T ' VOL. I NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C., PTEBRUARY. 7ri913 $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVSE FIRE AT SAVANNAH. -SAVANNAH, Ga., Feb. 2. Datn age estimated $1,500,000 .resulted early today from a fire of unknown origin which swept the -Savannah river over two blocks destroying the wharves of the Merchants! and Miners Transportation company, several warehouses and. -business structures and the planters rice mill The fire was discovered shortly after one o'clock this morning " in a shed on the west end of the whar ves. All the available fire appara tus in the city responded to the gen eral alarm and every effort .was made to check the conflagration with the assistance of fire tugs in the river. The flames spread irom the Ogeechee canal east to within 150 feet of Broad street, threatening many business structures and ship- Alter fighting the flames for four hours, the lire iinally, was . gotten nuder control without loss of life. Several liremen were slightly in jur ,d but none seriously. i he greatest joss was : sustained by the Central oi Georgia railway company, owners of the Merchants elq Miners Terminals and the Mer chants and Miners freight which w as stored in the warehouses. The loss to this company is estimated at 600,000, covered by insurance. WAREHOUSE BURNED. The American Steel and Wire company warehouses on either side of the entrance to the Merchantsand Miners docks were partially destroy ed with a damage estimated at be tween $50,000 and $75,000, also covered by insurance. Warehoiiseshand business struct--Bt es of several other iirms also were damaged or destroyed, but Jie ioss has not yet been definately. de termined. Much of the freight burned had only been discharged a few hours previous to the breaking out of the conflagration. Efforts of Agent Ers kine, oi the Merchants ana Miners company to ascertain the .- origin of fire have been fruitless. President J. C. Whitney, of the Merchants and Miners company, af ter a consultation here today with W. A. Winburn, vice president of the Central of Georgia railroad an nounced that immediate steps would be taken for rebuilding the the wharves. Citizen. Do you know that more real dan ger lurk-, in a common cold than in any other of. the minor ailments? The safe way is to .take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation; and rid . your self of the cold as quickly possible. This remedy is for Sale by ALL DEALERS. F, E. Allev C. C, Buchanan jlleij Sr Buchanan Bttorne0aUOLuvv Webster. N. C. While Mr. Alley has moved to Waynesville, he will continue to take active part in the practice of law at Webster. COLEMAN C. COWAN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WEBSTER, N. C DR.S McGLMRE. DENTISTS. Office : Pharmacy Building, SYLVA. N. C. " , ft. PflREIS JHWELR 5 rf. n. c. W. R.:SHERRILL. Attorney at Law, WEBSTEK.N.a G.W. N. C- A. SHOWS ! GOOD WORK DDI --a i The first - panniversary meeting of the directors of the Greater .Western North Carolina association was held uer&toaay at iju ociock, wmcn from each of the seven countie$ in- eluded in the association and by i & K Hardwick and M. V.' Richards of the Southern Railway. The two railway officials, representing' the passenger and land development also, f . j - , departments of Ihe Southern, also j : jAfteir days of great suffering he represented in a way the spirit of passed awayi Butfbest of all, he the" association, which is to attract ; claimed atv the last that he was to this section the tourists of the ready to' dier andlnt his last country and . at the same time inter- conscions moments in real joy. est the people brought here to such, His parents were), with him most an extent as to make them perma- of the time at the 'hospital to add nent settlers and develop the great to his comfort. The fact that God natural resources of Western North was merciful to tneir son, giving Carolina. j him opportunity to repent, and The meeting was one of the most ? hearing his prayers greatly lighten enthusiastic ever held here and re-' ed the burden of their hearts, ports were heard from President W The funeral tookplace .from the E. Breese. jr., of Brevard, and Man- Methodist church in Dillsboro. A ager S. JL Cohen. These reports good congregation was present, sev- showed an amazing amount of work accomplished during the past year and an interesting feature was that the financial reports showed th& as sociation has more than lived with in its means and that the amount collected for the first year will not all be spent until March 1, covering a period of 13 months. In this connection, however, it was- pbinted out that a greater work could be accomplished with more money, and'it was decided to ap point a budget committee to com- j pile a budget for the coming year, : this budget to be presented at the i next meeting, when the matter of securing enough money