r VOL. IV NO. 7 i ' , " - '" . . - - ,-'- ' '-'.- , 1 " - 'l A. , 0 OF PR1ASE FOR iMERlCANS I . Cullowhee, Nr., 1 " T Januarys, 1919. ! Editor Jaclftoa County Journal ! Sylva,N.e. ! My Dear Sirs-I am enclosing : copy ot a letter I liave received J irom one of my old friends in Wales t and as it shows tbe feeling and I preciat,on f what - America has done and how ahe English ni ; feel about it, I thought you would Y"ioiy UKe to publish it, so that our people could know the feelin they have for the Americans " Mr. Howell is about 80 years old and if I live tiU Friday the 31st I j will reach my 93 milestone. ' ; With very kind regards ; I remain Yours truly, ,A D. Da vies. . Eear MrDavies -Well, another Christmas is at the door and as it draws near one's thoughts naturally from custom and habit turn to imnsing of old friends both far and near, so I could not refrain from sending a word of greeting to "For est Hill." How very different will be the Xmas now approaching from those of the past four years. Who would ever think rtur;n, i 'ius tuuse iour years PEJMFFEJT CANNON Sf f g9f the world, fho-j IS Will Kpi tUt , - , uen ,y ftope, that the Preside : ' W flTJIFD TlM ' visit this Country. asA Z ," " U1- I U.W1 M engagements permit and w .. I - us me oPRpuaUy of gfeetin5 W"-WJ'n.. 28,-Bills to a welotm-and it. hn; ,c ueaQ ca'mon donated tof and ar hrsni worthy 0f aie successor or s!ngton. and rini uicuuan jf resident ruler and liEi tality Wa every county seat -in. iuuc weaver . fi . -.yj Xllia ill! 1 t II I I llfi towns therroup meeting for th nesvillf ;ctr. ' . . his dsifriToo."' ucm ac shsrs; and lav m on 03tween' twenty-five and thirty, - i' va were introduced todav hv Po,r.c I dUU there- were tativp t: t or preachers and istor ? us the representafiup whole United States. WpwU to welcome him ul" ? Aliirphy, Franklin SvN. R Z Missionary, Secre- hail America thro h find "liJ!!"? W11J Rutherfi.rrffnn -.m.: W raary of the J . - "uaiiCC:l 'If.. T- i - ... - " f-1" ucuiuuraciesrin the already Wlf tor Ashevi,Ie andioh Wr T and the - f.Wno , , 3 . ey. K. M. Courtn '"""o UclUitJU Mirphy, Franklin, Syl named todav am Jlferthih ue western wond as wpII as one of the most virile and n,, notic. Yesterday th'em tnnv here tatlie greest Election in th. mstory of our oountrv. finm 7 million women have had votes for ne "Uirne ior members of Pm. ment. I sincerely hono tht tLa- George will be returned to power 1U1 d imping majority. He has done more thai any other man in this country to brin.a about the glo rious victory. While vou flr nnA of the noble stand made and th mvaluablp L.. .t uuuc uy tne rrei uenc 1 AAUJI City, Robinsonville. ConferenA vJonn CHawke, a returned Ihese will hp ; providedfor in an ormnh,, hi,, kJ Z1" nina- were pres- the mihtary affiifs comrnitT . .!'a3 tf,e Dist- sands of town, want cannon- Srfr0 tured by American soldiers. fe!10' es- y auaiess Dy the Kev. Mr. ilawke on "Chiaa's Part Jn Rnn. ruling-trie World " xie was m the fighting from the 8th I w ine iin ofOctober hn -vxMon was driving the Germans "uai iviontbenam to beyond Mazing "i, d uucance ot more than thr. teen miles, and during which time' the towns of Brancourt, ?remontf Busmgy, Vaus-Audinv Fos., '"T ' l- 0UPJet, Ribeauville, ""r-""wen,: as well as many viuages nnd farms, tog.-ther with wt;re caKen , . ine Ias time, time the writerSaw ."v uxtj ruuied. town vof court, in iiSE:W.V prisoners and reat:. stores taken. .' . - '.- -.r.. JANUARY .24 Jim Ro r. ef five times murderer and draft V . "us waiiyshot. andJuliu .. tIcClure- ? deputy sheriff Wc0$ nnn, in a desperate battle betweea the;'Jim RoseGanrof outlawiand ' ' a posse headed by S. Glenn. Your, . 