of aldermen or city councllmen, or the gpeernlng au thorities, by whatever name called, of sell city or tewn. Section a. That any person violat ing the provisions of this id with ref erence to the sale or dliposlttoa for gain of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or Intoxicating billers, shall be gnllty of a miademecnor. and, upon conviction, shall be Imprisoned not ex ceeding six months or aned not exceed ing POO. or both. In th* dlerreUon of the court. Section 4. That any peraon violating thr provision! ot this net with rafer rs oa to the manufacture of spirituous, vinous or malt llquon or Intoxicating billers shall be gnllty of a misdemea nor. and shall, upon conviction. be Im prisoned not leea than four mouths aor more than too years; and upon a second conviction of a similar offense the person shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and ahall be Imprisoned not leas than asm nor more than three yean, and Qeed not less than ono hun dred dollars aor more than one thou sand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the coart. Section 5. Thai any physician who tWtmr vJfpott * aiding or abetting spy peraon or per uona who art not bona Ida under hie charge, to purchase any Intnxtrailag liquors contrary to the provisions of this set, sad any drsgglst who shall duplicate the prescription of a physi cian for tatoxieating liquors for any peraon or persons not boas Ode under bis charge, without the written direc tion of the physician who gave the same, ehall bo guilty of a mladomeauor, and, soon coavtctlon. shall be lined or imprisoned, or both. In thr discretion of thr court, for each and every of fence; and all drmggiata aelltag Intoxi cating liqnora by prescription as afore said shall keep a record thereof, which shall bear the true dates of the tales, aad he subject at all Umea to the In spection at the solicitor of the district and of the mayor and potics officers of tha city or town ia which said drug gist's bnslnesw la located, gad all other persona; and nay such druggist fillip* to keep tbo record aforesaid, or refus ing to permit examination of such rec ord by tbe officers named, and all other peraons. shall ha gnllty of n mlseraea sor, and Dned or imprisoned, or botn. In tha discretion of the court. Section & It shall be unlawful tor any person to Mil wine mnnufnctwrod from fruit or enpes grown by himself la quantities laaa than oaa gallon, and anld wine shall not bo drank apon tbs firemleca where sold, bay person ne sting tha provisions of this taction, either by aalllag In quantities of lass [baa oaa galtag or tqr drinking win* oa tbs premises where sold, shall ba gwllty of a misdeem ran or. and punish able at tha discretion of the eoert; Provided, that the provision of section 6 shall not apply to churches wishing to procure wine for communion service. Section 7. That It ahall ba tha duty of Iha governing body of any city or town, apon the petition of one-third (l->) of the registered voters thereto, who were read stared for Iha preceding municipal elect too, to ardor oa election to be hold, after thirty days' notice, la any year la which tha petition may be died, except within nlaaty days of any city, connty or genera! ejection, la time (or the notice to tie given as above re quited. to detemlnn: 1. Whether Intox icating liquors shall ba manufactured In said city oe town, t. Whether bar rooms or saloons shall ho aotabHaiied In said city or town. S. Whether dis penaaNae shall ba eats Ml*ad la said city or laws. had aay sack election mar ho ordered to determine any oaa as two or all of mid gneeUoos. as tha petltieeers may dost gnats in (heir pe tition: Provided, that duck election ahall not ho hold