to put it into effect will be taken up. It was pointed out in the reports and discussions that the association and surgery. We will be perma during its existence of a single year neatly located at Sylva, where we has been up against two extremely will be glad to see our friends at bad seasons for the tourist business. ! yet the results attained have been more than satisfactory. The pres ent season has been the worst in years for the winter migrations to the south, but as an. example that Ashevihe and Western North Caro lina are getting their share reference was made to the fact that the Pine i a Forest Inn, which burned at Aiken last night, had only 44 guests, less than any hotel in Asheville has at the present time. This is true in spite of the fact that Aiken is con sidered one of the most popular re sorts in the south. The new booklet was given con siderable attention and highly com plimented. It was stated that since its publication there have been requests for copies from all over America and a few from England. Only this morning there were about 50 letters received in the offices, of the association in which the book lets were, requested, as well as full er information about this section. Gazette-New. o.,,, shop to Otto , Vomack - who will take charge of the shop Wednesday. He is moving his house whole goods in the old Allen building up stairs. The shop will remain in its pre sent quarters. ; Thad Messer of Dillsboro was in Sylva Thursday. N Mrs. Gola P. Ferguson of - Bryson City passed through town - enrbute to her home, at Speedwell where ship - Will " Rnend u awhile 4 witn her THE DEATPR i Al Tirn Hceocn liiLOOLll Ufc Messer, atnatiVe of Dillsboro, an employe of the uriern "Rail way ' was struck by al traih'at Wav nesville several weeks ago.5 An arm uuu a teg were oroKen, :ne -was taken ; immediately. tor the, Mission Hospital-atAflheviU&-His i-was taKen pnat .once .they hoped to save his arm, but in aTfew -days it became necessary to remove it eral railroad men were in attend ance from .Asheville; this was great ly appreciated. He was buriedf in the Parris graveyard. The fraternity to which he belonged conducted the service there. They have an impressive ritual. Let me warn young and old not to go on through life in;: sm- Your taking mjglsuSden. Seek Christ while you have health and strength. AiwraiNT. s We announce to the public that on February 1st we became asso ciated in i he practice of medicine any time. Dr. Delos D. Hooper Dr. Chas; Z. Candler RAILROAD IS SUED BY TRAVELING MAN Claiming that he suffered $3,000 in mental and physical anguish as result of injuries he received when two cars on the Southern were derailed between Rhodo and Andrews September 18, Eugene M Bearden has brought suit for that amonnt against the road, and yester day his complaint was filed in the office of the clerk of court, Marcus Erwin. In it Mr. Bearden. who is a traveling salesman, alleges that he was severely injured in the wreck that during the time he was com pelled to undergo treatment for in juries his business suffered greatly. Citizen. TWO MEN DEAD. In the last twenty four hours there has been two men died with pneumonia fevor. The first was Mr. Wess Hoyle who died on Cope ,Creek Wednesday just afte,. J2 R M Will Conner the next victim who lived just above town, and he to died just after 12 o'clock A M We extend our . deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mrs.sW. T. Fisher of Andrews is visiting her sister, Mrs H. C. Mc. Kee. : J .. -Avoid tfie public drinking cup it," is a germ vender, : :- i. O i Get the fresh air habit; I WiLlLU " it MR HARDWICK WELL PLEASED WITH WORK - Passenger Traffic Manager S; H. Hardwick, of the Southern railway, believes - that with good summer weather ' throughout ' the south, Asheville and other places in ".this section of the 'state will experience the best season in 'their history dur ing the -coming -summer ...months.' Mrr Hardwick stated that manyehr quiries have been received by the Southern for literature descriptive of Western North Carolina and he is confident that ' the Land of the Sky will be thronged next grimmer. Mr. Hardwick stated ,that of course, the weather conditions will 'have a the season. He referred to the fact aU . , . , . , that last summer, the late season a .v. ;rt summer resort cities. While the unusually warm weather during the present winter is resulting in a Hpprpsp in thp rmmhpr nf winter , tourists who visit resorts which cat - er to this class of trade. Mr. Hardwick was asked as to Asheville's prospects for the sum mer capital. He stated that he had heard, through good sources that President-elect Woodrow Wil son is very seriously ccn de g t e invitation extended to him and the members of his family to spend their summers in this city and he believes that ;Asheville stands an PYPpllpnt rhnno nf dfttin0 thft nrp.