I happy and healthy. L^A SSS2MLri^fia^,an °$1 Saved From Catarrh of tke Lungs by Pe-ra>ia. ntUKi npUH. ** ■. Komh, 4M Karla ■ treat, Ottawa. Oat, wrltaa: "l/naiwaika ffa 1 <«wj*ra aawtra nM, alia mum m w> Iww#a r—M«—it tfcaaw — a arata flatly tat I Hwaa akraat liwkaali «M« W«»mat Int H, Haiti my dayamtwa M-yMi* Imm wj*m(. MM my Him! mM Mali aM«w Cw —tfaaawarwtv aiM/raywantty. •HawawwHwiaarftaaay f.rwww. aafatiawwa taatttttla/Wtta, r/attaa •MtiMaal waa naff I* try aaiMtaa. 1* f raajai w Maaaf rrila/ M aaa^aa4I|alltkanml pa'/M JM.ua ma. "1 aawkaaa A««rtMaalfMk U naraaa." Jr. K. tt.MM. WOMEN Iteau betrarc of contract. la* catarrh. The coM aluJ and rata, steak and and of whiter are e» la-rioUy eohdyjre M catarrhal de l>a tha Irat araftraa at ntchtag raid Peruua atitwrld ha talan. It fartt ■wt tha' ajalem aghtaef rat4a and ca tank. Tha fphasing latter fleas an* yooog wnaunTa eapertaaca with Peruoa: Mias haaa (Hiking u a yu|>alcr soci ety waoian of Orpwa 1‘otnt. in, and aha writes the tolVmrtn* . "Rarenily I took a lean dries In the eawntry, aad bain* tou thinly dad l caaght a had pertly relief. It only took a bolt two botllea. and 1 toaoMemd thlo money well agent. “Tow hive- a Hem friend la me. and I ?•* only advise Its uae to my frteuda. bat hate pnrehaard amend Wile* te giro to throe without the meant (e buy, and hart noticed without exception that It hot brought about a weedy rare wbwertt It Mo bora nerd '-iUm Bote OirUiin If yon do not done# prompt and eat lafacfoey tetulta bom tin aw of Pcxvaa. write at once le Dr. Hartman, giving a (un etaiemeat of your rate aad he will be planned ta gtro you him valuable advice gratia Addroaa Dr. Hartman. President of Tbe Hartman ganttarlnm. Colaaiboa. O. i K \C: > U' & , v • A ’i ,* A % fiUn I mim. . N j? I r L ■OCT CLOSE," WROTE NELSON. And la TIM* Phrara H* Summed Up HI* Theories of Son Fighting. On elsn* plrne, “Cit Next,” tp penro slightly paraphrased in s letter written by Lord Nelxoa lo Lord War wick cat loos before the battle of Tra, telgar. Nelaea had received from Lord Warwick a description of aa Invention tost aimed to focrasM toe eEciaaey <* toe marine and field artillery of the day, and to tho letter cootalatot that description the victor of Um Nile r* l Piled In the Mtowlng. which was saver pnbllehed antfl a few weeks asm whan toe present Lord Warwick rend RMa public dinner: "My Dear Leri—I foal vary mach •Mftf tar the favor of your letter, sad although t am not a good Judge of morhaalem. yet dare ear poor Inven tion car making cannon tango thotr thou farther than at present will an ew er yoar expectation a and oa shore. !■ particular. It wig he moat aaetnL Woolwich la toe only place where »■«* an experiment can be plainly tried hr edewttgc men. On board ship our wish I* to get 14 dote as possible to too enemy. Always endeavor to Ineulcaia tho doetriam 'Got atom, and yon win ho the victor.' - The "Oat done" was aaderscored. That one phrase admirably cammed op toe whole Nelaoeiaa theory of na Mratogy, the theory that led bha to darn the gaaa of the shore hattertee at Popes ha pan sad to all the Victory silently down the 0a* of btaxiag Preach aad Epaaieh broadsides until •ha reackad her desired place la the thickest of the amt memorable as* fight of melera history. THE PAPERS FILED The iNluotl Cue Reviewed ly fovcrsaeit. WIAT IS KNOWN ABiOT . IT. Postmaster Central Piya: Scads the Ltetara Basrlag ea Case te lb. ^BCBtl. Wnahlngtoo. Special — Poatmistrr °«aoral Paras forward* d to the Sen. at» hU the papers la the case of the ladlaaala. Miss, poetoSc, which past cfllee was discontinued by the admin tst-attoa becauee of the forced aban donment of the office by Its negro pcst •uUtrcss, Mtnaie V. Cox. The corre spondence shows that A. B. Weeks, a brother-in-law of Mayor Darts, of la dle nols, pagan bis candidacy for tbs postoffice aa against tb* negro Incum bent an far back aa April 1. IMS. when fc« began sending a long scries of let ters and telegrams to tb* Department. The fa Peru taetnde an extract from a