oftenvr than once la two years. Section I. Whenever such election ahall bo held, tha same shall ho con doc led sad hold under the earns rules and regulations pro Tided by the lawn of North Carolina regulating mwatclpel c lections. Section t. That whenever the gav •mlng body of hi such city or lawn nay rich election, they rhali uitriir one to* ta detemtae the gceetfcHt of monxfxetuio of moors, if each sweeties Is te be rated epos; one ban to determine Ska sale by sulooue. K sash granting Is U be voted npoa; and rase hex m determine the nle by dlspeseartaa. U each gaeeUea Is tabs rated swam Aar pefsaa entitled ta vote for members Of fhe Oenarel Aaermbly ■hall have the right » rwhs et each rtrrtiane hi all (he boxes preside f. end •very eaah rarer who la In htw of tha mpnnfachww at Mtax»*tihg Ikmmr shad veto a ilthat oa whleh thafibe written or related Urn words “Tor Oto t Planes.- end ell opposed W Iha *»• Ipetare of IntaxMattng Hguave shall vote p ttfdMt oa whMi *an he written or printed (ha seeds. "Agathet Me»H fprlrar nod rmt arch rater who tt in favor ef bar rtemi a* saloons ehaU vwta a ticket on wkieh shall he wilt, ten or prioted tha words. Tor Ba lsa—' 'and all opposed to —as —all rote a ticket en which shall ba wrlttan or prtatsd Ua words. "Against 9s loans:" and every such rottr who la la favor of dispensaries shall rota a tick er co which shall ha wrlttan or printed the words, "For Dispensaries,' ‘sad sH opposed to theta tholl vole a ticket oa which shall be written ot printed the words. "A(slant Dispensaries." Rack tickets shall be of whits paper and without dartre. •retina lh. That If a majority of Lh« votes cast la any sock election shall ba "Against Distilleries.’' whan that Question la voted upon. Urn It —nil he rnlawfal for any auck person. Iren or corporation to Bias atari ure any Intos icatlng liquors in such city or tor s uotll another election. But If n major ity of the vott* met In any such elec tion In any city or town shall ba "For Distilleries.'' then It shall be lawful to manr.f actors and u'l at wholesale In toxicating llqcors In such city or towu: Pi prided. Ural this section shall not he tens: rued to authorial the nanef.-.e i rc of tntoxtcat'.ng liquors in any such town oil .- ’ upca a full compliant with the c'aititlans anil requirements which may now or lrurraitrr be Im posed by lavt. i Section 11. Thai if a majority of the ! rotes In any such election lu any city or town shall bo ."Against Saloons.’' then It shall be unlawful for the coun ty commissioners of any such county, or th" governing body of any each town, to graqj license for tha sale nl any Intoxicating liquors, and any per. nun engaging In the sale of any such liquors shall be guilty of a misde meanor. and shall be punished at the discretion ot tha court. Section 12. - That If a majority of ihe votes cast at any such election shall be "Against Dijycncartca ' then it shall ba unlawful to establish any dispensary la rntch city or town unto another He t'on shall ba held reversing such elec tion. But If a majority of the votes tee: at any such election be “For Dlspsn aarlea," than Ihe hoard of commission ers of such city or town shall cstabllch a dispensary therein r*1 »htacr«r It on an be come TnMmttr lha provision of UiU art to taUMIah a dtepeaasry Id »ny city or town/ the goverdfog body o! a»Ji city or town ah-U appoint thret toc-.mlaalnncra from the -roxy; of n!d ' city or town, who la the election rated [ fu- aald diapettsary, vh<u> duly ll ‘ aball ba to condor: such dispensary under auch rule* cad tesuldticns, ami with such ofeleara an I employe* aa may be preaeribnhand allowad by the srrv. cralng body of aald city or lotrn. ’vho Shall Ba th* compensation