.iLi.J.Ti -V is! ix! : : ; 9 : SYLVA?nMi.IARCH. 12 1915, Or MANSLAUGHTER rr - .... AB10PI1ATION $1.00 THE TEaSiN ADVANCE i . 1 f , g . ca.,.i i i . , V ..- PASTOR RESIGNS it in dr avAuxiiry miniroum: giVen to the Jury Wedifesdlay after- f nf ?e" Jfuit rge $owt i being: $lO,O0nnual maintenance, uobh and after twaorlhree hours1 S?We?ty;Mtow .were . reah deUberation the r jureturftea:?2 r the building fund ojf the Methodist Church. 11. ANT dUU -Cvl If -J f LAW PASSES verdict bf manslaughter. '" Jtidge Ciine will pasl sentenqe sometime . before co:iaaipj beanythwg from foiir, months on't; Trr" ... r,u V' , " ul . A substitjite bill for the Greer the roads to fifteen years m the , . 6 -, 4 anti-jugbiilf Was agreed upon by peniFehtiary , , C : - '; 1 "7 " u? V, A V joint committees and has pass both (istoa Brendle and his son, kanley, were The act proviaes that o person -passing thm the Upton :farm one quart ton and Brendle were tibt oh 10 ; Uuz . . . of whiskey or five gallons of within $15.000.improye"ents, $12,684 for debt. . Pastor R. Pv Islington, of the Bap tist church tendered his resignation to his church Sunday morning, to be effective April 15. mm VILE BUILDING While an prbpriatioii of $21,000 The church has taken no action ; has been secu red by : Senator Lee in the matter. I S. Overman ir beginning, -work oa General regret as to the action of th r builningviq . Waynesville, an the popular young pastor has been amount that immeniately avail expressed by the people and it is able jpr ; jtJh -11 fclpimpoti su:ork hoped that he will reconsider the taere is everiinjdUcationihat there matter. will yet i be , f jnsiderable delay in Mr, Ellington has been pastor of getting the Wj restarted. The mat the local Baptist church for "more ervM;notfy in tte of than a year and during that time the official of fife; Supervising has made a place for himself in the Architect'sotf ie; and there the plans hearts of the Syiva people. for building fcj he various places provided for ;te-taken up in rota SAND CLAO ASD THE ; tion. SenatlQvennan writes that General Carranza has been in- friendly terms, although Mrs. Up- r v, . , . rt a j , r t: .JL formed m a note from the United ton was the daughter, pf Ge rge c. . firenbUe Uptoj! harried.BnmdlS i i L- V A itfarr improvement in conditions fifteen 4ays. fhe bill is to be ef fective April 12 r illliHASTER WTEBOF 1914-15 aay oi? tne -uageay ne oreuuica i i y imam orkntvckniiind Tlrtrrkfi . nWPlll p . Uptou as stdudiog in- his door "'3 "uu'' T", 7 , u .u Senator we b. uverman nas re ahd he orderedShem toieep away i necessary Wil' be by the commehdedKey. Jmes J. Gray as JiSt what 'rMi: Amricai-)etiMneHl to obitrUie; postnMsterSai va to succeed Mrs. imp Ui riSsnuted oiiestion. th i sired protection. y ! Sad.e the present incum- - V. ',' Thenote isthe strongest and most Dent evidence confhctmg. At any.ra.tel,- if- . sni. Upton picked .up a Winchester nfle ; , . v ; and, killed both his , lather in-law r";,"' l auu:uiuuicin-iaw. ) , - u 1J;. :U' Wait af.Moohhrn aHH M 98 - PR- wiui auend d year 'go. oarr.'iiza.: ' r.s-v.i.r He has heretofore been tried for n -t' -v-. .. : - .i- . -v ; ... ' is wnrnpn that : t;liri K?o frtthor-Tn lnw Prtfl WAS r - Has viewed with it the UniP l?ta5 flSy marrsed at ith-deep ebhee the te residence ofiA. W. Davis Satur nplaints made - From a published letter written by N. B. Mills, of Statesville, to a citizen of Alexander countyLittle Alex being) now in the throes of a road bond election campaign it is learned that Iredell has an annual road maintenance balance of more than than $1 1,000. This is 275 per cent of the cost of the county's roads, $400,000. This should dis pel any notion current that Iredeii's new roads, constituting a . magnifi cent system, are being allowed to go to ruin. This paper has insisted that the past winter must furnish the final test of the sand-clay road It has been our opinion that the tight mixture, the right drainage and tjie right admission of sunlight "3, as many as has d lix ered to ; Chinese forei. minister.