VOUNTY NEWS I J'H I X - . Ellcrbe. Mr I*. O’Briun i* making preparations to repaint Ida hfidonoo. < ».(». RatclifTe spent sever al days in Anson last week. The Misses McNeill and Miss Lula Cameron, of Rae ford, and Miss Annie Mo Koill, of Roberdel, and Miss Bailie Terry, of Texas, were visitors at P. O'Brien’s Sat urday and Sunday. Rev. J. C. New and wife were pleasant callers at G. G Ratcliffo’s last week. Mrs. New being on tier way to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Hinson. Mrs. Archie McNeill, and) little • daughter Belle, and Mias Mamie Steele, of Laur . inburg, have returned home after having spent several days with Mrs. Belle Nichol son. Mr Austin and niss Beulah White, of Mountain Creek, were at Dr. J. T. Hiatt’s 8un day. Mr. Jamie Nicholson and nieces. Misses Mamie Steele and Belle McNeill, of Laurin burg, were pleasant cal lei 8 at G Q Ratcliffs’s last week. We weloome to oar little village Mrs. C. B. Horton and children, of Anson Co. The will occupy the house, vacated by Mrs. 8tedman. She will take in sewing and desires the patronage of the community. We ere glad to see Prof, Rower end family keek after spending several weeks with home folks in Chatham, Co nr. "“Jack” LeGrand and vih 'went to Rockingham Monday. wisses Grade end Bennie ITimt Sro visiting Miss Beulah WUte this week. I noticed in loot week’s Aagie-Saxen where nr John ncRes, of Alabama, was vis iting his aunt, Miss Mery mc Rse, of Ellsrbe. 1 think it weald have bean batter said, wishing at nr. W. u. Smith’s an there he spends the most of his time there, and I un derstand he says they need s music teacher very much in his part of the country—ha! ha! See Saw. MsmmT Wm>lan?’ Neill Campbell, of Crosland’s, vis ited relatives bare Sunday. Mrs. Battle Shores Is spend ing several days with her slater, Mias Lilas, at Pas Pea station. • Mm. Elisa Easy and cbil-1 dren are visiting her parents el Laurel Hill. • Mias Lola Capel is spend* ,fog sometime with relatives in theeoantry. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bald win, of Males, spent Satur day night and Sunday at the horns ofChss. Carr. Wo am glad to note that tislla Will Williams, who hw boon quite stole with fever, is Bams. of Jsokson fa vfgitinc sister. MmTtbomae, it this place, little Crawford Carr is iv/1 w ith Iii*sister Mrs. Mrs. Baldwin at Alalee. Mrs. Annie Maness has has severed her connection with this mill and gone to Jonesboro. Mr. Charles Thomas, of Diamond Hill, has been here for several davs. v. a. c. Cordova. The babe of Mr. J. ,K. Aired, which has been sick for several days, we aro glad to say is bettor. Mr. Harrison Benerly and family, of Brown Creek town ship, Anson county, were visiting our townsman, W. Flako, Saturday and Sunday. We soe a. certain young man of your town pretty of ten with one of our handsome young ladies, and if t(here is any sign in sigus they may both lick lasses off the same bread before long. Rev. D. C. Britt, of Rock ingham, lectured'in the Bap tist church hero Sunday night to a large and atten tive congregation, on intem perance. His discourse was based on tho 2nd verse and 55 chapter of Isaiah, and his lead off was how to reach mou through their pocket books, and he made it very plain to us how we might be benefit ed through the pocket book, if the money that was spont for whiskey was spent for something else. It was in J __i_.11 * . UUUU dll ftUU lb struck deop into the hearts of this people and it will do great and lasting good. Wo want to organize a League here sometime soon and get ready for the fight that is sure to come, that will wipe whiskey, with all its blight and curses, from this fair land of ours. We bid Bro. Britt God speed in his course aud we will all lend a help ing hand. 66. Qneen