JACKSON COU1T Virblishtnl Wee! JACKSON COUNTY Entered' as second the post office at S. / JOURNAL By The OURKAL CO. lass matter at J ra, N.C I)AN TOMPKI % Editor The Anti-Saloon . much to its discomfi la Hill isn't ;is dry learned,] re, that Alfal hav. None of us would ave danced go! long nOr 90 merrily we had known j that the piper was itng to he soj eve'rla*st iujr ly high in . s charge. ' "May. Kxt-nd rat or in 111 On Dt.'tls", srys a head I : and we only craw to know to :n it is to be extended to include. \\C Ji re right mud sit ion as the ;;!!:es. '? debts, until souiebod they owe us; but h: repudiated or cancel ? It we- were askei ? about the liiiti er, w five homicide rases i term of the t urt i:: is ju>! eXfi< 1 l\ live i Time lia <? n.o v ' more thai;* a walrh keep things jioing *?? we doubt whether it town clocks could t: keeping up with the " 4": .\ general Paulo' body's debts v ouh unfair as the pn*p< war debt's and rep;; it wouldn't w ik as ? np: 11 Hie - rtl -ling 1 tiovernor (iardner Carolina is gfiitr on go plan iii. t i 1 1 in* | is past and the Stat with which t ? nice Which, we presume sti'iiction ol' llighwa more years. l the same po can't pay our ]>:iys u.s what ,ef? if we have d ours, yet. ?r ;ui opinion ?vould say that ;ie tried at one .iiickson county .? many. it will take .!! the Khine to ; way. Fact is, whole covey of m the trick of iacs in i-M-miany | ?i 11 of every bo near as to cancel the . ions. At least j '?? ?at a hardship] - -es of America! says that North] ...ish pay as we' ?tit emergency , .is more money j , nd payments. ! .i orks the con- 1 i'lii back a lew j .4 Five homicide ca February in this to point the finger of Bet our reco d hn backed clear out of tiring the percent:!" population. An utij say; but it is v.?t a nor a palatable rcc,o The new Vinanci up by Unci* Sam t the Valley of l)t . Creen Pastures of not be able to le; with Charley (>awi 1m- it can cuss u?s old da Vs. \\*? have I tin... that a little < be amiss, in he pr were properly nj ? j > ! i the riirh't persons. to be fried in! . y ; and yet we] ? -.in at Chicago | he windy city J ' e running, fig til the basis of ?asaiit thing to sing situation, 'orporation, set lead us out of ssion into the od Times, may us there, but, its head, may k to the good :<rht, for a long ing might not nt crisis, if it and drected at It would he just ? selfish for lis to propo-c f at th \llies pay the $184 per capita tli is due to the people of .lack-son ('? ty and that the government turn t amount over to us to pnj road, s ?ol, and munici pal bond:-*, and can*1 ' Ihc rest of the amount cine flip l'i ?! States, as it i.s for the hi:; bnnki to suggest that the war debt- and. ;ia rations all be canceled, sr. . !?:;t t' foreign loans made hy them can ' 1 collected. -Mr. Scott McBruli- has arrived at tlif eoiiclu^iui that M'ohihition is not and should i s>( lie siiadn a political .issue, and should he pt out of parti san political lampiij.ns. Just what wc were trying to tell Mr.McRride, Bishop Cannon, Dr. Barton, an'd the rest ol' 'em, Imck in the colorful days of '28, when they nvle opposition to the Demon H ni, t Pope an?Tthe Devil their shield j i shibboleth in a bitterly partisan p ! itical campaign Kev. Tun, ''Thin "holt",' Pardue has gone hark to w . for tho Sta^e of North Cm ilia >. ,? a 12 months stretch, after beiii<; r< nvicted of vio lating tli:1 stat vs nf State, where in it is made and p ided that it is uuknvl.d ii: i; ike, transport, or haw in p"ses:/:on i'? !i,e purpose of sale, vinous, malt, or oiritous liquors All of which convi -s us that we had th- h'"v. Tlmn ??holt, sized up about right, v hen a fell out with him for turnh>? up < rl, and appear ing as the ehi-'f pr .iting witness against her/ after s' had confessed to him, in tlw heat < ^citement and emotional:: m, , incide to a protrac^ ed meeting, being ei ucted by Rev. TlniiMlerholt, that si had killed her father. LOST: Sat i. rday .\f. on Main street in Sylva, one tin black glove for right 1 and. Find . return to this , office. ?C ' - i ) r: A STIFF- UPPER UP The doctrine of keeping a stiff up per Hp is.jone that heeds to be preach ed f&r and wide, these days. . '. Of all ,.<;pntomptiblo creatures -.that cumber tlie earth,' "a ^lacker about heads the list. ' . j ->-? During tho Great War Blockers were su considered. Everybody wa? expected o do hits part. To show a streak of yellow, or to slack on the job subjected one to the contempt of his fellow men. The:;:* were days of peril and hard ship. K very man was eximeted to be J a man, to take his medicine, standing I up, and to fight back at the .enemy. These be parlous days. The times are as freighted with fateful conse-j quences as wore the days of ' 17 audi '18. The danger is as great. No manj knows what a day may bring forth.! So far as the people of America are concerned, they are suffering more in soul aim body than they did then. The enemy is unseen, intangible; but1 he is gnawing at oi.r vitals as omi nously as the thunder of the German guns. We were not slackers then. Let's not be slackers now. We play?d the part of men then. Let's be men now. I W; need hope ami faith as wo go about our tasks. Let us anchor our se Ives' to the things that really count. Dave faith in ourselves, faith in our institutions, faith mi our neighbors, and our fellow citizens, and turn a face of hope Towards the rising sun of tomorrow, and all will be well. Keep a stiff upper lip. Don't be a ; slacker. This is no time "for whining 'and grumbling. Stand on your hind | legs. J}c a man Bare your chest and ! fight 'em back, blow for blow. The American people have never been, licked. Tin's thing can't whip ns if j we fight ii sianding up, with stiff j : upper lips. j I " ? i .