A sure, safe way to end CORNS In on? minute you can end the pain of corns with Dr. Scholl 'aZIao-pad*. They rfmove the ttusi- friction -pressure. Vou rislc no infection from cuttin*. oa danger from corrosive acids. Zino-pjdi protect while they heal. Tktn: antiseptic; waterproof. Size* for corns, cailouscs. bunions. Get a bo* today at your druggist sorshoedealer't. Br Scholl s Zino-pads in tke tiiorolodtr of Tht Sckoll Co., miters of Dr. SchoWs Foot Ccxfvt Appliances, Arch Supports, etc. put one on -the pain is gone/ Forerunners. A.'nvuly I lie yellow aconite lifts a sniUinu' ti? welcome me. . . . jl,e xiMWilroji, sweet forerunner of tin- hi. >n:ns of spring, is even now alm'jitl Hiinoimei^,' its silent faith of ,, cuiniiw lu'wered company. ? J. E. Ward. Mentioned It to Morpheus. From :i Story?' "To his considerable s::rpris.>. Slumo. on pettinp Into bed, fell immediately into a deep but rest ful f>!i'cp." :Wli 1 '.'.J y Hi' Ln ? ? ? IrafoChestCblds in short order Whenever you feel that tightening in the chest, that deep-seated irritation that is the sure forerunner of a chest cold Apply Sloan's to chest and neck. It breaks up the con gestion and brings instant relief. The penetrating warmth of the liniment re stores normal circulation and reduces inflammation. Don't let your chest cold develop. Wherever con gestion causes pain? use Sloan's, Your druggist has it Sloans Liniment-^//? painf For rheumatism, bruises, strains.chest colds USED 10 BE THIN, WEAK AND PALE South Carolina Lady Felt Miser able?Tells How She Regained Strength and a Good, Healthy Color. Central, S. C. ? "I was In a very weakened condition. . .pale and thin, hardly able to go," says Mrs. Bessie Beardcn, of this place. "I would suffer, when I stood on my feet, with bearlng down pains in my sides and lower parts of my body. "I did not rest well, and didn't want anything -to cat. "My color was bad and I felt miser able. "A friend of mine told me of Cardul, and then I remembered my mother used to take it.... After the first bottle I was better. I began to fleshen up, and I regained my strength and good, healthy color. I am feeling fine. I took twelve bottles (of Oardui) and haven't had a bit of trouble since." Thousands of other women have had similar Experiences in the use of Cardul, which has brought relief where other medicines had failed. If you suffer from female ailments, take Cardul. it is a scientific remedy for woman's Ills and may be Just what you need. Get it at the drug store. g E? HURT? THE WOMANS TONIC r PorbnnrinfforicalyNda, <- relieve Inflmmrat _ tto* ?nd HrmuM Mitchell "vnim Hllmill.aw Mitchell ? T* J according to dlreo K?a. Soothing, heeling. ... _ HAIL * KUOXEX. _"T *???rlr Flut Inr Tort Hair Gray? Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer 'mores the original color. Write 'or free trial bottl? ? test it on one lock of 8tate color of your hair. Address Mary T. 144D Qoidmam St. FauU IlllUL OUR COMIC SECTION Spring Styles in Europe V h 0 M There's No Law Against Changing One's Mind have You picked out what 1 well, i've what dc> you think "Those aren't hotel ya WANT To stop at just been ABOUT saranac OR. names of palm SOWN AT PALM BE ACM ? \ LOOKING- MONTREAL OR BEACH HOTELS f ? v j-r over -the lake Louise. ?? <> \ CATALOGUES U- S 6-00D HEVlNkfS? WRE OUST LIKE ALL WfMMIN ? BEC? & BE G & BEuj>s to wear Down There ? Thenva see a pretty p/cture op SOME winter SPORT3 AN*-' BANG f- PALM BEACH IS ALL OFF Mill ?? ? ?"? ? ) 1 I KNOM (/ IT ? BUT L The Winter SPogxs up a/orth LOOK SO CjOod ! , ? ? You RE MOT CHANS IN You're mind a AGAIN ARE VA f WELL. I DON'T KNOU0 O ttWim Newi|iui?cr Uulon The Cat Asked Too Many Questions, Boy f Bo9S , wovj vow va look. UP tH' SPEU.IU' OP AVUORO VlM tH' PKSttOUARM WMEKl N~\va camtrmo \x oeavn^ ^^3 VA OOMT KMOW / \ HOW I l^pettEp"?! VHAV AP-E GlWS, V/EAWNG LOV1G | SWRXa WHEU ^UEM UKE SUOCY OWES BETTER.^ WHO IS |00HM POE *? VJUPf OONOU HAME MA\R OV1 NEfc FACE AMD MOiMC OM to? OP NER. HEAP *? fCR GOSH million bottles sold. ? Adver tisement.,, Tile-Making in Mexico. Long ago the Dominican fathers In Mexico established colored tile-mafe Ing industry at Puebla, which lias per sisted through the years in spite of wars aud revolutions. