SALE OF }IA-M . (iatft'TL Under and I\ viri of ihe auth ority conferre ;.-ujh? >:v^ in a deed' of trust executed by i., H. Powell and wife, Baye. Pojrell /on. 4he*-1st day of ?November 1^8/arnfl/leconded in Book 108, page 148, ??# will on Saturday the 21st day of November, 1931, 1- o'clock noon, at the;:Court house door in iueksnu County, Sylva, X. t'., sell at public- auction for eash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: ,i Being a part of l'1. Nos. 30 and 31 of the J. F. Eroe/e-*ylMivision of the Town of Sylva, J.,"orlh ,Carolina, known as Sylvan Heights, and BE < JINKING iit an iron stake 82.5 feet North 03 degrees 30 minutes East from the intersect inn of the East side of an ui>.inmed .street with the North sidi of an unuajned street which is paved, ant running thence ?Nori h 03 decrees i > nnnfttes East 82.5 feet t inter section of the Eastern side of au unnamed strct with the intersection of the Northern aide of another un named street v. hicli'is' pdVC(t,'and rulT niiij thence with the North line of the unnamed street which is paved North 63 de lves .'10 -miiiiites Mast S2.."> feet to a siake, .i mg the South west corner ol' .1. 'i', Powell ' Jot; thence Norih 1 degrees 15 VVTest 132 t'eef to ;i stale; iht..oj South tvi de gives 3U inin-ites West 82.5 feet to i a stake in the eas^-m edge of the unnamed street; t lionet ? with the fastern edge of saiid unnamed sttreet. south 4 degrees 1"? minutes East 133 ? feet to the point or plata of begin-' uing, and being the lot conveyed by V . V. Hooper and wife, (Sratia Hooper to 1. II. Powell by deed dated Novem: ber 23rd, 1920 and registered in.Book 99 at page 306, records of Jackson Couuty, North Carolina This sale is made by reason of the failure of I. H. Powell and wife, ?J T ne j ilium- ... .. ... Baye Powell to i?y o|ff and dis charge the indebtedness secured by w HAT many people call ? very often means excess acid in the stomach. The stogutotmtvr* Jtavs been over-stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, whieh quickly icutr?|izes acids. And the best alkali mow* to medical science is Phillips Milk ?f Magnesia. (Jnaepoonful of this harmless, taste* ?m qftkali neutralizes instantly many imes as much harmful acid, and then the symptoms disappear at once. You rill never use crude methods when once rou learn the efficiency of this. Go get t smap bottle to try. Get? the genuine Phillips Milk of Vtaxnaia, the kind physicians have described foii 50 w ess acids. 'Jftc to iTUflrtora. 1 n ki in w hp A deposit of 10 per cent will be p?qwi?od 7mm t"Et ptmahoBo^ sale. This the 15tL ,day of October, 4931 FlRSf! JfASHiONAfc BANK -OF : ' DURHAM, X C., TRUSTEE Oct 29-r;0vi9 . * C" , XOYltffrOF SALE - North. Carolina, Juckson County. Under and bt virtue of the power o? sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed..,the 23rd day of April, 1931, by I. H. Powell end *iie, Baye P&wujl, to Dan ifc. Hqore, Trustee, a* will of record in-; Deed Book 114, 188, in the [office of the Register of Deeds for Jaoksori County, ^jr>rth Carolina, de fault JbAyinfp Wpjpa(3e in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se-j cured and demand paying been made on the uudersigite&l Trustee to sell in accordance with the terms of said i deed of. jtxust, I shall, on the 30tii | J day of November, 1?31, at 12:00; 'o'clock noon* at the Cport House I door iii ?>ylva, North Carolina, joffer; i$ and sell to the highest hid-' I der for cash, tbe following described property: A one-half undivided., interest in ai certain tract of lan4? lying and be-i ing i? /i&soi jOuijpity, ?