_ __ Headlight. VOL-8’_ROCKINGHAM, N. C., FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1903. NoTTT LOCAL ITEMS. a mH hb atoek of •MbbHr. Willn. Will Davb bat tha Kfchanad Cown ty Drag Go's, wore agate. We pwKj regret to bom that Mrs. ’ D. K. O’Brtea b still quite IN. We aie pleased te ass Bar. W. J. Fottord aMs to be ae oar streets again. W. T. Pulfwrd b with B)satar Brae. jjb» b oaks hb frauds to 00 U ot> Mates. W. H. Everett and Prof, •ill have rtenrsad from their trip berth. Mbere Paula LsOraod aad Mattie JffJMItet Saturday aad tteaday la I. D. Hasty adrsttlm a aba ml EaneaSkr aaJe—read hb ad., aad gat a Wa am glad to laara that Mis. II. O. Wabaa^who b still quite umrell, b Wears plrteed to ban that Dr. Steaaill b Unpeostog aad will soon be bowte agate. . It was a pleas art te asa oar old frbbdC L JCvsas ab oar streau on Wednesday. J- E. Oaadlr, at lha t. B. Oaudb Ou. b at tew aonh byiag lu a atoek of Mr. aad Mas. WIU Load hare retorn t* their wadding toor to tha rewag na of Meo ta engine aad war adjourned at I m» Wo will hare nm Dr. t. a. WUIItngn m bora kfott bf toUtrtt ■■»!! of lb Cwa(| 9m*4 of MwMlta. Dr. V. J QunttiMbNhM Mon* • I uMU.C Doolut;. lvivlalivtg jaII a* maala them anil boahalt fea imlrul Cor trial. Vian gM ta hara that f. C. WUtlort Ka*., who ha* haa avail far avrvraJgaja, bat of Oa. ' Iho fact. Mra A. X. MaJlalry. vha haa boon •Mtiag Mr*. J. M. Uovfngtan at •frrtribura, ha* totward ta Karting. bum. Tho Iltilo town of Maxhrill* ha* lalaf a taaal tax far aahool parpova. Burnt far Manlrrilla art "Our Qakr a Booki of the poblteaehoola ■a ol'Qid dm • term of four X fab war* run bat thru* of tt* membra of tint Rack* bar, and guile a number of our a It an dad aawrt at Laariabuig _A. Mtaaca kettle Hrltlrj, rattle Ma ta and Male Berrtaxn arrnt laat krtdaywHh Mia. Dr. Covington, at Bertha dialling to cantrlbata to the MeKMey aaannraeut tan eallongoet adNarMg X mem extended no •ba neat weed. Mb* Mlt DeBerry, a daughter of Mr. and Mia. I. T. BHW-rry. lew re daievd from Atbnta, Ha., aloA ahr attended a bta'am aebanl. Baaed, of H. W. Ualloee andanM on Maaaaanar. Be baa the geode «d big an ban ret art ad arrlghm and nmaaaaoe and b barn ie mil. Prol. W. O.gwrkmbwk. Wo learn with much sorrow that this excellent citiieu of Lan riubnrg, died suddenly, ■ fbw days •(». He was a tmly food man and a pnmiiue.d. and uaafnl member of the Baptist church. Peace to his ashes. Canute Board Uaeattoa. The Conaty Board of Kdncatimi had a called meeting last Monday to arrange fur' tin* payment of work bn eume school hmim. A. H. Reyuolds was appointed a com-, mitteemen fur District No. 4, Black Jack township in' place of N. T. Thomas, who has moved in to another townehip. CseMsl Keep Unr Prowls*. We stated last week that we would this week resume the |ml> licatiou of our 8 page paper. Well we fully intended doing mi ami had mads all the necessary ar rangements for itv but one of our printers was1 taken sink «nd could do no work. This forces us to de far Uie change until Mr. Coving ton Jr. is able to work. Rope w<> can change next Week. Tb* Ceeutf UutM Education. For eoai* eanae, we know not wbat, bat contrary to tbe cxpeo tatiou of tbe people- at large, a change haa bean made in uur Coast/ Board of Education. The praaeut Board la coispoeed of aa good men ae the Count/ can fur uiak, and H haa doiae excellent work. Two of Ita sraben, Bra. Wllliamauu aud Garrett, have baaa rfiiplaced poeaibl/, for aught are know, at their requcet. Mr. Whitlock, the excel lest chairman •f the old board, and Meaara. J. iantiaon, of Hamlet, one of the proprietor* of the fadiou* rail road hotel, aid A. J. Little, of Steele'* (ownahip, conetiCute the new board. All ate excellent gentlemen and will no deubt. ren der good aerric*. Hamlet Operator Killed. Hamlet, March 11th.