I 1 If '1 -v. , - f ; - . -PW,-. ,-.Q;;;.-. rV-iO '-"u-i-v.- V, : r : : rrT , - Li " - - 1 - - ' ' N r - , - " - ' - .4 VOL. I NO. J 1 BURNED TRESTLES DELAY TRAINS. Two trestles on the Murphy Di vision were burned Monday might, the .one "across the - Tuckaseigee river at thia end of the (owee tun nel and the other below Wiilets at the "Still house cut No trains h a v ere a c h e d 'Sylva' since Tuesday and it is thought that it will be the first of ne:weei before the Southern: can resume its usual schedule on this division; - It is thought that the -trestles cau.ulU from lire dropping; from the the engines and. as the weather has been unusually dry ; for several weeks 'they burned ! quickly and were destroyed before the fire was discovered. ' The people between , Willets and Whittier have been greatly incon veniencec because of the uncertain ty of the mails and the suspension of transportson on the railroad. The Tuesday morning mail came to Sylva via Lake Toxaway and did not reach here until Thursday. Al ter that a lever car was impressed into service and has been doing very good work as a railway mail car. - MM II The first sessio 1 of Jackson C6uni ty Superior Court to. be held, at Sylva convened Monday the ;18th with Judge Frank Carter presiding Practi week was consumed in the trial of Geo. Williamson Smith against Holm es .Brothers. This is the third time that the case has 'been tried and it has been in court since 1905. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff of lc, thus causing the defendants to pay the costs of the action. "; The following cases have- been disposed of: M. Buchanan vs. E. C. Hedden et al; continued. Thomas Tatham vs. Alden Howell et al; con tinued. E. A. Hedden vs. Alden Howell et al; continued: J. A. Wig gins vs. A. M. HoOper; continued. J. D. Zachary Vs. Southern Railway; compromised. R. G. Snyder vs Southern Railway; judgment of non suit, plaintiff appealed to the Su preme court. W. M. 1 Turnen vs. Cathey and Alley; judgment of non suit, plaintiff appealed. John H. Parker vs. X. H. Queen et al: contin ued. D. L. Love, executor vs. W. J. Hannah, trustee; continued. Ida J, Easton vs. H. M. Graib et al; re f erred, D. D. Da vies vs. David Press ley et al; referred! Buchanan , & Dunn Lumber Co. vs J. M. Rogers; referred. Telia Wood vs. J. M. Wood et al; continiiied. T. M.Messer et al vs Jane Messer et al; continu ed. D. B. Sprinkle, administratrix vs Whiting Mfg. (.; judgment of non suit; plaintiff appealed:. Fred Buch hanan vs. Wl M. Ritter Lumber Co.: continued. L. D. Bradley vs; South ern Railway r compromised, Josh vvuney vs. ouuiucJi-i : ivauway.. va continued. H. H; Cogdill vs. era Railway; compromised, lAVlH. Parker vs. Ira Parker Jet al; Rogers; referred; D. G.-- Bfyson et al vs. Southern Railway; ? continued. D. L. Bryson ySom continued P. P. McLean ys. W.v t. Lewis; contihuedl' VJ: W. ' Rhinehart vs GRINDS SLOWLY - ,BAYjAS0 .TROUBLE STARTiNG'HIS FAORiTE. GAMES. -.- - -'- '. . s.- . : -. - ' I : ... -s : A y ' ! Fox fn NewT York Evening aui. ) : : : T ; " ONLY A BREATHING SPELlI ! v V MRS ARCH WARD Mrs Arch Ward died at her horiie at Barker's Creek Monday, at the age of 68 after an illness of several weeks duration. She leaves a ( hus band, six children, three, brouhers and'one ysister. Mrs. Ward is : the mother of Mrs. Slagie and Honier Ward of Sylva. ; ; , : The funeral was Wednesday ; and terment wast ; j ;hWor!ey rey af d: ? f tLee Hooper ;was herednesday from' Speedwell. :3Mr. aridfMrs.L were SYLVA, , N-- CL- MAY. 2 ' 1914 " - I r ' ' -i . Berryman in Washington Star. CHURCH DIRECTORY Methodist Episcopai. Churc South Rev. L. B. Abernethy, Ph. D, Pas tor. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sun days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. . Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'ebek. Chas. L. Allison, Supt r Baptist Church . Rev. R, P. Ellington; Pastor. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays "at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. ; ; Sunday-school every Sunday - morn ing; at 10 o'clock.T. C. 'Bryson, Supt.1 ; v- Union -; Prayer Meeting every Friday evening at-7:30. . -' . r John's 'Episopal, : Sunday morning O'clock. . '" - STREETS AND ROADS BEING GRADED. r- V The work of grading' the 7 streets of Sylva was commenced Wednes- day mornmg at the upper - end. of ! Main street and wiU be carried. on r;..:, ..rT, o t. I tiu&iccs ui xuusuuru auu oyiva ueiu a joint meeting the first of the week arid located the iew road or street between the two 1 towns. The work on this road , will be startei within the next few days and when completed will to all practical pur poses make one town out of the two. In fact the two towns are so close together and have so many interests in common that they are in reali v one. ; ..' ,' The electric plantjfor both places is located at Dillsboro, it is only a mile and 5-8 from the depot at Syl va to that at Dillsboro. and when the new road is finished the dis tance from Dillsboro to the court house will be approximately a mile Year by-year the distance from Sylva to Dillsboro