LAND SALE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES FOR THE Year 1912. rv virtue of the tax .list in my : v,onHs lor me year miu ui tue . i - 111111 xi . Statutes of tne state, l nave : levied Tiii Qt nnnn nn th tirct Monday m May, eApose ior sal6 tHe IOlluwwg urowiucu iouus for UC11D4UCJJ11' -CLA-to c4ArL. "w ;:tw follows: ' v J3ARKERS UKJK lUWJNSriltt W. n. ulinier, ou awes. : ui land, taxes and cost 5.27 CULLOWHEE TOWNSffiP - Jesse r. diuwu, atico ux r land, taxes and cost.. 4.5)8 j. . . land, taxes and cost.. 2.b0 tavps and cost . o.o CIA"-' fmraeo Mica -., xes and cost. .oo aud cost . t& J, I). Jfuriter, unc iul, ioaw and cost uu ryson iitus Min. Int. : . vesana cost 6.85 jwn, t aci cs of ; lkd, taxes aijd cost 3.98 Sriibi.o iOVvInSHIP. tyson hfciii v50 acres Jot . J. L. oi land, taxes and cost. y.44 jj, M. Calhoun, 19 acres of land, taxes and cost 5.01 Wm. Dixon heirs, 26-27 int in 1200 acres . 63.17 C. Grimsnaw, W5U acres oi Qnn iaKS Ml II I l-.IIHI. illl.l.l I Mrs. Sarah McOall, 200 acres of land, taxes and cost 5.82 G.W.McCall, 100 acres of land taxes and cost. . 4.y W. L kcCall, 200 acres of 7CQ lauu.luicitat.aiiu.DL- ..uu Edwara McCall, 45 acres of land, taxes and cost:.... d,4tj Mrs N. L. Nicholson. 60 acres, taxes and cost..... 3.55 tw wwtr w 11R acres, taxes and cost..".. 5.25 ftompson heirs, 100 acres taxes and cost.... 9.01 jWex Zachary heirs, 105 acres, taxes and cost .12,64 CANADA TOWNSHIP. Aiken & Glaisner60 acres, taxes and cost . 3.30 Alexander heirs, 100 acres . of land, taxes and cost. .1 8.35 Jf. Coward, 8 acres of land, taxes and cost .'' 1.86 W P TTicW Tr ftR orrPQ v III X. 1 iguvi( w uvaww of land, taxes and cost... a71 John Shelton heirs, 5Q acres nf lon tav onH nQt 9 79. V Axuu. iuavu uuu vnb m v CANEY FORK TOWNSHIP. T. H. Queen, 70 acres of land taxes and cost.. 5.68 W. W. Strongfield, 1000 acres of land, taxes and cost 50.90 DILLSBORO TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Adaline Baird, 38 acres - of land, tax ancb cost. 4.82 A J. Dills, one town lot, tax , and cost....---- 7.42 Margaret Franklin, 20 acres - taxes and cost 3.43 Mary Hensley, 30 acres, taxes and cose.- -- 2.79 M.W. Hensley, .100 acres, taxes and cost 5.99 J. E. Johnson, one town lot . tax and cost. 5.26 . T.M.Mason; bne town lot, tax and cost 25.15 .T n Mr,u tnrii q acres of land tax and cost- 6.97 GREEEM'S CREEK TOWNSHIP Mrs Mortho m Lh ,toi acres of land tax and cost a.68 Mn i a ioaU;.' . - of land, tax and cost-viififl Wan p. Q o ' . . of land, tax and. cost-.. 1.81 w rt : Mrs. Tina Brock; 100 acres of land, tax and :cost-- 5J3 V iand, tax and 'cost. &52 Cole & Nichols, 72 acr o1: V: uand, tax; and rost . "3.75 W. E. Calhoun; 23 acres urf. i land, tax and cost j i 5.18 ; 6 iuuu. uia -ii in ii iv i - - a i - ? " -tt- "c " , - : oi land, tax and cost 3.01 Charles Jennings, 30 acres, ? of land, tax and cost. 2.57 H; G.-Johnson, -400 acres r 'h : mineral mt; tax and - cost : 5.82 Geo. Prnitt heirs, 50 acres, taxes and cost. 2.73 Pallon Snipes 7 acres of land tax and cost-i. 4.06 Miles and Cleve Wiggins, 186 acres of land, tax and cost.. 2.94 W. H. Watson, 35 acres of " land, tax and cost 15.16 Wilson Pickleshner, 1-2 int, 36 acres, tax and cost 2.26 M. L. Waston, 89 acres of . land, tax and cost 6.85 kOUMlAN TOW bHIP. Johi! Liyson, 50 acres, hAri. s inetitst, cost and tax 2.73 T. V. ritiiderson, 120 t eres oi laiiu cost and taxtb 8.91 QbALLA TOW l.oi IIP VV. . ci. heirs, J-0 acica Oi land, cost a.rd taxes : 10.13 Wilburn Parks, 22 acre ul land, tax and cost. 5.17 L. A. Parks, 12 acres of land, cost and taxes 3.28 E. L. Sherrill, 254 acres of land, cost and taxes 12.01 Jas. R. Ihomas, 480 acres of land, cost and taxes 158.54 i w a. uamnnen isuy acres Tir a ... . . cost and taxes 7A s T h Qi f lanH cost and taxes 5.64 Indian boundary, 60486 acres of laud, cost and taxes 623.01 ; Qcona nume njim cost and taxes 8.35 1 u - son neirs lb acres of land, cost and taxes. ... 10.97 T. L. Hooper, 150 acres of land-cost taxes nA2 iVi' Uiua11' aica of land, cost and taxes 10.06 SANANNAH TOWNSHIP. W. D. Bishop, 30 acres of land, cost and taxes 5.79 Hugh Bishop, 99 acres of land, cost and taxes 4.24 J. H. Franks, 137 acres of land cost and taxes 7.72 R. L. Williams, 65 acres of aUU, UUSl OllU laACS 1 I 1 A. 4.63 K0Derl Ioun8 00 acres 01 Jfcluu' ouxton Asne, iuu acres, ( min. int, cost and taxes 2.73 N. Buchanan, 240 acres, min. int, cost and taxes 4.17 Turnbult Co. 500 acres min. Int, cost and taxes ... 