—James W. Dunaway, operator tor the Western Union Telegraph Com pany at this piece, was hit and killed by train No. 88 ae it came into the yard this morning. Mr. Dunaway was going from thenfTio* to his Irnne walking along by the track with bis head down, and when in a few step* of tbe engine, stepped on the trauk, seemingly not knowing the train was ap liroaohing. The engineer reversed bis engine and did all he could to «top the train, bat the diets nee wee tow short. With the* excep tion of tbe left srm being broken sud a bruise on the side of the head there were no extern*! in juries. The foroe of the blow knocked the man to on*- side sod off the track and hu never railed from the shock, dying iii CO min utes. Ur. Danawsy Had lawn suffer ing from neuralgia fur senna •lays. It ia lielmred hu was erased with tbe pain at tint time and was oblivious to the approach of tlie train when he etvpfied upon the track. Hs lraevag wife and three children. Hi* n-aisins will be taken to Salisbury to-morrow for ImrisJ. Mink-hearted (leopte have eery liberally contributed to sale inga purse for the griwf-stvickeii wIfe sasd children who are in needy ulremwetsnoee —Cor. Charlotte Obsefeer. At»»falloa wHk I metal |» r KV) a* M. R. ftaritb's. Ahnf* Ural/ to Wn Use Haring same In Uni my arm Wal ler Hr kaalimaa with am, and pew pared to frrtilrk the people with all binds of family* supplies and fancy groceries, w« resperifttlly aoiioHe aeoliawation of Ihs lib eral patronage wbUh baa herwto fatt baan snlrndad to oat brass. Let ear bind mill fstands make a note of this. Jobs R. Smith A San. Cotton aaad bails and mml at H M SaUtb'e. Chit an I. M. fainter, ee t'ep IT. I. Keetsu's stem tee Sewing MasMss 8pHsw Advwrtlaeru. It ia now timt for merchant* to be receiving.their apeing a took*, ■t»d torn* of then have comma no t'd to tell tlM people what bar gain* they are prepared to offer tbeiu, and enun, all who really want the trade of the people will aak the Headlight to apeak out for tlwm. Heaar*. Wuat Uroe , the John Wanna maker, of Rock ingham advertiser*, opened the grand ball for big diaplay ail*., Iwcaute they had the good* and wanted to tell them and gave big latjiiiw. Other*, on a amallar acale, have dnua likewiaa, and now comet to the front tbo near Drm of Quthrie ic Co. with a regular bonanza to cluoe boyera. Bolb mambort of the Arm ure regular huatlera, and though young men, are fine baaiueaa men and fully potted iu their Jiao of baaiueaa. Mr. Outline ia too well known to require tuiy commendation* from us. Mr. T. T. Lucas, though a comparative atrmugar here, ia a gentleman who will need no in troduction after yon know biiu. We have known hint from a boy. He came from noble parentage, and ia a firai-claaa man. These gentlemen deevrve a good patron age—they respectfully uak for it, atul they will get it. Now the question ia, who will offer the beat inducement* for the scattering shekel* left over from the last crop? Judicious, liberal adwrtisers will get thuw. Of euurse, those who have no induce ment* to offer, and arw too inde pendent to seek custom, will not be expected to advertise, and will be allowed to ait back in the oool while bustler* will ruap the har vest. Go reader, to our advert ia era, if youwaut fair dealing and good money value. THIS MILL OlHIA I have lieeu thinking fur soot* time I would write aomuthiug in regard to tbe freedom and pleas ure* of the mill girl*. Of all hap py girls in the world I believe mill girl* are tbe happiest. \Ys rise early in bits morning, not a hearty lire ikfast, and