of aald Cora mltslonera and ihelr officers and cro • ployt*. Eectkin It. No liquor of aay kind ■hall ba sold In aald dispensary os Sunday or election days, and said <l!a • pessary aball never be open or liquor sold therein before sunrise or alter atintet on any day. Tbo prl'ta at w'-t -t aald liquor aball be sold shall he Cved by said diapeaaary hoard: Provided, all take aball ba tor cash and at a prodt not to exceed *0 per centum of the coni thereof. No liqoor shall be eold In raid dispensary except la unbroken pack ages or bottles, which ahall contain not less than one-halt pint and not mors ibaa offs quart; and It aball be j nnlsarfot for anld manager or oLhrr , person to orhn any auch package or bottle la th4 premise*, and the aald manager Bui not allot loafing, loiter ■m -r.-AiflPjy on Premise* sod said preal^eVaftcr Ulai ordered to'du •o by aald mtngger shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and flood not mors than fifty dollar* or Imprisoned eo: more than thirty day*. It shall be tbr doty of th* manager to keep a register, un which shall ba kept a record of the name* of persona to whom any liquor Is sold, the quantity told, price paid, and dales of tale; 1'rovldad further, that aald register shall bo open only to the Inspection of the diapeaaary board •nd Its amployes, and the oooluita thereof ahall not ba published. No In toxicating liquor* shall be eold to any minora, and lbs dispensary board mail make auch rules and regulations not I aeons! stan t with this art a* may ba proper tar the management of the dis pensary. If th* manager or dark shall procure say Intoxicating tlqoora from any person other then thane that the dispensary board ahall direct, and offer the mm ftr salt, or shall adulterate or cause tc,bw adulterated any Intoxi cating. spirituous, vinous or malt II qaors by mixing with coloring matter ; or any drug, or Ingredient whatever, or ahall mix tbe asms with water or with liquor Or different bind of quality, or •ball make a false entry in any book of return required by this act. he aball •* getity or n misdemeanor. I Hectic* lb. That Id any tows In which a dispensary la established under th* provisions of this act it ahall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tall or otherwise dis pose of for gain any Intoxicating U quoro other than la the maInner pro rlded for ml* in th* dispensary aa aforesaid, hay person violating this section shall be guilty of a misde meanor. and flood or Impriaoard. ot both, la the discretion of the court. Section 1* That aald diapeaaary com mine loners aball make quarterly ■ettlemeuta with the governing body of aald etty or town, and that aald gov erning body ahall. within ten days after each aetrlemrnt. pay one-hall of I hr net proflu of sate dispensary Into the treasury of the county In which •aid rlfy or rows la located, fur the benefit of th* yoblk schools of ante cesaty. wctluo 17. Thai any onwr ar ear. ploys of a dispensary established a alar tha prorlslocs of this art who ahaU rlolal- aay of tho ru!*a aad rseaHtlons prescribed hy tha »OTeiwia« body of tho nlty or town la which ahlJ dir pessary to located, ar by tho dispensers cooiarlaatonora aa horrto presided for. which aid re Ira aad rnpwlaUoaa ars hrroby dor tar rd to bo ordloaacot of ooM tlty or town, ahall bo (ullty of a mlsdemsaaor. aad ahall, upoa coorlc flow, bo flnrd or tarpr'.aoaod. or both, la tbo discretion of tho court. Borttoo II. That tbo * or orals* body of aay city or town la which a dlspsa »ary (hall ho oatabllsaed oador Ur pro rtotoae of thto art. (hall hare power tor Ba tho tanas of offtoa of tho dispensary «o— too kroon provided for bornta. aad dot mates tbs aaooat of boa da rvostr «d