letter of a postoffice official dated Febroary «, i»aj, narrating a conver sation which. It a talcs, took place at BUoxl. Mia in this latter Mayor Darla of Indianola. Is Quoted as saying that MKteld again Uka charge of th-j ladtanola postoffice "she would rn bor neck broken Inal da of two bottra." On J salary S. last, John C. Daagbsrty. Ualtod tBatca special attar, nsy at New Orleans. telegraphed to As. ctntant Attorney General Pradt, at Washington, that (Iwiv are numerora nag«o oonaty and manlrlpal offioera •erring under Democratic admlnlatrs tlons lb rough the Sonthero States. Mayor Daria, of ladlaaola. wrote the Foorth Assistant Postmaster General on Xaaaary J laat requesting copies of all I criers written (he OuiflBffit re garding the postoffice ana stated that tb* postmaster eras requested by all of tka cttlxeas to roatinoc In. office. Poorth Aantstaat Postmaster Bristow declined to fmralah the copies of the letters. The rartespoadsace shows (h«i A. H. Weeks wrote the Department several letters during last April. In bus Of which he requested that be be ap pointed at once, and la a letter dated May SO. IPdS. he stated that he was sa ri one to get the appointment, supple «enUag this on Vine t with n letter urging hie own appointment and glr tar rcenocL* why It should be mad*. On September 1*. be wrote the Fourth .Assistant Postmaster General that there waa a determined effort of the people to make the postmeat*.- resign or glr* up the office In some way. ba causa she la colored, and requesting Oiai bis application be remembered On October ». Weeks wrote the Presi dent that he had tb* assurance of Min , nla Cox. the postmaster, "that ah* will i forward her resignation In the next few days.” and presenting hta own ap- ' plication, on the remind thet hn 1 tha only whit* Republican at Indla nola. On December 11, he wrote the PreaMent that ho would be glad to com* to Washington to that It could be eeco how competed he la. Btx day* latar be wrote that he waa the only good friend the admin istraHc bai among the white people of tndmaola. and latar he forwarded a petition of colored rlttiraa of Indlaaola and vicinity |n bahaK of hta appointment. On January 1. be wrote ihd Prealdent that the poatmaater hae abandoned the office; preteed hli claim* for the appointment and said that he would be glad to have the Prealdent wire him to Quality. Later ha wrote U>* Preal dent twice ashing tfcat the poetoffic* be established, stating that Minnie Cos would not tahe charge of the office again and urging hta own apjrt'nunceL The papers alto ebow that several other candidates, notable John Shark ey Montgomery. Mrs. a D. Watts, hunt Mark Hicks Hoyxn and Mrs Lil lian Orocn. applied for the office la October on the understanding ta»t Minnie Cex had tendered, or waa about to tender, her resignation. Inspector Fltxgerald. on December II. submitted a detailed report relative to the dr rum stances which, cause the people of Indlaaola to order W. W. Cos. a rail way postal clerk, and two other per son*. to leave that plana, presumably on account of their color. An Extra Svestea. Washington, Sp*d*L—Tha President has elsnad a proclamation ceiling aa extra aexalou of the Banata of tha PUty-etghth Oosgreae. to mast March Mb. Tha proclamation follows: "By the President of the Halted States of Amarsa. "A PROCLAMATION. "Where**. Public Interest* rag lire that tha Senate should convene hi ex traordinary session, therefore, I Theo dor* Roosevelt. President of tha Unti ed Scat** of America, da hereby pro claim and declare that aa extraordi nary occasion requires tha Senate of tha United Mai** to convene at the capital la th« city of Washington on th* Mh day of March next, at II o'clock aoon. of which all persons who shall at that ttm* be entitled to act as mem ber* Of that body ere hereby resulted to Uk« not loo "Given aaaar my hand aad th* a*al of th* United Stales at Washlagtoa. th* Sod day of March I* th* year of oov Lord os* ihotuand ala* hundred aad three and *f th* ladependanee of th* United State* th* on# haadrxd aad twtolv-odvrath. 