THE “GREAT HEADLIGHT’’ goe* to more homes in Richmond County, and ia road by more people than any othor paper, of any kind published in tlio County, or duvl on LOCAL COLUMN* Brief Items Gathered From Many Places For susy People. Bar. J. C. New waa a plonaant viaitor laat Friday. Mr. D. A. Bruton wu a pleasant caller laat Wednesday. Mr. K. W. Manahlp waaa pleos ont viaitor laat Monday. The political canvnaa waxed e little warm or towards it* close. Harvey Gay made a visit to hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gay, laat week. County Commissioner N. G. Kicholeon woe a pleasant viaitor laat Monday. Messrs, (loppedgo Capol aod eon spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hadley. Rev. Mr. Durant U conducting a meeting at Midway chapel with encouraging proepects. The great quantity of rain that baa fallen recently, is injuring the rxXboa on sandy land. • Mm. f. A. Covington it making her parents, Mr. and Mn. E. F. Feetoa, at iVadeaboro. Mn. W. P. Covington and chil dren, of Bennettevitle, apeot I art week ia town with relative*. Mn. K. C. Cole expected to leave yeeteedav for Baie, to visit her sister, Mn. B. J. Bostick. Mm. Y, M. Buggau and children retained from a visit to Mn Bog Can's eocAhar and other relatives. Mr. A. P. Stewart has gone a busineaa visit to Texas, and will take in the St. I .nimiMii->t|um. ~ r • a a ~~T~£ T"fr 1 < PRKC1NOTS. is a -c J 3 ~ a ? 3 3, 5 t i ^ 5 I- i I ■£ .S 2 a. i E £ .| ;g c 2 “ ^ ~ 2 '? - ° & “ P i :2S.= -sl^5E‘S S s * ° ~ 5 r 5? v ’<« L i _ ^ u ss :s ' =~ ^ < v 1 « Upper - BO ;8 21 18 It) ,8 2 7 ' 80 8 0 0 0> P.’WY rtef'C‘*-44 “■» »» it) (V) 2 12 7' 1 85 :i» 2 t 02 40 i J Block Jack...-dl b fig 17 ,(KI j0 12 10 0 10 88 SO 8 2 85 04 L Minernl Spring*.._... 14 Ic6 39 20 144 0 5 g^B'«7 1 5 1 10 28 12 00 21 L 1 „ Beaver Dam---2C 12& 4S It) ,58 1 U ' 23 30 02 22 10 8 10 54 0 £ y Ruckingliam Ni>. I.8 06 6t 40 00 7 ’ 21 HB 68 50 82 2 t 58 20 00 07 8 P * v RockiDKhaw No. 2._5>68 (94 221 180 74 15 76 96 101 81 182 187 62 50 270 )09 ^ H Kaat Wolf PH-W 10 «8 Ifi 100 H >84 80 0 28 22 11 12 83 10 k. i Upper W.. f Hit-g* 80 73 03 16 80 0 0* 08 118 2:1 0 14 100 62 L 1 Lower Wolf Pit-52 [40 34 06 80 46 25 * 78 6 20 69 17. 8 PI 13 [ Mark»» Creek . ipp 5 102 [07 81 2l iB0 127 16 81 »1 7 46 180 41) ' J. TOTALS-784 4)W 1721 lr>63 ^Tls^rlsr^^^BMUSlA 017 202 510 603 155 200 090 881 j1 yp|ye*r’i"rwirT^^ r«yT»e^^Bfcr»'y»’e ■» » wv r’yT’w-oT'w1'# - 1 — ■ «I —— ■ We (egret to learn that Mrs. Dunn Hinton it quite nick. Mrs. I-eGrnnd and her little boys are at Jauktou Spring!. Mr. Jamea Lyon tpent Sunday with hit mother and family. Dr. Bob and Mist Hannah Cole spent last Sunday at Jockaoo Spring*. A tweet little lataie it a recent addition to the home circle at Mr. aud Mrs. P. C. Whitlock's. Him Woill, a daughter of Mr. and Un. Theodore Weill, of Clio, ia visiting relative* in thisaeotiou. We hare received juat ten (10) new auhacribera this week—lot the good work go on—who come* next? Thanks to Mr. U. J. Thrower for a sack of awaot potatoes, the first we have ajen— in fact we don’t anppoee any other perton lint any yet. A froo rural delivery roots ty to be eetubliehed between Rocking ham and Peguea. Evereit Hard ware Company will furnish mail boxes—see ad. Mr. Trwwiek, the telegraph op erator, ia now touring up north, and that clever fellow, Geo. A. Mauney, ia “holding the fort” at tlie telegraph office. Miieea Carrie