PENS CAMPAIGN Protest hum# Fwwritjr KxlfM •f Ibfeaiutte ACCEPTS TIE TWST IF IIS PAIIT > On* Hundred and Twenty-hire Per •ante )mMng Relative* and P'ltoto*. Warn Promt at tha Care ■"■ay. Which Wm Held am tha Varan da «r UjaMn HIM. Oyatar Bay. U SaoclaL—Theo dore Rooecrclt Wednesday formally opened the political campaign of 13M u hla baautdal country keaa Btt amora HUL Standing oa a apot made *ear hy the aeaoctattoaa of a Ufa time, earroaaded hy hla fatally ana .-cUtlvee aad Meads. hh funaally recelrad and accepted the anmlnatlna of lie Re publican party for Preetdeat of the United Staten. Speaker Caanon and hla rmnmluee . «f aotfflcaltoa. logcthor with many of .tarftad gueata, arrived bare oa a spe cial train from New Tor*. Tha attmxd aaoa at tha member* of tha committee **■ “Cfehly tar**, regret* baton re anleod from oaty throe, daman N. Com baa, cf Florida; Senator Chaeacey M. Dapaw. of New Thrh. aad Senator Clarence K. Clark, of Wyomta*. Ir all. about liS pareooa wore praaaot at ! nooaavalt poraoaally re mem bare of tha committee facata aa they arrived at Hill He koaw almost every mu paraooalty. After tha visitor* had been created hy tha President, •mratory Laob paealet each oaa to Mra. PoaaaveH and to Klee Altec JfetBK. Tha coasts wart aeatad oa fe vedaeda, whore the ootldcatton raremnay wu told. Aa Speaker Can non, attired t« a dark gray frock emit, ■tapped apoo a chair standing near fee veranda railing, ha wu given a cardial recaption. While Mr. Caanon read bis apooch. President Rooosrvalt stood at hie right hud. giving ctaaa attention to tba address. Mra. Boosavnlr, eanoaadad by bar rtilMrea. Kavmit. Ethel aad Quorum, ■(fed faring Mr. Caanon. almost la tha MBtr* of U&o crowd. Mr. Cum via tntarraptod fregneotty by apptoune. h* looks as eqiVmm IW CANNON SUGARS. Mr. PrwHt: Tho people of tb« CaitoA 8Utoe. by blood, heredity, adu ***♦«• aad practice, an a eelf-gorera *°* people. We have sometimes been •ahJectto prejudice aa* embarrass meal from harmful conditio—. bat wc have outgrown prejudice a ad overcome poadttloaa as rapidly as possible, hav mg due regard to law sad the rights sc JacUtMnala. .We hare antncUmes r ~*3““-Ja*A«aa. thma a falsa aonao of Obcurlty or from a desire to change policies Matcad of lettlag well eaough alapo merely to seo what would bap •SSri?* W*.“T* Mwaya paid tho pan any of unwise action at too ballot-box Jf? y*”!?* t*o aaJcrtag antil, under Iho law, through the ballot box. we ”'t',*e<3 lo oorract policies. No hMlosha# ao saccasafolly aotvod all wehlefaaagd ten proper pollciea aa ow Uadar the lead of tbe Ka party for over forty years, thr United States from lielng a thtnl elaro tower mmcag tbe nations bar become in every rexpoet Plat Tho people rule. The people ruling, It la ;£/&££“ 5.SS 11m people, trader Urn lead of the lUfwNIcM ptrt). wroi% upoa the ma* tola bcota revenue Iowa levying taxes •K«m the products of foreign countries awttng oar markets, which replenish ed oar treasury, bat wars so sdjnmcd as to onconrlge our paoplo la develop Jaf. diversifying a ad maintaining our Industries, at the same Urn# protect Ingoor rltlsoaa laboring In production atmlnat eoai petit loo of fbretgn labor. Uadar thia policy our manufactured yMsa today la cue third of tho pro daet of (hr ettfUaad world, tad our JFSSL a!z,rt .,uybXa** pm ™ IMIf labor that similar labor re nald»ary with town pi tbr. aaaatry. Ta tba boat af ny awut> l baia bapt in* P» ■*»;»* tbc. ■ad*. If aam »MUrt My ronatry MB aoadr^j at IU. ?>.' tiu aetoa ad tka <«»Yta*iri yn ia;rr*tart. l abaS. tut ri».;«kado, rasitou to norb "«b >yr dtfd 4* tba aatfai* ad all anr pan***, . °My la *a to aa It ddMarOrn |V» ..Mima] fitaraat. and •nry o* in. rtb or to*, aaa aarra Mb party ban tr> rwat-arloa ta tba pa* Ma tba bar. aamroaf wblA bait tap* Wn. ffwdrt pxar'wMt rawi oaly p« lb*, fault ad rtt «**l ;o--r»vr»-.tna of naay t’i»'*« pa*un*. Tba wnn Ul*.