mm V-'" :- -V VOL. I NO tfilSliS AND II INAUGURATE SYLVA, N. Om.MARCH C7, 1913 $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE 1ARSHAL HEN tlYS 34 EGGS THEM ALL r Jmtf Wilson of New Jersey S i Marshall, of Indiana 1 . ...x-ctpH resident; and HATCHES (Special to News and Observer.) StatesvmeFeb. 28 .f-ar S. Hol land, known to his Jriends as "Bud" Holland, capitalist, farmer, hog cHaV. iiuuJU . i uwh vxao nappy puasesj.- thft United States prnf n rpmrirohia h . . r tc nf the nations ' lipvoQ tr v.o tVck ko i de0ie . vvr vv.Viy UWl 111 LUC IdUCL ine nen wast purchased this week from Mrs. Wiley Ladd, of the vicin " nresident of the United States ds of Deople aU from tnlto wimess the occasion. m Howard Taft, the retiring ident shaking the hand of presi- ity of StatesviUe, and Mr. Holland ali behind you." -Mil Kwilsoa. said: Mr. President, ,m, a successful adminstra- l ra the canying out of your !r. Secretary 01 owtc pings Secrt ison, William Jen- avows that she "laid 34 eggsr sat on the whole bunch and hatched 34 chicks, and while I was bringing her to town in a box with the little chickens she laid three nice eggs in the box." Mr. Holland then went after seven o'clock MondajSnorning and when the fire " department reached the scene it appeared as if it would be impossible to Wave the building, which is one of "tie best residences in the county, kowever kowing to the efficience pf4he fire ;s Bryan of Lincoln Nebraska; on to ei plain to the newspaperman Secretery . of Camaen iew jcibc, ocu ' .r irpusiirv. William Gibbs WcAdoo, of New York; Secretary of t WT.ln.s Daniels of Raleigh KorthCaroliiiu; Attorney General, James Clark McReynolds, of New York; Postniasier General, Al bert Sidney Burleson, of Texas; Secretary 0 Interior, Franklin Knight Lane, of California; Secretary oi Agricuiiure, Mid Franklin Houston, of Missou ri i aiive of North Carolina; Secre-I jgry of Commerce, William Cox Bedfield, of New York; Secretary of Labor, William baucnop wuson, of Pennsylvania. Holmes Bryson is now in mark- et purchasing his spring line of ireg9 goodsclothiug'U (r-r Vic rn lt WPfk. IdLvil lvi Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, dipmeria, scarlet fever and consnmpuon are diseases -that are Cuen comracieu wneu uic uuuu has a cold. That is why all medi cal authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will ains Couth rvemedv. It can al- ways be cerei ceti hton and is pleasant and taie to take. For sale by ALL LEaLLRS. that the chicks were only two days old at the time and it was naturally to soon after "setting" for a hen to lay one egg a day, let alone three. He says it was impassible for the eggs to have gotten into the box any other way and there is no doubt that the hen had laid them all. "My witnesses," said Mr, Hollond, "are Policeman Morgan, Prof. D. Matt Thompson, Mr Eugene Morri son and Dr. W. J. Hill, who saw the hen, chicks and eggs and will tell you I'm not joking." Your corres pondent foiind Mr. Morrison and asked him about the hen. "Yes," said he, "I looked into the box and saw the hen with the chicks and eggs and then I put this to Mr. Holland, "The Governor of Indiana said to the, Governor of JUicois, Hove' a lie but you please me too wehV But the hen" is 7 a wonderful one, all right, and Mr. Holland is proudv of her. He" believes she will make still further records of note. TO ATTRACT SETTLERS HAN DSDHE CO n i GUTiEl BV FIRE. -'J COMMITTEE VISITS CULLOWHEE NORMAL -I ' The home of Dr. A.-- S.' Nichols i News Observer Feb. 28. was injured to a considerable extent Monday morning, by what : might have been quite a dsterbus fire. As it the damages are quite exten sive and only partially covered by i n 1 insurance. Senator Davis, of Carteret and Representative Cromartie, of Blad en; Ferguson, of Swain, and Wike, j of Jackson, were constituted a com mittee to visit the Cullowhoo Nor- The fire alarm was givelhortlv mal and Industrial schol at CuU- whee. These gentlemen spent, Sun day, Monday and a part of Tues-l day of this week inspecting this in stitution. : Upon their arrival they were met by the president of the school, Prof. A. C. Reynolds, and a committee of COMMENCEMENT FOR -JACKSON COUNTY. March 24, at Webster, Three con tests: A Recitation, a Declamation and a Spelling Contest The winner in each will be given a prize or medal worth five dollars. Only those pupils who have or will this year complete the seventh grade - will take part.. Let every body come. David H. Brown, Supt Public Instruction. 