VOL. I NO. 7 M.N k TO REBUILD -r- FAIR BUiLDlNQS. . At th meeting of the stockhold ers arid directors of the - Jackson County Fair Association held here Saturday afternoon it was definatly decided t9 rebuild - the; grandstand and exhibition buildings that were burned last fall. ' " . . v The President was authorized to appoint a committee "whose duty shall be to work out the prelimir nary details and have charge of the building work. The homes of the members oh the committee other than that of the Secretary, Mr. E. L. McKee, have not been announced; but the committee wiil be complet ed in a few days. The work on the new buildings will beigin in a short time and it is believed that the buildings will be finished by the first of May. The next annual Jackson County Fail, will be held on the last three days in September and the first day of October. Giving four days just after the busy season and be fore the unpleasant weather begins Tiie management of the Fair ; will begin at once and work until the opening day in the effort to perfect - aji the arrangements 4 looking to ward making, the Fair everything .thatit should be,- A number o "wholesome amusements will be ; s.e-. cured and nothing Jbtiohal wU De aiipwea on tne grounas. xne loporianiDniT m WijJfl Fair, the -exhibits, he with the pec-Twe pie of Jackson county. At each ; succeeding Fair,, therev has' been a j marked improvemeiit in the quality of exhibits on dispia and it is ex- pected that those this year will far surpass anything of previous Fairs, All together. Everybody. Let's begin now and havea, Fair that is a Fair. .' " . :-: . :'... SWAIN Wat $100,000 IN BONDS AT FIVE PER CENT The Swain Highway Commiss ioners met last Saturday aud de cided to issue at once $100,000 five rqer cent thirty year bonds, On ac count of the European war aud the uncertainty of the future inoney marketi the Trustees! thought it best to dispose of a block of - bonds -while the bportunity . was ; good A r portion of this money will be placea on time aeposiiau iuc uau ;and will draw; fourr;per cent mte- rest, so the district will pe but little loser by the transaction. , ' v J Next regular . meeting of the Trustees will be held : April 2nd, at -whir timp. timft r. an 1 ?en5mesr to have general supervision , of . the road building will be femployed, ; v Bryson City Times. ls i.; DR. f DrlGharlSs Torest, sent iastt weelfe-Cliairm wMt Jones i',fioSofiT.' teess formal of the videlot ltigebHege, Uiis Vaiin wiUl PresklenteMilheTO meneas will; Dr. " Brewer , contmue isiMvnhh I hisf new woiSee AUEStvSBOt KILIF.D AT VIOLET v. . v. . v.- i-, . Dock Alleii . was shotl Tuesday night near his ho'cne at VJolt-. - ,Mr; Allen With his sju aab But Hippsj discovered a fire in the Hat maker hotre near the Allen home fn the first part of th night; land went there aud put the fire out, as they were , leaving some One was seen near theu aad Mr. Allen. call- ed to him to stop, the p irty auswei- i ' N ' ing by shootiag ivlr. Alien and fir ing severalothers who ran. Lr. - All en was shot in the -aaiansa, the pall beaetrating the liver. Dr. Pat on of Murphy was Called to see ths wd aa lei man and did every thing pD33iple for his restoration Mr. Allen died Wednesday nihr a: abut 8 o'clock. e are told that the party who did the soatiui is uakaowa, but an inquest was to be held yester day and something may be brought out at that hearing that will throw some light on the affair Mr,s Allen was a quite and peaeable man and stood well in his comunity and the tragedy is much regretted. Cherokee Scout. MOONLIGHT" SCHOOLS According to the 1910 Census Re port, 15.3 per cent, of the native Dorn wniies in jaciison county over ten years of age cannot-reab , and write. fn this respect ''Jackson coupty -heid thej -Ttn place i&uniiesj iathfiState 1 Wair .perceni ; uiueTaiesnaa do. lue vierae of the- htate is .J per cent and mr the United btaies it is 3, per cent. There are Jvo states m the Uniui: which have a larger percent of of uatlve- . . J . r norn wnire illiterates tnan noes North Carolina. We see, therelore, hat North Carolina is very . much behind the other states in this re- spect and we also see that Jackson county is very much behind