\ n ALLOT TO HIMSELF If j ou will remember, back in "20, George Piitchard was a-running for the United States senate against Jo siah William Bailey, the giant killer (it who smote the Little Giant j from Craven and laid him low, in ?I 11119 of the same year. In "28 Mr. Prit chard ay as elected ' l'rom this district to congress over Xebuion Weaver, due to the stir an ent Al Smith and the bigger <>ne in Buncombe, where ,to rid themselves of ;i county government in which they had lost confidence, and in fear ol spoiling their ballots, and thus losing their votes altogether, the electorate, in large , numbers, went to the polls and' cast straight lit publican tickets, defeating Mr. Weaver, ?without renllv : intending to do so. When the *30 Campaign waxed 'warm, MivPritchard (now appearing as a candidate for tlhe senatorial toga, oihn! worthily worn by his il l:islri;>iis father), either because ho thought that his party was not in jii'eat favor in the State, or because he believed himself to be personally more popular than the vest of the Re publican ticket, or because he wanted ; to give the supposedly disgruntled i Siii'inonites a chance to get revenge against Bailey without having to go to the trouble of scotching the gen eral ballot, or for some other reason, raised a rumpus and the voice of his mighty lamentation was heard in the land. He wanted to be on a ticket all by himself, just a senatorial ballot j,for him and Sir. Bailey. The State Board of Elections- didn 't much fancy the idea; but the Democratic chair man, Mr. Mull, and Mr. Bailey both agreed to it, and fhp thing was done, just as Mr. Pritehard wanted it, and for no other reason than to give him the advantage that he fancied lie saw, for any one of the reasons above enumerated. Tlii election came on, Mr. Bailey swamped him under by some 113,000 votes or so. an average of a majority of more than a thousand votes to the county. * Mr. Pritchard was far from satis fied with the result, and has been peeved about it ever since. He is peeved to the extent that he is con testing the election with Mr! Bailey. He isn't satisfied with the way we hold our elections in North Carolina He is not pleased with our election officials, nor with anything much that concerns a North Carolina eleetior especially the last one. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmeis in Jackson County. Won derful opportunity. Make $7 to $12 daily. No experience or capital need ed. Write today. McNess Company, Dept. P. Freeport, Illinois. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE, contained in a certain Deed of Trust, made by M. Buchanan andi wife Belle Buchan an to C. C. "Buchanan, Trqetee, for ? ? '? J ? ? T W." C.^Norton, dated th? X^th day of Aueust 1024, and duly' re6o&ed in Book 92 of needs of Trust on page ' 145, etc., in the Register's Office for, the County and state aforesaid, and default having heen made in payment of the notes. thereby secured* and the holder thereof having directed that the Lhed. of Trust be.fomcios^d^r the purpose of satisfying .said note, together with interest duos thereon. THEREFORE, the undei$igned trustee will offer for sale at the Court House Door in the Town, of Sylva, N. C., at twelve o'leock rjoqn on Friday, the .-26th of- February, 1932, and will sell, to the highest ^bid der for cash .the following real "es tate, situate, lying and being in Syl va Township, Jackson County, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING ?n a stake J. fi. Ensley's line at the ford of Cope Creek and running thence northeast I with J. II. Ensley's line to the State road; thence .southeast with the State Road to the R. L. Davis lino (now R. A. Painter's lino); thence in a south direction with said R. L. Davis or R. A. Painter line to Cope Crcnk ; thence down said Cope Creek with its meanders to the beginning; Also an undivided one-eighth interest in a certain spring together with pipe line and right of way for said pipe line from said property described above to the said spring. The spring described above being the same now supplying said premises with water, this being all the right, title and interest of II. R. Snyder in said spring pipe 1 i n etc. This the 20th dnv of January, 1932 C. C BUCHANAN', Trustee l-21-its.-tb. NOTICE OF SALE 1'nder and by virtue r.f the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by jtcnry Smith and wife Ola Smith to F. $!. Alley, Jr., trustee foi Tuckaseegrr Hank, dated November 30th, 192*, ami recorded in Book 9?