-r “! ’t1a^vr»». tb* *• an* la tba tan" taaar’iiua at tb* 'niJnistrmfon. and tba legislative and ■fwutlva branches to towards auh •ilhcr. must work together with subor ' '.rsiliis of sell to iho (Ammon end of nuttmn.eei. XV« who havo been entrusted with tower as pnldir nsrraaU durlcjt Uss pat serna years of a&r.tniei'atlba sad IsgUliUon sow coins hsfors tha tiaople content to be isdrej by oar record of achievement. :n the yv-irv thet ham gone by wa hare nu-.ile the died square with the word tad If wc are continued la power wo , shall naswsrvlnjtl} follow oat tha neat lines n» public pollrv which the Repot-! I lean party has already told down; .1 faille policy to wttlch we are glvln aa4 Shan give, a waited, sad therefore aa affirlsal. support. la aD at this wa era more fortunate than oar opponents, who bow appeal for coaManes oa tbs groond. which some express end boom sock In have confidentially understood, that 11 u-t utifkaat they mar be trusted to prove false to srary principle which la the last sight years they have ia.d down aa vital, and to Isa to urnttstu.-jed those vary sets of tha administration became of which they ash. that the administra tion I tad/ be drives from power, beam ingly their p ran rat altitude se to their pant record is that aomo of them were mistakes and others Insincere. TVs tanks oar appeal la n wholly dlfteroot spirit. We are pot constrained to knap silent on any vital qweetloo; wa art di vided 00 ao vital question; our policy Is wmilaaoan, and Is tha sum for all sections and tonalities There la noth lag cxperfWMOta] about the government wa ask the people to oomdaae In power, for our parformanee la tbs past, our Droved rover □ mental efficient.** Is 1 faamatae Htoon promt** for the fntnra. Oar opponents, either openly or secretly, according to their several tempera men ta, bow ask the people to trun their present promisee la consi deration of the (act that they intend tn treat their past promises as noil and void. We know oar own minds and are hare kept of the same rotad tor rout detect length of time to giro to our poUey co heronoe and canity. In each a fundamental matter as the enforcement of the law wa do not hare to depend epos promises, hot merely to ask that our record b* taken aa an sanest of what wo shall continue to do. In deal lag with th* great organisations known a* trusts, wa do not hart to explain why the laws were not eafomd. but to p-int out that they actually bar* head enacted to Increase the effertlvr ■aae of their enforcement. W* do aot hare to propose to "tan th rescale out." for we bar* shown In very deed that whenever by diligent IsreeugatloD a public official can be fnaad who has betrayed hie trust he will be punished to th* full extent of th* law without regard to wbotber he was appointed under a Republican or a Democratic administration. This Is lb* efficient way to ton th* rascals oat sad to keep them oat. and It has (he merit of sin ce reity. Moreover the betrayals of trust tn the last seven years bare been in ■iLniOcaat tn number when compared with the extent of tha pab.'lc service. Never has the administration of the government been on a cleaner and higher lerel; never has the public kerb of the nation been done more rrmrnu.T nnu cmcioariy. The President then discerned the ls s->e* of protection, reciprocity sod our foreign potter at some length. Or said further: "We eeroeutly desire friendship with nil the nations of the New and Old Worlds: aad wo endeavor to place our relations with them upon a baste of re ciprocal