end Matn io Mourns had a most delightful visit at their uncle's, Mr. D. J. Campbell’s near Aberdeen. They spent a month there retnrniug lost Monday. Miss Pattie Monroe and little sister, Maude, left last Monday for Jackson Springs, where they will spend to or three weeks, the guest* of Mrs. A. W. E. Cupel, in her mint delightful oottagu there. Still another watermelon has been received, this one weighing 47 pounds, brought in by Mr. W. R. Mallocb. We have not heard of a BO pot der in the County and suppose there are none. Mr. H. M. Stanton and Mr. B. 0. Ueeery were pleasant sellers on Wednesday. Mr. Ueeery ie an old and appreciated subscriber to the Headlight, and Mr. Stanton ie a naw, paid ia advance subscriber who will read the Headlight at Olio, 8. 0. Ia Maoklenburg county, the superintendent of tile ooenty home ia raqeired to make a month ly report to the board. The Char lotte News says: Bupt. John Holton reported 84 white and 86 colored inmates, and that the to tal satpeoese for Jaly wan 1180.90. Mot quite 88.00 pnr month. Sabeerfbe for the Headlight now. | _— .'i..-'.j-»- "rm Mr. Clyde Kile* want to Char lotte a few days ago to meet the Miesuiuu of the New York house from which Mr. II. C. Wotsotf purchases his Christmas goods, and bought the “biggest, fanciest and handsomest” stock ever brought to Rockingham. Clyde is up-to-doto at this busmens. A new thiug in town is the ten cent counter butinees at the store of the Richmond Mercantile Co. This house has also a five cunt j counter, and it Is astonishing whnt.1 bargains can Ix^UOa there. The ladies ought to see these goods— cheap!—-Why, chenp isn't the word, bnt we enn’t find s better one. See fur yourself. Incendiary Fire at HoITImb. Last Friday night the distillery of Mr. IS. W. Manship was con sumed or ruined by fire. The fire is believed to be of incendiary origin. Mr. Msnibip't loss iqM ti mated at $800.00—no insurance. I Johu Chariot McNeill. We learn with pleasure that Scotland’* gifted poet, and prose writer is to be on the staff of the Charlotte Observer, one of the South’s leading dailies. With his ,new environments, we expect our Riciimond-Hcotland boy, to soar on and on. Headlight Job OnU'f. It is our purpoae to establish a general job office, where we will be prepared to complete with any work done in the State. Wo will keep a large lot of fine stationery, carefnlly selected, anti well assort ed. The office will be thoroughly stocked with the latest specimens of type, prosses, An. Further an nouncements later. A neautirul Picture. Mr. A. B. McNeill, of Scotland, is here with a pictore representing the scones of the late war. It is a grand place of art, both in ita de siggn and sxecntioD. Everybody should have this picture. Furth er information can be obtained at tbia office. A moment's gate ou this picture in worth more than an hour's explanotion. lime, space and langnage will not equal a personal inspection. It must bo soon to ho appreciated, and coo* seen it must bo yours. Call at lleadlight ofTick and ses it. TWIier Wanted I deairs to ougags the services ot a first-grade, first-class teach er to toaeh my children. Will want her to teach mails. Ad dross J. A Ingram, Jr. Little's Mills, N. 0 Uttlc. little, the missionary noli iu the Pres- | iu Buckingham ■ tulay, the 7th. He will I preach at Kllerlw Springs the 8rd i Sunday, 21st, at eleven o'clock. and at old Mt. Carmel at tbr <■ o'clock, p. m., same day. N> lUjisIrute III Mineral Hprlii(» Township. \Vi have been ioformod that i t-hoi is not a magistrate in Miu >-roff>s)i,'iugs tuivnship, nor is there i * root overseer. We are further' intonnsd that some ol the roads have nit hecu worked in ten years. Now, Who is to blame for this rVato of things? Guess Judge Peebles will let us know more a boat road law, than we uow know Childrens’Duy at Mt. Plsnimnl. The second Sunday in August willt>4Childrens' Day with the Mount Pleasant Sunday school. An interesting program has been arranged and no pains will be spared by ijupt. Key to make the occasion pl«aanut£sud profitable. Addresses will be delivered by competent speakers. Everybody invited. - I Mr*. J. C. Buwlcl. Mrs. Bowles, nee Mis* Jane, Haywood, the beloved wife of Mr. S. 0. Bowles, hail been a patient sufferer for a long time. Ixmg she camped upon the river bnnk wiyi eyes of faith resting upon the bountiful scenes of the Beulah land, and almost within hearing of the heavenly ohorstors. Mrs. Bowles was a faithful member of the Baptist church and a devoted Christian. To her, death was but ths beginning of a life of eternal happiness. Beneath a little mound in the Xortham eouiotory watered by the tears of loved ones, her dust await* the resureclion morn ing, bat her redeemed spirit has joined the heavenly host. Onr fair correspondent. " fnnsliine" has something to say of this good lady’* life anil death and wo leave to bar the privilege of an open field. The Headlight** tenderest sympathy is with every member of the berssved family, and to none more than the heart-broken, disconsolate ootripanion whoso lonely walk along the pathway of Ilfs will nrquir* heavenly consola tion and divine guidance. ttolwrdcl Academy Opens August 22nd. A few pay students admitted. W. L. GRIDLKBAUGH, Principal. ,1 I Joint It- Mahoney Ik-Ail. I Mr. John R. Mahoney, a veteran >rintcr of Wilmington mill a »iau j, veil known and highly esteemed j >v all who knew him, died hist light at the homo of Mr. J. R.. lardee. No. 2UJ Xorth Fifth treet where he had rcsideu for lome time. Death was the result >1 paralysis, Mr. Mahoney having mlfcred a slight stroke about fom uonlha ago oud another and more levorn one, rendering him speech* ass and helpless, yesterday after* i'»on at one o’clock. The news of ns death will bring with it regret >' hundreds of friends in Wil* iiington and all over the Stale, vhere he was well known. The funeral will be conducted from die lodge in Oakedale cemetery at 1:80 o’clock this afternoon and liii remains will he laid to rear.! .hero. j If. IT..I.__t__ # T_!.L . ^aruntogo iu New York city 07 roars ago, lint come to Wilmiug Lou when a mere boy and served tud apprenticeship with Pulton ft Price in the printing establish ment of the old Wilmington Jour nal. Later ho had worked as a journeyman on u number of pa pers in Wilmington, and Rockingham. He was a worthy exponent of "the art pre servative of arts" and followed his trade until incapacitated by age and affliction about a year ago. lie was a man of high sense of honor and his lite was above re proach. A brother of his, James Mahoney, diod iu tho Soldiers’ Home at Raleigh not agroat while ago. His only known relative now surviving is a hall brother conducting a bakery in Richmond V*. Deceased had amassed a competency during his life and friends will look after hi* bnrial. he wa* a member of Cnpe Kear! Lodge of Odd Fellows, Stonewall Lodge, Knights of Pythias, aud Wilmington Typograbhicul Union No. Those organisation* are called to assemble toiay and at tend the funeral in a body. The K. of P. will assemble at their lodge mom at 8:80 o’clock tuid the other orders are requested to assemble at the lodge at 4:80 o'clock. Tho services will bo by Rev. A. D. MoUlaro, D. D., pastor of 8t. Andrews’ Presbyterian ebureh.