fma said ces: ml as losers aad afB cars, tad ahall (btvo) the power to re wiora aay or all of soch rocaatoatoaars aad aay officers ^QT|SWiptoroa^appalwu OMM lkO«|. Boatloa iff. That aafhlaff hi this sat ■hall bo isaotnid to lapaal, altar dr anoad aay watM sot prohfbttla* or mwlilla* tbo htoaafartwrh aad sale of Matron La aay locality, towssMp eoaaty ar toeorworated city ar toon. tootlea 10 That thto an Wall ha la torso Crom aad after July 1. IffM. The Wert#* Bio«d»> WN. Tho world sow aaaaoBOO tjmtm, W panaris of loharoo yearly, or Mllr 100 tcoe. Thto to worth |ff*o.o**,oo*. to otbor wordo. tbo world's ataabo hfl It Wot **00,000 a waoh. • TBE LEGISUTUKE Mouse and Scuta Vigorously at tba Work Assigned Thrns. THK REVENUB BILL. At 11:15 Monday the House west Into committee of the whole to rwauaae consideration of the revenue MIL Judge Urabam ashed to be relieved of tbe chairmanship of the committee of the whole some remarks to maha on the bill. Ha bed been unable to agree fully with the majority of the finance com ml Use on some of the provisions rerummtned. hlr. Smith, of Gates, was ipX In ted chairman. Section 1. relating to corporation taxes payable to Stale Tirusurer was adopted. Section 5. relating lo "tax exemp tions repealed'' was considered next Th>a attilou la d.algncd to repeal all taws exempting Irons taxation all prop erty liable to taxation exuxpt property belonging to the Slate aril municipal cc-pf-rattuns. hod property held for the benefit of chiirrhcn, rellgiooa societies. cjc.-itaLlc. educational or benevolent I Institutions or orders, and ulao evute | '.erica. PrcriJeJ, Thai no property ! whatever held «*i' r.aed fur laveatmcnt, : »p: illation or reut. ehitt be exempt. The foriiolug was emended by add ict tbe weeds -unless said rent shall br used exclusive fur charl.able or bc ticvolusl purposes or tbs Interest upou the loaded Indebtedness of said re ligions. rbarltabl* of benevolent Instl U lions.' That amendment was ae. cepted by the chat: mao of tbe Oaanco committee. Mr. x’r'rerehn, ol Ottllford, moved to ati.end by exempting the property of fair ecaoriatlona. Mr. CatUs moved lo amend the amendment by saying this exemption xhull out apply to lairs where games of chance and other Itn nicr.il and take attractions are allow ed. The amended amendment was leal. c-viuon ». ice inucruanoe tax provis ion. was opposed by Mrases. Brittain, of Randolph; King, of Pill, sad Wli'.ts, of Hal'fax. Jcdgc Graham and Gov ereor Doyghtoe explained the section and it arts adopted. Section 7. providing when heir*, leg atees. etc., are discharged from liabil ity w*s adopted. Ecctlon S. providing that It tax 1s not paid at the end of two yearn after death of dccendcut, 0 per i sot per an nutii shall be charged thereon until paid, eras adopted. Section *. providing for the deduc 1 tida of tax by executors, ste.. was adopted, and the commutes at 1:19 rose and made its report to tbe Hones PASSED THIRD HEADING. To authorise commissioner* ot Hsn derton tounty to levy special tax to repair court home. Amended by Hoey to leave the matter ot '.taulng bonds to voto of the people. To allow the city or Charlotte to fund Its r.ox>nc Indebtedness end !u lory a Spo.