City Hotel, Charlotte, K.C Traveling men looking for a good hotel at moderate price* would do well to give u* atrial. The Queen City Hotel is up-to date; all outside rooms with mod em conveniences. TRUnTYCOLLEGE. One hand red end seventy graduate aud undergraduate eourve* of study in department* of Literature. History, Helene* and Philosophy. Well equip, pad laboratories in all department* of mienee. Larne library faeilitie*.. Gym nasium furnished with best apparatus. Expen*a* very moderate. Aid for worthy yonag men. broad and national spirit. Trinity College has the largest endowment of any college in the Booth Atlantic States. For etMlogoe and farther Informa tlMp ftddrw d. w. tnswaou, Daraim. K. C. .■ adams ■ *■—■, TM Plan a lot ton ef Oomnaenlly. The copartnership heretofore existing between us u grocer* Ac. doing business under the style and firm nano of Davis A Jerniean, was, on the 18th of June dissolved by mfttual consent, with tbs agree Bent that Mr. R. L. 8. Devi* pays all indebtedness and oollget* all eUlnw. E. h. 8. Davie, J. 0. Jernigan. DhiitiMie min. Sda hold lag slalom will present •ben* is the old ire* for payment All gfwtKsSaSssr-'as paid to Uwe.. 8. K.ltmlt A U Chet pell. UNIVERSITY OF NOIZTU CAROLINA. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. LAW MEDICI VK, PHARMACY. Free tuition to toapbvw r.nd to minis ters* sous. ik-lmlandiil'S und loans for tl.o needy. S20 STUDENTS. 87 INSTRUCTORS. New Dormitories, Gymnasium. Wr.ter Works, Central Heating System. The Fall term begins Sej:t. 5, 1904. Address Faxxos P. Vrx.\BLK, PnrJiinExr, rium iiim. x. c. Hot Springy Ark. One fare plus $2.00 for round trip. Tickets on sale every V.'ednes ilny nod Saturday—Return limit sixty dint. Tlie Frisco System in connec tion with the P.oek Island System fnnn Memphis offers the best route. Write for literature and full particulars. S. L. PARROTT, District Passenger Agent, Atlanta, On. Wadeskoro Marble Works. The season for selling shoes be ing closed I have decided to press my stales in the marble and grave stone business. My headquarter* will be at the Patrick Furniture store, where I will be happy to serve any of my friends who de sire to make purchases iu either line. Lane Patrick. Executor’s Notice • > The undersigned Imving qualified iff Executor*of Die last Will nod Tcsti nient of J. C Yr.teo, deceased, bciorc John L. Ever -tt,Clerk of the Supcrinr Court of Richmond, notice i* hereby givciLto nil persons holding claims n gainst tlio estate of the said J. C. Yates to present them to ns duly verified on or before the first day of May. FJC5, or or this notice will he pleaded in liar of their recovery. All perwv t indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment of the same to us. This May 1st. 1904. John \V. Butler and D. A. McKinnon. . . Executors of J. C. Yates, deceased. CALIFORNIA-KNIGHT3 TEMP LARS—ODD FELLOWS. The Inst opportunity of the year. Beginning August lSth'nnd con tinuing daily to Septeralmr 0th round trip tickets will be sold ac count of the above conventions from all pound in the Southeast to either J«os Angeles or San Fran cisco at extremely low rates, with final return lijnil October 2tlrd J£> Tickets will permit of ten day* stop-over at St. Louis and Allot# holder privilege of going one roots and returning another without ad ditional cost, except that tickets returning via Portland an addi tional charge of $11.00 will be mads. The Frisco-Rock Island Systems offer excellent routes in either di rection. Write for rntes, descriptive lit erature and full information,and let ae plan your trip. S. L. PARROTT, District Passenger Agent, Atlanta, On. it. F. Lv-dton President. E. A. a'liow. therein;ry ami Treasurer. SNOW LUMBER Ci\ , i Manufacturer? of i Lumber, S