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when yon know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugB. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bot tle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, yon should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this ,rrcat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bin4. The original pil lory is still standing in the court yard o? New Castle county. Mother Didn't , Even Know Her Baby Cut Teeth Teethina acts almost like magic (in : cases where babies, during their finst j months of life, appear weak and do j not seem to grow. Mrs. Eliza Wil son's baby is a case in point. Mrs. Wilson lives at 208 N. Houston St., Denison, Texas, and writes: "My baby wa3 sick and fretful at two months, and so thin and poor and weak it was pitiful to look at her. She would cry for hours and draw all up in pain and nothing we could do helped her a bit. I was told about Teethina and the very first dose relieved lier pain and now she is never sick at all. ' Actually, I never know ! when her teeth come till they are through the gums." Teethina is sold by all druggists, or send 30c to the MolTett Labora- ? tories. Columbus, Ga., and get a pack age of Teethina and a wonderful free booklet about Baby. ? Advertisement. | Doctors Plan "Black List." Doctors in London are suggesting a "black list" of patients who go from one medical man to nuother Instead of paying their bills. CATARRH Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HAL'/j'S CATARRH MEDICINE con slsts of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Bur faces and assists In ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Thought for the Day. The average son takes tlie advice of his father just like the father took advice from his father. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill* contain nothing but vegetable Ingredients, which act gently as a tonic and purgative by stimu lation and not by Irritation. Advertisement Traces of the most ancient cave men found in Europe seem to identify them with the Eskimos. Refreshes ffeary Eyes XTken Your Eves feel Dull Heavy, we Murine, It In stantly Rel fcere?t oat Tired Fee Una ?Mites them Clear, Bright and Sparkling. Haimlcst. Sold and Becommraded by All Drusgbu. EVES t WMGLEVS Th* Gnat Ammritam Sw?twuat provides pltaaul actio* lor yoar teeth, also penetrating the ere vtees and cleansing them. Then, too. It aids digestion. Use WKIGLEY'S alter every meal ? see how much better yon will leel. 1 15?^Jloom I^xO Jf g. Products Baby Carriages OFumituro Ask Your Local Dealer WriteNow for 32-Page Illus trated Booklet The Lloyd Manufacturing Company {Heytoood-Wakt/Uld Co.) Dept. E Menominee, Michigan (16) I Good to the last dmp feiflore than a slogan to the man whose travels have taught him how tad coffee can taste ; it is a downright state ment of fact. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE VA WHICH O Are the Earliest^* I Snap Beans / ??theBestMinw Garden Peas / ??the Sweetest I Cantaloupe ? The Select-Rito Charts in thef 1923 Catalog of "woods SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing seaaon, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to bo mailed to you free on request. FBEE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1923 Catalog telli bow 70a can ba*? them without eotL Stad a post card far your copy. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen 37 8. 14th St. Richmond, Va. Auto Parts and Salvage Co. furnish promptly new and reclaimed parts at saving of 25 to 60 per cent. A'ddress P. O. Box 4S7X. Charlotte, N. C. For 93 Will Deliver 12 As?orted Pearh, Apple, pear and plum tree* ? selected home varie ties. Montgomery Peach Co., Candor. N. C. , PUBLISH A MAGAZINE of your own and start a mat! order business on fl capital. Sample magazine and plan 10c coin. Address HEE-HAW NOVELTY NEWS, Urban*,. HI. WANTED? MAN WITH ALITO to sell guaranteed TIRES and TUBES. Will arrange salary and expenses with right man. Amaxon Products Co., Dept. A, Cleveland, O. w. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 14-192*