'I experiences. At the time the Divis out Theound- mm ntiu, n.,., the last , rrs St nir, stricken wirh Ai.y .. c and lastreoorts rtArifo. n iuc,4roup -meetings are .being wmcn has taken so man v nf - mous ouflcoold at . December 31st, 1918. Dear Editor:-Will you spare a corner of your paper for a few lines' trom a Jackson county boy? I have just received the .Wr,! intofthe hndof your adoptron', fcaurse,V:isaJ to see 'the raise $35 009 TOO satneumelamsureyoufeel ,Ve beeu. w here M the d2tes f5.aa in, every Presiding Elder's dis- fiends back m southern-Methodism Dot T(rfrcT 1 .i . m Amerir.ainfl, . ' aie oetore za -and Sn,.mu, ... ""C11" mraing, J he first newsof thW h,t -m iu..iia r PfrsiAnAi.j i rr -w morn- -t ine Methodist Enisennal before thp final h.. . .! ;a whole has na.S- .T"' of UI tne war. Mg at ll:40.in a 9nfeiM " eino n-.oA iu raise -uuc udu seen so much Was Th-Pin - r" w Jp0,0a0,000 in the next five years wri"en. - r ' WaS - : missiqn purposes. The Method-' Captain Ray. received kL .UDg' .whose Mutation for s-K-iwscuuai cnurn i Snm-K wounds nrnnl tKot ! . luai me greatest man on the Other side of the Atlantic today is David 1 bd Geo ge thorough Welsh man liite yourself. I fcincerely hope you are eniovir.d good .health', I am pleased 'o sav thPt n. . rt 1 1 'joying life fie mo,t of f hp t : it has been much better smee the war has closed. .This is a ni.P uui i wmtaie the old U of doin a. ior.mine. It is hard to n'nArL stand the language over here but we get by, just the same. Ouess nearly everybody has heard WILLIE ELSIE DILL.4R0. of wishing our friend's a "Merry 1 am feeIil wnrrfuily welll may Chriftmas"? No it was no time for fay 1 have 1 better in my merriment, the circumstances were ,lfe' 1 walk 1 -X day, I have of top serious a nature, our anxieties trcoP?.)f friends with whom I hold were too, great, the out: look too seet. converse, so that I feel it is gloomy for any thing but sober PIeasant to live. ;V r senhBut; nowi thank My killdest regards to all at For- !5.v. -Tt.--w jioucijput Itj.i'.-MJK 'jywwa rinitK -r - t,,..., . .J twii, - - - -,umacu SWUfU. ctoHd wfiKhfinnW'S:. t;r:i:.- now-wishing vnn a i -iu ouic is a treat to us. T h-3a,. otaiued h Ms an. . ? UVeri " w " " iucuy WUiaS -oa ,.j - , "avtrti II. 'aucys ltJU -vno stay to keep eternal guard - South is to wounds at Belliconrf nnH T""1 aratt deserters and Efcie has been transfe red Used e government to fmm nnrc; the noble nti, c . ,cumm t0 run down Honrd J .lowi, o. e::isl.ei th mander. His sacriacehas not be-n and T "" (J0Ia .enienainen. .rufflisM by the bered by his con.rades WL ' 1 of Umted States troops had faUed. mies. i hp ,) h;Q m j rv -- d5:w command hf tho.. j Pax biscuT " m W ' ,0?S- by Unitedta wmy warsnal Charlie Masoa, the . O. , , - - : -.- Uldli wnn OlOlnnH Ti ot. Mars .sims Pon wo x oacKsoncmin. . as ci i II ii I rr n o i 1 . . . FrnW .To inTnJ- UiB iyaaa DrO8lt i'.iCC i; ing them well. vu has a way C o r '-7 7 rt t i p l t,. atiu uuiiim no- 7 our sky have been scattered and the aild a HaPy New Year. Yours Faithfully, HenrjLHowell. IN HH0fiMH. glorious Day has dawned and the ounsome ot Feace floods the whole world from pole ot pole, and now I leel l ean with out hesitation - .give yuu iny; nana a cross fhA . . fmm ...Ju . uuuuuuy was made sd 7": ""ai.t W1M1 you ana yuurs on Jan. 14th at the alarmi Sicily onnstmas.'' j of the d eat ne Lord hath done great things He "died fro wnereot we are glad." Yes ,ve influenza nave passed through terrible times miuw oi anxiety, times of doubt. 