c. *ti, i>oors, l)luui«t Utc In Yoltu'.v Pine. High Point, N. 0. March Dt!i. IClH. John B. Wright, Greensboro, N. C. Dear Sir:— It affords mo pleasure to state that the Piano which I bought of you a year or two ago has proved entirely satisfactory. It is pro nounced by all judges to be a very good instrument, and is nil you claim for it and more too. Our deal was very pleasant and should I ever need another would surely come to von for it. Yours t-rulv. • , K. A. SXO'V. The beet t list’s made in V i A X I'M are for sale at close pric-j, by Greensboro. X. C. John 1>. Wright, ££5 Sinlli Elm Strixil, ell: springs OOL. prepared for eol 1 their life work, ilt. thoroughly trained, healthy locality in th-i ,.^4i ideal place for u school, •.reasonable. t August 14. <904. A. J. K06SEK, A. B. ii Principal. - ■ ' ■ . T.™ ' ■ r - —■ ' ■ I ■ I I III Ill «H I r . I »■ l»w ASHCRAFT’S Colic flixture No disease to which horses and mules are subject is more dangerous than colic, and none more easily cored when the cor- , reel remedy is used. Colic attacks so sud- K deuly and oftentimes so severely that it is v of the utmost importance to relievo the an imal at once in order to save its life. ^ Ashcraft’s Coi.ic Mixture gives relief speedily and surely, leaving r.o bad nfter efleets. It has stood tho test for 25 yearn. COLIC #» nm%7 BTAQtt COL'O IN LAST «7ACTJ. Every horse owner should keep on hand at all times a supply of this remedy. The best results ! always attained by apply ing tile Mixture in the earlier stage* be i fore '.he spasms ct pain nave exhausted the 7 vflr.ihy of the animal. U.-:e only Asu-chaft's Colic MiXTra* —the true ru:d tried remedy: A. M. FLOWERS. Terry iii the Swim. My fitoro is well slocked with everything in tin# lino of family sooplies am! every lking Xlement.s. and e:tn give lowest print*, hiring me your oM i:o;>. E. B. TERBY. t> a. • j I Mercantile |» j Company. | . ■j i:\J.- r1 ZL'.Urn '*i”X xm.Tr.— -——:■ T-—-————— ■ i> Tho above is tho style of a now firm which kindly asks f.j I public patronage. A dollar’s worth for a dollar is what is guaranteed. « LOOK US UP AT TSE ROCKETS. | Tho Stock will embrace all kinds ot FAMILY AHD FANCY GROCERIES, and the Prices tfill bo as low as al other storos. Como and sou for yourself. Y. Gil. BOGGAN, GENERAL MANAGER fflWhiw zil.'J-’. ?_•— •...SZTwtltSt J r-TJT''« l-*’" YOUR KIDNEYS AKP Unless they are, good health Is Impossible. ... Every drop of blood la the body passes> through and Is filtered by healthy Iddneys every three minutes. Sound CUrT^ES S£ dlf€a.Ifd^dney8rd0 n0^ he“ce JOU FOLEYS KIDNEY klf er?.Troli.M **?•* will eliminate; the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Bright's Disease. SfJ £531 dl*®fd«re^ Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your uriS • bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your orDiabetea d^reiop*’ *** tu^eBB *omrtt:inZ *• done they become more and more affected until Bright's Disease S KIDNEY CURB is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney sad Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It Is a safe remedy and certain In results. wjuney If You «p« a sufferer, taka FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at ones. K win make you waN. n a **<*** ***** lad Lambaga and Kldaay TrsaUs ~*.—jy ***** n^edue. “WHJTT8 Idwwl How, . ran kaow. bwlraw ■*; of Srflobwr,*.., rabw, —**■». «•« "Ivtoktoray lor tho benefit of ort*™, dart I vmoarafferar frost fhy,iC^f* .r»SWOB»d focornso. I sprotlf «m hrabrao ood kMnoy irraWo. end oil fro rowodtoo iMkpnwM •ad POLET'S KIONBT CU*l boo mu4a b •mb.’* am trnln*?” ■ (si(/>^4Y 4 ICIDbBY CURB, rad atur Us sss si _Two Stxmm, $0 (torts mmi ILOO. mmmmmmzEE2E3> sold uo besokkebdeb by «4BnBamBHBBBHBBBHHi HUNTERS PHARMACY. f • ' X'