20THJUDICIALDISTHIGT department and- their equipmentr 1 the faculty aild immediately given The General Assembly in re-dis- the flames were checked in time to save the lower story of the .building and the front rooms of the upper story. The roof being steel, it was not injured to any, considerable ex tent The origin of the fire is supposed to have been from an English spar rows nest in the gutter near the chimney. The soot in the kitchen flue caught fire and sparks fallin upon the steel roof lodged in the sparrows nest and soon burned through the weatherboarding and started the fire on the inside of the ceiling. a tour ol tne btate s property at tricting the State and providing for Culfowhee. They found there a the four new judges, put Jackson splendid plant, worth about $50,000, ( County in the 20th District with wun an eiecmc ana steam neating , Cherokee. Graham. Swain. Ha vwood. SILO FOR 6! Atlanta, Ga February v How the average farmer, using . or dinary farm tools, at, an expense of only $65.00 can construct a silo with a capacity of 55 tons enough silage to feed 20 cows 40 pounds per day for four months -is told in a booklet just gotten out -by the Live Stock Department of the South ern Railway, a copy of which will be mailed freer to any farmer ad- ! dressing request for same to Mr. Washington, D. C, February 28th To aid in the work for attracting desirable settlers to the territory F. L. Wrord, Live .Stock Agent, served by the Southern Railway, ! Southern Railway Bid., Atlanta Ga the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and affiliated lines; and for locating in- You are invited to attend Holmes IBryson's millinery opening March 17th F.E. Ali ev C. C, Buchanan Jilley &- 33 uc ha nan Httornt?eatUuw Webster, N. C. "fine Air, Alley has moved to "ajLesviiie, Le will continue to l.T &CU H r - rt in tVo rrontino nf C. COWAN, A: '.trstilor at Law Where there is Live Stock on the farm there should be a silo" is the dustries in this territory, an agency ! title of this booklet which tells of Vio t anH miH TnHnetrinl f)Anflrt-1 the advantage to the farmer of menrhas been established at Har- having a silo and the great saving risbun Pa and W. E. Price, trave- ' which it enables him to make m the ling imigration agent " connected cost of winter feeding for his live with the Western Agency in St stock. 1 he ligures given are taKen Louis, has been promoted and will , from the practical experience of a have charge of the Harrisburg age ncy, effective March 1st according Tennessee farmer who built a silo on the lines indicated twenty years to announcement made today u y ago, who unus n aa uu a uc t- M V. Richards. Land ane Industrial ' day, and feels that it has paid tor Agent Mr. Price is well equipped for his new position, having served in itself many times over every year Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has recently declared that the h'pndnnartefs at Washington and Southeastern states constitute the having been later promoted to his ideal section of the United States plant and an excellent gravity wa ter system, a beautiful girls' dormi tory and a reasonably good admin istration building. At three o'clock Monday the management entertained at dinner in honor of the committee. Several members of the board of directors, the faculty of the school and a number of the citizens of the com munity were present. The meal, served by charming college "girls and planned skillfully by Mrs. Mary Carter Brinson, directress of music, and Mrs. Shipp, the matron was just suchlas might be- expected in these finer cultured homes, among ther hills: Thejaf ter.dinnerspeeches were full of wit and enjthusiam, and rang with loyalty and admiration, as they pictured the virtues of .the young men and women of that sec tion and its grand and inspiring scenery. At 7:30 p. m. Monday an infor mal reception was' tendered the committee by the faculty and stu dent body at the auditorium of the administration building. Songs, speeches and readings were given- Senator Davis demonstrated the fact that he is something more than a legislator -a sing er gf abili ty, pleasing the audience again and again as he responded to several t encores. ' ine audience also enjoy ed an inspiring talk by Representa tive Cromartie. President Reynolds, with his usual cordiality, was a complete master of cen monie3. The committee left Tuesday charmed with the situation, laud ing the splendid student body, thrilled by the air and scenery, and convinced that the school has a brilliant future in its