Wo will ho dedicated to your service every day of lite s New Year as we were every day of the old?anc^ wo want if) take tliis occasion to wish you the best of all things good during'" the coining year. TRIANGLE MOTOR CO. Your patronage and friendship during the past year have made us very happy indeed, and it is with a full heart and the greatest sincer ity that we extend our greetings, and say to you "Happy New Year." ACME CLEANERS liio Xew Baby has his hands on tho clock ? we hojx! ho ticks oft many liouvs of happiness for you, to whom we acini our earnest good wishes for the New Year. JOHN A. P ARRIS f rt%m We can think of no better way to greet you than simply to repeat the words that have been repeated a hun-v dred times? * 4 Happy New Year" ? and yet have new meaning each time that they are uttered. We mean tlieni sincerely and , warmly. The WINCHESTER Store The New Year has arrived in town, % j and, sends his regards to you via yours truly. He says he's going to be as good to us as 1928 was? but that all depends on our friends and patrons. We wish each and every on* ? of you a Happy New Year! THE LEADER While New Year bells aro ringing, we take occasion to thank our many patrons and friends for their en couragement and support during the past year, and at the same time to wish everyone .in town a "Happy New Year." ( HOOPER'S DRUG STORE /Che year Nineteen- Hundred and Twenty-Eight giv?s way to Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Nine; and much as we welcome the newcomer, we feel a twinge of regret that we must part from the *welve-month that for most of us was crowded 1 V with happy, events and marked by great, progress ive strides in our lives. The merchants on this page extend their thanks and New Year's greet ings to you who have jnade Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Eight a successful year for them, They look forward to Nineteen. Hundred and Twenty,, Nine with the hope of your continued friendship and patronage. Just three words ? "Happy NTcw Year" ? -btit behind thom are all our thanks to you for your friendship and patronago during the past year, nn f Throw out the olossible. SYLVA PHARMACY ^ * Our thoughts go out to you this New Year as a caudle spreads its beams; we wish you a full measure of. hap piness and prosperity during the ensuing months, and take occasion to thank you for your many kindnesses during the past year. RAYMOND GLENN, Jeweler May }>eace and prosperity attend 1929, and may that year bo generous to your projects as yon have made 1928 generous to ours. Our greetings are heartfelt. , The Paris Before another grain of sand, goes to the bottom of the hour-glass, we want yon to know that we are wish ing you " A Happy New Year" in all sincerity and gratitude. Your con stant friendship during 1928 has meant more to us than we can say. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Think of all the good things yon want during the New Year ? multiply them by ten ? and you will know what we wish you for 1929. Happy New Year to one and all! - BUCHANAN PHARMACY