%fo**aid,.j land mweapa^Ulllarljr descfiM and! I defined as t'oHows: I Being lota Number 18, 19, 26 and i27 in the Falls Addition to the Town! of Svlva, according to Map on file ilk' the Blister ot Deeds' Office for Jackson County, recorded in Map Book No. 1,. at Page 8, to whieh ref erence is hereby made for a fnll and oomplet^da8Ctej^|on. Being the same Jots conveyed I)ee. 2$, 1921, from A. J. Dills and wife to R. F. Hough, by deed recorded in Hook 84, at Page 'J73, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina. v> If igL^JUJidepitood that this deed ,oi trust conveys a one-half undivided interest in and to tbe above descrih ed property. This the 27th day of October, 1931 ? Dan K. jfoore, Trustee K> 29 4ts DKM NOTICE FOS OWNER TO CLAIM AND FOR SALE Or AN AUTO MOBILE CONFISCATED FOR TRANSPORTING OF LIQUOR NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY Whereas, on the 5 day of October, 1931, John J.Maney, Sheriff of Jack son County, captured on? Ford Coach. Motor Number A3" 53414, 31 Model, engaged in the unlawful trans portation of intoxicating liquor. And, whereas, no onff* has claimed the ownership of sai?l qptomobile: ?i Jb'ow, therefore, all ppvsonij claim Jjlig any interest iit Miid automobile are hereby notified fo come forlh and file "Ihrir claim or claims with said Sheriff, and they are further uotified that unless thev do s.? on , 1111 'J,-u-"1 l', or before the 16th day of November, j 11951, the said Sheriff will oil that i | daje at 12:00 o'clock, Noon, at the J Court House door in Sylva, Jackson ' Cotinty,.. North Carolina, offer for 'sale atid sell the said automobile for |Vg{tfh* at public auction, a3 provided j in Section 3411 (F) of the 1927 1 North Carolina Code. This the 27th day of October, 1931 JOHN J. MANEY, SHERIFF - JACKSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA / ^. ?T ? 1 ' > " . 1000 men wanted t come to this office am pay their subscriptions I | Typical American Boy and Girl ? Cl.Mtacc Ccii. !(?, McDonald, Kas.. ?tnd Helen Johnson, 16; Roches ter, ivfinn.. were .-.elect'''! as the hest boy and girl from the 4 H clubs in the United .States at 1,1* St. Louis Dairy Show. They won over a f'eld of 850,'M.V rajitestar.t^, 6(K) of whom comneted. in the finals. AFTER 40 bowel trouble Constipation mm v- ? ,t . . chronic after forty. A roastipalion at tint <>??. , | <.lnu*l bring attacks of j;:|. s i unpleasant disordei - Watch v.')ur bnvr'v i; them with porting. ? ' Whenever they rice !,r,. a doctor should kr;;.v\ ? ?. . . a '?''--I W iem. "Dr. Caldwell's Syn:.. h-p in" doctor's prescript /< j r , ., . v.O'rJJ! by 47.years' practice. i; ? f(;j thoroughly eflectixi i:. , ? .-vn^^ pation and its ills for : ?, A ujcr. children of all arys. i \ j.p perfectly safe eve f- r ? . from fresh laxative tier' . - -.:v ^ * *nd other harmless inn\r,, ? tar. be used without 1 * your breath is bad, or w ho;; y, ,;r (, n^ ts coated; whenever a jjij, ! gassy condilion warns <'? ? nsUpat^ SYRIP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family lavntitf ) a You needn t tell me 0 '. ? ' ? I know Camel'is the fresh cigtirette!' o. 1H Cameis are never parched or toasted! O' 1 i \ i. f FrESHNESI a|d flavor in a cigarette trace right That's why the Camel Humidor Pack proves such a hack to natural) Moisture. blessing to Camel smokers?it brings them a fine If you ov^rlie^l or process fobacco so harshly as cigarette fresh to start with, and fresh to smoke, to dry out all natural moisture you drive out fresh- If you don't realize what natural moisture means in 74and flavor* too. genuine freshness and flavor, switch to Camels and Camel nevfr patches or toasts the fine Turkish and Try this mild, slow-burning, throat-friendly mild Domestic>tqJaaccos it uses?they are naturally favorite for just one day?then leave it, if you can' smooth, cool, mellow, with natural moisture retained. r. j. Reynolds tobacco company, Winston-Salem, ( a. J. Reynold? jTwfr mgro Comtpan j'? CotuHo-Coast Radio Program* CAVKL QUARTER HoVft, Hffm PRINCI ALBERT QUARTER HOUR, Alle* J?7? JTff Wmm, ^iXod Orekenre. "OW huk," ud Prince Albert Orckarti*. VC- tin MitM ?*???? **U?e Paal Vm La an, avary afekt Cata*kU Rraadawttacfertaa Smmdmy, N. B. C. RmI Natwark Amleeml lf?lc??fRgSl - Kept FRESH Mapping from your M It protection mgmmU meat, dust and gernu. In of artifi cial heat, the Ctutui Humidor Pmck deliver* fresh Camels j _ kin.c^ emd keep them right mmtU faht?c has been smoked ?imi.r.j.*w?