nil- iv r"J , ( ROAD ENGINEER AND BOND DEALERS HERE TUESDAY; JOINT MEETING RO AD TRUSTEES SYLVA, DILLSBORO AND CULLO iHEE TOWNSHIPS ? jji : : A joint meeting of the road trus tees for Dillsboro, Sylva, and pullo wbee townships will be held in Syl va Tuesday April 22nd. at 10 o'clock A M. ... : ; Mr. Clinman, a State engineer will be present at this meeting and the trustees 01 the aiiieitnt town gbips are requested to attend this jneetiug so as to co-oporate with this engineer in sound road build ing. Ihere will also be prtse nt at this jjjeetiug the representatives of sev eral bond dealers who aie interest ed in the sale of the bonds to be is sued for road building in the three townships, Dillsboro, Sylva and Cullowhee. " This is a step in the right direct ion and we ieel safe to ; assure . the people that the new: road commis sioners for these three townships are making strides in the tight direct ion and uv'X within a-very- short timewtV 'ii be proud to have it said thtu Jc.ti.son County ' is com inov: mnc?, - t'lt our re sources ie developed and trees l ..i: i e developed and in neCessary; by the nexC issue osrper: ) ad oi teir.classiis.orptjv :nnt 6ouiuies,'we v ill .take . qui - Mr.-Harrii.' hona ste "dona stand as one-of the foremost coun ties in me state of North Carolina. JOHN fl. PflRRIS Dealer in ' TOatcbes anb 3eweler? All kinds of repair work done on short notice. ' ENGRAVING A SPEOALTY Sylva, N. C.", - C. G. LOGAN Undertaker and Embalmer v 16 years experience Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License No, 6 Phone No. 17 Waynesville, N. C. F.E. Alley ' C. C, Buchanan Webster, N. O. While Mr. Alley has "moved to Waynesville, he will continue to take active part in the practice of law at Webster. O COLEMAN C. COWAN, Attorncvand Counsellor at4Law WEBSTER, N.O DR.S McGUIRE. DENTISTS. Offloe : Pharmacy Building, SYLVA, N O. -.-'.r w. r.;sherriLl; -St-,. Attokkby at Xaw, OftleftW Cqurt Housa, --r ?rsr 'WsCii - : 7 A : ; I AT CIllinWHEF. Tfl VRFv PlIRCHASFn f f;. Thisis a cut ox i.: court hoaac county, the construction ; of which have seen this building say that it is one of the best up-to-date court houses in the state. The floor space of this building covers more than half again as much ground than the present court house at Webster - Mr. G. J. Harris has executed and filed wittTihe clerk of the court a bond to construct a new court house agreeable with the specifications of the new court house at Marshall, and a new jail as good as the ofd one at Webster for a sum not exceeding $30,000. f ieiow we print -a copy of thebond as filed. Also we print a statement bigned by a major ity of the builaiug committee which explains itseli. eare unable' to reach the other three members of the committee in time for this issue Of ihe JoUivNAL. riowevox ie areasauied that tixtii-iiuurL-cau be hLd ii In event the county-seat of Jackson county, N. C., is removed from Webster to Sylva, I aite to construct a new court house agreeable to the specifications of the new court house at Marshall including vaults, heating arrangements, and wiring for electric lights il desired) and to construct a new jail as good as the old one to be used in the new one), for a sum not exceeding Thirty Thousand Dollars. , This April 16th, 1913. Witness: C. J.HARRIS. ' . We agree that we will act as and become sureties to the perform ance of the above proposition by Mr. C. J. Harris. April 16th, 1913. Witness: J. B. ENSLEY M. BUCHANAN Statemen of Committee We, the undersigned committee named in section three of the Act of 1913 authorizing a vote on the question of Temoving the , County seat from Webster to Sylva, and bein the committe empowered in event of removal to locate and con struct the new public buildings in the town of Sylva and having care fully studied said Act, are of the opinion thaUt is the spirit and in tention of said law that the con struction of the new public build ings should not exceed the sum of $30,000.:" We Verily believe that ex cellent and substantial, public build ings such as will meet the public needs of the county for years to come can be constructed, for the sum: not exceeding mOOOCT and we pledge ourselves to the people that in event of such removal - the construction of such public build ings shall not exceed . eusum- of 0,000C as specified in said Act, andin all other respects we shall endeavor faithfuUy to carry out the spirit and intention of the law. ' ' ; kEI"McKeev;: 7'' -r'V- -v TV Li Jamis6n, ; 4 'vt ;; Gep.. Sutton, ' '; r iT Kinsley; v. Lee Hooper, ; f ' -: receuiiy .ui'-; . . jiiall, Madisoxi ! cost $26,UuO. business men who old one at Webster, (cells from the C. C. COWAN R L. McKEE NORTON.' We are haying some nice weath- er at present. T .. 1 t 1 iast weeK we nad a mountain party with us from Franklin, Iotla Prentiss and Shortoff of Macon Parted consisted of, Misses M. E. Wells, Geneive "Weaver, Bessie Bar nard, Grace Ramsey and Myrtle Norton. Messrs Marcus Dowdle. Ray Norton, John Ramsey, Burnuss McGuire and Charlie Potts. They were joined at Norton by Miss Fay Zachary and Messrs. Arley Mc Guire and Weaver Wilson. They visited Setulah and Whiteside and other points of interest - George H. McGuire of Mdrristown Tennessee is spending sometime with friends and relatives at Norton- ; rV ' J. A Caldwell of Asheville spent part of last week mth homefolks. Lymari Stewart has returned from Rosman N CL where! he has beeirsiding ;itowtoter;;v; V G. FWike of Kilgore" spent ;: Sim day in our community. 