North Carolina. Snmethind must h rtnno W canuot afford to remain among the most ignorant of the United States. anQinannuyo jnanugean u.e ue tniL'ii ..hih ik partments of the Lords work. I ing and sacrilicing to educate our boys and girls and I believe that ren to seieci a ...an .or an -Jackson county, according-to her past. Will jou help me through wealth, is raising as much money locaUy-by local tax and private in,.tinn, fnr cnhnnU a,nrln. Vv in th Si atp and I nnr rflarl tn say that today our number of boys especially I want hirp to be some and girls under twenty-one years what acquainted with vocal music, j 4 sufficient anyway to haxe charge . , n v i i is indeed very small. : Since practically all cur boyslahd girls can read and write (and we are going" to ; continue teaching tneny tne proDiem oi; reuucing ine the sentence, pronounced against per centage of pteracy in Jackson jessie Upton for the killing of hih son county is to be met in men bronher-in-iaw. Mariley jBrendle, on and women who have not yet iiad Christmas day, 1911i Judge Cline the opportunity of learning to read 8sed the aBoye sentence last Fri andwrite 1 :P : . - day aud immediately Jllpton's legal When we remember that North adviser gave jnotice of an appeal to Carolina sent into; the civil rw the State Supreme Court, The ap- ! thousand more inen than she had yotera and ieh we thinkv of the afdnebf the stru returhing home iyefi to llyi; wek nptvbhder so, mi the orphan sons and daiterrwere not taught to read and write. maiuIaxiM proutfof ieirily literacy.'; frbmtfie: tihdD nienive pruicipal isufferers, dadVltlstriie that a "great many' of their heads are getting white and they vrtll soon oe taken away,1 but sham e be to ns if we stand idly b v, waning iot iuem: to totter - mtq md grYiehVliwefpthcn to live live!a fuUer Ufenotvwit for them todier A ; -' r In KentupkX; the "Moonlight" Schools are;- very rapidly reducing adult illiteracy Cmd these schools are being established in ' many places in North Carolina , These I schools; werefirst organized in Row an County; KentUcky,;in 1911 and the first Vear almost one-third of the county wai.ehrolled.LThe teach ers of thedistrict schools hold night sessions where the men and women come, some tftjadd to the very lim ited education ieceived in the very inadequate tscnopls of their child hood, others to take their first les son iii any; chool. f . Next August vvhen schoph begin, I hope that these4 Moonlight'' schools will be starred in ah organized": and systematic way. But there is hi rd ly a district in the count in which a teacher does not live . or at least some one vho is capable to and I believe a great deal may be accom plished before time for school to start. I am glad to say that one of these schoo'sl basalready" started and a nianT foity years old who knew neither his letters nor figures has been taught to read- and write and add any Jnuniber; 1 hope to hSar in, $ Wm that these oeishavlfe ther couniylifelBRO - Bibficai Recorder, March 17. Pastor T. fc Dei tz wrote us from ,,urcws " ' "S,,: ".. ; I 0trt nn vatv wftll in mv nftw. fiftW. Wfi w" 'r v " ' " are having good crowds and snlen- am ,meres"; wf e . mjvu- uu,u"8 L"c uuuaj . Tbiilis "a is& ?eI? and t0 me !n,crease DUSinesatauu luer taDllsnmeni oi ma uu i ac i ur nig Pnts, the intlux ot population is considerable. Feeling my weakness have been authorized by the breth- ule Kecoer! 1 wa.u a young, ucuve man wuo can yreau.. wuu good at orgamzing and leading pee- P'fia Y. P..U. Work, etc. And or the caurch choir. v r wjiv. ,- . . JESSDFTOS APPEALS TO SUPREME r ; COURT Four yearsat harb labof was neai Was Granted anb defeudaht released bh $,000 bond. , 7 : 1 firyson City Times. . i . BIG' SLEET; s:of a.big sleet jn section last; wee; FRANKLIN FJAN BILIS SEIF. Dewitt Cunningham a prominent young man of Franklin , was almost instantly killed, Saturday afternoon when his pistol was accidentally dis charged and, the ball entered his brainy : 'Young Cunningham - was oriving along ths -road in a buggy and took his pistol from his pocket to examine it He wa3 loaking ; in to the barrel when the bnggy ran into a rut ani the jar discharged thepistoL; SliHOOLCLOSING The Graded