'TtiKODORS ROOSKVHLT *»y th* Preaidsat; "JOHN NAT.’ •• Secretary of State.' N»rkf» U*aar at CopHa* Waahlnxtoa. ipaclal —Tha wkrat •a th* kaalcratloa MU raachaf aa ■gillail. -Th* Mil raauhrr practical* Ip aa lawlrl by Mr Mtu. Th* ado aattanal taat prornof hr th* Hoaaa la atrtahaa rat Th* B*aal* parltlw tor tha rniaht M taarrauta *■< taa rarrah la. With lha ******* of tbo hill, a# ajrhM o* hr tbo mhrtiH* roe alitoa. Mtoakalla* Moot* caa ao hapr h* aoM to (ha raplcot. J EM th* *«tr* at AahaotiW. Mr. Tutor *th ataa tauatraat a rah. •ap fhraahM (*• h*karat Meant* ia* II Or M ohko M trogtk. A taacaailM to uunawt •mnta'rr' aaawal af pobl*c froooMtta k a*** kaU la Mo* York. *• «*• •» »•<«*<•. BW. A Cut tM Lasts*. CAM NO. 30,*n -C C. Boise, On tar la grain and feed, 005 South Water •treat. Akron, O, made lk« following statement In 1800. l»« said: -Rsae •lore tha Cl ell War I lure hsd attacks af kidney and bladder trouble, deckl sir worse during the lntt tsro or three X#»:l .Mt tough I consulted physi dau, some of whom told roe f was Terglag on QrlgUft disease, aud I wss CMitinuallT uelag standard rsroedlss. Ike excruciating scblog just across tha kidneys, which radiated to the shaol der blades, atm existed. Aa might ba expected when my kidneys ware In a dlatnrbed condition, there seas a dis tressing aud *n convenient difficulty { with tha action of the kidney sente-1 lions. A box of Doon> Kidney mir. procured at Lampartcr & Co 's disc store, brought such a decided change within • week that I continued iho treatment. The last attack, and It not particularly aggravated, disappeared.” 'IkfM Ttftfl AfHf. Mr. Bole* smy» la HM>: “la (be spring of 1S» [ nude a public state ment of uty experience stub Doan's Kidney Pllla. This remedy cured me ef a terrible arhlu* la tbe kidneys, lu tba small of my buck, la tbe muscle* af tba aboolrier Linden and lu (be limbs. During tbe years lint hare ■oar by I can conaclentioualy ray tbere base been no recumncee of my old trouble. My roogdeuce In Doan's Kid ney I'm* la stronger than aver, not only from my personal experience, bat from tbe experleuae of many oili er* in Akron wblcb bare cuute lo uij notice” A VRrtE TRIAL et tola great kid ney medicine wblch cured Mr. Bole* win bo mailed on application to any part of tb* United State*. Address Faster-klllbnrn Co.. Buffalo. N. V. For sale by all druggists, price SO cents pec bo*. E Nolte of Beguln. Texas, contom ptataa building a cotxna milt. He con trol* a water powar which It la be Urrod win operate abaft 19.000 oping, la. and U Is vary probable that a plant of this also will bo bnllL H. C. Cooke of Houston. Texas, baa been engaged to prepare preliminary plans and speclIcaUona Canadian trod* with Great Britain baa Increased over »«, 004.000 tbe past year. TAPUD1NE Cour v CURES Stomach — AND — . . Indigestion >o. >| mad sac. •lOnfitww. cartridge* and (hot shell* are made in the largest and best equipped ammunition factory in the world. AMMUNITION of U. M. O. make is now accepted by shooter* as “the worlds standard" for It shoots well in any gun. Tour dtultr tills it. The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Bridgeport, - • Conn. A feftilistr without Potash 1 It not complete. ■*. ir_ , SWIFT ani Stack MC Brin Fm.1 .JsxwSSSfi ,r£s zz.i3<j £ t«a at a» k*aa. la* oair Ivan' Soap, aa ■•ay af tti* kipfely anlorari and parfumvd aoapa m vaayjajunaua to tbo mdei akia a< aa J»»»at-—rWaaar E. Parker. Mbs Alice Bailey, of I' Atlanta, Ga., tdb bow she was permanently cured of inttamma tbo of the ovaries, escaped stir* {cm’s knlie, by takinf Lydb E. Ptnkbam's Veietabte Compound. " I had ruffe rod (or Uiraa years with terrible peine at the time of mrn rtmation, and did uot know what tbo trouble waa until the doctor pro nounced It inflammation ef Hw orartea and propoaed an operation. “ I felt ao wank and tick that I (alt aura that I could not ev.rrive tha nr* daaL Tha (ollewtag week l read on adrartlacmcnt la the paper of Lydia B. 1'hikham'a Vegeta hie Cta pouad in each an emergency, and ea I deal dad to try lh Great waa Bay lay la and that I actnaily Unproved after taking two bottle*, and In the and 1 waa eared by It. I bad gained eighteen pounds and was in assailant health.