off to our Work we go in good humor aud lively spirit*. Tit rough tlm day we never And time to get lonesome. We can do our work with c uv, and if we want to, *]M-nk to one on nny auhjtct them is always someone uenr to talk with. Dot someone might soy, Oh, I would like to have soiati time to myself; but I will say in the mill is the beet place to meditate. We can gi1 our work straight and rutinirt;; nicely, and then we enu walk np and down our alleys planning fur the future, nr ruminating upon thing* passed. Then we lmv* our ■unufemenU. such a* concert*, musical entertainments, soainble*, and *Imi our Sunday school* and prayer meetings. If one of the Imuda get sick and in need it ia til* pleasure of the gnod people to < supply their want*. Tliorc ia not a mure hospitable people ia the world than the good mill people. We ora all one great family, and to aay anything of now la talkiug about one of tbo family. I would nut change place* with a by on* however wealthy they might Im, for in n»y upiuion, lull) girl* are i tie boppisat in the world, and 1 am truly glad I am a factory girl. Curs Hugh* Raiuwoter. V*1«*U« IMtllirf K«r ml*. A valuable r*»IJ*itcw on Knn dulnti itM, whli five D»IM, i« .•ITarad to MyMjr who » (Mapnr -d to Muof> * Uf o*h tiarg* n On Iba |)IWliii* I* a wall i f vk e-dlaat Imlty **l*f. Como **» it—I think waeaii trad*. J. 0. Haatjr. Than* YoaiUapa. I Sara taken up two rad yaar tinpa m my M and haVa baan feeding tbaai far aaratal day*. If tba owner will pay for tbia notie* and tlta enat af feeding tbaai, ha aao pat tbaai. Unite* they are aiaiatad ia Um tim ptataaibad by law I will aatl tbaai at pabtie eel*. ' Haary U. Wateoo. Marti. Udb. 190b. | Onion art* at U. U. Sa.Itl.V COUNTY NEWS Mr*. Harrt* has returned fmin Qhin, wlmrv sho has ba«u visiting her daughter. . Several of tbo young people visited the laud aia1i luat Sunday. John Hnaty, of t>urliara, attend ed the hnrial of hi* mother. Mr*. Sarah Haafy, au agvd lady, died last Sunday morning aud *«• buried at the Kortham ceme tery Monday availing. To any the Uc«tof this excellent lady, in ■a lew word*, »he a tm a true Chns tinu woman. Ourjaympatliie* are with the bereaved, K. L. Rainwater, of Cordova and R. W. Rniuwnior and family, were visiting nt Refr. W. T. Rain water’s Inst Sundajr. Sunshine. ftoberdcl No. &. Tln> Company store is going np rapidly now. Th* painter* have finished np several houses, and if the weather keeps favorable, cx|'oot to finish them all shortly. Mrs. McRae spent Ihedny with her sister in Wolf Pit, Sunday. Mil* Hattie H older was visiting her sister Mrs. Hudson, Sunday. Everything teems to tel! us spring is here, and no snow yet. We think the most beautiful and enjoyable season we have is spring. f.iaUni to the chirp* of the bud* and watch the green vegetation grow out and breathe fragrance of the beautiful flower*—how plans ant this is. Mr. Braswell, of Pee Boh X,.. 2. conducted services for Bro. laivili Sunday. We had a nice service aud hope Bro. Bros.il will non.a D. O R. Cognac. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Mark*, of Silver Run were visitor* ut Y. O. Higglin'* Sunday. After a very plensant visit bare, j Mias Lula McDonald returned to, her home at Vaaa, Saturday ac companied by her cousin, M. R. Cams ton. Mr. sud Mr*. J. A. McDonald were vis tom at T. 0 Riggnt’a Monday afternoon, also Mrs- W. P. Milks aud Miss Sarah Maude Morrison. Mis* Connie Riggan returned Wednesday from llamlet, where *h« had been vnoting Mias Lottie McDonald. J. H. McDuflBe it wearing a bright tiuila these <laym. Cuau it would have Iwrit brighter atill bad it Uci| a boy, but it it little “Mime Allecn Muree.” Dr. 0. \V. North