1 ever knew. sometimes bordering "u. u vision. I am glad J" lno?e who may not take MVWQ rOflll THr r I mrr wJl-?,r5tto3e . Ih:kt ship. homeward bound-' tW5 FEOM THL CAPITAL .Vt,u.cu m a small V!llate in nonor s wake rom me JNew anfl nh. wuolTCl, Will be of much interest to the readers of the Journal: Senator Coward wants to have emergency judges to 'hold court and m a bill in the Senate yester day providing when a judge is un able to hold a scheduled court tha' i.L . 1 r t me oar ot tne county in which it is to oe Held may fcy ballot select one :bwu tne sun but about nn.o rima in ' . .. iu 111 ix weeks. We have one small Gsntl8men-Dr Dead! room and nave seven in family, so William Elsie DiUard. thP fir " I ' i-X IUL lt UU5ee W nave plenty 0f com pany. All we think of is ikes nn some of the boys. . maiKi toward sa d th arm v ne news was a I rirs:,- k, , 1 h of Frank- rho 7. 1 "f u.ul ua auty wasn't ----- u.gau.a. may iun wiien it is raining m menmgiti3. following ,., . Frank was 25 veers nlH with vl, nil - 03 home M uccu uue oi tne Dest boys With best whh-s to iH r, lever knew. fTpWO i.?:.. J - "ioa to all, from hT;"":. "IUIU mm A Soldier Boy. cutci. luaicuiauie sacn-1 &reatiy liked bv all whn u- . and treasure we hav His charar " U ortll Over " Wl IUC flee of life won through, the IlnsnpnlrnKlo" 1 StflHtirrl" on r. i. 1 Germnn o. Z K. . . ,.' . . uuu at anytime 3nrt7I l.ner Knees uee.n souea- was .a consistent luc rtiuea. armies are ana aevoted member ,of the Snei across the Rhine and let me say well Baptist church, iWa K what every Englishman-hnd Welsh- and willing to do hU part, and wht says .today -we owe it to the on his death bed, subscribed $3 0 wave American soldiers who came to the Million Dollar Fund for the to our help at the darkest hour", religions schools of the state which Language fails me to express the amount has been paid of MathA f ?T d3rk d3yS He WaS 'aD mtiTin 'worker all IViarCU anO Ann! Fini.r tr. . . . w 't- ----- -afcc"y-w? ..uvmes, always- standini! , , iC ucwepapers ior squareiy Denmd the soldier bovs Iight a?d Ur Hehadti the Public Schools' armies driven back: - haou. where t!,P nHo., . J . ? I uiuui-liio CUWrlVS imifflrt I -j uuuui(,U $1000 to Her Mrs. Reese Declars f?hn Been Well in Fifteen Tears Un- bhe Took Tanlac-TroubleGone. til wuimuaiiy, Faris-in danger, the thannel ports almost; within the Krasq of the Hun. OhI we were cast aown indeed. , vuroae Draver was "WnuM oa.the Americans would come" au tney came in riieir thousand and fought like heroes th ea . ' UU T situation, and the Huns when ey saw them could have said with "d. that which has and loved him ' Frank Bumgarner was a leader iri his community for good; a leader in Sunday bchool and church work; was as a ngnt set upon a hill. Frank will be missed in many ways. He leaves a wife and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. "God moves in a mysterious way, His wonder to perform: s I greatlv feared He Dlants'Hi's fnrtctoro u - - . i - "wivto jn me oca. dol- has Reese, ks btreet. Lome upon me." Yes. vour dlnri- And rides nnnn th A us Anmes saved the situation arid - ... Z. V, Watson. Dy so mg they have I earned the A rv r, lasting thanks of the wholeCiv! AINKE HEM AWAKS NIGHTS I ,1Jzed world,. We rejoice to think J W' Peck, Coraopolis, Pa., writes: -at your great President has come -; 1 5unerea terrible pain;l unable to to Europe. lie down at night. Tried -three dif- tiis voyage to this side compares ferent doctors. Three weeks ago a importance with the voyage of began taking Foley Kidney Pills; -uuier.