-lal lux to tarct same. To amend and revise tbe charter of the town of Chinn Grove. For the better working of tbe roads of burke county. To estabhah graded schools la Nash county. To author):** the Issue of bonds by Gaston county to improve tha public roads. To Incorporate the town of Boles Creek. In llamelt county. House bill: To repeal chapter Sit, laws list, relating to Rutherford dls ia*s. To. obiud chapter as. law* 1177. Senate hill: To amend chapter tSt. acts 1*01. relating to Hutasvllla. Senate bill: To prevent the depreda tion of domestic fowls In Forsyth. The Sonata Mil to revise the pilotage taws of the port ot Wilmington came up. Banalor Brown said that he In troduced this bill by request, but he did cot consider It a local bill, iu that it affected att the peep's who shipped there. He did not expert the blit to pass over the Henator from Bruns wick's opposition and he would not re sist that Senator, but he thought It ought to pus. Senator Bellamy mad* a speech against the MU saying tb« enemies of the pilots are the lumber trust and the Vlrglnla-Garollu* Chemical Company. The bill would ruin tbe pilots and Wil mington. Mr. Pbarr. as n member of the mi nority of the committee, favored the bill. Mr. Brown eeld tbe Mil warn favored by many leading business men of Wil mington and shippers through tha port. The hill was deferred till next Wednesday. House hid: To extend limits of Hob good. • House hill: To restore local self government to Perquimans House bill: To amend the stock law la Asho county. Ur. Wellborn said that he was opposed to th* bill aad demanded a roll call. This was given and he voted aye. House hill: To make place of deliv ery of liquor the place or tale la High Point. House hill: For etoek law etoetloa in Allrjrhany. Hoase bill: To repeal ebaptnv Ml. laws of 11M. effecting etoek law In Johnston House bill: To restore aetf-govern mwnt to Pasquotank. Houee Mil: To liquidate debt of Mad ison county House Mil: To bridge acme Tow river. To amend and consolidate charter of Burlington. To eatabtiah graded school at Haw Rtrar. Tb* limn* bu mad* good prog;»t* on tb* Kerens* Hill. Inml Mtion »n* dl*po**d na Wadocadar. THE BKXBION BIT,U Tb* paaatoa blit waa cnoaldered a order at 11 o'clock. It aaka for lb* him appropriation a< waa glraa two year* apo. dMO.dto. Mr. Parerr. of Halifax. ebalnaaa Of tb* commlffra oa paaaloaa. mad* aa Hoqjcni appeal tor the old soldier* Sarerel r'nift ppaorbm war* made aad tb* Mil su. ad aaeoad aad third readings. At tb* nlgbt aaaalvn ot tbo Hour* Mr. Walton latrodaead a MB to pro ▼Ido for worlilai tb* publir road* cl Caawoft aad Oatawta. Tbo bm to amend tb* pabllr oeboot law with ret erase* to tb* olaetloe of cowafy boards of adoration pooped deal reaUia^. Aaaaadmanta to exempt Tadkla. Ctw>r. oka*. Wbkaa Darla, Haacomb*. Barry. Barmla, Alnaader aad McDowell war* rodad doara. BO la ware paaaad ad follow*: To la mpoon* tb* Ralctpb Treat. Bar# rad Dapdtlt Company: rarorlag panto a* of Appalachian Barb Mil by Coaprcaa; rrptrdlaa tba alrrMa* of bated But*# Baaatora by a direct cat* at tb* peo ple, to armarea Mrda la Caloa coaaty. Tb# Ham* want tala ooaualita* of Um wkaio for tb* farther raoaldrratvo. of tb* rwraao* Mil. Mwloalag with rrr tfoa U. relating b> th* Ua oa Stare bank* aad prfrat* hratora. Tb* se> Ik* arevhiod a to* at tl oa rr»re tv did dollar* omptayad aa eapftal Drew. rf movod to amb* tb* ua fd cute la ■Wad at |1. Tb* aowadmaat waa .ort and tb* OTtUoa adapted. Sectloa M levying ■ tax ot SIM oa Manta ot nocking kouoea woo adopted. Section >7 which provides that a tax of MM ha placed on ell breweries and a tax of 440 oa agents of brawarlca In each plara tka bwaiaaaa Is carried on. waa adopted. Saction It aa adopted Imposes a tax of MOO ax license oa each oil company doing business In tbs State and 40 cants oa sack 4100 worth of sales. flection 41 provides a graduated las en dsalsra In futures according to the population of tbs town where boatarsa Is carried oa: la towns of leas than 1.000 MO: mors than 4.000 and laaa than 10.000 |1M; more than 10,000 and lees than 14.000 1100, more than 11.000 MC0. This rates to tradlag la what la com monly known aa "futures.” Section M la In rafartnco to the