VOL. I NO. 7 SYLVA, N. a, JULY 23 1915, As the result nf i . - The coroner's jury imparled ' eraSo'vi'6 J' Smers, yesdeath of Don E. Herbert, son of o ' r th? ChamPin Fiber State Senator J. (!. Herbert, of Hay-! ph' !V ' Were seriously scali esville, Clay County, who died early I cL1 ot,,-l.. , . . . aiiy Wine Was GfolAA c , ,cluay earning snortly aft er he 1 ff . " ""m Bead to was found by He aunty au hiri-ie-i q u , condition is serious. on the Svvaananba road, fott.d at ! i.Zr?. " are fined the inquest held at Noland, Brown 1 While th " Pa" of his body- and company's undertaking parlors ' Jf ZV SK Verv painful. they that the deceased had come to h ! S death from a self inflicted wound ' T T" Sent t0 the Mer MissArey Watkins and -Herl ..h0Spi!al at Ashsville late Owenbv: held hv ih ..... . i "ra"y evening 0EPD1Y COLLECTOR 'BIG UNB AHCTMNatEl $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE LiJiirl . M. Bueh anari hoc. f i -urn F . x lluz a lcugz lorce ot j hands and a surveyor cle aning out the streets and surveying th- lots, or- y. j CtlxLUVJl ties, were released following th , cs -v, im port of the lurv. The principle witness in the case . . TIT was miss watkins, of Andrews, who CATTLE FED IN NORM CAROLINA BtBIftG TBE PASTSFASOff. T Dep.ity Col!e3tor J. A Gal-bwa?T- o: t:i3 I.eai ora-a? ta, i 4. teruai revenue dsDarfmpnf u .a .... escape from death an-i ' , thp pfr -u " as savea w uuurc nouse, in or- members of a raiding party who T T WtlKh Ume h wi be returned to Asheville vested ' V6r t0 the At'a"tic Realty from a trip to Transylvania conntv 1 0a t0 b8 sold auction AifrK -t., i 1 n J' "xx two otner onicers, Mr. Gallo- !E0 CONDITION IMPROVED. Th uiicis, ivir. liailo- i 1,1 uie losc desirable way made a visit to thp f i resident sppMc aucuic mi iiu tiie rnrnnrn. western section of the p.m. nBj ifi. i!m!. uiecorPora ; , , sixi-y, auu ! iiiuits Of me triwn Tkfl. aic uijjiinerv ninn nd ; .,n O'ast. Operators made thir MMr,fl upon the approach nf th r officers, and uncle Sams sleuths put on sale the 20 of Aug. REV. -i. M. RATCHFORD DEAD. swore that she came to Asheville gard to thp '" inornlation in re- officers, and uncle s .n's euth last Tuesday with h,k ' r 10 the orln. '"cation of feed- immediatelv hpdon ,k .A ,UtbS j i . v-iuci' ino farm HJof.'U J uic LcJStV OI CUT- and that since coming here they nrice nh t 'n and se!lin I Ud the Plant t0 Pieees. 1,au uccu apenmng most of their tl fV- -u - u"ei cac time driving around in automobiles JselsoTI " dUrin" the past She testified that the deceased had i Tr f lntere3t to ma-iy been drinking a, white liqufd lwch 'ZZT ia cattle he had to W,V ..T , (lana ' tne coming winter, t:,, . . A V y "11 ll.'ly-. I I w" v . l kill V I l-fVfl vnW V and water. The chauffer who , drove ' Kr-?.sno the wie ri- away from the mountain, J 3: "8- "e aa1 beea ia declining them on their last ride tftiRnw i o" ... aaa'tabU.ty of North I Place bis hand on tt " .wealth since last August and hH mai i i,Hm mo ir- , i n . m s , . it was alcohol. I "blx"'a d,lu Ia"ed cattle to quick as a flash, the officer inm, i Deea confined to his home r. "ataujs tesuiiea tnat thev i i ... Milledgeville, Ga., July' n provemejit Jd the caaditio.) Lo M. Frank was nnnmm .