A v- 5-j: of le it-. t3 ' AWiA WlSstliA VOL. I NO.,7 V v1 : K V- v- - ' vpM.-.rtJvV..,i!.11 1 , rt r ' 1 "f-ll il- av v- - j in u- he! he od he m- th ler . Mi 13- he ne isa ve lys est to be cesi ice: of in illej rod the 111 rllJ ror er .rt t'r i;at s liri' tin urif itfai .A1 Aiivniii n ciniM, , a., ia U A II All ; (TV A J -inniin' debate withlVayliUe'andrc iuu ouuyuxo tuiuui, ia ine conte,stlor the Pf?y?; ( Participating in the State High Schoof Debating contest ai I whapel Hill in Ap ril. the Auction: S- 1 States should adopf! the" policy ?. "of SubsidizinitKMercliant Marjfnef Cathey will meet the , Vaynesville team at Wayesville and, while the Waynesville "school : is represented by boys,who of course are suppbsed to be better trained as a jrule, in debating than grWt f;hU Sylva School feels thajt UVhasV eyeti chances to win. ;The CantoiTieam cornea here and will be met by Miss Alice Gra and . Ur; Alex - Ashe lhe bylva folks 'are;, pretty confi dent of winning at home.- It is understood that the speeches on both sides of the question s are well prepared andlare worth atten tion of - people - who are interested in one of the bost vital problenisi ib Americaa politics 1 Vf RADIATING ROADS - V '4 . : - 'i T Washington, MarcE 18: A'bulle- , .; - tin. issued. by tney Office, of Pubjic - Roads I v'men illustrating hi the -ment numbers o fanners. "he map ah vc X ;: 4imprivd ro -ids centering at. SeUn i. One o.: :Ph5 In!sjt)ro Craded ScSobi clps Tit ltauuainvAfaernoonrrthe j i -t aw; mw aui uie ' rumor 1 - y7 oy t vau v aiiey in e ws: r Ti;.t&-' - 7? hatthere Had beenahooting ait A citizen of the Sapphire section Taylor ;Hampton the' sm)erm Cu.lLJ - " - . " - r6f Jahksnti nn.,thiia mn, tendent.was ably assisted by MUM Uf&SP tfi. feAK , calr Ht office recently- -d Maggie Moore. Hester, f?,. ul Glared that alarge dumber- of dtt rVivian Proffltt,'. ' , , " ' Vf ; , fcts aso;the.or the trouble zensof that Action were agitating -. T'ie closing exercises I began ' Sat- P1.1'."?? surmlse.that drink was the" riratter-df, getting that c&mmun-' uraay.rught with the omt-prt AA. at . the.bottom sat Ath tiaht I TV0 STILUS K r - morning. Rev; J. C. Bennett of tdeM'tta hYtU 1 nes preached the annual. sermpatQ - a large crowd, r Monday morato&i rW. vnn . uean, of uUowheef dfr.v- - - f7 ' 1 1 7 livprpH tli "Qroi Z ij: i story goes that Jones , .who i thA Blacksmith of themT was iritis tent wheu Baylofrmeiii fo threatened himlhmewayien yuuwnai ucu Uiitt, jjjti io COme IOt livered the "annual address in his able and , leasing mariner; the final entertainment was Moncfayi . v Ther entire program was cdrefully" ity annexed to Transylvania "'count ty.: H stated that the. people of the. Sapphire section were attracted to .Oris county and that donbtless sonre isteps vould be taken before the qbn'vehirig of the next legisla fur ' ; : LIFE'S LOMEINESS v vfl -r . ': - . . :.'.f .. . . , . : . A'?i CAPIUREB . .Deputy Collector Anderson Call bwayand Special' Officer Samuel T.' Beck 'made a'night rip to Wright's Creeks OcohaLurty. town ship,r, Monday an.il : ciiptured a blockade still belonging: 'to John a CherokeeV Indian. Swimmer waJj away from home at v off pn a tried disposing wf gome of .j theire -water. The officers tjuik1'; A in thekiir "house:: five- gallons of i'n whisky ndQOgalloi; . beer s, WWcAjWaft-poufa'w festal - cut p pYSiyy ":n - Before "TJriitStaten- ioner R, E. Osfiorne on. Monday-a muium a ueanug was -g? veil loiw Campbell on thf charge )f opera ting an illicit' distillery V raid, was made Saturday: jdibt t,y De puty Coliec?6r J;A, Gall) w and Messrs erry Plott ai : George Coble. rhe s 'l was dis ; J vd .in thebaaemeui;unSerthe 'na of Campi H's hotise. near- , .inook It was i copper, iltill of al n seven nty g-r) lions canafcitv and IT nf beer vfien f mndANeJrr' b v h n- jiur-i:, up ana