tax oa liquor dcaleri. It Impairs a lax ot 4140 aemt-aanually on dealers selling In quantities cl leaa than See gallon#: 4va gal’.oaa and more. 4230: rcctltylag MOO; malt liquors exclusively. HO. These amounts are to be roilrclcd every six mentba. Each county shall l*ry a like lax rnr coua:y purpose*. Mr. Mortoa cored to ament by making tbs annual tsx Mfn on retail dealers: |500 un roclifylag; 4400 on 1 wholesale: twn-thirds to gu lo tbs I Stoic and ooc-thlrd to tbe county. Tula { he declared, la dcnble tho license tax and aa much aa lbs busts res will ■land. Mr. Graham moved to amend by re quiring dealers In liquors to pay le cents tor every gallon of liquor sold. S cants for every gallon of wloc. 4 rents tor every gallon of malt liquors. 5 cents for every gnlloa of medicated bitters or other beverage that will pro duce tnloxiatloa. Dealers shall makko monthly reports and it ahull be considered perjury to make aay false return, punishable by heavy fine and Imprisonment. Judas Graham estimated that tbe tax would raise let 000 a year. Mr. Oattls moved to amend by mak ing tka lax on retail dealers 110 Orach six months instead of 4140. Mr. Mor ion's amendment waa loot. Mr. Ore ham's was withdrawn, and Ur. Onllla’ was adopted. Section 00 as amended was adopted. flection 41 and 01 relating to dealers In lies bear, medicated bitters, drug' gists selling liquors, ar* (he same as now In tone. Section 45 places a tax ou grain deal ers based upon the number of bushels consumed. Section 04 oa adopted provides for a State liquor tax lo be appl.el onc-balf lo the Treasury, and the other half to tbs treasury of the coonty board of ed ucation. Section 44 leaves an annual tax of S pec cent, oa recelaba from dispensaries. Mr. Kiasland moved to exempt the Wayneavllle dispensary. PABSKD FINAL# RHADIXa. An »ct to incorporate the Baba of Wbltakcrn An Act to regulate fishing In Roa noke river. TRV3TKE3 OK THE 8TATK UNI VERSITY The Senate and Houw mot a: 31 o'clock in joint ecmlun to eleu. tres tee* of the Slate Vntveraity. The fol lowing wer» rhooen: M. J. Hawklna. cf Warim; B. H. Aj infield, of Oulllord; Victor 8. Bryant ot Durham: C. Thotna* Bailey, o? Wake. W. H. A Burgwyn. of Halifax: R B. Oeccy. of Paauuotnak; Jthn W. Graham, cf 0range; Chat W. Worth, of New Hanover: T. O. James, of Pitt; R- B. Rcdwlae. ot Union. R. A. John son. of fVrhmonit; J. O Aiafneon. of Mawilnct natter UnrpUy. ol vtowanf. Prod I- Cair. ot Oreenr . rerrtn Rnn be«, of Waire: t han Mr Nance. cf Bun combe; I.ee T. Mann, of Gaatoa; Cto. Rountree, of Now Hanover; z. V. Walter, of Davidson; K. D. Wleaton of llertle. | Owen H. Oulon. of Craven, was «|ec | ted In place of W. T. McCarthy. d« -wnacd. for term ending Nove mber SO, MUS. The following for «anr term. William R. Kenan, of Nee/ Hanover, la place of William ,i ChPilbmirn. dc - ceaeed; J. Allen Holt, of Clullfotil. la I place of Georgs B. Butler; A. H. Gall - | way. of Rockingham. In plr.ee ol Tf ct. I B. Kuogh: A. W. Graham. of Orenvltle. • In place of Kdwerd H. Mead.-.wr; Th-.r. S. Rolllna. of Madison. In place of \\* W. Rolllna. The iouowine for the term* ending November 20. 1#C7: Dnfel T. Ilq-dglns’ of McDowell county.ln piece of Job#-. A. RobebUng. resigned. The following for the term puling November 10. ISM: rylrre S;cp j, n', of Mccklcnh-n-g. !a ptace of Warren G. Ellloit. ttsicncj. M.. M. o. iTirrrtil wi* re-elected Stole librarian, and th* juint r»c-.t., adjourned. A Mil to regj; i Inspection "Cl branding of crtior. aeed meal waa dlacuaved at so ere letigik. Mr. McNeill, ot Scotland, oppooprl the bill, saying be bettered It discriminated against the farmers Messru. Danghtrldgn. of Edgecombe; White, ol Hall fax; Whit aker# of