Horn t<> Mi'- and Mrs. Dallas Mills, iuIm'I' -;)t a daughter Mary Autt^ * * # Mi. '? ^ ^ t-rnald has returned :i vi^it to New York City and l? ?;t < in Massachusetts. * * * Mr. ,i anies Moosiey, of the New y : < ii.'i'it'S lias arrived to spend tin ttii.l-r with his brother, Mr. C. J. 1""' ^'rs- Mooney. -:i- * * Dr. Jessie Za'harv, of Raleigh, was die k|st week, of h;?r sisters, |)r. I if? i sy .Met in ire, Mrs. J. R. Coch- 1 , nn ;ni.| Mrs. (>. I' Coward -K- * Mr. ami Mrs. T. K. Outhrie and children Frances and Jiuur.y, spent tli,. uc.'k' end in Asheville, guests of Mr. rnd Mrs. IT. L. Timmons. * * * Mi. a??l -Mrs. M. Buchanan and Mr. Carl Buchanan spent a few days last week in Hendcrsodville, with Mr. and Mr-. Harry Buchanan. * * * Mi? Anne Simpson, graduate nurse, c.f U'axhaw, lias been added to the staff <d the C. J. Harris Community ho.^ilals * * * Hi'- Kir ma Tatham, who has been a |?ai ifiit at the Community hospital for :i week or two, returned to her home at (jay, today. ^ * ?* * Mr. I*. I j. Snyder, of Whittier, who has liccii a patient at the local hos pital, >ul i t ring with a broken leg, re turned to li is home Tuesday. * * * Mi-. W . (bikes has returned to I ^ lifr Imiiie in Winter Haven, Fla, af ter having spent several weeks here with lit r father, Mrs. John B. Knslev * * Mr>, .Wiry Cunningham and cl\ild } mi. tit ( i.v on. (!a., have been sf>cnd \n? <tmu' lin.e here with Mrs. Cun . ningWs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'J'. (iriMiic. 77 * * KiuMy m\ \w returned from At Jsmhi, wht'if lii' h:)K been a patieut in I'ifdiiu nt for several months Jfis t'niJaJ-j arc much pleased at the imjX'ovt'iiH'iit in Buddy s health. * * * ' Mr. Kobcrt L. Ovcratreet, of Bedford, Ya, who spent tin' week end hiTPf was accompanied liomo on M.n.l.iy, ?Tv .Mrs. Ovei street and Bob by, who have soont the summer here, with hit parents Mr. and Mrs. E. L. i \ji ilson. * * * Miss llnttie Sue Hendrix, who |i?s Wn employed a the C. J, Harris Community hospital or some time, has gone to Charlotte, where she has t-ntird the Presbyterian hospital, for, training: * * * ?Vr. ({Ihiii Allison, of llayesville, ( k I'f-tiiii comfortably at the loeal ^lio>|iit;il, following an operation on hi-, It;; wliit-li was broken by a horse kick. 1 1 i r> brother, Ms. Hoy "Aldaon, *nd Mr. 'Jity Mct'lure, took an 41111 bulaiiri- ami went to llayesville for him. 1 * ?* * ? illiam Dean, young son of Mr. Mrs. Carl Allinan, of Webster, h;is Ihcii a patient in the Ortho pedic Hospital, in Gastonia, for some tirc<\ has improved sufficiently to re turn to his homo. His mother and tail|?<r went to (Jastonia and brought I'ini liiiine, yesterday, ; * * * Mr. anil .Mrs. L. C. Hall and the 'liildrcu Barbara and Bruce, of Hat f ticsburf*, Miss., have been spending a tW djivs with relatives here and at Webster. Returning, they will be ac f"n'l'.-itiie,| by Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr ^'d Mrs. J. I j. Broyles of Webster, "0 to spend the 1 winter in Rat tii'sbur<' Mr. Frank MeCracken, who is Be- . fiouslv ill in n Barberton, Ohio, hos pital, is rc.|,,,r -tod to ho somewhat bet his friends will be gfad to learn. Mr. L C. MeCracken, of Ware, Mass. who was here for a ten day or two weeks' stay with his brotTTer, Mr. E. *'? McCiai'kcn, left immediately up i (>? receipt of a telegram telling of tlx. illness of his brother, to be at hi* In-ilside. * * * ' BAPTIST women meet next WEDNESDAY Tbo Baptist Woman's Missionary ?'w'iety will meet at three o'clock, "f.xt \\ ?