Tbf art fine won>?n fa leg. A year agolfe^Myrtle Hud* dleston, at CaUfonia, took us swimming "to red?ee." Last week she swain the Catalina Channel, her el?vei*yeaiw>ld bey crying out to her, "Come on, Mamma, dont give ofk" When aha finished the ?wim. the thirty-wBar-old mother was delhrious, partly paralysed and had keen bitten four times by sav ??pe barracuda. o Too bad thai such a woman should waste her marvelous vital ity on a battle that pleases the morbid bat doee no good. The na tion could afford to par her to have twenty-one children instead of svrimmfa? twenty-one miles in icy water. ^ Bernard Shaw says mothers should be paid for having children and adds, "I would nof:Mv* a baby for less than |10(000.,> Ha underestimates it If he were a woman, with only a man's courage, and had had ONE baby, he wouldn't have another one for a million dollars. u" ^ ? France builds dozens of tiny afav planes, smallest in the world; orery . French submarine will carry one. One of these submarine airplanes rose from the water nine seconds after the submarine reached the surface, went up 2<000 feet, de scended and went aboard the sub marine again. A fleet of submarines ooming up near a big dty, discharging its swarm of mosquito-like airplanes, each carrying its gas or explosive bomb, could make the next war in teresting. / ? The "lagged" lightning, making "sparks in the sky is not jagged at all, Mr. Legg, Westinghouse en gineer, shows with photographs 150 times faster than motion pic ture cameras, that the lightning bolt ia a spiral. That interests those ?who know that the spiral, as op posed to the drela, is the emblem of progress. Oar earth, accompanying the sun in its journey through spaoet trav els ahead toward the star Vega, we going around it, following it, take a spiral course. Tea are many bil lions of miles from t^e net m the universe where you were ?orn, and probably never will go back. Don't neglect colds, bat dont btf panic-stricken when teM that Europe's influenza epidemic may corse here. A wise doctor has mid, ''The best thing to tab for a had cold is two days** which means two days of complete Mat la bed, st an even temperature, drinking much water, casta* a* Mia M foesibl* ft MAY PAY TO TOPDRES& GRAIN / > i ( Raleigh, N. C., March 2?Small gT&in that looks pale in color and is evidently not doing so well, might well be given a dose of quickly avail able nitrogen at this time of the year. This course of treatment is pre scribed by Prof. C. B. Williams, head d injure them by burning. If the small grain plants have a toothy green color, it is hardly nec essary to go to the expense of pur chasing the nitrate materials for top dressing, Mr. Williams states. c tfOLLNER NEW HEAD /, t AT JUNALU8KA ( The Rev. Ralph B. Nollmer, of t'??ishviUe, Tenn., well known South Crn ennrchman, was unanimously ) more than ten years has been assist* ant general secretary and treasurer, of the General Epwoorth League Board with headquarters in Nashville.; Assistant to Dr. Dobbs. He fornierly was assistant pastor of the First Methodist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, under the Rev. Dr. H. M. Dobbs, now bishop. Uuder his guidance and with the direction of the Methodist Church officials the assembly grounds and church training work carried on at Lake Junaluska will be rounded out into an elaborate church school, ac cording to tentative plans announced by the ohuroh commission. Varied courses will be offered, of such a nature as to make the assem bly one of the outstanding church training schools of the South. Fur ther details of the school plans are expected from the commission and from Rev. Nollner at an early date. Extensive enlargement of the Duke university summer school also is contemplated, acoording to pre liminary announcement made by Dr. W. P. Few, president of Duke Uni versity, members of the commission. The summer school is maintained at Lake Junaluska as a branch of the* university. < /" Mr. Nollner attended the meeting IMd&y. Others present were: Col. J. R. Pepper, chairman, of Nashville;, ?. A. Cole, of Charlotte, Hugh Sloan of Waynesville; E. L. Brown of Ashgville and J. T. Mangum of Lake Junaluska. < t?:e last 5 y;v>rsf and r.ov., - t'.. fcj? Other .properties, h? ha:; i ovw th(i pioneer DeF*?rcst 'ev anv and has mass prcvv It-** to? n ; vol UJSC, he is fcuv. .;?(! of Eadio-'. He est:r.vsl^ Sit* publii spent more than $50:".000,000 Toj radio apparatus .lunm-" ? fW, i i SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSfcTI Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablete you ait ? not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved uH by millions and prescribed by physicians for 15 yeto* >? ? r DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ?Accept only "Bayer which contains proven'tfifac? Handy "Bayer" boxM of 12 ?kbW? Also bottle* of 24 and IU0 ? Diiiffifak Aspirte u tne trade muft of Boer lCamttctm 9t Maao*cettc*efchster ?C g?Ht? !>???> it.. Charles Hftlliam Stores inc. ) ' New York. City i a 3 V .. I J *\ J THE new catalog for Spring and Summer is ready, filled to the covers with every thing from New York City ? the market* place of the world?ready to save money for you on practically everythingyou use or wear. Ready, too, to save time for you ? as well as money. No waiting?no delay here. Clothes, shoes for every member of the family, dry-goods, auto supplies, furniture, household equip* ment, in fact almost everything for your home, yourself, your family, your farm or your car ... whatever it is you order from The Charles William Stores?you will get it, priced low, and shipped quickly. You may depend on that. Many of our orders are shipped the same . day they are received?8-HOUR SERVICE ?and practically all of the balance the fol lowing day?24-HOUR SERVICE That means your order on its way to you in the short est possible time, and its arrival at your home almost unbelievably quick. Many families right in your com munity buy at The ^ Send for this Catalog f Charles \Villiani m j r,> nnnp ? Stores. Ask your Today?-It s FREEi neighbor about our service and values. ?> _v Use your catalog to day - or if you haven't a catalog send the coupon be low and a copy will be sentyouatonceFREE. Hie CHARLES WILLIAM STORES, Inc. New York City . \ ;