> page 139, Record of deeds, for Jackson County, and default hav ing been* made in the payment of the note thereby secured and the holder thereof having directed that the .deed of trust be foreclosed for ** ? the purpose of satisfying said note, together with the interest due there on. Therefore the undersigned trus tee will offer for sale at the Court Home Door, Jackson County, at twelve o'clock noon Friday the 26th dav of Febniarv, 19.J2, and will sell ? ? to the highest bidder for cash the following real oatnte: Lying and be in;* in Cullowhee TownsRip adjoin im? lands ?of M. Buchanan and others and fully described in a deed from Thos. A. Cox and wife Cora Cox to J. JI. Alley and Henry Smith, March 31st, 1919, and recorded in Book 80 ftt page 109, Record of Deeds Jackson County, excepting and reserving from operation of this instifcumtnt four certain tracts or parcels of land heretofore conveyed and described in Book 84 iii page 492 Record pf Deeds Jackson County; and second tract described in a deed from Henry Smith and Ola Smith to Mont Dave recorded ir. Book 84 page 533 office of -Register of Deeds, Jackson Coun ty; and third tract described in a deed fi^jm Henry Smith and Ola Smith to Sam Fox and recorded in Book 89 at page 252 Record of Deeds office Register of Deeds for Jackson County; fourth tract described in a deed from Henry Smith and Ola Smith to J. A. Seago and recorded ir When FOOD SOURS I BOUT two hours after eating t\. many people suffer from soar itomachs. Tney call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have b?en over-stimulated. There is excess acid. The way *o correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times Its volume in acid. The xjteht way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia ? just a tasteless dose in water, It is pleasant, efficient and li armless. Besults come almost in itantly. It is the approved method. Vou will never use aiother whea rou know. Be sure to get the genuiie Phillips' Milk of Magnesia presciibed Dy physicians for correcting excfcjg acids. J5c and 50c a bottle? any drtq store. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Philips' - Dental Magnesia, a superior tath >aste that safeguards against aw. oouth. ^ r"1? Bodk 86 page 168 in office Register of Deeds Jackson County. litis the 18th day, of January 1932 M-- F. E. Alfev, Jr. Trustee l-2lUts-tb ! ? 1 NOtlCE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ! . ? * - I Uifder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of tijist executed to the undersigned trustee by F. E. Lyfcos and Company, bearing date the second day of No vember, 1931, and duly recorded! in tho office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina, in Bo^k 113 of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust at page 193, default having been made in the pajrment of the indebtedness secured by said heed of trust, as well as in the performance of tbe promises and agreements in said deed of trust contained whereby ?> r - . 1 1 r -,'T ? ? , > said power of s?le has, heeome oper- ] ative, and demand having been made 1 by the holder of thej notes evidenc- i ing said indebtedness! that the land and premises described in and con veyed by said deed ot trnst be sold in accordance .with the terms there of, the undersigned, trustee as afore said, will, at- 12 o'clock Noon, on Thursday, tlye^th day of February, 1932, at the Court House door in the Town of Syb;a, County of Jackson, North Carolina, expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all ? those certain tracts of laud, situate, lying and being in the County of Jackson and State of North Carolina, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: A throe-sixteenths undivided inter est in and. to all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situa'e, Creeks in Jackson 7? n ?? i . " SO tying and bein^ on the v.aifcnt ^ Way-Ye-lIatta, Caco Hnd ^ " "^k Carolina, and known a- i!u. lands and the Bla< k Company tract, and V,, ;-.,T aK. ^ lands described in find ' ?: '-nycy^ y a certain deed troin i,;.k<s nrut^ Realty and Mortgage ( 'impauy, ; corporation of the St-ato ,<i' to F. E. Lyketj and (oiM.any, \v jng oate the 5tji day oi "umh, ^ and duly recorded in ???,. 0j the Register of T)<vd-- i..r Connty, North Carolina. m H ?k r,? of Dusds at pace 129, t - which. ^ as so recorded reine: -. i, htrtb, made for a nvorc full :ci N rfw-tj^ script ion of said' tr:"pt~ '.i land. This 13th <lay U .) ..airu-\-, 19^ ALFKED s. RAl'N MM), Tra^ 1^21 4ts Lynchburg Plows The popularity of any article, is due to the service rendered the user. Lynchburg Plows are growing in popularity in Jackson County, due to the fact, out of all the Lynchburg Plows sold in this County each user is a booster. " ? No. 160 Lynchburg 2-Horse Hillside $16.50 No. 60 Lynchburg l-Horse Hillside u... $13.00 No. 27 Lyndhburg 2-Horse Level-land .... $16.00 No. 34 Lynchburg l-Horse Level-land .... $10.00 See Lynchburg Plow Company's adver tisements in all the leading farm papers . j - V ? ? ,\ ?? 'k . ' ? ? Jackson Hardware Co. '] ?' - \ - - *

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