><liiosday, at the home of Mrs. Jf- Murray. Mrs. W. C. Reed will 1,0 joint hostess with Mrs. Murray, nn?l Mrs. A. J. Dills will lead the program. KINCAID? PLOTT Coming as a surprise to the num bers of friends of the ~young couple in this section, was the announcement of the/ marriage, on Sunday, at Clay ton, Ga., of Mr. P. W. Kineaid, Jr., and Miss Mary Pauliae Plott. Mrs. Kineaid is the second daughter )f Mr. and Mrs. G.'C. Plott of Waynes ville; and Mr. Kineaid is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kineaid, of r'. l)i lsboro. They are making their home, for the present, with the par rents of the groom. Mr. Marshall Kineaid accompanied the couple to Clayton and witnessed the. ceremony. CELEBRATE BXRTHDAYS A very pretty and enjoyable occas ion was the birthday celebration on Sunday, given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Cowan at Webster, honoring Mrs. Octavia Cowan Self, of Asheville, Miss Evelyn Sherrill, of Sylva, and Messrs H. B. and Dan Cowaiy, of Webster. Others of the Cowan family who were born in the month of September, present at the dinner, were Miss Mildred Cowan, and Messrs Paul and C aude Cowan also of Webster. The dinner, consisting of the best of everything, was attractively served in cafeteria style, from tables ar ranged in the dining room. ? During the day, forty friends call ed to extend their good wishes and congratulation? to Mrs. Self, and the others. Among the guests was Mrs, Mar tha Still well, who at 84 is the oldest member of the family, and is the great, great aunt of Some of those present. Mrs. Roxie Rogers, a child hood playmate of Mrs. Self, was also present. MRS. MADISON HOSTESS Mrs. M. B. Madison was hostess at bridge at her home on College Hill last Friday hfternoon. Miss Peggy Morgan received a gift for high score, while Mrs. Jennings Brv son cut the consolation. Mrs. H. L. Brooks, who is spending some time here with her husband, Dr. Brooks, was presented a guest prize. Fall flowers were used throughout the house. At the conclusion of the games the hostess served a delicijous salad course. Those playing weer Misses Ruth Oilley, Ciarol Gilley, Peggy Morgan, Annie ^ Louise Madisoh, M esdanves Ervin Robinson Walier Jones, Fred Hooper, Cyrus Nicholson, II. B. Mor gan, Jennings Bryson, II. L. Brooks, | iiiul J. B. Madison. , MRS. GRIMSHAW PASSES ON The many friends of Mrs. Thomas ? Grimshawe, in Jackson county, will j be grieved to hear of her death, | I which took p'ace September 1, at her ? home, Five Oaks, Flat Rock. In 1881 Mrs. Grimshawe as the m bride of Thomas Grimshawe, came to Whiteside Cove, where for years she was loved by her neighbors, who were j all her friends. She removed to Flat | Rock in 1912. | BALSAM Miss Ida Brooks and Mr. Fred Farmer were married at Clayton, Ga., Thursday rhe 22n<i. Mrs. Walter Bryson spent last week end with litr (laughter, Miss Louise, at the home of Mr. Crockett Campbell, where she is boarding while teaching school at Maggie. Mr. Rule Queen and family ol' Dillsbnro were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Knsley left Sunday to spent a few days in Asheville and Black Mountain before leaving to spend the winter in New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mehaffey mo tored here from Ilendersonville Sun day. Their daughter, Mrs. Hubert Ens ley and two children returned with them to spend a few days. Several members of the Balsam P. T. A. attended the P. T. A. at Wil lets, Friday afternoon. ? > * vy* 4 Our teachers attended teachers' meeting in Svlva Saturday. The Mctho:Hst Sunday school held its picnic at the "Hiow-Well Home" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bryson. An interesting musical pro gram was rendered. Mrs. J. E. Long presided at- ? the piano. Solos were sung by Misses Harriett Long and Helen Queen. Many climbed the nearby mountain peaks. Last, but not least a bountiful picnic lunch was served, and all reported that they spent a most enjoyable day, regard less of the inclement weather. A large .number of friends and rel atives enjoyed a big dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cow ard Sunday, which was given in hon STKADY WORK? GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAX WANTED to call on farmers in Jackson County. No experience or capital needed. Write