work among some of the noblest people in the Old North State. ce : Pharmacy Building, N. C. j AiTohNhY at Law, - v Oftl ce 'n Court Hnut rpspnr nositionin the West where he has been traveling extensively, working among prospective home seekers for Soutiieastern terri tory. Iiis district in the ucw posi tion Will cover iLe tniciy popu lated section noria ox iue Potomac river ana Last oi tne umo, including Eastern Canada, rie will give es pecial attention tthe direjuou of new settle! s ana industrial proposi tions, to the territory along the Southern Railway and affiliated lines, his work being a part of , the extended efforts which these lines are makingf or the general upbuild ing of the Southeastern states. You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what xhe has done. That is the only true test Chamberlain's Cough Remedy jud ged by this standard has no superior People everywhere -speak of it in the :highest?tenn ;of praise. For for live stock raising and must be looked to in future years for the nation's food supply. To stimulate interest in the iive stock industry and to aid farmers to successfully follow this line, the Southern Rail- has established its Live Stock T - J Department which is giving undivid ed attention to this work Whereas, Providence in His all- ico Hisnpnsation has seen fit to niuu rpmnvefrom their earthly vision for a season, the little sister of two of the members of our class. Therefore, be it resolved: That we extend to thsm our heart-felt sympathy and commend them to the Friend of little children into whose loving care He has tak en little Jerdie -The Pilgram Class M. E. Sunday School. Inez Cathey, Annie Long, ; Dan Tompkins, - . Committee; Macon and Clay counties and di vided the number of courts as fol lows: X Jackson 6 Cherokee 7 Graham 4 Swain f 6 Haywood 9 Macon 4 Clay r.2 This arrangement does not change the counties now constituting our district, but changes the distric from the 16th to the 20th, and gives us 6 terms of court a year instead of the three that we now have. rsTRtiCffwaiN; BUI Nicholson was struck by Southern passenger train No. 17 at the Sylva depot Thursday morning while attempting to cross the track and suffered severe injuries . Nicholson works for-Brown Henson Livery. Co. and krieets. every-: train in the interest c? his -firm. In the attempt to cross !the tracli to the side nexc the depbtv'nisoor slipped and before he could recover his, equilibrium the train struck him, knocking hi m out. His injuries are on the head and leftside, and while severe are not considered dangerous. CARD OF APPRECIATION I wish to use thi3 'opportunity to express to my friends my appreci a tion of the kin inesses extended to myself and family while we were suffering from inconvenience and loss occasioned by th3 burning oi, our home. A. S. Nichols. Jackson County Journal: I am requested by the young men of the Cullowhee Minstrels to- write you that they will give an entertainment in the Auditor um of the Cullowhee Normal School on Monday4night, March 10, 1913. The fee will be 25 cents, proceeds of the entertain, ment are for the Athletic field. They wish to "extend to the Sylva people a hearty invitation to attend. Yours very truly, L. B. Abernethy. ' i) WHY USE L AND H. 1 ' RhAL PAIKT? Because it's economical. Because it is pure White Lead Zinc and Lin seed Oil. Because it's the highest grade quality paint that can ha made. Because when the user adds 3 quart of Oil to each 1 gallon of the -L. arid M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, it makes 1 3-4 gallons of pare paint at a cost of about $1.40 per gallon. This saves the user about 60 cents a galjon on all the paint used. The L. and "A. iz and ht.s al ways been the highest grade and most perfect paint produced. . Sold by Sylva Cish Store. i '--."A Mrs. J. B. Sherrill retur ned Tl day morning 'from Adaniu, she has been fur the past two wc.. .3. buying the spring line of millia.; y forjhe Sylva Millinery Co. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper left Thursday afternoon for Old Frt whence they were called on account of the death of Mrs. Coopers father. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprljji and deCY : with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment Not one case of rheumatism in ten . requires any internal treatment what: ever. This , liniment is for sale by ALL DEALERS. : i. c. -rVi hi HI 1:1 --' mi l ::m .-..-V';-.":. ,'' '-' i mi EBSTER.N.C. ' I sale by ALL DEALERS. ; - V S . 'CtT - f- -