Wake, and Scott, of A lamas re. all large farmer*, favored the bin, be lieving there wae so discrimination In the Mil. The bill paewd Its peverat reading! and waa cant tn the Senate without engrouement. ha act to Incorporate Bethel Baptlat rbnrvh. In Orange county. nor* of th* Rmnm Bill At 11:10 th* loau went Into com mute • of tho whol* on tho revoau* bill with Scoot or Oleon In the choir. Mr. Hoedersoa had charge of th* bill. Stctloas 1. *. I, 4 aad t were adopted. Schedule AA. the tnhortteae* tat. was adopted without opposition. Section t requiring the tax to he paid at tbe end of two tun after do*la of decld'':il with tlx par tut. THx trad am faded by adding "iiti|e«r tho payment la pro rooted by litigation trror sold nerve.* Hertlone p to 11 wore adapted, her thnx H. requiring tax-payer (o allow hla Incaa* on list. Mr. Hick*, of* Granville, opposeJ th* enqueatlraal fentnrao of th* hlaak*. Mr. Hcndornoa offered the fntlOT/lng aobstlUi'.o: "Section 11. Th* tax payer eban lie; hi* lot time for the year ending June Brat tram any and nil mure** la ex rea* of on* thousand dollar*. "Soetloa 11. What quretloo blank shall ooaialn le regar < to income. The hlanlt for lilting taxes dial! tontala tto following quonllon: 'Wlr y«,-r groat Income from nalarlc*. fo«. tra profaaaloa aad proporty nol textd. any or all of thorn, for th* yarn* ending Jon* But. M oxeoc* of OB* Ibo-nssr-t dnilxraT If to, what woo that dauonnf* “ Thoao w«*o adopted Soetloa IP lamoaoa a State tax on efreunca, that charge mor* than BO rent* admire ten Tnrlooing ra*«rr* •eau, at |PM. and on each *M* gbow KB a day. On other ouch show* under enaraa* KB a day. Tim bill a Dow* eoualy rommladtener* to Impoee n rouxty tax not exceeding II 0*4 Mr. Woodard oppuord in* latter, raying rtrrueo* war* educational InxUtuUoon W many p«epla. Mr. Wahb anld th* rtmum mad* a dead oot tor th* cow* ty oommloelcnsTs. and ho thought lit* tax should b* Said. all emradmoeir war* defeated and th* original see tteua adopt mi. K gfloa BO. oxompttag eatertela meutt glee* solely for religious " -- or educational purposes Sect too 51. Imposing a Ux nl |E oa lawyers, doctors. dentate. oculists, photographers. optician*, osteopaths or any parson practicing any pretend ed art for kttHxf for fee or reward. Mr. Woodard wanted the part "or any persom practicing any pretended art of beat log' stricken out. This wag lost. Mr. Warren eenl an amendment pro riding that no additional county, city or town license Ux should be Imposed was loaL Mr. R pease moved to allow any county to Impose a Ux not exceeding |10a on persons not Itconaod by the Rtate board of medical examiners. TTht* was lost. Mr. Webb opposed Mr. Spence's amendment, saying there were some useful cistoupaths In Buncombe. Mr. Mann advocated atrlh In* out the word ••pretended" and he pibteatsd against the legislature going out of lit way to cast a alur on Chris tian Scientists and other*. Mr. Ti-avta aaltl no one would say that hi* art waa a pretended one. no tint*** dm word was loft out nothing would be derived Mr. Hicks, of Orr.uTill* (raid If pre tended waa left out and uothlng sub j stHuted It waa a recognition of tbeeo cuts. Mr Wellborn said there art* ought tn be prohibited. Mr Hlrku amendment to aubatUote "profrased" for "pretended healing" area adopted The section was then adopted. Senator Pharr's b, I Introduced rc i quires railroads lo receive cars lea ! dered at the etdetracn for any ware 1 bouse connected with the railroad by ‘ tiding. Bewta'a Proposition. Washington. Special.