v\ After Every Meal ^ WHGIEV5 Th? Gnat Amtrieam a>n?fnat provides pleasant action lor yonr teeth, also penetrating the crevices and cleansing them. Then, too* It aids digestion. Use WRIGLEY'S alter every meal ? see how much better yon will leei. ? 1piL^JLOOM l^lOytl Products Baby Carriages & Furniture Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now lor 32-Page Illus trated Booklet The Llovd Manufacturing Company ( Heyuioot'-Wak'fitU C?. ) Dept. E Menominee, Michigan ()>) 50 GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINE BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO WHICH Are the Earliest^ Snap Beans ?the BesiTfteldin^y Garden Peas ?the Sweetest Cantaloupe ? The Select-Bite Charts in the 4923 Catalog of "WOOEfS SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earlinees, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have over issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1923 Cataloc tolls bow you can hare ttaa without coat. Bend a port cud (or joar copy. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen 37 8. 14th St. Richmond, Va. SOLD EVERYWHERE Ryzon BAKING POWDER you use /ess far Coughs & Cokls COUGH? Try Piao'a? a ialunilr quick I Kef.AaynipunBke I all othwi pi? ?| ? i Jow wot i:> act ?tooack? bo| opiate*. 38a i 60c i W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 8-1923. Usually. Angelu ? A clock Is different from a ?an. Andrew ? What do yon mean? Angela ? Well, when It strikes It keeps on working. look to Your Eyes Beautiful Eyea, like fine The daft M Of MuriM Etc* Clear and Radiant. Sold and r ?? i. ,v,>. : 4 ?ROAD * BUILDING XH.0RAD0 D0U3LES MILEAGE .lore Than 60 Per Cent of Roads Have Been Improved During Past Seven Years. Prepared by the United State* Department of Agriculture.) Colorado has more than doubled its mileage of improved road in the last seven years, according to the bureau of public roads of the United States Department of Agriculture, which has made an extensive investigation as to the highway mileage and revenue of rhe state. In 1914 the:? was 13.298 miles of improved road and a total of ."9,780 ?Mies, while in 1921 the improved mileage had increased to 29,540 miles and a total of 4S.143 miles. The Improved road at the present lime is classified as follows: Graded and drained, 24,941 miles; sand, clay and gravel, 4,897 miles; macadam, 131 miles; other types of ' surfacing, 71 miles. ! While most of tiie improved road In this stute is what Is known as low type road, the fact that more than GO A Concrete Cement Road in Colorado. I per cent of the total mileage has been | improved constitutes a record that will -be envied by manv. I For each square mile of area the rojui, /evenue amounts to $S3.5G, and there Is one-half mile of road. The total road revenue amounts to $9..'5f? , per capita, $182.07 per miIe?of road, j and totals $8,705,443. GIRT ROADS WASTE GASOLINE ; Gallon of Fuel Nccessary to Drive Car Six Miles on Earth and Twelve ? on Hard. An investigation carried on by an I automobile manufacturer showed that Ute consumption of a gallon of gaso ( line was necessary to dr^ve a machine six miles on the average earth roads i as against twelve miles on the hard surfaced roads, according to Automo bile Topics. These figures would in dicate a saving in gasoline, on the basis of 400 vehicles per mile a day, 000.000' gallons on 10.000 miles of Improved roads. At 24 cents a gallon this amounts to $12,000,000; ?r more than enough to pay 5 per cent interest on the Investment. One billion, seven hundred million, dollars per year will pay $15,500,000,000 of 5 per cent bonds (principal and In terest) in a little less than twelve years. In other words, If we could immediately lay down 2,500,000 miles of public highway at a cost of $15,500, 000,000, borrowing the money to do it with at 5 per cent interest, the $1,700, 000,000 saved to the producers of farm products In the one Item of reduced ] cost of moving their annual crops to I market would pay the debt, princl i pal and interest, in less than twelve [ years. <r - ANCIENT PAVING MATERIALS Romans Used Brick as Early as 44 A. D. ? Sumarians Were First to Use Asphalt. As early as 44 A. D. the Romans used bricks in England. Actual scien tific and quantity production did not begtfc. however, until 8S6, when Alfred the fireat directed that brirks be pro duced under government supervision. The earliest recorded use of asphalt was by the Sumarians, a people In habiting the Euphrates valley prior to the ascendancy of the Babylonians. An asphalt cast excavated at Logash, near the mouth of the Euphrates, dates back to 2850 B. O. As a mortar for brick, similar to the filler now used In brick streets, asphalt w as uned In the construction of the Tower of Babel. Money to Improve Highways. Fifty million dollars will have been *pent on Improving Canada's highways when the five-year period terminates in the fall of 1023. Keep