today. McXess Co., Dept. r. Freeport Ulinolis. TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARES 5.00 YORKTOWN 5.00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932 ( From all stations Murphy to Asheville, Saluda to Asheville, Lake Toxaway to Ilendersonville, Hot Springs to Old Fort. Tickets good going on all rcgu- - lur trains October 8th. Return * limit October 11th. s STOP-OVERS AT NORFOLK Usual Half Fares for Children Check Your Baggage ? Reduced Round-trip Pullman Fares Ijast- of Season's ? hour cruise on Chesapeake Bay included in above fare. See your agent or J. H. WOOD, D. P. A. Southern Railway System __ ; m STflPXHrS (?) Susquehanna Furn. Co. Stock ?. | BANKRUPT | | FURNITURE $ I , SALE f | Now Going On? $ 15 BROADWAY , 5 ? ASHEVILLE r ? $^ri You Can't Afford to Miss The Year's (g (?) Greatest Furniture Sales Event, ?j $ Every piece of this high grade stock of Qual "ty Furniture must be sold at once so we car. ^ vacate the building and the prices are going to ^ j ? do the trick. Everything for the home. Liv- 3 ?? i ^ ing Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Din<? (?) Room Suites, Radios, Rugs, Lamps, Table ^ Mattresses, and a hundred other items tc ^ numerous to mention. Come in now am' 0 Save. $ Sale conducted and merchandise guaranteed by sterchis $ ? * > * . < i ? ( 1 ,, or of Mr. Coward's birthday. Mr. Martin Hoyle and family and other relatives here attended the Henry family reunion at the home ol Mr. Yade Henry at Willets Sunday. Saturday must have been ''ground J hog day'' here. Three fine ones were1 captured by J. C. Long, Walter Bain! and the Potts boys. ] Mrs. Ruth Roberts left last week' for her home in Detroit after spend- 1 ing the summer with her parents,! Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Bryson. ! Mr. Lawrence Lindsey returned to' his home in Cincinnati, last week.' His sister, Mrs. 0. J. Beck, aecom ! panied them. Mrs. Maybelle Perry spent Sun ' day with Capt. and Mrs. L. E. Perry and Mr. Thad Howell 011 Jonathan I Creek. ' i Mr. 0. J. Beck and family and MlssT Dolly Hoyle motored to Smokemont* and Cullowhce, Sunday. 4 TIME COUNTS o when you're in PAIN! ;; < ? m ' > Insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin; ?> not only for its safety, but its speed. \ | Take a tablet of Bayer Aspirin ' | and some other tablet, and drop 4 them in water. Then watch the f Bayer tablet dissolve ? rapidly and * completely. See how long it takes to " melt down the other. . . That's an easy way to test the o value of "bargain" preparations. It's ' ' a far better way than testing them ! ! in your stomach ! Bayef Aspirin offers safe and < . speedy relief of headaches, colds, ^ a sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, 0 lumbago, rheumatism, or periodic J) pain. It contains no coarse, irritating < > particles or impurities. m SMI I SUITS DRESSES OVERCOATS . . . Tfiat fall suit? topcoat or over coat will look like new ind (ire yon long additional wear ?f yon will let us repair, clean and press at oar low service charge. Men's suite cleaned and pressed 50c; topcoats 60c; hats cleaned and reblocked 60c;.. ladies' dresses and coats cleaned and pressed 50c; Neckwear, cleaned and pressed. Waynesville Laundry, Inc. See Fred Henry "P ersonality" Short HAIR; Long HAIR Whether your hair is long or short, it is the most important element in your whole appearance, for it is the one fea ture you can change radically. Let us assist you in achieving the personality your coiffure should reflect Shampoo, Finger Wave, Manicure, $1 Modern Beauty Shoppe Call 186 Fall Bargains! We are opening the Fall Season with Remarkable Bargains in Merchandise New Silk DRESSES Justin -- 11.95-14.95, at 9.95 6.95 and 5.95, at 3.95 COATS x 14.95, and up Now Selling At 9.95 ? ? * New Shipment of HATS 98c Slip-on Sweaters Just Arrived 98c Silkbloomers 49c (

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