advantage Instead of hostility. Wo hold that the prosperity of each cation Is SB aid and not a binderaoce to the prosperity of other nations. We seek International amity for the tame reasons that make ns believe la peace within our own borders; end we seek this peace not because we are afraid or noroady. b»U because we think that pence in right aa well aa advantageous. American internets la the Perinc hare rapidly grown. American enter prise hae laid a cabin across this, the fleetest of aceana. We hare proved Is effective fashion that we wish the Chinese Empire well aad desire its In tegrity and I ad open deuce. Oar foothold In the Philippi*'* greatly strengthens our position in the competition for the trade nf the East; I'Ut we are governing the Philippines In the Interest of the Philippine people themnrlvrn. We have already gives them a large share in their government aad onr purpose la to laernose this share ns rapidly aa they give evidence of Increasing !ltnova for the task. The rreat majority of the officials of tbo tilt ids, whether elective or appointive, ere already native Filipino*. T7c are now providing for a legislative assem bly. This te the first step to be taken la lh» toture; aad It would bo eminent ly unwise to declare what oar next step win be until this Prut step has been taken sad tit* result* are mani fest. To have gome fs«ler than we have already goo# la giving the Islanders a constantly iocrewafiig moaners of self ronataatly Increasing measure of *»1f po vans meet won Id have boot d Lus trous. At the present moment to give polUtoal Independence te the I stand* would result In the immediate Joan of chrll righto, persewal liberty sad pub lic order, aa regards the mass of the Fmedaos. for the mnjarll; of the Is laelnre have bees gives these greet boose by as, aad only keep them km cause we vigileatly safeguard aad guarantee theta. Tn withdrew ear government tram the Ictoads at this tin* would ssaaa to the average native the teas of hta bandy-won rfvtl free etw. Wr have established Is the Is beds a goverwnwat by Americans a* vtitad by minims. W* are steadily t rivia* to tmadform this Into Mil coeeramswt by tbo FtUplam smllsl by Amsrtrsaa. The principle* which wa uphold sliouM appeal to all eor eoaolrymen. !eh wo ham feared to undertake, or »M*h we horn not prtrnil wit* FOR GREAT BATTLE Preparations Nearly Competed For a Decisive Passage at Arms. A SllVtr OF TIE TWO POSITIONS Main Bad lea Vary Near, Ruaalana Holding Three Peseta—Japanese Una of Qraat Strength, With Tranches and Brnanwoffca. ItnahUian. Ifanchurt*, By Cable.—Aa a great battle appears Imminent, n survey ot tba poelUona ot tba taro armies will ba Interesting- Tke mala bodies ot the Bn sal ana sad Japanese era vary soar aach other. They now form. In tba north, a more powerful array than at aay previous time. Vir tually. however, the ayia condition* prevail north of Hlacbsng aa pravtous ly reported. Tba Boaaiasa are holding Tien ShaMaaa, Chult ilayas. Plan sad Koanebla paean* Tba ■attar la three mtlej east of "Bare, la view of tba fbet that eertou* lighting la anUclpnted fa tba near future, tba Chinese have begun to between tba their booses, have not capt ta taisiadlafa tba pickets. | Pus, ths haaoeiataa •at accidentally the Japanese In, m tastes river, under tie Yahnaagkoa of the river, end In BmaUa pickets. 