- where ever he goes Jie wonderful."- Use Foley Kid- g I 3 memorable reception ney Fills for kidneys, bladder trouble ne ofi the foremost 7 figures in backache, rheumatism. For sale by oaern history, the head and leader Sylva Pharmacy. adv tJr! Ameran Republic Tin that "FOR ,SArA. luetic mm I wouldn't take a ihonsanH ics casn ior the good Tanlac uuuc me, said Mrs. Lula vmu resides at 1559 Hie Augusta Georgia. "It may sound strange but I suf fered with s 0:naeh trouble, rheuma tism and neuralgia until I got to the piace where I didn't care whether I " , V1 UICU. r.verytnmg l ate soured uij fctumacn ana made trnnhia v M ior me and in addition to the rhe'u- m: tism,Ife!l and broke my arm and it seemed like my other tronhifi , zvcpi ii ir)m neanngiup like it ought- to. ljust lived in misery all the ti and couldn't, get any relief. I have just finished my second bottle of Tanlac and it is surnrisina how I have imnroved nnnoiHr, that 1 have not been well before htteen years. The rheumati vauy oi volunteers from Sylva to make the journey to the Further Home, has followed an in numerable host of civilization's fairest and best, a sacrifice upon the blood staine i altar of Liberty and Kignteousness, and today is holding a silent, crojs marked mound, where he will- keep eternal guard on the mil top at oid Boulogne, where the waters ot the wesiern ocean, rush in? in frnm rlio n- t. i? a 1V"U -i&i ui America, so wr away, b5at a never-ending fn -.1 , A, . o ,uf cue sanas ot France. mid 11IS cOUntrv enterprl tne world war to save the Chrisrin civilization of our fathers in ti 1917, Elsie Dillard volunteered his services to his country.enlisting in the Radio Company tint was raispH at Sylva. He was soon promoted to the grade of serge.mt. but a few months later, being a student nf c, ui ms ov.n renne.?- A y .-- ma numher nf 'ffvoff - cvduers ana deserters w io had been -terrorizing that section, Mr. Youna ' ' ' " and Mr ivrpsn uwiypiuiea oy a Posse, started irom Murphy to look ; T ' nected themselves with the, Jim Rose gang, a band of outlaws which has terrorized that section of the ' , country for sometime. Crawley ia ' charged, with the murder of Deputy Marshal Ben F. Dixoo, at BlairsvilJe Ga. . .' i me Seeking the headaiiai.re f iVU an. as the most likely place to find the Crawl iw ot their number to act as emergen- headed by Mr. Young trailed across cyj idae and he shall receive $50. a e mountain country beS week, which shall be deducted from Murphy and the Tennessee line fi the salary of the juge who' failed nailyreecMng the desolate mountain to hold court. fastnesses of .Teftw- . , . andnnsettied section of mountain The bill introduced jointly by ,andln the Smokies, which is ideally ' Senator Scales and Stevens yester- Iocated for the retreat of a band- of day is the same one agreed upon outIaws-Just beyond Jeffrey's Hell several days ago. It has been freelv the Posse located their men. Tn discussed for the last several weeks his usuaI habit. Mr. Young waited and leading good roads advocates nf untiI aay break to iumn hi. m.n the State ha vep!edged their su mnrf Just as the first golden raw nf tho Ic proposed. a tax of one dollar per sun crept oVer the mountain tops, horse power on automobiles and living the grey shadows nf other motor driven vehicies. which, dawn before them, Mr. Young and it is estimated, would raise suffici- Mr Masoa ave the word, andlh ent revenue to meet the Federal 1)0336 advanced. The outlaws, hnw- transferred to the Medical