1 T - The commencement occasion at the Cullowhee Normal and Indust rial School promises to be interest- irig. v Dr. R. T. Vann, president of ; Meredith College, will preaW the commencement jsermon and Rev; Calvin i B. Walierpastor of the Rrstj Bantist Church. Asheville. will de-j i liver, the annual literary address. On;Saturday night. April 26. re&entatives'of the Columbian ot- erary Society will debate the - ques - tion. Resolved. "That the ;Consti - tutiou of North Carolina should be bo Amended as to rrovide tor tne iuitiative, Referendum and RecalT. Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock i;r. K. T. Vann, the distinguished - president of Meredith College, wd preach the commencement sernion. Sunday evening, a speaker yet to be selected will preach tie annual sermon to the Y. M. C. A. and Y. w. a A. .OnMonday morning the Erosop hian Literary Society will present readings and declamations; at which time handsome gold medals will be awarded the winners. Monday evening the Colum bian Literary Society will present an en tertainment of. similar character, -at w hich ti me nandsome gold medals wil r be awarded." : v' 7 r" The graduating exercises will oc-; ur on Tuesday morning, at which time Dr. C. B. Waller, of Ashevijle, will deliver the annual address, his address being, "The Men We Need.' Representatives of the Erosophian T.itprarv Societv will engage in a y 7 " . debate, Tuesday afternoon, on the im- stion, Resolved, 4That the Con stitution of North Carolina Should So Amended as to Give to Women the Right to Vote." - - The Grand Concert wilj be given Tuesday Evening. Tne program will, consist of musical numbers and a display of dramatic talent This will close the exercises of the commencement , COMMENCEMENT SYLVA HIGH SCHOOL. The commencement exercises of the Sylva High School will be "held next week, begining Tuesday,' at 11. A. M. with the annual sermon by Mr. Caleb , A. Ridley and closing Wednesday evening with the final entertainment The following is the program.. April 22, 11a. m. Annual ; ser mon Dr. Caleb Ridley. 3 p.m. Exercises of the first and second grades; 8:15 p. m., Exercises of the thirdr fourth and fifth grades', , ; , : April 23, 11 a. hl, Address, Hon. N. W. Walker, Chapel Hill, 3 p.m. Contests , of the sixth and: seventh grades, ' V .: ' 850 p. m. Final entertainment :. MISS ALICE CRAY lTlfJS UEDAL At, tie 7 Contest of the Public High School of the western division, held at Cullowhee, Miss Alice Gray of the Sylva High School, won the medal for recitation. - Miss Lucille Sahdige of Bryson Qty took second plac-;;;;-;; : , We vdsh to congratulate both the young lady r end the cchoclr upbii her succeed. - ' : : : (News and Observer.)' 1 1 WasWngtori; D. CL, April 14.-- There is no doubt in the minds of the;ibrestry:'rpk to North Carolina 5 to v look j over land offered ibr, Weekslaw, that heror 1 Pisgah mountain (86,000 acres of it) will be purchased' by the goveri rep-.:ment the Appalachian Park;, if e price is not too hifth. ; : At tne last meeting of the -park ' commissiou tracts :in North Caroliua '.Tennessee, and the White Mountain r-.-rrr"" la the White Mountains the com mission approved a tracv 9f 7,5utt acres on the western slope of Moaat Moosilause, one of the m jst prdiiii nent and best. known peaks of the White Mountains and one much used by the public, for Recreational purposes. . The tract consists in part of .virgin spruce timber, in part of valuable spruce and hard wood second growth on lands cut over some 75 years ago! and in part of lands more recently partial ly cut over. With the approval of this tract the government is now .cquiring in the White Mountains soms 90,000 acres. - . . In the Chero iee purchase area in Hoik couuiVv aie government .u'uuer A tithdrityfahil'ffi ion to day will cquire a tract of 53,500 acres of limbered and cut o ver lands. " This tract is also situa ted on watersheds tributary to the Tennessee river. It is in a locality where a number of years' ago the forest was considerably in j ured by fumes from the copper smelting plants at Copper Hill and - Duck town. By reason of the sulphuric V f acid plants which have been in stalled in connection with the smelters the inj ury has been greatly mitigated, if not practically over come. About one-third of. this tract is cut over, the remainder is in virgin condition exceptor such portions as were at one time injured by the fumes. The total area approved for pur chase by the commission now amounts to 500,000 acres. A por tion of these lands have been paid, for and are under complete control and protection of the United States. On other portions the pecessary surveys and title examinations are being made and. the ownership will not pass to the government until the titles have been approved by the attorney general. THE HOME KITCHEN Paint . your kitcnen walls and woodwork white above the wains- coring. It keeps soiled hands away. Its cheerful brightness; is always inviting. One quart of Turpen tine -added to one-half gallon of L. &. M. Semi-Mixed Real; Paint makes 3 quarts of the highest grade of pure'paint, and itis enough- to? paint a kitchen and two more rooms. For outside painting the very; high- , est grade, of paint, is made by. adding three Quarts v.of pure Linseed Oil v to each one gallon' of' L, ; & ll Semi-Mixed Real Paint Sold ; by Sylva Cash Store, Don't be surprised if . you navejaif attack of rheumatism this icprring;- Just rub the effected part3 - freely " J with ChambIahfs :Iiciinmt' 'chd,?! it will" coon 'dbannear. '.SaLd'vr ALLDELERS. ):. :; 3 , r - A- -- 'A

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