THE HSAJDIJ6K?. JODX H. WALSH. Kujnnt. if/a-Tipvmmw. I rc"'wm Tewtrit iiiwIIm wemlOomw M Ur past oMca M Bnrklnc'uuu. N. C -. — - — aiMY. Alt; « tIM he Dee. Ml*. McLean and daughter X* .> > ■ *ix children, of. V 1 r uiarriwl. Our *ru with tiiuiwivavui laitiii.-. ] May they live so as to make one unbroken family the! eternal kingdom. The writer hnd tho piers-1 lire of visiting tho M. E. I school. Inst Sunday, Hi Kubartly). Wo congratti-1 late lioberdvl on its good j Sunday school ami excellent music. l-itilo Lee I'oy Aleacham is very sick. Sunshine KtlialjJ Ik IleUturs IKkou tionod. Tie* sill pl-v*« l»ty their -‘aiul.-.v is-*si Saiurd; \, rs inv wtil n-t rial o'l" tjundnvs Hi.sever. ji» eases uf ni-km-s*. ur {"at msrjuey, iwritfs cau gul ic« at iuv * _ K. B TKflUY. fit Township. Tim non! «M|M!.~v;>cn and »ver ■kis ere Ii-rUiv eallisl l.» nusl at; OnXiUhi mrhisil noU’M at 111 .‘duel; a. ra. on Saturday Aug. ith. liy under A. 4. William*. Chairman, IV. C., So*. * “ U.ituas The Board of tfu;*rvisor», nrd j DrrfM-et* of mad*, of i lovuahip are "quested to w: -i Liltin'* Milt the Brat Saturday in Any tut at 10 a. m. Hof. all rill la. j.rvwtit, D. A. Breton. Chm. :~ t^ n..' 1-3B ■ ' ■ K ^IJEYSllOr^^IAB OqKm Ni—I> • ?*N CAPUDI^E c$;»es AiLEr CASHES SS^S II*■ >»:>•'. •n.ttu. •.Wm) :Fairfll Square DEALINGS MtlfH FAST FRIENDS. Hen is a store that handles and sells more bargains .than all the others pat together. No neceesity for eyeglasses to eoc the great values that Willi be sold ovsr my counters forjthe Next Thirty Days, 0 Prieea will be reduced on all Summer goods, an everything in this line mnst go in thin sale. * 1 have just received a nice lino of pew draae goods, consisting of Figured Lawns, 8kj Bine, Pink and Oreon Lawns, l.*ees and Embroidery, I Ribbons of different shades that will be sold at a very low prior. Ask tesee the ntalchleas bargains that will be sold in 8tage Coats and Vesta, also Indies', Oont’s and Children's SHOES. If I.tniy a bargain I sell a bargain. Call and see for Very rsapectfully, The New York Racket A A WILLIAMS, Proprietor. OOK TOR THE YELLOW FRONT. k/O-' < --- — r - i. irtwi m_— _ •l .'Jl f »:• S:»nn.loKul (.’OJSTOdtliKl S ldford, July il, ’01. A ‘./invention of tho l>om Ocrrts of tho ihlml Senator ial District will ho held in Hamlet, N. C., Friday Aug. 5th, UKM, at S o'clock, p m., fartho purjaiso of nominat ing two candidate* for tho btato, and tho trans action of *u<-:» oilior business us may properly come before tiio convention. I). 11. Molvor. Chairman. W. D. Siler, Score tan-. ?o;i sai.s—.v nr*t-ci3M !>»(»• jaglmi tvj*--yriti;r, litOusctlaud i:: fin* eiC'ililiitit, Tie- |irk*« is ilnn./t a civvi.tny. It ji-a ever want* tvi*-«rir. ;• tr-tr il \mir tt’r.ll • n C. A. f:Vtyv-r «itiitail il-I.-iy it J. \V. Coving ton’* ►n-re. jtsw^S5ivl?AE>'p*,,!SMCt ppvili0 mg ■I » i. i ■ ■ »». i - -~T t ‘ * iU* ?cj D;C Institute. Ui^bsra, N. C. K**xi ur» work. !**«•! w: *rll ^•'inippiwl with |*ju*h.| •sic fun?*. **» Udine.* rcUiti***: j h'-iitiw. ! *• ntry »***•••!i*»«. HUmry ! r* . p**vtmf ■* Unmi ititL* for l»»yn uni! *l«*. i; i'* A tii* ir. ii. No tcv% a&• el:ur;-;l. Oi.r frtand nr.lotlC fh*1 f«'T**i:n*fct in tl;.* rm ••-£•** oi tin; ,SUI*. It wonl.l v.'ut iut**rr*r t«* writ** f-*t *t "riili-ijir*, W. J. rh'IMKi.L. r.-i'^iival. College: PEACES— i U iCaltJrs^i UU3C1I 1 ntii «*HMk ».B:-.*UiX-; - trm.L'A I im NOKBI CAROLINA State Normal a& Industrial College. OoUUKnrTM. Cr-AMldAI. rtll to,-. p'Dovta'Ttn !-'f the State $1.-0. Thirteenth annual arakimi hnnjp.