Chicken* Busy. Ohe the chickens an abundance of food to fill their crops at night; keep them working through the day; give ?green food and bnttermllb* ? ? - V Control Contagious Roup. Vaccination will help to control con tagious roup In poultry. FARM | LIVE STOCK I >.? il SUCCESS IN WEANING COLTS Important T>at Young Animals Bo come Accustomed to Various Feeds of Motl.er. On my farm from three to alx colts ure raised every year, and I never at tempt to wean them until they are at least live months old. I prefer more to less age. The three-month-old colt will live, of course, when weaned at that age and properly cared for; but when live months have passed by the opera tion is performed with less danger and worry to both the colt and its mother. It is the most convenient age to bring about the separation. I always prepare >ny colts for the critical time of wean .ng by getting thein acquainted with reeds that will be proper when the nother is taken away. In vogue there are two methoda of weaning where the separation may be either sudden or prolonged. In the lat ter case the mother is brought back three times daily apd rhe colt al lowed to nurse. This operation Is soon i lessened to twice dally and then to once a day, which soon culminates In complete separation. When the wean- j Ing Is done suddenly it is very im- ? portant to milk the mare by hand as ! often as required. During the time of weaning the colt should be co.-ifined In a comfortable, i roomy box stall, containing no manger | or boxes with which the youngster may become entangled. Low walls are particularly dangerous, as the colt may rear up and in an attempt to get over become caught in so**?e way and injure itself. When a few days have passed a run outdoors at night in a high-fenced yard will be helpful. Sudden < .inges of diet are detrimen tal to any class of live stock, and no less so for the colt. All colts ought to An Englash Prize-Winning Mare and Het- Filly. be taught to eat bran, chop and hay, and these habits will come naturally if they are running with grain-fed mother, for a colt is nibbling at Its mother's feed long before weaning time arrives. Finely chopped oats are good and should make up a large portion of the nition. ^fhe oats are better if steamed. At first bran should be fed two or three times a week. One or two carrots a day will also afford the colt something to nibble at and be beneficial., Along with this the young- - ster should be given all the well-cured clover hay It will eat, and for this purpose second-growth clover is good If not improperly cured. Good results ;can be obtained by feeding cow's milk to the colt, starting with two or three quarts' per day, and increasing slightly after the first week; taking care never to overfeed. This article of diet is not usually available for the feeding of colts, however, and does not often fig ure In the ration. MAKING PROFIT FROM SHEEP _ ( Farmers Feeding Alfalfa Hay and Paying Attention to Lamb Crop Make Most Money. It is what goes into the sheep's stomach that determines how ihe own er wilt close his books at the end of the year. During the past year 27 owners of fine wooled flocks kept strict accounts of their herds. From these accounts it was shown that farmers feeding a limited amount of good alfalfa hay and giving attention to the lamb crop, received profits, even with wool and mutton prices at the level they have been this past year. The five farms where wool was pro duced most economically showed an average cost of 19.4 cents per pound. The remaining 22 farms required 37.5 cents to produce each pound. The best farms raised 41 lambs per 100 head of sheep, while the flocks that lost money raised an average of 30 lambs per 100 sheep. These records were taken In Morgan and Noble coun ties, Ohio. ? ? ? Ration for 8tallion. A young stallion should have a ra tion that will stimulate bone and mus cle development. Whole oats Is the best grain to use, bat the feed can be , cheapened by letting corn form a third of the ration. Many horsemen like to feed brin. Time When F^td Counts. A thrifty sow is able to feed a good sized litter of pigs in fine shape dar ing the firet few weeks of their life, . bat this is Just the time when it Is verjr necessary (hat thejr be fed waiL ' u _ *'? "J _ V . . - 'i - - - .ixV 't. WOULD NOT TRADE FOR SI 0,000 CASH Benefits From Tanlac in Ending His Stomach and Rheumatic Troubles, Priceless, States Tucker. "I wouldn't take $10,000 for thS good Tanlac has done me," declared W. E. Tucker, 1120 North 28th St., Richmond, Va., a boxmaker for the Allegheny Box Co., recently. thought I would have to give up the job I had been on seventeen years, > but Tanlac has built me up eighteen' pounds, and I never felt better In my life. "I was so weak and run down and had lost so much weight and strength I just felt broken down all the time. I got up mornings awfully nervous, with no appetite, feeling like I hadn't