u h ir J and .pamstaKingly arranged and va:'hi A sot was earned out'm a most excellent U rotwice WdiBim both times manner showmg excellent traiqing lafidth,whkt prd tb he a fatal Tie inclement weather prevenjted'aWoUU(j' .' ...A'. . a great number of people from " at, joi Cameto t0w!and gdvehira tending . he exeses-who. othe- upta Sheriff.feamsey and was wise-would have been present ' Wj towalf t&etresk of the MOUNTAIlf PEOPLE SUNDERED. , en iuwaiuc uuvuic vauiiua opeciai fh Syracuse.. Y.. lbst:Stardarf t SW"; of MaifchS: ' A-. -te.. NaVi - in . .i' ' '2, on5 as we stated was blacksmit h ,T.u - ri and Baylor a plowman on theMob Nurui varuiiua are anxious 'lor a , , . - j , ; -something substantial fropT .which tT& work:', they can receive ou,&mngAa 4" 9 accofdingVarrchdficdr Wift 'At.- .-..rVP.T- f r m town making s?c radiatini roads.. Only two relatively' unim portant roads leading out ffbmlSePJ ma1 are unuii prove 1. sj .ine loiai length of improved 'roadij iUL the were from Knox- with Patton Eros he s spending some tune,' to ; VefT-tJ- . - - . . p ; , . . r 6 P" -:miTdmg' of the road into town. . W-whlch warded to hiijbcaTitif'l: tof' hapr Think lovely thoughts, that every day be blest; . Look thou for od, nor fancy Him concealed; ' . .? Along earth's common way the flowers and grass Will breathe his name to thee when . thou shalt pass. To thy devinest self He stands revealed,- ; V i His conquering pawer througli loy- . made manifest. a Speak lovely words, to fall like sun- ' That youth may be o long a .fi ae but brief, . v . To add to joy ia life a little more, And take" some misery oufctrf earthls V vasVatorey-'S iT!h .a tit' -a i . . X' A'- ' iriantmga nopittau tne". thorny t)o lovely deeds, of brotherhood the bond; , u -. a - a Encb burden, ncHv lifted nH eac;i 1 " 5- . '7 A 7 T1 ' IE4 rested 0ym!s$ioer Usoorhq , boutici over to!;&United Star .&v'tv court at;AshsvUlftanr WvhV 25aBuBSHlS08 a -only 19 per cent of the total road ilea'ge asa res lit of the policy of improving part of the mileage - of tach important Toad'Uedding out flora their primapal injarket town1 and shipping point, the, farniersrhX neany every part oictnes , vounjy Jiave an ! improved xoaH Jfotit jeast part of their haul to market As was pointed out by President ; Ha. r ri8on of Southern Railway Com- pany ill' liis; addribefore' Abg . iAmerican Road Congress at Atlanta 'the farmer . should be "given " first 7EDSTEG-CLlfDE DEDATE r .... , ' - I . ' . V" , - ;-Oarolin untiuiiedf vrA'; ' :;y "K f I The dyde:sHigU&fipl6 a dehinift hSn r m fose 'bf fie school. and two with Webster-ane heret I Clydend onenrWeeWe: 5 f to give twbhh W&sbecailse' we coma v not :tei ; anou;i;iiu school to join in the.trIAtfe.''v.'L- AH! THElNVttkAGHIFf OF JflE PINE FOREST u: How it clears the throatahdlaq of its mucofments: .ltis" this spir)t pf ewnesf 'hdvigor fr5hi thi healthtgiving Hney Forests brought back by Drl BellV Pjine-Ta Honey. J Antiseptiaand healingbuy &'-WMed the:pages of.the Court Redords mam iiiiu urn w w m as w w. w icai - w .tww x . - . . i ng the; Lenten andT the viask. Piff.T.Nowtfehext-fermf Crirriinar;An,those- untrodden paths that ar brE; Astretch bejond; ;sin the fourth dlstnct' 4 . y 0 , - . , copaf i.hunhesin the fourth district diocese of Cejatral -NeW Yofifcc'V "TheiuaHy; of ytiemofenTts are tired of itieien$a "ni whicltiliej r have ! Md &rmisQ years and are turning toward tho persons whQcan'supD definite reiigMJUii fdod'for?lfem Awhdea.