- sideht-elect to come here "for- hi vacation perbids. Mr. Hardwick is greatly pleased with the work which has been ac complished by the Greater Western. North Carolina association during the first year of its history. He spoke favorably of the manner in which it has been managed and feels that the extensive advertising cam- j ouc liUWdlu 1 "" paign which has been waged by the first time he has Prided io organization will mean much to ; Haywood. He has made a fine lm this section of the stata He be-: pression on the bar and the people lieves that not only will the tourist ! and his charge to the grand jury trade be boosted through the work Q hlp ! pnH n viliahlp" W - of the organization, but that home seekers and investors, as well, will be brought hera Citizen. W. N. C. BOYS HAS GOOD TIME Col. San ford H. Cohen, manager of the Western North Carolina" asso ciation, returned Friday from Colu mbia, where he went last Saturday morning to accompany the 14 boys from this section who had won trips to the National Corn show in the J com growing contests of the various counties oi me section emoracea in the association The boys returned yesterday on the Carolina special, following a big parade and banquet given at the show, the last event given in honor of the boys attend ing the show. Col. Cohen stated this morning that the boys apparently enjoyed themselves to the fullest and have attracted quite a lot of attention. mere arc u uuya uuemiiug uicnn rArkrantim5 th turn Hpfpn show from this State and 14 - West - ern North Carolina boys have seem ed the favorites thruohout of: all the boys present Frank Arthur of Biltmore, Corbett Alexander of the Farm School, Fred Bryson of Beta and Don Davis of Webster were among the most conspicious fig: rs on account of the records they have made. Young Bryson had the second best jecord of the state. All the boys attending, the show have been entertained in such' a manner that they Thave been kept together, having their meals served in the large ' dinning ; room and housed . in navaj fashion. There were ;600 in all and they have paid ; trict attention to the show, accord ng to CoL-Cohen. Gazette'News. - - -- . T- " ,.v w : n U i i It-: . LMMEN'SIISSlONDRSf CONVENTION; OPENS V Chattanooga, Tenn.; Feb.' 4-Withi between 750 and 1000. delegates al ready in the city and the '.majority yet to arrive, the opening session of the first IymenV missionary con- Pventiori of tne Southern Baptist convened in this- city thisafteraobri at 2 o'clock. - The- .program was some what disarranged by the abr sehce of Governor Ben W. ' Hooper of Nasheville and Mayor Thompson who were to have delivered the ad dresses of welcome. The opening devotions were, con ducted by General Secretary L T Henderson of Bristol, who introduc- ! j convention,' the Hon. Joshua Lever- : . . ! uig of Baltimorr, vid. ' nH ihonofmonont nrooinonr nt th The principal address of welcome was delivered by the Rev. J. C. Ms see, D. D., pastor of the " first Bap- i.tist church of Chattanoiga, and the ! response by A. i. roraoi Louisviue : . 3 , tor li1 years tne managmg eaitor oi the Courier-Journal. Following this Dr. Henderson de livered an address on "Why Are We Here?" . W. J. Williamson of St Louis" spoke on the "Dynamic of ivlissions This being followed by an address on "The Moral Mission of America' by president E. M. Poteat of Fuc. man University, of S. C Gazette ELEVEH JUROHS TRIAL GOES . Waynesville, Feb. 1. For the first time in Haywood county a homicide case is being tried with eleven jurors' this bein by agree ment. The Qpurt is presided over byr Following the hearing of a num ber of blind tiger cases, with a ma jority of the "tigers" convicted, the court on Wednesday began the trial of Waldo McCracken and Robertson Rogers, charged with homicide, in-. 1 the killing of Lee Wells, and it is im this case that there are elevem jurors. Lee Wells was killed on the; twenty ninth of last March at a school commencement at Clyde, and as the defendants and Wells are all of a large family connection the case is attracting much atten tion. Rogers was policeman at Clyde, and McCracken was a cons table, at the time of the "difficulty The State and defendants both have able attorneys, Hon. Felix Alley, the solicitor, is assisted by J. W. Ferguson, and J. B. Smathers, Hon W. T. Crawford, John Stamey, Joint M. Queen and ex-solicitor Thad Bry- 1 , V aants. .The attorneys on each side are; contesting every inch of ground. This case was tried at last Juiyr j term before Judge B. F. Long, and! jthe . after being t fday8t 1. JT j failed. to agree. They stood ten for, conviction, two for acquittal. Ther present trial is being tried with ele- ; ven jurors, as on Thursday morning Judge FoUshee, having learned of the condition of Juror BoneV Morris -who, Had been in the hospital for -treatment, excused him. Bpth sides, were wUUnglto go totrialwitheleveDi ; jurors in the bbxbseier. x 4 f " ' J- -