slept a wink, and while on the job my nerves were so unstrung that the noise In the factory just tortured me. My liver wasn't acting right, and I suf fered so much from rheumatism I could hardly use my arms. "But Tanlac has made a clean sweep of my troubles, and now, with plenty of strength and energy, I am working and feeling fine." I Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.? Advertisement. Truly, the year seems flying when you tear off the Japuary calendar leaf. Acid Stomach, Heartburn and Nansea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilla. Send for trial box to 371 Pearl 8t., New York. Advertiaement. Business Man's Lunch. "Will you lunch with m*??" "Thank you." "What shall we have today? ? vitamines or calories?" Mrs. J. C. Cadle Have You a Daughter? Is She Nervous? Then You Cannot Afford to Overlook One Word of Thia Augusta, Ga. ? "For some time my daughter was in real poor health. She suffered with her head and back and was also very nervous. After trying several .remedies which did her no good, I got Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, and when she had taken a few bottles she did not complain any more, but was feeling better than she had for a long time. I think the 'Favorite Prescription* is the best woman's tonic that can be had." ? Mrs; J. C. Cadle, 1450 Silcox St. A beautiful woman is always a well woman. Get this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's for your daughter, in liquid or tablets at any drug store, and see how quickly she will have sparkling eyes, a clear skin ind vitality. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., lor free confidential medical advice. Breaks colds quickly FOB TEAKS Bear'i Emulsion has been giving quick relief from coughs, colds, bronchial and lung troubles. It is a thoroughly tested and proven remedy, rec ommended by druggists. Bear's Emulsion will break up the most stub born cough or cold. It will tone up the system weakened by sickness and help win back health an4 vigor. BEAR'S Iemulsion Oa Mia ?t lead ing druggists. 0?n be ordered , direct from Jaha D. Bmt te. ClMrtreekt Vi .tuttv. "Krtl I'JMU ietCgrtetilBIMdJ I CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature , A helpful Remedy for I I Constipation and Diarrtoet, I and Feverfshness and I loss of Sleep liesullintiKteihm-mlnfaiCf hcShoIIe Sitnatarot Gfetff&ZcfoA XaxCENIAVnCOHPASZ NEW YORK, Exact Copy of Wrapper. ? la Use I For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Rheumatic twinges-ended! The basic cause of most rheumatic pain Is congestion. Apply Sloans. It stimu lates circulation. breaks up congestion -pain is relieved! tent - kills pain ! Gives New Life to Old Stockings Putnam Fadeless Dyes? dyes or tints as you wish TEX?Jnt?r o? YOUR EYES/ MITCHELL EYE SALVE heals inflamed eyes, granulated lids styes, etc. Sure. Safe. Sptedy. 25o at all druppis.s. The Other Side of the Shield. "You'll never make me belibve that opals are unlucky i why, I wns wear ing them when T became engaged to Claude." "Yes, hut what about Claude, dear?" Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 254AND 75 i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Seattle Leads Fish Trade. Seattle is the most important dis tributing center for fresh and frozen fish products on the Pacific coast. As a fishing port It Is exceeded in the United States only by Boston and Gloucester. Anyway, the Oh!n man who was bunkoed at the age of eighty-five lived to a green old age. FANCY FI.OItlllA FKl'lT Orances anil erapei'i u.l ; 1 S-S' bushel crate, $4: 4-G bushel crate. $2. cash with order. E. O. CAKVKK. A.1JI KNDAI.K. FLA. Chicks ? Ameriran Kl-nin ? S. Wlite l^j. horns. 100. $15; 600. $70; 1.000, $135. Live delivery Ruarantoed. Prompt shipment. Book orders now, Creekside Kauns. Clau sen, S. C. . 1-espedczn un<l C'art>et Grass .Seeds ? I'erpetuM year-round pastuiage: 'my and soil builder*. Get samples, literature. America's largest dis tributor. Sidney J Weber. Raton Rouse. La Hew Hair to replace old, obould be grow lug all the time. It will if you , use Q-Bu Hair Tonic ? Don't get b*ld. get Q-Ban today ? It's much more pleasart. At all good druggtste,_fi0c, or direct from HESS1C - ELLIS, f>iakh. f If ypu hate walking as exercise, why not dance? Dancing is not exer cise. I Insist on having Dr. Peery*s "Dead Shot" for Worms or Tapeworm and the druggist will get It for you. If not. send 26 cents La >72 Pearf 8t., New York, and you wUl gat It iy return mall. Advertisement. ' See to It that the best company of all is your own. MSPIRIN SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist! Unless you sec the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Toothache Neuritis : Neuralgia aJlEC J iJt .it r, ? Headache Rheumatism % 1 Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 1 2 tablets ? Also bottles of 24 and 100 ? Druggist*. I

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