6.85 F. A. Hull acres min int cost and taxes 4.79 SCOTT'S CREEK TOWNSHIP. Thad C. Bryson, 100 acres of land, cost and taxes 9.08 Bowman Davis, i5 acres of land, cost and taxes . - 2.28 James Ferguson, 3232 acres of land, cost and taxes 120.97 J. K. Kenney 223 acres of land, cost and taxes 29.95 Balsam Lodge.Co., one lot of land, cost and taxes.. . 35.60 I v. -mm -w Mrs- Aaa town lot cost ana taxes... z.s ve neirs mt- Ub ' cost ana taxes I 1 MS SYLVA TOWNSHIP W. II Thomas heirsr 27 acxes of land,' cost and taxes. 2.85 floj?8- Watu .acres ot 1 land cost and taxes.. 2.85 Buchanan, one. lot. cost 1 l - e i ana taxes Adam Uryson, one town lot, . cost and taxesl:...-. ai3 - -v- j a CX. Moore, 30 acres of land,: ; cost and ;taxii:-iv4Jp Cole i ThomTjson, 3 acres ; ; vland; cost andi taxes iiui.- 50 Howell & Skinner,...-J.- .r-. ai4 v Penn Kaolin Cbrmiiieral int ;t cost and texes---V----- .5.99 Mrk'Saim Shanks, one :lot, '.' ." cost and taxes ,-2.43 All ef 'whinh VT Will PTTVA fnr sale to the highest bidder for cash lor non-payment oi taxes, on tne 5th day of May, 1913, at 12 oclock, M. . This April 5th, 1913.- J.W.BUCHANAN, Sheriff and Tar Collector of Jackson County. BOS OE PAHRIS WINS SECOND PRIZE. At the third anuual contest of the Western North Carolina Inter scholastic League, held in Asheville Friday night, James Howell, of the i Asheville High School, won the Locke Craig medal for the (best declamation. Roscoe Parris, of the Sylva Collegiate Institute, won sec ond honors, and Hugh Monteith, of Dillsboro Graded School, also made a credital le showing. Parris' sub ject was "The Opportunity of the Scholars". CHEEK. f t t. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winchester of Waynesville spent the week end with Mrs. Winchester's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buchanan of this place. Misses Myrtle Heden and Amy Stuart of Webster spent Saturday , and Sunday, with Miss Annie Reed J. M. Mason of Leatherman was here on business Monday. Will Lewis and daughter Selma, spent Sunday with Mr. Lewis sister Mrs.T. F. Buchanan. Frank Reed Was at home Sunday from Ciillowhee, where he is going to school. - - - f : - Mrs. R. C. Sutton and sister Miss Rebecca Allison went to Dillsboro shopping Monday. The weather man visited us Mon day night, bringing with him a lot of snow. The Mechanic THE LAND OF THE BALSAM. By Walter H. Candler. Land of the Balsam, smiling in splendor. Out from the borderland, mystic and old. Sweet are thy memories, precious ' and tender. Linked with thy summers of azure and gold. Old North Carolina, land of my dreamings Land of the lover, the loved and the lost; Cherish thy legends with tragedy teeming, Legends where love reckoned not of the cost Land of the brave, my heart's in thy keeping. And life's sweetest story, how can I forget? Calm are the vales where silences sleeping. Wake into memories tinged with regret Let, the full chorus of life's music throbbing, Swell to full, harmony, born of the years; Or for the loved and lost, tenderly 0 1 . sobbing, x " 1 Drop to that cadence that whis pers of tears. , Land of the balsam, here s to thy glory! -Here's to thy daughters as.fair as the dawn! Here's to thy pioneer sons; in whose Valor and lover shall live endlessly on. "' ' "' SfiEliiiwIi THE11BL EPROPERTV 1 Otal ValUaTtlOll Teal property Railroad, telephone, etc Bank stock Corporation excess personal Total taxable property $4,019032.00 Total number polls 1819. North Carolina, Jackson County. v I, M. D. Cowan, Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County do hereby certify that the foregoing items in the four lines above and the figures opposite the same, and the number of polls above mentioned is a true copy from the State Auditor's report, 1912, as appears on pages 99 and 100 of said report and which is now on file in my office. Given under my hand and official seal at office in Webster, N. C this the 10th day of April, 1913. M. D. Cowan Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, N. 3 Total valuation of taxable property of Jackson County as , shown by the State Auditor's report, 1912. 