- , oy physicians attpnfiin j they continued huDRfi.i u;. iwi i u it;- coverv from th irr,e . . ...... w .u.ub -wound in- .hctedbyj.iiam Green,n fellow Pr-soner at the Georgia priskarin The lollowing officiaC tiHetin signed by Doctor, a n ' Thomas M. Hall and .Harry f0Ses wo iuouc UUOllC; , . ,LAL5p m L3 M-o .'SR was od;temneratnr(;n(v,K tion.18. Woun.:isSm;; "-e con flowing a period of declining W As on. nf tha fr. , I health extendind n ,( Wctory." UiUucis iooKea up h- v,cl ucdny- a inuers oi the star -; auLamcw wun a double j A v- Mctt.ee Katchford "llssion wiu come here Saturd-v tn arrel snot gun crawl from hpnoatK died at his hnmo .. I investicffltp thv ot a brush ri tn h;0 i . v uuui unester : --vs-yj q frank. a orusn, rise to his knees, a m at ; street at 1 nVot Mr.Gallnwav wh, w T ' ruay morn- j v aj niiy yaras Craig place on the Swananoa road ' sbm Id "T" f the Sta toget water forHerbert to dLSj easfr Wn feeders alcohol and then he offered her 'T' the. maJr P""ion of tha i. c --tx iaLiie LO 4uiuiv as aiiasn, the Officer inmnorl 1 the chief consuming marlcPts r hpfW ' , GF JumPed ! country. dU In aaner and the : w ii.na. oonn. r 1 . . . . v aaoai 14IlIr a ia with hi5 1 nidS country. . s. anU lug stopped sh3rtly before midnight a t It is t lc would-be- assai l inir a id with his the watering trough near the old that thecal ffo J 1 CUrSe IeveIed UP the holder of proid o LUdL LIie cattle feedprs nf ti,A-c.k th d, i , "A u my an or the -mie since Chrisf- For the past three weeks he . muiuvi yJL the gun, he ordered that the weapon - -puu. orOPrs WAro r, fc alcohol and then he offered her 'the Th- maJr Prtion of 1 obeyed-however. the man who felti Hencehis death was noi andOwenbya drink, but they re-lfnndamif1VS"'naC?0rd with that he had been wronged by the i unexPected. ; fused. M anal h ,'"7 ' f revenue officCTS making a hasty ' Funeral ces were conducted iuc wjuisss iurtner testiTp thof iu-.j . ' iJ ""a.aiiuis ic"cai uirougn tne th nki.w bert had ask I ZZ -cent tract. Officers foiiowed him .1 . . ! Cclls Lue price ox feedprs hoo k ho .mnkji.. i . ' had been in a very critical c mdi tion, most of the time being uncon- not ful animal hushaHrv "iST. ".r.r..." "laKlng a "asty . . " were conlu3ted the fiw hi; "U 13 .U8tt ,le tmckl '-wooded I tne yesterday afternoon at " """S recent dCI. umcers foiiowed him h.,t 6 o'clock bv Re r A .... i " w w . . j i I i I II .... iiuorAV I she and Herbert had asked ,h ' . !? ' " the faCt that dur recent tract. Officers folic chauffer where they could iZSST Jf ubteoly had a betterea . of the M. K chaTlS'S' the night and he indicated M , m I pJni0 to the price3 re. , lwssurnnitogsjthai SYLVA LOSES. Sylva lost tO C;mn . Bryson Wednesday tn tU' 1 to 4 This was a cI6le g un- Ud to th, 8th when Mva boys wemwndandlet8 It is believed thnf -i.., : have won had they ' Ualthr regular players. " ? ' They will nlav th::p-r1c; Saturday and this'fa -p' to . oe a hard fnndhf rt' . . hi- a- suig as ii is to .decide the tie. house several hundred yards otr"alZZ ords ; gave chase, for he succeeded in : P-stor of Main - StreeT MethS the road. Anmrriinrf tn " maKing up tnis summarv making his psono irh,,. , flaemoaist wpi-o 1. , " " -"iv.. "utui, ana kpv . f ra,v " iiiwiuiuc 1 1 1 nr I i j ri i . mony they then left the road for L ,1 pluJuuceu on 'the farm thehouse but as there had been a "I16" futtened' but th- results from lot found practi-1 d Ket standP0'nt show that washout, it was not found nrH - Ll cable to get the car up to the house. Th;ysat down. Miss Watt; testified, by the side of the road i 3 Wldb demand for and while the chanffpnr wQC . i Prices Farm New. " ia x ing the engine Herb-rt who had ' been talking about committing sui- : O v'ui-u" ajr, odiu iu , iier, i am no matter under what . v""ui iiui;s the cattle are produced thprp a wide demand for them at current il Mil CH TAIJ j The big closing out sale of T. C ; Bryson is causing much talk nowa days as all of the goods in the stock are new, seasonable JnnHc Qnd . c-''. uuu llic puces on tnem are the lowest ever rnt 1 . i - un baie in tins county. Remember the date, Friday, July ou. - t " 1 X. ' 1 1 going to kill you and then myself, ulu mat vnen she b gan to cry8 and beg. him not to kill hf, he relented and said, "Oh, hush up I am not going to do that." Other witnesses wh; testified in the case included Owenby, Deputy Sheriff Weldon Penland and Fur man Ward. Their testimony, inso far as they were in a position to know the facts, corroborated in the in the main Miss Watkins' account of the shooting and incidents lead ing up to the suicide. Miss M a t L-i n o Ti7rt 1 ; r i- a i ..xaw "uimuo, uu uvea ul heiu, i ' v"-" "laiuu were quietly rews, N. C., stated to a Citizen re- j married Sunday evening in Augusta Dorter that she had knnwn HarK i at the home of thp hriH'o w , , iiviLui "uv o giauu" uiuuier, ivirs. aran U. Ivey Awhile h;"-ac- I "un, and Kev. J. C. Deitz, pastor umcers declared vesi-pxdnv tho- !of the ft . . ma l i -"iuuin JUULUcrdll CUUrCh they recognized the man who at- j Interment was in Hollywood tempted to kill Mr. Galloway as a Moses McKee Ratchford was born connrmprt hi v-uMuCi wuo nas given i"1 io, ioo, at the old Ratchford a great deal of ironhlp hv orf r, i hnmp nior. u at . TT illicit nin,. -r::.r. u. r. uu luc i,ew npe wad --.uiom Aidiisyivania and ; ouuut tnree m pq fmm . - i . i i vi Hum vJcJtjlOIlia adjoin ng counties. It is stated He was a son of John Ratchford' .nai numerous threats have bppn About 25 vears ,dn u , n, ..' .. ,-o - . . l . e- muveu to ,utJ tit;ai.I.-l ! IIP HO nt l,oornni - 1 l j , way by manufacturers of whiskey in transylvania section. Thp nffiocuvn t..-j i -xvxo icpLJiteu a Dusy as MARRIAGE OF M!S0 DUN AND MR. BOONE Miss Ila Mae Dunn and Mr r n Boone, both of Macon were quietly for about two years and that he had been paying her attentions for sometime past.J She slated that ' he had been married bur had se cured a divorce. She said she knew the brother of the deceased, Dr. F. L. Herbert, who is a resident oi ner home town. Two.brothers of the deceased, Dr. Herbert, and W. H. Herbert, of Hayesville, came to Asheville last night in response to a telegram in forming them of the death of their rel at tor the body to be shipped to Hay esfville at 8:30 o'clock this morning. Several hundred curious persons have called at the undertaking par lors to view the remains but in de ference to the wishes of the rela tives only relatives and friends were permitted osee the body MissLumn was vis tin rf in that O IVAAlAl city. The ceremony which was performed by Rev. 0. P. Gilbert was witnessed bv the famihpQ - i -mivg Ull J. a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs Rnnnp lpft . xvxi numcur ately after the ceremony for Macon iu matte tneir iuture home. Gastonia and had made his home nere ever since. For the past fif teen years he had spent practically LV-il I vv QO Ull III I I I N I I rriU OflllmW D Ll. . Well as an Mmntfi t i l i. . . & cs dllu nlant, hT tive 01 a rehg.ous character. Midi IS. WfllPh U7PTO rrnn4-J 1 TTv 1 1 n. . . . , wpcidieu con- pieacnea orten and m the sum mary to the provision of the United j mer usually spent a month or more states internal revenue laws wp nreachind in th. . "i1 iuc iiiuuiiiauis. ne cut up during the absence of the! was a member of the Methodist revenue men from this city, and I Episcopal Church and for 25 years the report which they made to i was a local preacher of that HPnnmL tneir superior officer at Grpprham ! nation Rp h;h . . , vpotrrio seui uuu not only ye&ieraay was a comnrehpnsivp bv Dreanhi nd hut Kir 1 w r:ii x V . a Kiy pxaeillK DIOieS one. Citizen. SMALL BOTDROWNED Willard Elkins, the ten year old son of Lot Elki ns wqc A vuu n ii mi i and religious books in the hands of many people who would perhaps never