* Kepu-iuher 20. HKU. Tn sccnr* hnaid in ||,e dnrmitorie* all fie« tuition application Bhmild 1* made before Jnlv lot It. Correapoiulr.neo it.'itnj from tlinFv dimiring competent leach er* and almograpbera. For catalogue and other information mlrtrew CHARLES D. McIVER, rn.ui.lont, -. . QRKBKiUOUO. S. C. 1 FMIM'SBMK Fssfcingaaai H. C. BespeetfciiySolicits your patrnna;»o and' hanking buMnocs. Wo guarantee nhsotuiu Soourity, Promp£nr<», Accuracy and ail Aeeomoda-" tioc? consiutant »a(a blinking. Call am} «oo us When >1u town ROBT. L.’ STEEIX, President, BRAKE S. COVINGTON, Cashier. —- - g_-—i_ i ■ ■ ■■■.----- _u..a i World's Fair Rates Via Seaboard Air Lins Railway Si Louis, No., and Return. Os areoaai of lb* World’. 8b Loam. M».. Um Air Lino Rip wap. is roBooottsa sUSi tk. C. A O. Boat, ala Ktshoioad and Urn X. C. A1M.U. BoiU. oia Allas*., will —It roaod trip liabst. wbL 1 oaii, llj., .1 flaitlp r-'dn.c l rataa from all Mstloaa Baba fioai prtaatpal pufata aa laliooa: A ij' P'**'”1 CADap 151>t7 __ ... . if ’ll Tier .to Tiobo-o Ttc«u CbMtoltarla Allaata..JR.iJl.10 t». 10 fM.r.1 Darkaaa r» Biebmaod. ,1.10 *.,4* Uarbaat »i» Atlanta. H.73 M.W Hasdartoa via lbalinasd...... n. 10 sni» S.-.fl Kaodamoa vraAuaaia... ;*.*»’ Itotak TtaABaaia..... W.M «.*3* Uila:«k rla .... UM *|.h3 tlaa.ptkvla AiUaia.... **75 . to.-I* bi.00 Bbsj a*, tu it'otlawitf.. . 17.83 Si M M«lUt TU AH. ' W .. ITAJ *1.3* 36H ^ItaHatoowa HebiBj.d.t*.« Utl f*.ft wnaugiok vio Ah..t.. r.u mu uu LIMIT OF TICKET3: SEASON TICKETS (toodto bart sc Looia ap to DMMtbm 15. loot. wUl boaold da Ur eoa amafag April t& M-DAY TICKETS Oood to Ivor# m. fata la ap to asd laitadta. M J.p. (na date of .da WiBbomld datlp Siaaoisiai April 13. IS-DAY TICKETS Ucod toratora ap to .ad toatod'af 15 top. fra* date of aala, Mkatidu April t*. oodaoobaaiof doriog tbaBtradltoo. COACH EXCUJLSION TICKETS Oa Map Hb md *M tt-top ruMb naaratoa Uniata .111 bo *oM •< rtrp lowmbo froa Btlatob II*.Pi via Bb-baosd .a I pi) ilru Atfaoia. Ti-krti ■to rood is Parlor SbvpUf Oam Tukrb good to bars M. boot. Uaiadiaa too topa fioa data of tato. MIUTART COMPANIES Boaolil b* rabo far MPtlsrp Onptoo asd Baoda. ■bnrlai Qdtod asd tod Reals. Pltai bam Yaatfboto id.- Pali. JbinmtuIW* 0,|j ••• Mft of .u. Man *~PUtoOtomtoAwo»ObtoBaAO»adtootosol Baas will bo aboorfoHp K P. BMJTB.T. ft 1. OATm, 0 P. sod T. A. | ». a Bobipu if. a I Closing Out Our crzTryr^r—n- ^ ^rr— > ——' ~^r*”STTr—>*—— Summer Stock. We arc going to suit our entire line of Summer Dress Goods, Clothing and Slippers at Cost until August 15th. P put off coming to soo us until tho bargains aiv gutiu We Will Give You a Sample of our Price. Mon’s rII wool Suits, worth §0 00, for $3 60. Mod’s mereoriwU si!k Half llose, worth 25 going at 10c ■ Men's $1 50 patent loathin' Slippers for $2 26. Men's $2 25 Tan Slippers for $1 till. J,aou't hesitate to call on u* at once, as we Snsraaice to Save Ton Money on anything you purchase of us. Wi* thank our many customer* for their past patron age ami ask a continuance of tho some, and we will save you utonoy. J. 1. Huasncker & Company. Behind tho Court House. Don’t Neglect This. M. T. HINSON, For ths Next thirty Days Commencing Saturday, July 16th. we will Bell at Wholesale Cost oar entire stock of Spring and Summer goods of All Descriptions, Consisting of Mon*’, Youths’, and Boy»' SUITS, Mew?', Youths', and Boys’ PANTO, Ladies’ Spring and Sum mer Dress goods of all kinds. Mens', Ladies* and Childrens' Low Cut Shoes and Slippers. All our Spring and .Hummer Underwear. Men’s Btraw Hats, worth 60 and 76c, to close out 26c. EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN. M. T. HINSON