1 •Heads thence soatl ly of treat strength, breastworks. It mllo of Lisa Pass tha Shi rirer to 8if to Horan, facing ^he Osngtan Pass The correspoadeat tire sutem Uao. It giaa for military columns of troops are traversing the numerous valleys to rerunaotre. the peases end ere lading mountain ar tillery on the hillsides. The Papan eso officers are in plain view, pacing ap and down tha treorhee as though encouraging their no. The Rusains, Itob equally toe positions, are making offensive demonutrstlona of intense is terest, inviting attack and man oca *■ ring. i la*7 balloon ocrured yeeTdsCpfceBn but. and. against the flsmtig sunlbt tbs balloon was visible to Dm satire Japanese army around Motlen Pdas. The balloon uaaaed much «iatmnu«i among t>» Chinese. Tho Japanese, as this dispatch Is Med. can plainly be sesa taking up positions for the conflict. They are agpereatiy determined to fight. and It la reported that the Eurasian com tuaader has ordorcl preparations to be made for four or five thousand woanded. Packers Add 1,000 Men. Chicago. Special.—Ruth the pa^Nfra and the strikers spent Ben day ta streott heating any wash spots tkat could be found la their defease. pee toratory to another week of effort to bring their opponents to terms. Noth withstand Inn that It was Bonder, all the plants were operated during the forenoon In order to get rid of tbo livestock that had been left over from last week- The remainder of the dsy eras spent by employers In stalling now men In strikers’ places, and arranging nanny small details overlooked doling thp beat of the aoadjnt. Over 1.000 men were add ed tv the Dumber already at wort la the different plants. A World’s Record Broken. New Yoi’k. Special.—In the pres ses* of fuDy 7,000 spectator*. Who alterded tbo Oaells Athletic tourna ment, for the benefit. of tbs Christian Brethers’ Training Collrgc. at Clan rtalf, Dublin. Ireland, at Celtic Park, Log Island City. John J. Flanagan, of Ike Urenter Now York Irish Ath letic Asaorlatloo. raised bis world’s sisleea-pound hammer throwing roe erd from 171 feet « inrbss. to 172 feet- He also threw the fifty-els pound weight a diotaacs at 2* feet 4 leches, which la within I laches of Via world’s record with that weight. Pretest Against Asphalt Lake Seizure. Port of flpale. Trial dad. By Cable.— The British minister at Caracas has itrougty protested M the same of the English bondboldrrs against Ike sets ure by Ike# VeeesHohui gnvnramest Of the Asphalt Lake at Ounara Ike property of the New York and Bsremi des Asphalt Oc»p*i)y. fnstntWntag Ikst the In tiros*» of tha bondksMora will bn mannerd aniens the lake be tmmediately teetered lo the compaay. Msmphla Teas. B*ncJaL-W. B. Brown, a retired notion holer at thin dry. wma stmrk sad killed by a street ear an Poplar Boalarard Bandar. Mr. Brawn wan Tl yaere at am. and tern MiUS PXEACflEK BREAKS JAIL Noted Shelby Swindler Take* Easy Leave ef Prison. Shelby, Special.—A second attempt M the part of Shelby’* not ad prison er. "Aed" Frasier, to set out of Jail pro rod successful, as Ur. A. D. Bat tle, the Jailor, found out much to bis sorrow Saturday morning. Than he netted his eall and found It empty. It teams that be had obtained two duplicate keys which wore made by nome unknown confederate, one opening tbo kail, and the other open ing the cell. Up to this writing, noth ing baa been beard of him, bat tee faithful sheriff, with n posse of dep uttoa. are trying to And oat soma elan. One of the prisoners, a white mai. who was in Ait retailing, es caped with him. Tbhi man Frasier was Jailed tor forgery, and U under stood that he Is wanted In several other places tor the same crime. While here he posed as a minister, and even preached from one of the town pnlpita. It Is a significant fact that laat week ho sold his Dlble, the wonder being that he held on to It as long as he did. It Is now thought that he la a notorious rrook Death of Capt. lewiitt. Wades bo ro, Special—Capt Frank Bennett, commander of the camp of Confederate Veteran* of the place, died et 11:48 o'clock 8atnrday ereolng of Bright's disease. OepL Dennett waa 84 rears old sad la enrrlTsd by a wife, a dausbtar and n eon. Ha baa for some time past devoted hie entire time to the work of the camp and wai Its moat falthtal and eealons member. 