Deta-h- revenu8 aad would. Provide around ever' were evidentIy on guard and ment of the 105th Field Signal Bat- &ve miIIl0n doliars each year to be the farst intimation that the officers ' - expenaea in building and maintain- naa 01 DeiD mscoyered was when ing highways. It is dnwn alonx the" a,bih-powered rifled bullet whined same lines as laws already exist'nj3 U?rougtl the close to their heads. in Maryland and other States. organization he i taJion m which came to France. He served with the Battalion dur ing the summer campaign in Flan ders, around Ypres and Voorme zeele, and was a prime favorite with all the men of the Battalion Raleigh, Jan. 27. The joint fi OriQ nr rv r-v- 1 1 ouiiuiuet; oi tne house and neaping the attachment of his miri'i senate this affernnrtr, frienH - . " ""auiuiuusiy uuu vmimij" new- nnao in ism and ti. iiiui auu-1 coic. ar n ; nnrdain f'owi rj soreness is gone from my arms mv stomach is alright and I can eat any thing T want and digest it. I have gained some in weight, am able to do all my work and feelgood all the time.;! want everybody to - know that Tanlac has restored my health. Teniae is now sold in Sylva exclusive ly by the Sylva PMrmacy; in Erastus j oy M. L.-Comns and in r;ior,',,;n ! M. Fowier. i W, his ever-present' and always pleas ant smile, his. unfailing good humor and hi ; ready wit. When Capt. John E. Rav. his commanding officer, was transferred to tae Medical Detachment of the 119th Infantrv Fioio '.",. i j , i,lkJ1 - vriiu luvtJU and admired his captain, as did every member of ; the entire com mand, begged to go with him . nri his request belngranted, followed fnat gadant and courteous gentle man to his new command. Whil with the 119th Infantry. Elsie was a most excellent soldier, heind at the from for many davs durind th. harden fighting of the War. when ' J the 30th Division broke through the I . ."iwuiu uic : - it FOR SALE -14 ;sheen iq- Hmdenburg Line at Bellk-onrf - QnH ville Citizen. ana l bucfc : Milas Parker. Oo'wai. : uvl? f,e enemy, .many miles be IN.C. , . .fdth,at.t''e'ost;strongiy..Tofti M6 yyauiuu off rne - Wooi.n r 6iCCU me revaluation of orth Carolina property for taxation at its real value. The revaluation will not be undertaken for this year, but will be begun at once for listin J m May of 1920. In the summer of next year, after the property is list e I, a special session of the general assembly will be held to lower rhe I tax rate. The machinery for getting tuc piopcrty on the . tax books has . i i not yet heeiLworked puuThe joint committee states that it is actuated a ucs" not to .increase the state s income so much as to secure anjionest basis for taxation. Tne tax idica in cities and counties, will be mwereain the same ratio as the state tax rate is lnuAr a I, - TOR SALE 2 milch cows i hArc i position cm the Western front. jW' Withers, Greens Creek, N.'CL 3t The oers immediately answered ana tne oat te was on. - . " - Jim Rose, usin a rerfnfatinn o rifle, led his gan, and the nffio. kept replying to the fire of the out laws, and always advancing taking advantage of every bit of cover, but keeping their men in sight, A bullet from Rose's rifie smashed the arm of Julius McCIure, deDutv sheriff and a minute later, Rose fell, shot through the abdomen The six' offi cers m the posse kept :un their fi and finally scattered - the butlkws whQ dispersed following the! fl! nf their leader. ' . -.- m:. Bytem. Hall'V nt.S r puriflera. -tk a f Pt Wood F. J.- CHENEY. - .4, ' All Drulta.75.- aoo, o..V- f A V'

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