25 cents levy on the $100.00 valuation of property yields a tax of 1819 poll as shown by the Auditor's report of 1912, at 75 cents yields a tax of Total Less Sheriffs commission of 5 per cent Balance to turn over to Treasurer Less Treasurer's Commission of 3 Balance m nanus oi uounty treasurer The first above figures as to the valuation of the taxable property can aiso be found in the Register's office of Jackson' County. DEATH OF MRS. WILLIAM HARRIS. On the third day of April the,' death angel visited the home of Mr. William Harris and claimed the loving companion and mother. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hunnicutt, now deceased. She was born May 19, 1883. She pro fessed religion when 16 years old, joined the Scotts Creek Baptist church and was baptised by Rev. W. E. Conner. She lived a consist tent member until her death. She was a loving companion and "moth er. She was always lively and full of fun. She always met you with some pleasant word and a sweet smile and bade you welcome to her home. But now the door is closed; those sweet smiles are hidden; gone, nev er more to return. But she is now waiting at the pearly white gate to welcome you to her happy home. We miss her, not only those in her honte, but all who knew her. We believe she is singing around the throne with her precious father, mother, sisters and' many loved ones who have gone on before to welcome her to her happy home. May God's blessings comfort the sorrowing husband, brothers and sisters to try harder to meet the great day that is to coma Lizzie's death was not a surprise to her friends, as she had been in bad health for quite a while. While her passing away to her heavenly home was peaceful and quiet, she suffered untold misery; yet she nev er murmured; she bore it patiently, like one whose hope is both: sure and steadfast; there is no dark val ley. So her eventide was light : She shared life's troubles with her companion and children but short time in this vale of tears. A heavenly hand lias taken her away and she is now with the angels, and in her purity awaits in patient af fection mitil tJie Master shall. bring you to His feet and, with! her, "give 1912 OF and $3,022,228.00 ' 936,863:00 54,441:00 5,500.00 $4,019,032,00 $10,047.58 $1,361.25 $11,441.83 570.59 $10,841.24 $325.23 $10,516.02 per cent you a place among the angels. It is not hard to die when we can go into the presence of our Savior at peace with God and the world. j The time for transplanting had come, bne was caned m tne bloom i of life. Lizzie had filled her mis sion and the master had need of her. Sweet be her rest till the resurrection morn. To her loved ones: We sorrow not as those who have no hope, but with trusting hearts we look for ward to a happy meeting in the future.. Lizzie was married to William Harris December 25, 1903. She leaves a husband, four small child ren, and two sisters, Mrs. Wesley Harris and Miss Jare Hunnicutt,and two brothers,BiU Monteith and Losin Hunnicutt, all of whom were at her bedside, with the exception of Losin, who is in Texas, when the end came: All was done that was in the power of her friends, but of no avaiL - ! The fuiteral service, conducted Rev- R- L- Cook of Addie, was held at the Old Field church and the remains were laid to rest in the Old Field Cemetery, Friday, April 4,-19ia Through all pain , at times she'd smile, A smile of heavenly birth; And when the angels called her home ' She smiled farewell to earth. Heaven retaineth now our treasure, . Earth the lovely casket keeps, And the sunbeam longs to linger Where our sainted sister sleeps. THE DANGER AFTER GRIP lies often ; in a run-down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of apr petite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The great need the greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious, tonic, blood purifier and regulator stomach, liver and kid neys, inousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves; build up the ; system' and restore to health and, good jSpirits after an attack of Gripl If suffer ing, try them. Only 50 cents." Sold and perfect satisfaction guaranteed wmt OF JACHSflil COUNTY