1* tbe army be wne a captain and wai a very distinguished soldier. The borlat la to take place nt 14 o'clock la the morning. •evth Carolina Items Last week the Seaboard Air Line Bled Its exception to the ameesmeol ct It* property by the Corporation Onra mlsaion. It claim* that tbs law under whl.-h the board is acting I* Illegal and nnconstitutional because It lmpoee* a different and burdensome tax upon rail way property from that on tbe property of other corporation* and banc* denies tbe railway equal protection of th* law. Second- because aaseaameut on the Seaboard Air Lino la greater and out of proportion to that oo other roads and made by a different rate and method from that used In aaeeaslog tbe proper ty of other roads. Third, because the law under which the amesament la made le unconstitutional because roa fllctlng with article 8. section 8 of the -coo* tl Union rhe*«BM nim amnlSil iKa UftiVH Iron Works Company, at Sanford, to make boiler*, aaw mills, ate., and to hare a capital Stock of IM.OOt. M. k Mcmtt being tha chief atockholdar; and to tha National Box Company of ■Itiabath city, to maka barrets, boxes, nates, etc., with a capital stock of $30.00*. Jamas F. Boott holding nearly all the etork. The Brown Clothing Company, of Salisbury, la given per mission to change Ha nama to the Brown-Palmar Clothing Co. Tha State charters the talcs' Con struction Company, ot Newbera. T. C. Dentals, snit others, stockholders, capi tal stock 150.00* for the pnrpoo* of banding n temple; the Farmer*' Con solidated Oln Company, of Vaaceboro; toe Ryaa-Aycock Company, of Wil son. capital stock 150.000 to make ve hicle*. ale., W. H. Ryan, C. C. Ayecok, and B. F. Ayeock. stockholders. Major H. Canbanlas Dead. Shelby, Special.—Major H. Caban Isa, who was stricken with paralysis a woek ago. and who since has besn lingering between lire and death* passed sway Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. Major Cabanlsa was at one time a prominent lawyer here, but on account of his a# poll-bolder* to the pretence of with candidate* or th*Hr representative* or any Democrat who wlahee to attead, to at once count the ballot* and make return* Immediately to the county committee. «.—Within &vc day* after the hold ing of the primary tt (ball be the duly of lha county eieowUre committee to meet, ascertain and declare the result, aad any person who ha* recolrad » majorttr of all the rote* cast for the o®ca ahall he the nominee of the party for each otfoe. If no porsoa boa rrcolrod a majority of all lha vote* cast, but one has received a plurality, the commute** (hall declare him tho nominee of (be party unless tho rmnoa receiving the aeat highest rote ask* in writing that a second pri mary be hold. In which caee the *en rn * primary shall be ordered and held under the rules and regulation* here in provided, wtthta seven day* from the time of Mid call, provided that In the second primary no role* (hall be east except for the two pereone receiving respectively the high**! And the next highest rote fa the fret pri mary. 7—At a meeting In which the pri mary la ordered arvder this plan, tt shall he the dety of the racmtlre com mittee to ilv ihe dale spot* which It will meet to aefertatn end declare the recall, and sidles thereof ahall be given If the call for rack primary. If ease a second primary Is a-ce»»ary. the date for tho •acotlng af the rear mlttee to reeraan and aecartaia tha raeott shall be Sued aad aamoeaced ta tha nail af the aeeoad primary. I—The county