—Mr. Bowen, the Vaocautlan plenipotentiary, his proposed to the allied powers that the I Csar of tluaala be Bated In name three arbitrator* who. as "The Hague" t.! : buns), shall decide the question «I preferential treatment The suggestion , has been appro ted by the Btste Dr . partment. Mr. Bowen anbmltfed lo tUu , a)lies the representatives ibe topics cl the proposed protocols submitting the Vansruelaa case tn The Hague‘trli/u mxl. If the wife la a slave to fnshlou the poor hnaband must of necessity be ■ stave to tbs almlrMv dollar. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Coob!« Dtlly Stnrloa. Itlwen Kcj Tort, Tibri. Allmti, Ntv trleuis and Points Sank and f(*L in KKKKCJ1 JAM AUY 11, lt>J3. MOUTH WaaST Doily Doily ho. *i No. .*r Lt Newton, t. M.n. ft ;o pa tl 11 aa It. Ptuiadrlpiia, *■ *' 4 M pa 7 »} aa Lt. UaMJaoro. “ “ 1 I* pm Mi aa Ly. WaHiuagco. W.B.By • M pa lOltaa Ly. Uohanoud, i I.LIIDn S It pa It. Monivif, ** '* IJlaa MS pa I... Norllaa 9 IS aa 4 M pa Lt. UamlerMi, " 141 aa * II mm Lt. laWft, " 128 aa I It pm Lt . AiatUorn FlMa. ■* tdu I II pa - I Ly. BantUY. “ lllta Ml pa Lt. Columbia. : “ U 00 am IIII am At. BaiaooaJi. - 1U pm 4Ham At. IxTuaKlli “ TUia III aa taum.'aawoauo*' " YU pm lOit w At tampa, ~ - I a am Ml pm Ht i* No. 4L '•». Nrrw7ork.M.T.P.ftS.t144n,a a U pa Ly PaHal.IrfliT. •• 10 Horn 1111pm tv.Noe !ut~«~j?.ir.iua.t^t » plpm.• ir_lmWao.-<\K b.P.O't. t 4 to pm Ly. Wo.It Ira! M AWb.H. ...ISl'pa CtTFwtroonia, ti. L ttipra i~i8am Ly. Waldo*. II u a u aaoa Lt. NbTlraa ” 1 II am 1 i» pm It. Unidoiaaa. " I Id aa III pm Lt. HaWUh. •• f It aa 4 C« pm Li. Boulbern riaaa, " 1 PI am MS pm Lt. HaalaL_“ Mil am V M pm Lv. Wllolnt-tua. 4 M pa | At. OMrloUo. •• 11 40aa 11 H pm LY.rM.uif, •• ’llOlpa 1141pm Ly. Ureaowoorl. “ I ll pa SUaa Ly. aiMoe, “ I IP pm 411 aa db_ Allanlo, | “ »4S|m A llam At. Angara, <1, A it. C. ~j» pm . . ... At. Moan. & of Oa.. ... is II M. li 10 aa AY. Moat, oa'ry, A. AWlp. IMuT 10 M am AY. Mobile. L4K. « It pa Ar. Noe t»Tlaaaa,L. A H... I SB pm Ar.MamviJje.N.t.A Mi.L. t 40 am (Mpm At. iajSgjL_ - 4 It pm turn* KOMTHWAUD~ Dally Dally No. It No. SI •qt, KrmpbW.N.C.A NUk 1148 Boon tot pm Lt. AoeAYHio, - »»S~i ra t lit am Ly. Maw Otlaaaa,U A K-, t it pm ....... Lt. MobUo, L. A X. IS 40 am . l.«. HooLum'ry.A.tW.f I 48am Ittpm l.Y. Maoao, CTotOa. Mt aa 4 U pm Ly. AaaaMa, 0. A W. d."it It am !. Ly. Allan la,-! h.a.I* iiNuol tit pm ar AiMoa, “ SIt pm 1114pm Ai Oraoawood. “ I It pm S 18 am Af. OMmar._•* 111 pm 4 Itaia Ly. CMfimu, f- T it pm 8 ai am Ly. WNalamoa. Ou pm . enuwStr —-T~ furs Ly. tvwMT* Pleea, “ ll 1* pm a it am Ly. BaMak, * IStaa 11 18 am Ly. Imdmfpa. “ ttsai* llttpm I.y. NerOao * Him 148pm Ly, W«ldoa, - 141 *l» 8 In pm AY.roi lam nit, ** tit am Him Ay. trant'lao,i«'a vi^a.b_.. .. aatma Ar'Heltimora. ALr.Co... flit am Ar. Now Von.O.D.AN.Co . til* pm At. fkila'ukls, N. V f AMf 14* pm 4 lb am At. Maw (aril, I It pa MV aa K». HI Mu. *0 Lr. lWspa. IA. U Ay. 0 tv ps « Oil »s Lr, m, As«»s«ls» •• « SJ»m * 40 |T* L*. JsnSsQSTl** " *04as) 1 uipm Lr. Hsvssosk * I JO p* It 10 ss 1.4. CoIskus.1 “ luw m»s IT. ItSWlSC, “ M 4SpS 0 00*94 L». Osslhsf* Mass, * 11 IS SSI I Ass lAfeKM, " M0s> 1100 94* Lr. Bssowssa. " lUss 110 pi* 1st. K or Us* ' IIHs iMya Lt.r Msnbsrp. “ Una loops *«. MrOsoal. •* 0IO ss 4 M IP* Or. WssMmOs*. ffj.ly. I Ass S*4 IS* lr. hUMS. r JLU. 10 • ss II >0 iv At. POISMpkM, “ li 04 pc* 1*44 lr. As* Tof*. * 0 IS ps IMs Hms ) li«lly. <i>s< Monday. lOsHsl lha«. I i»*iprn Vises |*.tTT a A. riAUMBY, Atrnf. RncVInptisoi, X C. ABEHOEEN&ASlOQRO R. R. eoni>«HSKr> •' Rrmii.m. DsMy Ssliyt SssOsy As. M Ho SO Ha. AT As Tt 100s IHpli AksrOasa sr II Ma • Mo I Ms tsop PtoanarM 10(0* I MS M ISO /aoksoa Sm> S oris 1104a ••lr Ms« IMs I so* IM* SOOosr 1SMMW «4la I0M i Hr Ait uK loop HI. BHM4 iK IS 00p srOlph rsiar I* T 40s 4.U PAOB, OS. HH*

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