-; a; commuric- tion wi;i.- China interprets as implying tlu t suea lo leave. unless JaDans recent deniaiids ;t;t in"-- .-o.. oeoiia &uu. u.f. -v are t-Dted bv March -12. force? armors.! oro.iser .shiii.a.0'i " - IT f ' there are a number of cities having prior claims er Waynesvilie" and this may necessitate the elapse of sometime belrejthe plans for the building here re made. ' s, ' 1 ?. J trtV-; - f IF YE Ef iHAD THE NERVE. Last weekve received an invita tion, to buy aijale of cotton. Say, Willibald, ihiway things are going we'll be luckif we can buy a spool of cotton. Gei , If we only had the nerve! Wha: we couldn't do! Had we been 'borAwith the rind of some people weJurjw,' here's what you would l id Jh these pages from Week to weeft L" - ' ,0n accouVcif the European was the subscriptJCin price of this - papar -"to loss from im- - me most severe wimer. auu um m -.j.s,. Jr?n- -n . M. Hioki. Japanese minister,! Secretary Bryan announced to . aM uii uie oiu.w muuux. . ; , ? poituuu, uciuMug-rdie. win ue r-,nr.-,fjon mHlitft-w ; mTii to Mr. ana ivirs. bunion ; -in. ase to, an-. in., ai- j i. C. Jones' has returned rom : Piiitea out c'a vlr;i aie Daiiy iSeVl "We tre ptUntd- to announce that . ,1, ripe'tbHT thissw furnished th? . . .. , - .. . as teaceer at this .place. ; iebUlib 111 v U11SU uu' pension of tl importation of chemi- woulo - tnployed. Tfce notice is not-considered an ultimatu-.ii by the Chinese goyenv inent, i ut Lu Cheng-Heiarig, the f reign minister, after a series bf conferences with President Yuan Shi-Kai. has decided to expedite discussion of the demands with the Japanese legation and to agree quickly with those which, China considers it4m possible to (accept. Answering the Japanese insist ence for expedition, the Chinese representatives argued the impossi bility of negotiating consequential issues hastily. IHlt ! ordered ry Secretary Daniels, conferences with Presieent vViisor to proceea immediately , to Vera couviescent vve are glad to report that Don j that must be studied. On this point obitUar5jpoems will cost ypu Davis, wiiii has been very sick, is ; Mr. Mills writes ten cents a f e hereafter. DEATH OF MBS. A, J. HOOD. Mrs. A. J. Wood died Friday, Feb ruary 36, at the home of her sop, Mr. J. C, Wood, where she has re sided fbrthe past Jyeri. The funenl services .were con- ductedby Rev Queen at 4he family cemetery on Sunday after noon. ; w , .". 1 Mrs. Wood 'died at the age, jt nmetiCial eV mojij eighteen dam In pA in lilje she honored her God.? Her life has ,ruz. EVACUATION BEGUN. Consular messages Cruz stated that it was ' reported there that the evacuation of Mexico City began last night. George Self was attracted in the direction of Scott's Creek Sunday. il-rr .1 J 1 . . it mere is any aouoi in uw beindMmDossible to exDort J f 1 U w I imnus oi any oi youi peepic duuuu lQ3 l t rprZtjmysl notices of our seeping oui sanu-cmy iuuuj, iu .h!ir h snn-f-M will h.hardpH for ' v Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Coward visited j good shape, then I especially ii vite t the rate U2 eachf and two tick. irom vera rs Clara Smith of Cullowhee, S them down to make a trip over the .th tcr -. has been very sic, Sunday. wnole system, ur course, mis nas i ui feK the SUSD3rlgioil Misses Isabella Allison, Edith Sher-! been an extremely' hard season on f regulari iopia facilities be- riii nd ivlastp.r una .vAoore have the roaas, ana it is true mar some M. AAA She es ind,,fiye .of? rr mmim rnpir - inss v uivu. rrT:i. . :vf?i - a, wyueen pi mqii Quniaui, pp Grove. ItfSistiiKS Itelffiaxham 1 Koan n the Cinif llCt thl WPPIC iIIq'o iVochiridrnn rcnrooontatiuA - received a message, saying Zapa-I ; A. - . j . . ner, says uiai. mc iuiupcau noi day immediately on the evacuatian . . , . ' , cwannind vpt jis it has other thmss t fUn'e. rmc I " " xf"0 J X 1 . M..vr y-v I T thin TlTAAIr WnrH ramp frnm Ampripan t .nnsnl I r . v7 nQviQ mn.iP hiiRinpsQ tnri . l . - . . i I iy . ft. iuTiu . x- diuiman mai ai a personal mier- , ,. , - , .u i n u u j J to Franklin last week. view wnu wiiciai vanana is uau . . t., w;i4 , j A, r , A r x u A.' B. Allison and Henry Wild, delivered the formal note from the I , . . tt j-d.-x A j a arummers irom asucvcuc, wac - . . .. j I OLCl LUC UlOl Ui Tv.vxi.. (nil fn.ni rtnAWa . n f-fT-Tl frtrtr 11 -r rl 1 - iu! 1UIC1511C10 iU uic WAJr Bofh to Mr and Joe Allison, ms cuuirui. -- l a ooy. 6lr.fWalterE Moore jnade: a business trip to Washington City last week: retnrning Monday. Both of the houses of the Legis- iio2p Maiirt RihanSn and Ollie lature passed a primary bill, with Tones returned Tuesday after a visit 32 counties exempieu irom uic pryritn opfft Visions Of tne DlllS. ; I - Tprrv Mnndv. wife and little son e mimaiy is now m thw tiatinfs fiiin- it is Ma tfee first turday in Junk " c national, itat nvlff Hall of Svlva was seen on iauve or couinyf ir ages M aSGj Mashburn bf Winston- ' :en thi s t iv a and Gulf of Obi- parts of our sand.clay sstem was a puf)pkiapples; potatdes in bad shape ' during the extreme grapestCM brought to thlsbf- bad weather, however, wherever i .g under e pretext of exhibition this was the case it was due not to J aie editoQwill be seized as, con any defect in the sand-clay road , , , but always where the road was im- ranana 01 &v. .. Dronerly located without proper "AH perse found owing tlis sunshine, or where the foundation j tpar moreKha 1 a year's subsenp was rotten or where we could not "ion wjn beVshot as spies Axtel obtain a good suriace sou. weoe- ( K Y c d 1ICVC WUUL I.U13 wiuici uaa lauut uo a lesson for we know what is need- j ed to make the whole system of THtliHOME PAFEB built, and for that matter right now ft piraitY BILL PASSES tbelrteffiilest found peace; God; has called her home.' - ' -' -; trance.-It provides Uiat ltexempt- ummi& , ara a;pn 1 xxendersOT Jones asin,, MWff?HfcBW.n with the little work we have done ExGoverf or David R. Francis.of in rounnJUigp roads w Missouri, o said the following of scraper our pbaljsarC in iopd newspaperiK" ;: " v shape if not better than when they rKach yit the local paper gives ey,we bimt.. . - , s;: frnm cnnnl hnnin free lineffto The sand-clay road is very oDa- " v;e hlv kt'ilf the thih. for North Carb- Uhe commiity m which itis ocat- i .... tl ... .. -.. .. i .- .Pi ' :ii j iu:. .- lina rural ways; if ine conoioiis w ui to materials, uriiw cis vv ine emWHV Xu prupuruuu i 450 mee f W are begihning toquestiqn domore ibWsJto tli somewto as to whether they can linftt&t o3t generally bemet-JGreensborp Duily f?e Sews? ' ' - - uft m , 1 m,et:nim oj auiuije i wuwus, mv J. L. CC23HS DEAD. ' l because t&Uocpap investnlent commimity ean make ItayfnbfelaStlied. : or &xfimnnItlfffi"tlW feacneW 1 ttderstmidnie l'f goi:vrill?fmd,inoa bf Cs , wlon Hfeid ToiiaV tf'thSW'papers do ffe'iSBW tlilem "money of earth. Carolina Mountaineer v Jackson J. Jcpgera. 1 wh tieeiLitt about a we witn ' terda at l?ocldlfe?fWMt father of lira. Li-Gre. this fflsceVlIrs: vt. & ;B. Mecuom pi uym

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