committee chef have the right to make any rales with regard ta holding the primary elect(o* M may dea prn*«r, net laceaefstaat with the relee prescribed f this plan It shall bw tba duty uf tha committee to prepare and furnish all blanks and forma needed la making return* and nay reported challenger and appeals therefrom. It shall bars power to provide for raising funds uecossary to pay the expenses thereof. »-—No primary oloctlon shall be h*M under this plan unless asm* shall he ordered by the oxecstlve commit, tee of the county, and la cano tha committee shall oot order a primary under this plan, aomlnatina for com ty oAoars and candidate! f .• the I .ea rn Latura shall ba mad* under the plan ol the organisation In force prior to tba adoption of the resolution adopted bar tba lute committee July 16. Lynchburg Newepaptr Man C*a flic*. Those hound south -re dele red ! SEABOARD 'Aik Lins Railway- ' Mlt Dally Sanrlaa. M«m Ira Tort, Tik^l kl\tiSx, Ira Ortaui u4 MbU hath ud V«L IN irrROT JAN. u, 1904. SOUTH WAUL ‘ Dally Dolly , „ iTr >4k Lt. XT, Ml, IIII pa II10a LT.FM&MpU* IMpa TMaa 1,t. Baltlaora IMpa IM a L»-Wart.. W. K By. TW p® IIUu lt- KIMawd. ML 11 M pa 1 li pa LT. FMOM4M II*0pa IMpa Lt. KotBoa 1 n «a l II pa U.VnMm IMia (41 pa Lt. BtMrt 4Hum 1 II £ Lt. Boatban Pina IHm IMpa Lr.XaoM TMaa >1 10 am Lt. Ooltafcaa IHu IMaa Ar. iaTanaah IMpa 4U4a Ax. ImIimtIIMTIOpa IQOta Ax.kAaaiM III pa II to pa Ar Tampa 4 44 41a IMpa __’ ^ NiH XmlL L*.X.T„ X.T.F.AH. TMaa IMpa Lt. Philadelphia 10 Mata lIMpa Lt. V. T.. 6-b.kk0o p ul pq Lt. Balttetfa,B. B.P.0i IMpa Lt Wa44-.X.Aw7l7K IMpa Lt.FortaaarlA, A a/L lUa Ilia Lt. WaMom II11 aa U Mpa Lt, BarUoa IMaa IMpa Lt. Kwlinia IMaa HI pa Lt. HaMah 4IIaa IMpa Lt. AmAPara rtaa 110 aa III pa Lt. HaalrtTMaa IQMpa Lt. Watopw I M pa Ax. CAaxlona 10 M aa M U pa Lt. lAaOpc ~ 10 Maa TITS Lt, QtaaavooA UM pa IMaa Vt. Allow IMpa IMaa AX. Atlanta! IMpa OOOaa Ax. Anyuta, C. A W. 0. IX pa Ax. Maarn. A of 6a,, 1 it pm llHag Ar.*unta., AAW.F, IMpa I Mpa Ar.3ab04.L. AK Ilia Ar-X. Orlaia.L AH. T IIaa Ar. Waal,, X.Q.A M-L 0 41a tU pa Ar. Mtaphlo ~lilpa 040 aa Daily Dally KeTn Ho. M Ly. Mi«„K.a4AL UUdom IMga Lt. KaabTliW -tUpa tltia Lt. Haw Of., L. * X, • 14 pm Lt.HoMUvL.AX U«u Lt. Xaat«..LAW.P i M am 1 00 pm LT. Maaoa, 6. elOe. '«atTam I M pm Lt. aoav, O. A wTo 1* 10 am Lt. AllaaM, I.AX. MM boom I Mm IfAlbaoa in pm 11 M pm Ar Oraaawoed illtm 1 M aa If. gkOMM_7 IT pm 4 Mam Lt. ttwuBi 7 M pm IB am Lt. Wilmlagtaa ' I Kpa Lt" stand. -i* to par THf. LT.SoTth.naai 11 It pa la. Irr.Kalatoh 170 am 1104 aa Lt. amtdaaaa 140 am 1107 pm Lt. MorUaa OMaa 140 pm Lt. WeVtoa OMaa 040 pa It. ForVaunth 7 M am 0 M pm zrwsac tu #.» k—-ru« Ar-WaHl. kO.r.Oo.too am Ar.H. T., 0Jb.a8.Ot 400 pm AT. Phil.. XT.P.AK 0 44 pm 0 10 am Af. Mow Tart010pm OM am _ We. M He. M La, Tampa, i. A. I- Ky. 0 00 pm » 40 am La. Wt. AT—Mat_ 7 0U am IMpm Lt. JaaOaaartUa 100am TMpm I.T.Maaaaah Ulpm U 10am Lt. OvIamMa OMpa t M am I.t. Hlalat M 00pm OMam Lr.neath.Haet 1110pm OMam Lr. WaMmh 1 M am IIMam LT.HenOmeem100 am IMpm Lt. Wartlaa »tl aa 1 M pa Lr.Fttanhom 4IT am IMpm Ir.lMmal III*. IMpm wy. OMam tM pm Ar.WaMmefT.WXW. IIMam MM pm Ar. PhUaMlpMa 140 pm IM am Af. Hew Tatt4 U pm 010 am Heir—tDMly, umtt laMiy. lOeatrai Lima. | Saatara Tima |a.y.J Fn Umaa Dnwlas Snam SlaopW aam aa all ihrooRh Ifstaa. Mam Totlt m Atiaata, Aaah. •eorllte «t4 Tampa. Tlekaat ea tala ta aS (otaU. Falhaaa rmarratter.4 male npoe apyltaattea to aay TViat Aaart el tUa Com Of a X nAUNBV. A yarn, Rockhtykam. N. C. 1EER0EEII & iSREBORO R ft COWDISSED St HWDCLW. Daily Imp SaaAay. Or 41 ha M W* I* Wo. 71 1 Ma tOlplT Abarlaaa at II Ml 1 Ma I Ma 7My Maahont M Ma |B it 44a IHp *WUneM* IX 1M MSP IWMf AAAatt »4Sa 10 Mk !a .« "*