school at Dillsboro will have its closing exercises on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of this month. V Saturday, night, the . nineteenth, .there vVill be an entertainment given by the children of the lower grades Sunday morning at eleven there will be a sermon in' the school auditorium. Monday after noon, at two, there will be aa ad dress in the auditorium. Men of interest will deliver the sermon and address and everybody will be wel come to hear them. Monday njjght, beginning at eight o'clock, the final entertainment will be given.; There will? be a ; small admisswn fee chariea ; i Eyerybpdy is cbrdiaUxv invited to : '. i - The Ladies of the Woman's Mis - - ? j vl' . i: sale at the auditorium on Friday fivpnin Anril 2nd. Voh mpmhor nf tho SnMatv wi 1 y ' - 7 ' i' I ing articles of needlecraft or home- -A A uiu ..,:n v; xt in ii . tPnts nf thA naokadft hut thftm ia more than a dimes, worth. an each ...;t,.r-.0w . : v ' A utile Willi itiuico, uicuu udius i and pretty waitresses where a Green Tea" will be served, will be orrandoH A program consisting of music and readings will be rendered, v More extensive notice will- be given next week. Helen Cathey Seat rr fFNSHS niRFCTflR RIlfiFRR Hon. Sam. L. Rogers left his ..r , . iA tx ri u ' , r watuu, y. Director of the i Census to whicb he wasrecently appointed by Presi- aeni Wilson. , , . ivir. rv-ugers ims lism sseverai poi - tions of importance; having 'been Collect or of Internal Revenue un- der the second adminstration of President . Cleveland and - having served fortwelye years on' the Cor- poration Cpmmissioaot NortbCaro i912.wheniMr.' Simnipn4wasV opl posed for the Senate by QhieH Jus. tice Walter -aark, and Governor Kitchen. vv,; Thomas Moore returned Wednes dayjrom; Raleigh where; he has . 1 1A1UUKUMAM9VMNJ' -is I - - -- : -' i , iTOlORIi lltlBY "4 , sr- x J. J; Willi was hereTuesday en- ;rW rdhte to Ruby City. Mr. Wiid states mines aref contemplating benning Mf if worlf up there, at once-v New ma- ehmery for the:. corundum works ';'r has been shipped and ia expected daily. 'A number of-men- will be It is the intension of the exploit- jers to construct t"an electric railway - j he pjwer oh bark Ridge creek. COL CROOK DIES Washington, t)., March 13. Cot W. H. Groqk. disbursing ofilcer of the White House, who was Presi dent Lincoln 'suiwdy-guard, and who has been intimately acquainted every President since, 1 died today at his home J here. He had been suffering from :pneumonia for more than a week. CLENVILLL Editor of the Jackson Co. Journal pear Sir--Fsee in the Journal the adverti.8evment 6i an a ony mous Author'who writes without giving his name, or address, says he. is 08ryears6l was lorn in Jackson, fie' thinks ,tKre isnp oneJiere wha . , can ghess' who , he is2 L amtten ! pears hilinioeihh v' Juaje Cannon!and others-la f Judge Uaniion si titpe. Tt -I remeitfr a m an that 5 visi ted Webster b the name of Jack Cog I think about the time that Swain wa organized. It was said mat ne anurms. son - nan eone . to r . owam Vouaiy. i guess jaCK, iX)g- Hill ia hi rn An in I MAttnAf HnI w ol"?r u,aw uia uus u e unPuua , xne auuuysuuus aumor as ne aa- I O 4. A. , T .- . .t. I 1 oo uian uiay uui ue miner ie uluuo ua 10 mi mau ''NiAAi,;.i.,.'.4SHi.i.4Avuiwi. IXv . ri;';'-' '-' vvim Dest wisnes to qjq journal. NEW HOSPITAL FOR ANDREWS. 'n r . p.Jnhk p..n, tlinniAd . L-l .-..lisA' : ' j-. j - A :Ziu' at nuuic wi, iui suiiucii uuu uuicr cases which will be modern and . (: thorougblyrequipped'and .managed in everyday. aii pnyrtcians m wis section wui l ' 'irit ..-i ...AA' . institution or tins' sort is badly- needed;an will be greatly appref L , . In acknowledgment of the gift of r t , j ;reai4zeu; lruui me piay out 1 xvicpiuuiuiuaua -.1 uuu picscutcu w the Missionary Society of the ME. h urchlladieV of ; the Baptist Auxiliary;' to be applied to the build- - I mg fund, of the 4 new . church, - the - j society wishes to extend heartfelt thanJorthe5 same; . as .well " V r-vMrsVM; IX Cowan ' L ;i!lt ;;IMrs? A: S. Nichols , : T " 'tes. W. a Rhodes, : .V J; iXavehahl Was t here yester - J i'kdtias was here Tuesday:!, ' , . j iu:1' " f -5 It I 5 U r i Education aiidJ mnediatelyiby Br