3s 1 - Si -- i.i&fA- a..- 1 VOL. I NO; 7 " - J- 1 Jl ' ' ' CONVENTIOI! CQS; rStCOKD PRIMARY Afterfojir days of fruitless" bal- loting in which the roll . of 'countis had 'been 'called 519 times, tWDem - ocraticXotigressionol conVentioii at Waynesvme was apparenuy dq nearer to vajnoininatioii tlian atlthe first ballbVthe conyention abjourn ed by passing -a resolution - proyid ing for a primary" to be Theldi)n August island if at that - tirrle -no candidate.shallrreceive" a-majQrityJ of the vote ail hut the- two. leading candidates' shall be eliminated and another primary, will be held" two weeks later. T- " j-; ' - . The convention was called to order by Chair man :c OweriJ .Gudge'r and prayer was onered by Ke,v. AV B. Andersonpastor of ? the Presby- terian church after wmcn non. James M: JEef guson delivered fthe address of welcome. The chairman called Mr. J. S. Adams to jha" chair and Mr, Goforth of Jutherf ordi and R B. Wilson of Hay woodweretiiade temporary secretaries. Upon' mo tion the temporary : 'organization was made permanent" : : Hon. JameiM. Gudger.wos placed ii nomination by R. R. WMams, of Buncombe. Robert R. Reynolds nomiiiating speech was madeby- Marcus Erwin of Buncombe, . Judge. Merrimon w as named by Gen Theo. F. Davidson; Sam. L. Rogers of. Ma con, placed John 0. Harrison's name before the con vention jmd Thomas a. ox. in me ausence ou r eux : x. Alley, noniinated rWalter E. Moore. The seconding speechesr;werelmade by W. E. BeeseJforliGudgef, Capt. W. RjTBellior Mr. Reynolds, a. nan Jormson4orJJuageMern mon, T. G. Bryson of SylvavforMr Harrison. All the five candidates - remained in the race uotil fhe last with - the exception of ? Mr. Harrison; hose name was : withdrawn." Saturday night by mis floor manager Sam. LJ Rogers. CLASS BATES TO SOUTH. Washington J n n e v2.rC 1 a s s freight rates- fromWashingtorir:to points south including thearoUnas; were held unreasonable ; today - by the interstateCommerceC sion, in that thejTeVceed the agre gate of the intemediate iratesV The proceedingsiwef e Jheld open to? per mit the railroadstorTeadjustAn application b the, railroads fo coni tmue lower-.: -rates between eastern points and Richmond;-; than charged to Richmond were i'dehielN GBAHAM NOW ' PR ESI D EHT. RaleighNC. June;,2. Edward K. Graham, whb'for 'the. yearpast has been acting president pr iEe' University of North CarolinaVwas knight unanimously elect fdYpjesH dent at a meeting of the trusteesf Chapel Hill ! Dr; Francis; R Vena We, who since 1900 has 1 been presi Qent resigned because of .impaired health. . , J r 7- - ; - - President Graham Wa3 bbrnfin 1876 at Charlotte, N. C and gradu ated in 1898,at -Un!ycr8it5t tt North Ciiafath iree. In 1902 he received the U& egree at - Columbia UniversVv ce 1908 he his been professor, of Wish and dean of the college .of liberal arts at thestate university.' j v S"v : DR. E. ABERNETHYjS: 1 0rj; ErAbernethyr graduateof 5 Rutherford '(!tegeanvevangeliat?of " . k"" vua spienaia Biblenferenceatylva beginning AugusiMSL vueis a cousin ofErof. L;B.JV.berhemy-6fVjCml6w is well kno wn in Jackson tfeounty. Jlrsttwork in thejministrywas m tins mitymenrhe was ih Washington, Nlay 31The United States Department s of i Commerce has lust ,r issued -a comprehensive report on'South 7 America ' as 1 an Export FieldT which i36f;'speciai iv.' . r-' r .u.c r ; - i- V z-A": SouthenrRajl way Company andthe. . - - ; -. wr companies associated with it m.de-..t by way of theSotffterhporserved bjrtheir lihes. ? : : -This report contains some interest lng lnlormation: as to tne metnods 'puraueiTbtiieiUnited KingJomand Germany hicli; are: tJieiWoj;great cdmpetitora of the JJnited States An supplying S6uthencan aid ;Presideii Harrisomof -the? South-? ert-'Iwa-C6mpaiiyay;iBalifid duehtion i to