?p* ' <>' - "THE BLIND SIDE" In earlier days, it was not at all unusual to find on the farm, a horse that was blind in one eye. 1 here was a "blind sid-' !* animal. He was easier to lay hands on than the o:r;< because of his defect; it was no trouble to get old Lv.i him to work, for you could sneak up to him on the biiuu .j and clap the bridle on him. Otherwise, he seemed to get along as \\v!' a a horse with two good eyes. } IK ua . easier trapped, that's all. My sympathies went oui to old Hen for that very reason. For, above everything else, I hate to be trapped? caught unaware. Many men have "blind sides," in spite of their two perfectly go ?.! ? eyes. Rogues sneak up and halter them, almost before they realize ii Whem a fellow approaches me with a proposition that my conscience doesn't approve, and that my pocket-book doesn't quit? > harmonize with ? and tries to talk me into his way 'if t!:.;ikii:g. "o he can ^et the halter on me, then I recall poor old 1 len ami his blind sLe. ... Over-zealous solicitors, political and commercial, work the blind side of their victims for all it will stand. Once the halter is on : and buckled tight, how hard the driver's lash! How heavy the) ? plough! ,Fot I have bee:' caught on the blind side, and I know.1 So, my life-study thus ,.r, has been to see all around me ? to' have no "blind side." Sometimes I get to thinking that mv blind iness has been cured ? by experience; then some pussy-footer will ? slip up on me, but not so often ? not so often. I shall delve! after truth always, for truth makes men free. Light is the antidote for darkness. NOTICE OK SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT \Y. Mike Brown , j, vs The Flexible Floors Company, Inc. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the; above entitled action was issued ? against it on the Third day of April/ 1939, in tho Superior Court of Jack son County, for the recovery of the ?Um of Nine hundred, forty three . and sixty-nine one hundredths Dol lars, ($903.69) which said summons is returnable before said court an the second; day of .Tune, 1929. The defendant will further take notice that the said sum is due on contract, -to-- the plaintiff, and that a complaint has been filed therein. Tho defendant will furthet take notice that a warrant of attachment has been issued against the Western Carolina Teachers* College, Garnishee against noncys held by it hem and due the oefendaut, said, warrant of attachment being returnable before ?said Court on .Mine 2, 15)29, the re turn date ot said summons, and the defendant is required- to appear be fore said Court and answer or demur to the complaint, ' or the relief de manded therein will be granted. This April ,% 1929. J. T. GRIRRLE, Clerk Superior Court. 4-4-lts. D. D. A. COMING Dr. A. W. Dula * Eye Specialist FRANKLIN, N. C., Mon., Tues. and Wed.,, April 15th, 16th, and 17th MUNDAYS HOTEL SYLVA, N. C., Thus, and Friday April 18th and 19th SYLVA HOTEL I Have yoiir ...Eyes Examined and Glasses fitted by ? well known and Reliable Eye Speeialist while yon have the opportunity. ?{' yon can not pay all, make 'i payment and send the balance later. I hav; f;tc.?J hundreds of your neighbors. DR. A. W. DULA. Eyo Specialist * Home Office - - - - Leiw.r. N. 0. DbAW.DIILA EYE SPECIALIST I have been licensed by examination by the State Boards erf Examiners of North Carolina, South Carolina and Ten nessee and pronounced thoroughly com petent to examir* eyes and fit glasses to correct def? tive vision. 26 years active experience. I have kept up-to date by doing Post-Graduate work, at tending lectures and taking special courses every year. TO SEE BETTER SEE DULA Have your eyes and your chlldren'a ?y?a examined by a well known and re liable authority on eyes and vlsior. TIE OLDEST. THE BEST EQUIPPED, THE MOST PRO GRESSIVE EYESIGHT SPECIAL IST AM) OPTOMETRIST. ? ? ? W w ? BLACK OAK BARK WANTED ? .. Call at Pole Yard store for in- _ * formation and sec me or Mr. It. * P. Jenkins * C. K. Wood, Sylva, X. C. 11 .'V.." ?' ? Se grave Clinches Motor Boat Title ?1 Major Segrave at the \vheel>of "Miss England" in which the famous speed king won the world's motor boat championship at Miami Beachc. Ma., shortly after winning laurels as an auto racer. MCSaggBBHS * Look at these exclusive { * features Here is val je tint only Frigidaire can give. See (he patented Frigidaire freezing tra; j. Look at the mechanism. It is so quiet that you don't hear it start, stop or ran. Next, examine the waist-high shelves that end all need of stooping. Come in and get the new low prices. Let us show you bow easily any model may be purchased on General Motors liberal terms; SYLVA SUPPLY CO., Sylva, 2390 FREE! April is the month you store your winter clothes, and of coun* you have several garments that must be protected from the dc. struct ivc little moth. (But the terrible odor of the moth balls!) No, you should not worry about that, for we furnish free with each garment sent to us to be dry cleaned and put away