* — Hot Aucn lUturr. to North Pualo verd, A U ante, Os.— ,»>( ^OmMWraiaifnaavM am tv wv Tha symptoms af taffamnaattom and rlistmeo af tha erarltt are a don throbbing Mia, afooom ud'hMt}|otr^wn h^be^SS! with ocoualonal shooting paaina. rba region of pain sometimes ; bom aoote swelling. The Standard Rheumatic Remedy. STANDAM J^i?s£;lt**s»S3K: ' ... phyrieuB wcnily »»id: "I hm umbmublitountc ■ Mioipueu tM will cure rbcuiaaCiana, owing to the fan that the sen*] retue dwe 4s mealcwlpble ham to the digram organa. RHEUMACIDE eont phwljr omnnn Ure dtCoihp—hcarwta rather than injure, the organ, of '* *“ * akzn •“ “ iodedniw period, or a. long a. .red he, to adeet a permanent cure.” T»* Owaar soaredarewo '■«, or aaprereage prepaid. ■abdttt Chimin! Cd.. . . HaMhuiii fid.. 11. 3. A. WELLDRILLING ■•gin Bi ur zasxjsgJS Jssiatti To Cotton Ginners. jh lwfijil tki ImI r«apM( lih PRATT, WINSHIP, MUNGER, EAGLE, SMITH. TialKBlb Ihrttfi for Oil milt, Eogiios ul Bailtrt. Tin Contleental 6U Company, tiw W Ptm UfW C4MMtW. Stomach Trouble I C%.n be Cured! I 9 I Ur TO THINK 5 In a fact m4 %lfcWW r»la», flatting ani». runpiaa, fcuif iwmiH. If m km P«pki or OfawiN L'roy Hail. Bptotcbaa, or OeppewCnUred Erup tiana, or ruh an tfco akin. ^Waring Swell* ia«h Gland* 8*oUaa. Hctn on any par! of Ute My. oUJ Sarto. Hoik. Gcrbwarfon, Puai «af Ackca in Bonn or JokH, lick or Eyebrow* felling oat. porektM Here kloaUi, Gan* or Tkroet. thrn po kave Blood Fotann. Toko IU lamio IBM Bala (B.B.B.) Sum all Bsm. Piaylw and Rwp. Loao will bral prnV.-tlf. Ache* ml l craor, 8*r!lh.g* anUod* ami a portal, a evor lo return mrr Tide carte Cos* cen» of all Unde. >impjralinff Itwelhage, Eating Boro*. I'j.y I'lrrra, after all elec faQa, kcalieg I Hr *.»rc« perfectly. If you koto a porotitcui pimple. wart, itullcfl gland*. tkantingr. •ungiog peine. Ube Biood Balm and tkry mil disappear betorv they develop into Cancel, bragguu. 91 per largo bottle, mc.vdn f complete direct ion* lor home euro. SairpW five bj writing Bixjcd Balx Co.. 10 M.Ulrl Si . Atlanta. Ua. IXajhbo uvjIV and ktc mcdi:d ad view out in mini letter Dost wae:e vonr timr. You a ill need it aU be tare you »ta. *'**"7J. H. Bolt*, Mtna, Col. Probably yoa know of cough mcdiclncs that re lieve little coughs, cough*, except deep one*/ The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Tkmdm: lk,kc,tt. Af Angta Cmaa.it nyu deew.. U h* lan take It, tk«« Hoii U aeya- 11 be telGi >ot» m.| to taka n. ihn dmm3 une it. He hikm*. Lean t% wiatTbim w* wtnu.* JTc. ATKB 00, Lowell, Um. I JVSTAFEWmOPS of Dr. ThaeWa Unr and Bleed Syrup, taken according to dboatkm* la the strongest possible barrier against sickness, h Purifies the Blood. Sharpen* the Appetite. Creates Energy and Aunt* etary organ of the body to properly perfcrm its function. Bilious nee* ConeUpatioa Kidney Trout!**. Nervonaoes* Wsekr.au Catarrh. Pimple* Blotch** and Rheumatism art presented. Dr. Thacbor’s Livar aid Blood Syrup to a perfect health restorer at wall aa a health retainer. It (Otar* the body taking oat evlunou* matter, stimulating digeation end nourtating and strengthening ae ary waakenad part. A Tonic of the highest order that ha* bran used by hund red* of thouaanda during lha past SO years with wonderful tuecea* It will halp you.. A tost will domcaeiiate thi* Buy a bottle today. Two aizaa—BO eta. and 91.00. Writ* our Ccnaultaton Department explain-ng symptom* &nd rewvi rrto cerJid^ntjal adv.ca Thocher Medicine Company, OhatUngota, T*nn, “ Ik »—dayy Mit^g iu m «r» MRS. RATH’S BABY Tired Mother’s Touching Story of Anxiety and Suffering. Cuticura Brings Blessed Cure tdT'Skln ^ Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest to Its Worn Out Mother. It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was taken sick. Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked and mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a plucky fight to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early in 1902 she took to ber bed. What followed she told to a visitor, who called at ber tidy home, No. 821 Tenth Avc., New York City. I hi rod a girl to mind tha chil dren aad to do whatever elm abc mold- I couldn't May la bad long. Kick aa I waa. It waa aaalar for ma to orawl around than to lie and worry about my little neea. Ho 1 got up aflrr a few dart, and let tha girl go. t bad noticed that ahe had aoraa on her face, baada and •nan, but I paid no attention to that until Charlie, ay youngeat, began to pick and acratrh hlmrwlf. Ha waa than ten mouth* old. and tha girl had paid more attention to hlaa than to any of tha othera. Charlie waa fret ful and ana, but aa be waa catting . teeth. I didn't think much of that Bran whan a raah broke oat on hie face 1 waant frightened, been wan everybody know* that that la qaMe common with teething babtea. Sev eral of ay othera had It whan Httle, aad I thought nothing about It "Bat tha raah oo Chari le v poor little bee apnad to Me neck. cbaM. and beak. I had never area any thing quite Mice it before. Tha akin race la little lata pa. and matter ohm out. Mr behest akin was hot. and how be ilA auScr! He wouldn't •at, aad night after night I walked tha Soor with him. wenk aa I waa. Often I had to atop hecetme I felt inlet and my back throbbed with pain Bnt the worct pale of all waa to aae my poor little boy bunting with Uroaa aaaty aorve. l oeuarsa ns mu Mught Kuna dteemea from tha girl, bat nac of tha neighbors said In bad ecsama, and that ta sot hatching, they told ■». Yea, I gars him mad brine, and pot aniens and things on Mm. I dost think they ware all melon. Onoa la a while Uw Itching aretaod to 1st op a Ml, but there waa not maab change lor Uw batter as til a lady aaroaa tha strsot aahad an why I didst try the Catteors Komedloa I told bar I had no faith In thoaa thlngt m read a host la tha papers, •ha aaM aha didn't waat aw to go on faith aor area bo apaad aay money at trot tha gars an ansae Oatlenra Otataaant — I think tba hna waa ahoot half fall — sad a pleas a< Oatleura Ifaap I followed the direction*, be thing Charlie and putting that nica Ointment on the acrea “ 1 wouldn't have believed that my baby would hav* been eared by a little thing like that Not all o( a audden, mind yon. Little by Utile, but ao aurvly. Charlie and I both got non peace by dey, and mom ■leap by night The aoree aort of dried np and want away. I ahall never forget one blamed night when I went to bed with Charlie bealdo me, a* aoou aa I got tha copper diahm out of the way and tha older children under acid; when 1 woba np the snn waa atremalng In. Tor tha 8rat time In tlx montha 1 had alrpt through tha night without a break. ? "Yea, that fat UUt* bo, by the , window ia Charlie, and lu akin la aa while aa a aaow flake, b—k. to the Cat liter* Kerned!** I think eeeryhode akoeM know a boat tha • Soap and alan tha Otntmeat. and If It la ntae to help other mother* with tick baMra. go ahead aad pah Hah what I Ian told rou." MBS. HELP.ltA BATn. ! The agonizing, itching, and burning of the •km u m eczema ; j the frightful scaling, u m pooriosia; the lost of hair, and crusting I of the scalp, as m seal led head ; the facial disfigurements, as in pimples and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter snd suit rheum,—ail , demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully j cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, snd Resolvent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The punty and sweetoetr, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of sjinedy and |xnunmcnt curt, the absolute safety • snd great economy hive made them the standard skin cures, blood purifiers snd humour remit lies of the civil'zed world. IIOC TftVI ftD’Q Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum end Mullein Uot lAiLUn 5 cough*,cow.,L^iHpp.m^rsapkaf