is being eliminat ed and with a main street running through the two towns it is only a question of time when, with rapid growth of both towns, they will in become one large town. 4 J. Davis Zachary; the welf know" farmer and cattle raiser of Caney Fork died at the hpme of Dr. -A. A Nichols Saturday morning, following 5; Mr. Zachar had been in poof health for a number of months but it was thought that he was improv ing. He had come to Sylva on busi ness and had been here for several days, completing.his business, he was expecting to return to his nome the next day. The funeral was at East Laporte and was conducted by Rey. L. T. Cordell. Mr. Zachary was one of the best known and mpst popular citize is Of Jackson County. In his ieath the county loses one of it's best citizens. Mr. Zachary was widely and promi- nantly connected throughout , Jack son County and western North Caro lina. He is survived by a widow and six childen. DISTRICT CONFER ENCE ADJOURNS The Waynes ville District Confer ence, of the Methodist .Episcopal Church, South met at Cullowhee, beginning with a sermon by Rev. Gibbs of Cashiers. t .Tuesday morning the conference was opened by . Rev. L. T. Cordell, Presiding Elder.' About seventy-five Lay Delegates and preachers answer ed the call of the rolL Owing to the burning of the trestles, several visit ing Ministers failed to reach the conference. Fi ve preachers were recommend ed for admission into the traveling connection of the annualGonference. One man J. M, Green .was; ; granted licenseito preachuf T;t - - s , ine next visinct uomerence wm meet in ItnkhniProfessor A.- C. Reynolds, ;J. A. "Porter, RbbL; . L. Noland were elected delegates to the Annual .Conference. v , ; . The preaching was done by Revs. J. A. Fry-of Jonathan circuit, D. H. Rhinehart h of Bryson - City,: J. P. Rodders of Canton station and Dr. FranfcSiletfSlissio Secretary of the Western-North Carolina Confer DAVIS2ACH uv ie ncxn 111 10 ULfiU ence. ' -:r T"'- .7- I - ""', - ' 1k 'V, , DALSAM GROVE Again if I am permitted space in our dar old Jacksoh County -paper I shall try to give a 1 little sketch of 'on ; . We have been having some fine weather for fanning ' in the past three and four weeks. Most ; every one in this section is s done planting corn, some getting along fine hoe- ; ing cotn; While we have been hav ing these fine days for working, our . . crops of wheat, grass arid clovj also other plants are needing r Wheat crops arenot more than as good as they would have been if they had, had sone rain :during the past three weeks. Grass crops are off one half, most all the" fields of grass and clover that , was sown in early spring are now dead. Apple crops are,good, peach crops are exceedingly fine and with all these prospects for good fruit crops we should all be well pleased. We all approve of the construction of a telephone line from Cullowhee upCaney Fork. The writer was well pleased to see what Mr. H. H. Wood said regarding, this proposition, I sincerely hope that this plan will be carried through to a success. I doii t . believe there is a progressive citizea in;Caney Fork Township; that will be opposedto such a grand thing as a telephone line up Caney Fork. Mrs. Jerry Wood is seriously ill with typbdid fever, Dr's. Candler, of Sylva, and Bryson of Adlowheewere callerLerePeaTly Sunday morning. Mrs. Henry Hooper, who has been on the sick list a few weeks past is about again. She and her husband went to East Laporte , Saturday to attend the burial of- Mrs. Hooper's uncle Mr. Davis Zachary, who died in Sylva Friday night Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, i of Knox ville Tenn. has been spending several weeks in upper Caney Fork. . Mr. Billie Parker, of Soco, is spend iog a few days with friends and relatives at Balsam Grove," The writer received some reports yesterday regarding a harmonizing -Bear fight that quite a number of our hunters had Thursday, the fight began opposite the top of the Balsam Mountain on the Pigeon side, the dogs fought the Black fighter down very nei r the Incline on the i Pigeon river. But by good luck Mr. Will7 Cook shot and killed him. It is re-' ported that he would have weighed 500 pounds. t v ' This writer ' would be delighted to see letters from all parts -of our county printed in the Journal tell ing about their ; farming, as l am enthusiastically interested in that business., Mountain Times, SYLVA WINS AGAIN Once more the Andrews nine bit the dust when they failed to make proper connection with Bryson's big steam. Saturday afternoon at the fair grounds was played one. of the prettiest games ,seen ' on the home ; grounds this saason. Bryson pitched, a good game arid his team Jbacked him in Uie field. Some good "batting , on the part of Sylva and the game was won by the score of 8 .to 4. In the ninth the - Andrews boys Hvent ip the bat CWith blood in their eyes and pulled 3 men across the plae. Allen '-For Sylva. dbtingHeU-ii.him-:. self by making two : two-baggers off :iSylvi hasTpIayed, sevenVames and": won five this seari.; Cf: ; ' & v 1 , It i'Vs. ;.." ! " i y r v $195,00 V 4- 'i