unti| winter a thilUy-fivc cent moth-proof garment bag? a jKjsitivp protection. This offer is good until May 1st. Our salesman is in Sylva >ix days a week, and will be glad to call find explain the prices and service we have to offer you. Don't forget every day is a dollar day with us. Mens suits or overcoats $1.00 each. Ladies coats or plain dresses $1.00 each. Pleating is our hobby. Ask for prices. Waynesville Laundry INCORPORATED Particular cleaners for people who rare Also Pressing and Dyeing HARRY L. LINER, Manager. Boyd Avenue Phone 205 Spring Showing of General Motors Cars. ^ ? M ? ? ? ? ? ? i i , ?. ???? ?? i . ii i ?i. i i i ? i? ? i ii i i ? ? i ? ii i . / This week, throughout America, the public is view ing the newest models of General Motors products. ' ? ' Check and mail the coupon below. It will bring : ? 1 this Spring Showing into your own home. 1 1 i CHEVROLET- -Last year the public bought more than 1,000,00 Chevrolets. This enabled Chevrolet and General Motors to effect one of the most remarkable feats in industrial history: almost overnight, Chevrolet was changed from a 4-cylinder car to a Six in the prtct range of the four. The new Chevrolet Six is new in every respect: smoother, more powerful, and luxurious bodies by Fisher. 7 models? $525 to $725 PONTI AC? SinceGeneral Motors introduced the Pontiac Six three years ago, its sales have practi cally doubled jjtch year. Now General Motors offers, in the new Poutiac, a "Big six," at the same base price. Ithas big-car power, big-car performance and big-car luxury in the Bodies by Fisher. It is appealing par ticularly to Amities which are "stepping up" in car ownership. 7 models? $745 to $895 r? OLDSMOBHJE ? General Motors took this long-established car and remade it to provide a fine car at low price. Last year the value of Oldsmobil* was so marled that the public bought over 50 per ctnt more than the year before. The nwOldsmobile models, with Bodies by Fisher, offer still further im provements ? sad the prices have been reduced ! Oldsmoblle also 1ms new Special and De Luxe |Dodels,with extra features, at slightly higher prices. ? 7 models? $875 to $1035 OAKLAND ?General h?Otors' policy of continuous improvement is nowhere more notice-, able than in the new models of the Oakland Ail American Six. The distinctive style and advanced engineering principles which Oakland represents have made it a center of unusual public interest at automobile shows. All -American in name, the new Oakland is Ail-American in its qualities of speed, snap, power and stamina, Fisher makes the bodies. 8 models? $1145 to $1375 VIKING ?There was demand for an 8 -cylinder car 6f General Motors quality i.t the medium price field. General Motors chos^OI ismobile to design and build the new car, and three years were spent in its development and test- The result was revealed last month in the Viking, the latest member of the General Motors family. Viking has the world-famous 90 -degree V-type engine and Fisher's newest crea tions in bodies. 3 models? $1595 ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORIES Tine pajnnccu on the low -com GM AC PUa COUPON GENERAL MOTORS (Dept. A), Detroit, Michigan Please send me, without obligation, your illustrated Spring Show ing on the new models of the products I have checked, together with your new booklet of interest to car buyers? The Open Mind." [ CHEVROLET G PONTIAC ? OLDSMOBILE ? OAKLAND ? VIKING QBU1CK ? La SALLE ? CADILLAC ? Frigidmirt AtiUmmlu Rtfrigtr?t?r * ? Delta-Light EUarit Axurr mmd Light flout* Q ? WmttrSyUemt Name. . . Address. BUICK? 1 This famous member of theGeaeal Motors family, year after year, has given increasing value. Over 2,000,000 Bulcks have been built aad sold and of this total 1,500,000 we Kill serving their owners. The new Silver Anniversary Boick, v'th masterpiece Bodies by Fisher, comes in three wheel base lengths. All arc powered by the Buick Valve-in Hcad engine, which is vibrationless beyond belief. 19 models? $1195 to $2145 LA SALLE When General Motor* introduced LaSalle, two years ago, it set a style which was widely copicd both in America and Europe. The new models are as distinguished as the first. Built by Cadillac, LaSalle enjoys the same mechanical excellence: 90 dc?rcc V-type engine of 8 cylinders; transmission th-t permits gear shitting without noise or dashi'-* ?.t any speed. The bodies, by Fisher and Fleetwood offer a choice of colors to express individu&jtar 14 models? $2295 to $4900 of CADILLAC ? What more can be Cadillac? For twenty-five years die world's of comparison in the fine car field. The cV*c6 -J kings, presidents and leaders of business am] in every country. To the unparalleled perfornv Cadillac's 90- degree V-type 8-cylinder enjjia* tw been added the silent transmission and advances in design. Your choice of colon i? "iy Fisher and Fleetwood. 25 model*? $3295 to $7*00 ? I 2& .... i ' V " a.'-V . / ? . & a; - .. .,'irC '.-wCi* &nii i .Aw-.-* .4,

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