&n Allen said Jfeflyoi the preachers formerly ,we;bonr victs ormboighiners; whd from prifon; SHopteifi r tft dje&af ; role tajedyer up tHtracksifrom, iuc euvtu auiuonues. lueir worn : . . ft : . I I j 1 1 I ii mi ' in The;7ottowing: epiQ to durVper versa friehdsthe, mule. haV-Been Farmer The mule,.he is a funny sights ; v i4cciaj iuii ; xuncLS : ana 'I sbrinds: i' 'a" " Jornadbest; feattiering rams and '. a things -x a ".VsA k He s fat as any risonedVpup; inenos, me. mute, nss-Beeaj A Ved by -TTi6?jrogresslTO;in?r- A ' "; mer' - , . -. Plte; flnd;-.streiigUi of rui ..ixu; J. -tiecejborn; a - . - CERTIFICATE . OF, DISSOLUTION Ta AH to , Whom These Presents May Come-Gfeeting: ir Whereas, It appears to mv sntsV- .a :j ny - autn - f4 t I f I f v v. ' ftA, 1 . 7.-. acSay's olariMuty, teaches J)- ?or ot ;h oceexlig r fcVpi " - iiboiessr " L-i.. Iibcr Jtda m . 'v-m.; Thoughts ,wofds; and deeds! Ho stand for truth in alii Altiia is trie creed : that counts. consiaertion in, the, selection pr; mstill jgar He's always Svfc'rountflto, dV ar county roads to-be:imprtved.sai4 modntairieers;hut this Tear is being he things inqst don't want i Mthe gtest-bnumber, a&a6i$&br though the' .wM " bifn & ? ' ' . : ! ,! P. i'J A mhHAnnAh ft I l&Mi .nloAnlnifinH f the workloTthetrained iurlefvinjof j veldus l ar penica ;ge.jarep;A: v Respect;; ' , myouvi uicw pcupic, iiiuoi ;vviium . mev say tnev am t sot mteliecr-1 ' That may $e sorbut if -f.you'ye got cannot' read prxftitef, was illustrat- 'byhArchHeani of E. CHedden; wsf re tues'd fe. 3 irnm prevaro, ne.'guesjrtms sk- ten Mrs. sopnia uwara the city Tuesday? ;;v-t - c OOIUB ID-aaV.ArUl JU "U&UJ, UU.I wrailCi: iuiwHi:.iKaBay: . , A . A" i I v ! Tsnfmnf t tho rffT, T,i Lnr., "r. VvV 1 i Qectnc Bitters;a?prm2 toDicraJ from Bryqoati, i, - s:f itlv thSepfortemKif . the law cHducfiflgWiceq." S-fe: fi '; i ,v s-. ;Ai 1-V. c- i 1 -.? i - a -A i s . a s' o -..- v- - -Av - - a a - - a vf a , , - A i crirtrdini though the way Fronting Oielight. nor fearin'tol Ari : recoil, . ; t St&:AhCn5rJ(kiiQft back 'foall. ?: Chambers Journal; -1 .j v. THE HOONSHUSER; , (Charlotte Observer! Mfiuring the month of February reveriue'agentt; 'destroyed ,-seventy-eigrqpnshihers .plants ih North Arifl.wntofle: let8 it loose at . iioon, d fraction t)f the number in operation Iteoun&nkeuzsawsoiitdft illicit still seems tn'. Ha a .'. ta- Ha.tands around with sleepy eye , i visd. institution in - this: state: -the AntrooSsrasif Iie'dlike to.die: - AliQutgrowth of new"' conditions in a division of the resDonsroflit : v , bo-f Iween Federal and Stateauthorijies m recent years ine j? eaerai courts kaifechanged ; m, characterftie dockets being now; as .cledr of moonshining cases as. they former moonshiner onerate? -now Witli Ju;t;pule:fe bfaTtaiL L; a Wess fear oi! tie faiyrand this .""v -mv vmu,iu uwwflu uu,,, n u wwuaw y uciiauoc lis. KMU UDOD mm nas relaxed. ,jLhe jcutting .of the TV. Attorney Renry ; G4 Uobeftfion va A3' " Tr-. v -Z 7rv;,aZ asnere- tms week, n -business from FrirnkfiiL V A ;1 ny.'f a ' cdrpDration of tulV State. whosVprinc1j?4 tiffice.r, situated in the town W Dulsbpro, Corfntyof therein and in charge thereof whoin.Drocsessiriav be: servAfrt "W& complied .withthe requitejnents ; c$ :. Chapter 21; Revisai of 1905.endtli". ; "Corporations,!!: yrfliminary the-n Now, Therefoe, I. J. feftYAN- : GRIMES, Secretary of StateJoth 4 kM I! 4 I the dissolutioriWf said cornoration 1: executed-by f&f the rstocldiblder ; tnereof. records are provided u xvsuuiuuy ) n uereor, i nave nerd- , which jsardjconseht and'the V AP'? i of the OnSceedini nfnwa? SJ' now on file Iff myiaid oiaace cs Y- v1 hy;lawi4r": - 'V -: ' -&-'-VJ .1". r 'j '- V to set mya and edmv-.S: w, uvuitui.3iu(ir;igu, UUS OUl XiaV - . ,v s.jA - ' 4-.,4 if ' .- j-. ok, an grihej;b;: s . -;'cretoy'(SfSto led iff tnt nffl TLTM s - - ' "I's ioill , , ' , " T.rir J- 'C - - - 4 v A,; . rvirrnrit niirrnv. 1-'- . t 1 nipply U.twoqpajifaimdnis fkediujiVfcy romoTssfndlcntion wQw.uxuuuv.icyivm vi -moon, i e3riy unaay mdrmng 'after a hntf- a - " vy. iiruoiju uic , suppression... oiiennfiiiesiF ? V a j - ,v' , V MiisMcroria talker dahter of ;d; p Walker 'edrat her:fr6me V V 1 J i I