t&" foirowmg extract from it a containing valuablesugr gestions for Southern manufacmrers admefchantV who are lintefested in "the trade bpportumdesofuhi Amencaj; -The Gefmansowe agreat deal to theirv banks;whichV iendr- active assistance toschemes of ' tralde :pro motion; anclthejf acility witlwhich shipmentsrare financed and credits handled , through rftheml. has :: been noted akcneof tfie s atestejman assetsin Buiffini?iip JtEeiBSoii Amerfcatrade. Trrirnosti mportant, influence:fbr j'effecting1 this result; hbweyer,rias;v beenr- the" thofough manher4nwhich the Germans; have investigated the; special features of each particular markef and the pains thehaveltakenv to ecethat v , I x ' ; $ v I oj-Vv.i-. jit 1 trf ... "-.p C. -r'1 . t 2" c - 4J charge, of the TiS'arcuiCifc Aberhethy js now vstadonerat 5as- toniaT 'His entertaining indf for .hsiv-jwi itcuiiu uieL gospel .J9 r-Y "i'"f; -crueuiy-isjrec bgnized as one brttie ireatest dra- 5V -11,2 o , " Jounfom theirgpods mted iri ith "what the people desired It ifthe establish djjustom for young memfrom Ger many .who intend.' tq engage in.- the export tfadetb spend'some years in &uthefica: as a part-of their "uuu, warning tneMississippi, Tennessee. Kentucky. uage and studying;therhabits of 0 Ivvj - nand afdetailed knowledge the ' .v. l, - -fu.. vu5;oiiowijem -;.alsoyn(r fandsemi'officlai associations dev ed especially;tb:thCfu tif the; German export trade, anditheie not .only disseminate information aa totheLkinds required by ihec&adelBuft sub , 5 85nistv1?- ooutn America and other foreign fields wib f make- a sjutty of mirMti;TSe operation of 'all , German' influences' in South America toward the one object of furthedng;trade"ha4;of BeerjL remarkedr and it has iiesuiteS iriithe - present1 high- cbmiriercial yusiugn of United'States trade m methods, but; as-intfae case'pf thess countries ;the;in iericrcapitalfand'tfie attehtiorl to tJihyjtf Americanexporters portant factorsjn the tiaxie increase of theiast few years." -1 I-, J Mr. Hal Mckee' ; returned, from Trinity ttllejeyesterday ;:: t m uie cuuuiry m an Darts we wmprisw .ow.uuu.uuo acres. .the.contihenfc The. promotion bf4 If all; this - could ? be - gathered-into T'JO Sj'.Ll GOVS s luiflvKFn'JT r.;iiRPHY rvurphy; wasAshocked .yesterday afternoon, about .4. o'clock, oveipj'rte drowningof WadeFain the Bttle son oMr and Mrs; aa Eainf:and little n;ChristoDher, ; son bfVMrl miss. j. yunstopner, : :; ine little fellows,vho were taking aswim in :the Hiawassee River, below the J2 :.N.: trestle.f with a nunlber,x)f other Ijoys were dro wned together, and it.isjsaidttat one was trying fo. save the other, causing the ioss'crf both these happy childhood liyesV-- i ' 7;, 2 :i uuuitjs were recoverea aoout 63a yesterday afternoon," both find ing their col4 watery death' locked m;eacli othefs'-armsu""' r - Thus,-theyrrest in the atnis "of their Savior. In their ; early. !death they gain their early jeward.and avoid the troubles and trials that is man's inevitable reward while';here on earth. - 1 We join in with the entire I com mujiitymcxteiiding sympathy ;and condolence to Tthe-grief-stricken mothers and fathers brothers -"and sisters. Cherokse:Scout. r - . t LAND STILL UNTILLED - - . IN THE UNITED STATES IfalLthe arable land of the Unit ed States;iivhfcrii is not J under plow ould: be piit in neVhuge iarmT it v v uiu, oa o - jesue a v - vv wiuy .cover 1 Missouri .and Mississippi rivers Ac- cdrdmg 'to statistics 'I whichr have 'ucc" wuipucuuyme aeparcment is eqmvalent tpsthe combined ; acres ofthe states of Mairie New Hamp-: shire Vermont,:;; Massachusetts, Rhode , Island, Connecticut, New York, New- Jersey, Pennsvlyania, Marylandi Delawkfe, Virginin, West Virginia, Noith Carolina, South Car olina; :Ge6rgia,: PloridaV " Alabama; Ohio; Indiana, Illinois, Wa.rMinner sbtaV North Dakota, SouthDakota and, Montana. v ; ,;; - -Accdrdingo the same statistics, the- tillable lanb! of? :the United States actually in: crops represents about 27 per ,00,000 acres avail able,: fThis" is equivalent to a ;farm Jar'asjthe states Wyoming, Ne- sas and Iuisiaha'cbmbined. ; :: C t The Tanswhich; while hot' avail able fbrcfops, can . be' .'devoted to pastnragaTrbnd orchards comprise 35f jD00,00O"acres.. iThis .equals'the area of lexas, New; Mexico. Colora do ' and1 Utah.. ;Thearea bMand in the United which, cannot bemused forTaricuIture;either; how or in the futures-land considered irreclainiar PregonVashington Idaho; Nevada and1 Arizona. " This giye3 a" striking accduht'.of : ill - - " : . Ttfr rrr rrtn ' ' tWast territory which still can be iJCT ";tae caprc-; mpcito ppH Vtht; h.n. niiPatwai tcerLiver-iad:;f iised to feed jthev hungry millioris: notr only of the JJnited States; but also of the tfbrldV' Ih -other vorda. I6r eVety. 100 acres : tlfat-aie noVaVF -7 Ieea??i tiliM nhohVsi mw Kt in.l. 4.? Effective end- tilled abouV575: may -,b'e -put into cropa.'when'ths oTuntfy" is fully'de- yeloped .Da THE YEAR llf ADVAffCE . wvuu.iu ijaiiv. wnii, inrmri v hi on ?4;Ps?tQQ :ahI wwked for the i Cham-: - re mpany; is reported to . have; escaped f fromf nharantihe inZ ( tie: statXofWasgU : was ueiamea as a ipnr- " hoJMQo , f E rly has" been bner of ntihnnl interest.' Tbe m:an Vsuffering frqin some skin disease -"and the doctors " -who naveexaminedhrm hffrW rfifc xereu as lownetner it was tne dread , disease of leprosy 6x something else.-' UWith the, doubt existing'-. Early - uccu ucuuuea wry a - numDer -Vears-i; -r-'r:' aomejew aavs- aso a Canton man - receiyed five 'dollars f rorn Early ; in a letter,saying Early had stolen r it . ' from him while they were in the.-', army together. - This was. the' first hun wi news - received ot -Jh.arlym - sjuie time, ana was loiiowed titm . - ly.by the dispatch ur.ttie papers iwimg ui uio cavsapt uuin uie- quar ; iuuuc siuuiMt; itJiquowing- is tne story carried in the daily papers: i . .-VYasamgtoa,.Mayy.ffici3is of - r; tne united states pubhcJhealthjser-: w vice were exercised oy6r. the report ed .escapeof JohV. ft- Early; the t 1".. - - j -..-.." -I "- ' ' ' Ill attention for p.vpmlj vAr , frfur : iuc jlsiuuiuuu neau quaranune sta-. , .fi nn na r Pnrt Tnwn c AnH WoK - - ' ReTOrtsSurjebi &neral Bluel i stated ..; tnatJbarly escaped some time last Friday, and isbelieved to beqnlhisyaytto ,tBiLtcity,J:where he asonce; confinedc -J;, : ;4 ;; -; ;J ,;:The'escaperiy) necessity foi; a ; leprosarium . wheie- anci saieiy,. guarded. -rWaynesviiie . Courier. - - RECENT PUBLICATIONS " T ON ADGICULTUHE r No publications are - sold i by' the icpctriuicut , oi r' Agncuiture, -inere-j tion to the Editci and Chief, Division : of Publications: Denartmpnt of n- uuuure. vv asmiiKion.Li. as. lone as the supply, lasts. When this der . no r fin ati f'oV'. "ei irrl ? . ovKanofo '7-v Dublicatibna-cah "be" .obtained' fromri,: tue ouperinieuueni 01 locumenis. r V Hovprnmpnl- PrinHnd OfflfA "WSeV.' av w, - Mwvvif- vyi aVXAVaV - 44 AA - ltj.iii Li.n 1 1 1 -fTrv- ai nn 41111 im iiiitrni ifiii- ! of. Documents -direct.-'His offipp Iq ;" not a part of ,the Debartmentrof Agriculture Mr: and MrsJames Ronef of V; Speedwells arendaSewdavs with relalives'andiriends ih : ALWAYS LEADSTO BEI7ER HEALTH. ;;rSeriousr sicknesses start;in disi - Jin.MissTimmie Clouse:ofr Sylya; w is visiting at theJioine of Rey'randfer1 I.I. ! - m 1 1 . mm a I V . n W ' . . 1 . . V - KHi k - ' orders, of- the "stomach liver and kidneyk'-ThebWt ; preventive is Dr. tng's Newu'fe neyrand Bpwel3;in:;healtey condi- tfon.:;Giyeyou better ;healthlby mildL 25aM-ct your Drulict - Bucklens Arnica? Salve for. AIL Hurts: