V t 1 I VOL.IY N0.7, SYLVAv N; Cj $1.50 THE YEAR INJADVANCE r- - ..,,' -, , , -k " "J . ... . ) 1 "- V' ' u ..'v-'.j.,, v g'"" . - r : LAD 18 ELECTROCUTED GETTING HlSTLETflE EATONTON.Ga, Dec23.-Lyman SDHiEEflS FRANCE Nov. 24, 1918. V; Dear Father andFamilyIneed 1 ' rr-: - ' r"i its; the rreAtest pleasure r; of Vany TT vofti thft 1 2-VPHr-Olll SOI1 OI Uf. . 1 , v , ' V ; , - ;ind lrs. Frank Hearn.xweU-knowni momc,U ever passed to .write you ed lte ounaay aiternpou.near me tvp Jof a ! tree, when he touched a live jwire hiWathenrii rn for Christmas. Tfe-feoyllf sorhe DO (eet from the tree-top x to the ground below with the mistletoe still clenched in bis hands, and died be? rVire jie' could be given any assistance ' llie accident occurred in ront of w (residence of JJL.WillisVon' Jef- i rson street. The boy was return- . i;lti home from theMeth6distchurcn sy Atte he , ha bJtSr Clirikmas carol wihlsjilayaa A akefield. Walker, when they nbtic- vl trie mistletoe in the tree, which i)im Hearn stated he wanted to i-iK.e! to his (mbther i Besides his parents he is survived 1 y one brother, Lieutenant Francis leatn of Souther Field who has just : irWed home on a furloughhtf orie i&ter, Miss. Lina Hearrt. Dr. Hearn w as . formerly ounnected wi- h the; L juthera Dental college of Atlanta 1 OPENS WITH BRIGHT PROSPECT S Recause of the fact that the Sylva Holleate Tastitute had . ; t to, close : ..za!th6 scnoolaidflot have ; afivery hathv holiday recess. - It re-open- d last Thursday and as the attend . ...- laistftpiiincreasinT every fPlslSed -thathlfpTlsent i irm! will Jie. one of :th .be$tc i Listory of the school. C. earned of General Pershing i setting today as Fathers' Day, and request ing ever y : American soldier to write N AND I S. OPENS. Th riiHnwhee Normal and In- '... ir.i XrfWi Wnn the SDrin f' orni lasfWednesday, with bright i w o fnr the coming session. i JUVIjbV w I to mis L.fatber.tThere :s will be a special ship to carry the -letters across the ocean to America. I have long desired to tell you all about my trip coming over here, but was never :ilkr ?d to write any thing J2dacermii it. " ; I know yovi have aii learned the good news about the great : peace dove ' spreaiinu her Wings once more upon, this art!i. This hap pened in the eleventh month,, the eleventh day. and at the ) eleventh hour. I heard the last gun fired the minute before the whole- world hoisted the white flags for peace. Oh my! how glad all of us soldier boys! ; W e hp ve been celebrating victory in every way i ru aginable, The roar of cannon was a contin ual noise in my ears for over two months and a half while I was on the firing line; . t sure have; faced many dangers and gone through many hard :ii?ps. There have; been several high explosive shells that fell and bursted within a few steps of me; I have ;becn in a few gas alarms when I had to wear my gas mask. .J , Thank God this great and awful conflict hns ended! , My hopes now are to sail tor dear oldU. S. A. soon. Vou have no idea of how homesick iramndtoa wqntm-ey ow 1 iTr".- '".x. .'rnrmM, rrtr-Tt at an ana ten you some or my aciuai ek'enences in this great war and abou t m y tra v els-in far away Eu- rope ; " " ' ,. . I know you don't want to see me one bit more than I do you, and mav God hnstea the -day when I will embark for America and ar rive safely at home. I can tell you more then than I can wiite in a week. 1 sure- did come along and round about way to get here, wnen l left'CamDSevier I went to New . ... 1, V JP .jiM pes l2- w 0 USA ' V Outlook Of Whe Smithern Farmer i - CHARLES A, WHITTLE, - Soil lmprovmot Connittee, Atlanta, Qa. Prosperir glow oa th horlson o; the Southern: farmer's future H tie.wUl 'ral:bir trop8.''.:'C ' v.:Vl:" V'w--- And the ctf 6t a neey wprUl We the Southern farmer to grow M crop of oottonftBd food Hl obligation Is to respond. He must fight on, for peace bilnci no armtstlcs for-the farm. ' Cotton la the hope of the ragged wprld. JWar-torn countries are look ing to the fields ot the-South for help; ;4lt will not be in Tain. The Southern f4imer win meet ; his .resn&bility. ' - Prices at ' which' oodoa crop wlti $8 sold will; be ruch mm will pay the farmer welL for the fact will remain that e world must hare-the . cotton. . .A-:.a : , .. ' y. v'4 ".'V : boj beans of the South wUf find Teadr marTearJbthe-JOjr or tats 4hat'they FOOD INSPECTORS HOLD CONFERENCE i i i i Raleigh, December 30 The In spectors for the Food Administra tion in North Carolina were in con ference today with State ; Food Ad ministrator Henry A. Page. With the removal of the regulations upon eating-houtes and most of the regu lations upon the wheat milling in dustry, the work of the inspectors is lightened to some extent and Ad ministrator Page today instructed the inspectors to devote the greater part of their timennd attention to the detection' of profiteering or speculation in food stuffs aud to preaching the gospel of conservation so that food supplies may be avail able for export to the starving mil lions in Europe, 0 Profiteering will be severely pun 'shed up untiPthe day-the Food Administrator ceases to be which will be when the treaty of peace is formally signed and proclaimed to the, country by President Wilson. ANNUAL STATEMENT'' W. L Henson C, S. C. fees J. W. Buchanan Sheriff fees C. W. Hensley witness E. L. Dillard W. L Henson Clerk's H J. Wi Buchanan Sheriffs John Norton witness W. L, Henson Clerk's ' J. W. Buchanan Sheriff's M. Galloway V . W. a Matthew? Claude Mason, 4.40 .30 1.00 1.00 4.85 .45 .55 4.25 5.05 .65 .30 ; .60 ..50 contain. Cattle, hogs and dairy producits wulontinue to bring good prUes X W Bujjftanaii Shenffs rhe attendance is unusually large said from all appearances all the students are there for business ,"'1(1 II11S IS CAUttivu w w iuir aim uviu """ w - , . , Ue feit term, the school ha,; eer et?;I .a 1 v u.-a l- ' oailoH Hnwn the ereat iawrencei r - UUVU - r - ouiw w ... o : What T IiAua iA - ,;r m thpfinlf of St .Lawrence. . my v" - ilrnn n ki.Abt ...U4. T buffered More Than b.ne . " yhen I get home. , T 11? IUUI ClUU ilCYV I uuuuiuuu iv huiuua to rnme from Montreal to Halifax. ecaue ot the lie vy lire stoclc loaset of EMrope. The Southern farmer should plaa with "an expectation of improving his labor, condition, with the return of troops J and the shutting dowtt-of aTnmunttlon factoriee. ' r: Immediate Preparation" PrepanQon for spring planting thould go'rapidlj ahead. Seed, fertil izers and other farm supplies should be bought without delay. Materials : on which' the, gornment has fixed prices wu continue to bV tabelized until they are consumed, so that there are n prospects of lower prices before spring' planting. . . - ' ., Delay means to face shipping-difficulties The railroads are going to, be overburdened with: traffic. Cor: some time to come. They should be given ' abundant time x HAD ALMOST GIVEN UP HOPE 0h i how Cold it was the last AFl'Ek EIGHTEEN YEARS OF -davs in May, as we sailed through : : r - . . TROUBLE-GAINS, TWENTY- TWO POUNDS TAKING TANLAC I the Gulf of St. Lawrence. We sailed into the harbor of Halifax, N. S., cast anchor and (stayed there a day and night without getting off board. oiilv weighed ninety pounds We were joined there by a large . " I . T .uui had suffered for eighteen years fleet. On the first day ot June we w hPnh'Kean using Tanlac ,and now sailed away for far away Europe. l ain1 well again and weigh one hun- We were two weeks on the water ured an I twelve po dLds, saia before we lanaea at i.iverpoui, uB- 1, i si J. W . B'mk le y , 5 1 04 Illinois Ave- kand i ue Nashville, Tennessee. - . I An enemy submarine attacked fvlv sufferings were more than 1 our fleet on the way over, out one rould bossibiy. describe, and nadlQf 0Ur destroyers put it out or ousi- 1 4tttkiW eighteen long years. I Uess. We We disembarked at Liverpool Well, before I worry you with too long a letter! guess I had better drop this subject and begin to close Hope you all had a nice time at your birthday dinner. Well, I will close with the hope of seeing you all soon, but please an swer soon and give me all the news. Give my love to Myrtle and all the family and connection and friends. Again I say, please answer soon and write often to Your loving son, Glen Ward. . Co. F. 105th Am. Tn. A. E. F. CITY SCHOOL CLOSED. MURPHY DIVISION WILL OPERATE ON CENTRAL TIME BEGINNING JAN. I LW. L. Henson Clerk's J, W. Buchanan Sheriffs J hn Wilson witness W. L. Henson Clerk's P.C. Morrison Sheriffs ' W. L. Henson Clerk's G. M. Cole Sheriff's 0. L. Lanning witness " J. C. Henderson W, L. Henson Clerk's " J. W. Buchanan, sheriff fee G. M. Cole W. T. Wilson, witness M W. L. Henson, clerk fee J. W. Buchanan, sheriff fee W. L. Henson, clerk fee J .W. Buchanan sheriff fee T. A. Wilson witness fee W. L. Henson, clerk fee J. W. Buchanan, sheriff fee G. M. Cole, " " Grady Martin, witness fee Beginning Jan. 1, Murphy divi sion of the Southern Railway system will be transferred in the central time zone, and the new time tables Chap Bradburn witness fee that show time movements will be C. P. Shelton witness fee .. . j. I W T. Hen snn clerk f eft nmir oornor n rnio mvisinn - . than eastern time, but it is not thought that any confusion will re- G. M. Cole sheriff fee Ham Cowan, witness fee W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee lUTto live 6n the lightest of foods and boarded a train for a rest camp ..!'- '.1 f' ' ..-- . . Ji J nn mil 1 t l..nl-4 mSlaa 9W9V fit 7ur 1 T ; V 7w ;;hM:pr Fnd influenza epidemic the Sylva Graded the. ancient city, of Winchester, Lng- , , , . - rer fin ainAimt nf tho return rf Hie Mild-even milk would sour ou my about two nunareu umk m 1 Ann w f 1 j i ui 11 111 1 i rnninnr nil ir f 11 uu 1 1 111 ir stomacn anu ionu gco u.Ql lllc auVit -T , h,a hfpn lofipH for the keen me in misery for Hours. 1 naa land, wnerewe re5iea ior d wiv. mainde . of the school ear vn streii'Hh leTt hardly and aunougu tnen we went to ooumaiupiuu, The school has 5een close(1 for t K0Qt treatments L could land, and boarded a snip iorr ranee, the past several weeKs, ana was i -uicu tut ,r . , . J r 1 T r Ua ' i-1 rnt rfind down hill and sut- O how roun tne water was, wun ouiy reopeueu iasL mvuuay yuu l i . - ' t .ioo fiMollv uha to cn hidh when we e: i-inpg agonies um . 1? . 7 xirZ , mitteemen t Hose it for the rest of - 1 1 T .......U tr he nneraten on the hnensn unanuei. vc uiuoocu ioiuwuuiu uav - r- T rr- the year. aVd that . there wasn't much nope. 1Q one mgnt, iana ng .-vf , 'viy hiwhand'ilot a bottle of Tan- France, and boarded a tram mere wuwa .uu . 1 1 . j I ' 1 ! 1 1 .nmn in Mm.tVturoet-I Tlf. n..i. C AnfAnin TflVQS I be for me and 1 started tatmg it lor an aiuuciy wmi; uiHwwnwi wm." uarues, oau nuww, v,A, J, riJe'tah to im move. I have taken Urn Francei We stayed there about writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar has eiahtloottles have gained twenty- two moiUhs. We sure did do some been worth $30.00 a bottle to me, L rUnrii and p.nn iust anv-lhiug hard drilling there. We got all our I had 4 the flu,' followed by pneu- J. '-.Urr.' ViiUt fPf linrf fine. I iust ' eouinment there during this time monia; which left me weak, witna want everybody' to know what Tan- j and went to the front for actual persist laahas'done for me.", fJ,: suit in the minds of the people who use this important wdi vision of the W. L, Henson clerk fee Southern. It is also stated'that the G. M. Cole sheriff fee road between Bushnelland Montana, W. L Henson clerk fee Carolina-Tennessee Southern Rail- J. W. Buchanan sheriff fee way, will be operated on central G. M. CoIe . . , " " time. W. O. Robinson " ' " Train No. 19, which has heen Allen Sutton witness fee eaving Asheville for Murphy at 3:20 W. L. Henson clerk fee o'clock in the afternoon, eastern G. M. Cole sheriff fee' time, will now leave at 2:20 central J. W. Buchanan sheriff fee ime, No. 17, which left at 8:40 in J.T.Jones witness fee the morning; eastern time, will now W. L. Henson clerk fee depart at 7;4Q central time. No. 20, G. M. Cole sheriff fee which has been arriving at 1:15 in Cos Paxton . the afternoon, eastern time, will W. L. Henson clerk fee now reach Asheville at 12:15 cen- G. M. Cole ; sheriff ' " tral time. No. 18, formerly arriv- j. V. fassm re. witness fee ing here at 6:30 0 clock m the even- W. L. Henson clerk fee ing, eastern time will on the new I U U M tral time. Asheville Times. , G. M. Cole sheriff fee .I P 'Mesrcer sheriff fee LOST-Between Webster and Sy.V- Tpfltuwfl uilfioo: Tiniad is now sold m Sylyxclusive- lv bv the Svlva Pharmacy f in ;Eras;us service: I have handled lots of am- on. Some one advised Foley s Hon- mnnition and have . done lots of ev andTar. Lhave completely re- h a td "hiking over-the muddy roads Covered and do not cough atnafL and.we had to do all this at night. Jpor sale at Sylva Pharmacy., aav, ya on last Sunday morning,- a gray saddle blanket, and early in Noveni Jber ia god hat pin. ; , Finders please feturn to Journal OflBce. J. Hu Mor4s James IBlythe' W. M. Brown difflkfbody , io 4.05 .45 3.40 4.05 3.38 .15 3.03 .30 y 2.30 2.25 3.75 .30 .30 2.0 3.75 .15 4.05 .15 70 4.17 : ,45 .45 4.10 3.10 1.30 3.55 1.55 1.35 4.13 1.55 4.53 1.00 3.05 .15 .15 .30 .55 r 3.581 .15 .15 3.70 3.30 .60 .15 3.78 .60 2.30 2.65 3.15 .5(. :.75 .15 1.80 l.0 1.45 1.75 W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee ' A. L. Wilson witness fee J.R. Collins " M W. L Henson clerk fee Claud Parker sheriff fee ? John Tritt witness fee Oscar Davis' " W. L. Henson clerk fee Claud Parker sheriff fee R.B. Moody witness fee F. C. Conner " ' W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee W. B. Carringtr sheriff fee. Jasper Shuler witness fee W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee W. B. Carringer sheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fee W. 0. Robinson sheriff -fee ' W. L. Henson clerk fee tt G. M. Cole sheriff fee B. .Cowan sheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee W. L Henson clerk fee G. M. Colesheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fe A, D. Cowan witness fee W. L. Henson clerk fee - G. M. Cole sheriff fee W. 0. Robinson sheriff fee . J. R: Messer sheriff fee Bill Extine witness fee Floyd Keener witness fee Lewis Jimison " " Henry Moore 4 " W. L. Henson clerk fee Pless Brown sheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fee Pless Brown sheriff fee W. L. Henson clerk fee lyUsginom sherifffee H r-L. Morrison-sheriff fee Bud Monteith witness fee' T. y. Young witness fee Dave. Sharp " Grover Leopard witness fee Jones Fowler witness fee, V W. L. Jienson clerk fee W.L. Henson 4 ' ' P. C. Morrison sheriff fee H. M. Moody " Charley Jennings witness fee W. N. Robinson u " W. L. Henson elerk fee P. C. Morrison sheriff fee H. M. Moody sheriff fee Emory CarroH witness fee f W. L. Henson clerk fee R. Messer sheriff fee Fred Gibson witness fee W. L. Hensou e'erk fee - G. M. Cole sherifl fee Henry Shelton witness fee W. L Henson clerk tee M. D. Nicholson sheriff fee 1 W. L. Henson clerk fee - a Geo. Phillips witness fee M; D. Nicholson sheriff fee. Jim Phillips witness fee 1 W. L. Henson clerk fee M.' D. Nicholson sheriff fee J. E. Hoxit witness fee W. L. Henson clerk re W.- O. Robinson sheriff fee G. W. Hoyle witness, fee W. L. Henson clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee v W. R. Moody witness fee . W. L. Henaon clerk fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee .1 . Edgar Robinson witness fee W. L. Henson clerk fee Pless Brown sheriff fee Ance Parker witness fee W. L Henson clerk fee G. L. Jones solicitor fee G. M. Cole sheriff fee M.' D. Nicholson sheriff fee J. H. Mathews magisfrater fee a T Nirholson . W. L Henson clerk fee , G. M. Cole sheriff fee HJaud Wike witness fee N. Prince D, G. Moody wness fee Usear; Davis , ?r s; Mrs. Ida Wilson. witness fee 0 Continued on page Q a- v. .. i 2.55 ; 2.65-: 3.07 ' .3(r " , .15 : 2.80 2.80 1.90 .15 1 .15 : 6.55 1.65 .15 1 1.10 , &1 .30 .90 -2.13 -.30 1.85 -. 2.00 .65 2.00 , 1.65 .15 2.65 1.95. " ; .30 : ' '1.43" V 2.(5, ;J .30, 2.05 v. 1C5 .15 1.05 1.65 .15 2.30 . 2.50 2.50' ,.50 5.10 .73 .48 1.87 . ... v. . ' Y -.60 1.85 1.85 2.05 L95 2.5a IS 'A.Zjfh'. V ' - IBs9-.

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