spent Thurs day at W. C. Smith's. Mrt. W. B. Cameron apent Thursday at T. 0. Riggana. There was quite a little ilnuco at I). O. C.tmeroi.'a Friday night in honor of Miss May Henderson, of Humh’t, who hat ipelit tile winter there touching. B. I). Farmer, of Augusta Oh.. •pent Tliuraday night at T. 0. Rigguo's. Hr was returning from Richmond, Va. H. 0. Riggon spent Sunday with hit parents hale returning to Southern Fines Monday. Misses Lula mid C-nnic Riggsn we.it to Silver Ron Sunday, hut owing to »he inclemency of the Goods at Your Own — —Price—— GUTHRIE & CO HAVE BOUGHT THE ir. o. watson stock ANT) ONE OTHER, AND ARB BELLING THE GOODS Ridiculously Cheap. $1.25 to 1.50 Hats for 50 Gents $1.55, $2.00 and 2.50 Hats for 75c. 50 and 75 Shirts for 35 and 35c. Reliable Shoes at 50 on the dollar. Embroidery and Laces at Half regular priced Don’t forget ti}$ Place and the People. .Si ■■ ' - GUTHRIE COMPANY, • Woinon * Starxl, OpjKwU»tf.g Court Hoiwo, ' Rook/ Fork. We hoar that Rav. lleb Leak will preach at uWon larko 4vh Sunday in this luopth. Let's all go to hear him . . Sat, Ur. Subscriber, of Ledbet ters, keep a lisfetiilg out—wo hear there it to be a lilljn extra cook ing done down you^ way iu a short time, iliss Carrie Gibs n la still right' l>oorly at this time We ho|ie *hi umy sunn be her k- f ugaiu. Oh, yea, inorcaaa the pnwidonl's salary and drcie ae the public i school*. Is that i T What has Iwct ae of nnr old friend, X-llav? -We Certainly won Id Iw glad to i «<t some - mure of hia aTitings. et us hear from you,'Mr. X-Uny. Vou are a good writer sud we all pie to read your items. 4 Ihr ssr.hnnm -mys he don't know for a certainty tTiat be will farm this year—hu has rolled lug* any wat. One of our neightmr hoys went to see hia best girl not long sinre and his dandy horse became resi les* and broke off hia buggy shafts, and, by thv wajrr h* went horns on horse book and left* the buggy un til a more convenient season. Boys, bring on those tobacco tag*, at 27e per 100. i . , Gobbler. Roberdei. Arrh CoringtotJ, front Char-| lotto, wua rieitiug his mother last Sunday. i Ur*. SldlaCuopir, of Charlotte, H her* to ftpend eeveml week* with her father and Mother. l.s grippe had this eoribu on the lied last week. Mr*. Crouch i* right tick with hvgriggn—hope die will soon t>« out again. 8. E Tutor left Monday morn ing for Kiniton, where the Wood men will gather among tbeatamp and have a Jolly old time together. h.T. Ledbetter's. J. A. McNair tu Waiting re'.a tivMin upper Hiuhiuond la it week Mirttca Eleanor and Eugenia Saun<’.ni attended preaching at Kotierdel l«*» Sunday. We acknowlrdy* that wear* not fo minuet in gardening. II. M Mark** ukoa tH<j haul. W. A. Currb* killed tti* flueet wild tnrkey l(i«t week rlmt wa Iwve •*en during (h» winter. Them w.ie a treeli mover in thU locality last Sunday night, and tkd ptn*part remain* g eel for mum. Wa Irani the* FV D. McK..y. »•> anoia nteana, reomitly lna< two Itead of cow a, which luuka rum# what niiaUrioua. There waa • rtrange dummy In Ihejrillagw leaf week. No one know* where ho bailed from or bla domination. It haginea to look like a** fallow will ham to hay hi mast f a half pint of liqaor and eatry H hoaia wHh him, u4 whoa lw pita than bia wife will pear M into the cam phor hottla mi ha’a oat ^ia. |ip lioc tirnwnrvTt M H. 8mW. weethor, Mr. Wright failed to come. Mr. Batiiidenmns, <>f Fine Bluff, »»« visiting K. C. Camorou Sat urday uight.' Luodi. Black Jack Next Sunday at hnlf-|Nist throe Rev. D C. Britt is to preach at Curt ledge*' {Creek cluirt li. We hope the members and people gen erally. will attend. Mr. Britt is an excellent preacher. Mrs. C. is [right sick with the gripne and