nave nad those books July 22, 1789, he married Miss Alice McArver, who survives him together with six child ren namplv near his. home at Democrat, Tues-1 S' Lier, Mr. Giles Ratch day, in Big Ivy Creek. Hp ! ford Miss Ersey Ratchford. Gradv dim Audrey Katchford, of Gastonia, Mrs. Slagle, of Canton is spenaing a few days in this city. Hance Pressly was in town yesterday. R. S. Green was in the city Thurs day on business. Miss Lucy Divelbliss has returned to her home in Asheville after STYPnrl w W VUU in snmp. time In Svlvo a - m. IUC gUCOL of her grandmother. Mrs. A titiSa - my Leatherwocd. ound in about ten feet nf ' ' uivi i . ana orougnt out. and everything possible was done to restore con sciousness, but after working with him for some time there was no sign of life. KILLEOjy BULL. Barnev Burlpsnn nf Rornr,l..:il Wi uuiuaiusvulc Buncombe countv. was nrH ta w O-'-. vvx. Qxiu tossed by the horns of an angry bull. Which he had fnllnwpH WW vv 111 tV Lilt? l 1 1 siaoie last Monday. Medical aid was summoned but he died about 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Burleson was one of the most prominent citizens in w . . iUQL section, and was 70jyears old. vx uaoLUUia, and Mrs. A. A. Clark, of Charlntro 7 XVVLVi Two children are dead. He also leaves the following hrnthpra nrA O wwvi.xxu QxxVX I sisters, namely: Mrs. Maggie Hanna Hf r . 1 r . mis. ivxarcna Jane Holland, of Gas tonia: Mrs. Ada Brown, of Ashland Va., Mrs. Laura Leener nf Rpimnt- r -i v xxxxxx v. , Mrs. Mary Pettus, of Groves; Messrs. Lucian, Eugene and Joe Ratchford of this county. Mr. Ratchford was held in hirih uic-U esteem oy all who knew him or, - w AAA xxx UUU his life wa? one which tnid good all with whom he came in con- 4- n TJT "11 1 ... ictuu ne win ne missed in the home and in the church and by friends scattered over this section,, all of whom will learn with sorrow of his passing. Henderson vilie nrnnhcpo -.iF' u - - r'-h-vuou nave a clean bill of health thio.ox To that end the board oi city com- .-.wiouers nave passed ordinances which if conscientiously enforced Will tpnH f-. ti, tt , nenaersonville a clean and heathful town in fact as well as in name. For instance, an ordinance was passed recently making it unlawful with o u.. xix uuuars ior each day violation, for any person, to tain either a privy or wafer that is not absolutely fiv nrr pnviesaccessible tn " io De aooiished and made. Another ordinance requires luai mi siauies snail haye .dry proof bins with maggot-proof toms for the ddilv Stnra ni manure and that once a wppIt manure shall be removed, from the cuy. A further requirement was all market places be ipnt sanitary, screened from flips -'tvk; open to the inspection nf th health officers at any time, and that an meats De kept covered and Proof while in transportation. mi i ine commissioners wpnt iurtner and made it inflow dl - uxtlUTriUI any person or firm to -pnd vraaiixxig auu ironing without 1 having procured a nertliw j j i . . 'V-Mt igoou neaitn irom the city health yjuiL, sieam laundries excepted Tn thp - "auu Mincer, ur. Frank Cranford, is the credit inese ordinances, which, if enforced, will go a lond was making this city what it should as a summer resort safp uuxv iwi visi tors. It remains for Henri Pronn ri 1 1 v -.vunwovuimc to really show whether she meant business when these ordinances were passed or not. of the main- closet All to fly- bot- cf all all that clean, and city that fly- step for in first of Dr. J. of strictly toward be visi- The Orphans S'ngiag Class will be at the auditori 11 IT! VridlT niriK- instead of Thursday nht as was advertised last week.

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