—Wilmington Star. Pence to the ashes of this good man. In the year 1808 hs was our foreman in the "Rocket" office, and nobly aud faithfully, he discharged hi* duties. He was a good printer, an indsstrhiu* and eonsrirntion* man—a gentlsmen in every sens* of tha word—Editor rHE COUNTRY.' ntcresting Dots From Our Faitliful Cor respondents. , Cofirnac. Mr. John \\ iiki-» u at brim*' r>>ni Maxton, where !im liua Iricn i*r awhi'e. K*»v. \V. B. C<*|>|»-(l«i‘ m*t with itilriiux unj comiuhti*' of m-iiiHil art Ti|i»«dny mid -«• I>-<• t«-»l ns a ite fur llie now school Iiomwi a due* imar Mark'* 'frock elm re h, h it !-.:n£ near ih«» centre of l)m rictf. I ami 11. Mr. M.irtin Mol’honuw loft iV'«li»om1ny niifht for Mctf***, after l>»ndinK » f'*w «l:iy» a itl*f * •» amity near here. ' Mi*»m I.ula Kiggan. Nnttin ’iim-ruu, Lulu Smith. Kt-su Mo LiCX and Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. , McDuffie and stvornl ot'o-rs went ;• 0 a pic-nio ut Ciiiiu*roii school » loose Saturday. They report n (ood time. , • /v Quite « few from n.*or Keyacr,* 1 Headed tim nio-r.ic Saturday. Mr. Alva Kiggan mid little Miss Huiuic, were pleasant visitors nt Hr. T? 0. Higgan’s Saturday dnd Sunday. Mrs. Martha Sar.dford. who has :>een visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kelly, liuie's N. C. fur some time, returned -aturday morning «c :omnauie*Thy her gruud-duuglilcr Miss Jennie Kelly, who will spend ioms d»r< with her aunt, Mrs. • D. V'. IVilkw. _K.mio ire running a risk to he heart broken, or have severe heart trouble, us she is ijuite u sweet, pretty girl. Mrs. T. O. Kiggan and Mrs. J. H. McDuffie were nulled to Ohio Monday morn by the death of Mrs. J. L. Kiggan. Her death was mote sodden. She retired Sunday night apparently as well as usual and no one knows when death came. They found her dead at 1 o’clock Monday morn ing. She loaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss. We extend to them our deepest sympathy. Him, who doeth All things well will comfort them in this their darkest hour. The re innius will bu takun to Vaughns, N. 0. for interment. Mr. T. Q. Kiggan and Mine Sullie will oc conmany the family. Delphi ns. jacKson springs. Mm. J. H. LeOrand end he three tons, Nathan, Nath and Hanimie, of Rockingham, are now at tho Springs. Dr. Brown, the house physician hn* rutornml from a visit to hi* home in Alhpole. Dr. Rob Cole and hi* *i*tcr, Mis- Hannah, of Rockingham, are now nt the Spring*. Miss Faith Covington, of Rock ingham, has been at this place for several day*. Miss Vannie Hmton, of Troy, who hn* been visiting Mina I*;t* Siriitliermart, returned to her home laat Saturday. Mr. ft. Fool, of Rockingham, waa at the Spring* last Saturday. Vinehnrit i* a great place for the people of ttaia place to visit, which i* a bod thing for Mr. Van I.inilloy’a punch orchard. Jack. Two Rucgtrs For For Bale One g<-ud top bnggy, and on* open buggy, neatly new. A bar gain will be given to a quick pur ohaaer. W. B. Cola