has been confined to her bed for several days, but i» improi itig now. Mis* Ida Holt went last week to tier sister's. Mrs. Williams, near Troy. She will probably stnv! several month*. Mis* Lixjtie Dockery was visit ing in Rockingham this week. Mrs. H. C. Dockery and Mis* Anna serein this section Sunday. Mr*. Iluningtou was visiting her nj-th-r, Mrs. henry, from Friday to Sunday, who bus lieen right »ick tor sometime. Hope she will s.i in recover. By the wav, we have been told liy nevoMl that that thn land sink is eight feet deep on th« upper side and Hvo feet high on the low er aids, where it is pushing up. It- is cracked up pretty badly all over. It looks like the hill-side is try-inn to level itself, or turn the hill tht» other way. This it not au April fool. C. Bute, N: C. ( UoLb-SOU Co. ] 1 will Bend a short letter this week, u we are tnkiug the Head light nnd are glod for it to ourne every Saturday, bo wv can get the letters from our old friend*, though it in about two day* late auitteCfinew—wvitid be glad for it to he oti time. Mr*. Charlie Terry nnd family and Mr*. P. K. Nicholson spent Sunday at Buia visiting Mr*. K. J. Boetiok, and enjoyed the day very ' much. Mr. Hoatiek hna just Opened up i'.is new gi:oda and la now ready for business. Roliesnu ciMiuly is 3 Hat coun try and good land. We have preaching iu teach of us every Sunday and such pretty roads that we would not rare if wo had to go Home distune*. M. J. Bostick hu* about twenty acre* of potatoes planted nnd will fltiinli aooti. Strawberries are blooming ami wo have English peas and other plants up. B. 8. A. Early Rose seed potatoes at II. II. Smith’s. True charity need* no prr*» agent. The biggest trust is th« news l>s|e>r trust. It trust everybody— gets cursed for trusting, mist rent ed for cussing. and if it husts lor trusting get* tnrsskd for busting. Tlie man who «it* in the “omen corner" end chargee hia pastor a dollar a bushel for corn, when it is tolling for n verity-five cent*, is on* of tire ousses who beats tbo newspaper out of a yenr's subscrip tion. The Harbour l)n (jr, Why dons everybody went r. Rerhnur buggy? Because they are tho best. If you went to see them and get a hnrgnin, onll m A. W. Porter & Co. Dish pans, ciffus pots, milk buckets, d'j., i»t H. H. Smith's. Hume For Mule. A Vonng Hark bey honor 7 yresro ••Id, good traveler, very gentle, •uitablo for ladiiw to drive Would suit a doctor, os there i no danger in leaving him unhitch od. M. C. Ellorbo. To tlie I Julies of Itlrlimonit Co. I will lie in Buckingham ir. a few day* with a large supply of scrubbing brooms. Your orders in the meantime can be Wt with Baldwin A Co. or Leake 3. Coving ton— thfcy will ho promptly Ailed. Thanking yon for past favors and •till soliciting your order* for one of tho moat practical household articles oversold. Michigan’* Loading Newuptptr at a Grant Bargain. By a «i**rU! arruipemeiit with ths publishers uf Th« Twice-u Weak Detroit Km Pren n ar« able to offer our readers a pant bargain. The Twice-a-Week Frau Prs*s is iViifii 4 lull t; nr- - pa|*>r. It ia published on Tuer d»y and Friduy morning*, and gives you the latrst news of the world twice each wnelc. It alto contains several article* of luter hsI. to evory mcmlier of the family. It is an ideal family newspaper. We will send you tb« Richmond Headlight aud The Twice-n-Week Detroit Free I’resa, both papers one year, for only Address your order* to the Headlight, Rockingham, N. C. A western editor shot at a news paper “deadbeat" axil mi>s»d him. Ho excused hit bad mark* iuuuehi{» hy saying it takes an ex port to hit aa small a thing as that.

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