V I a'11" tsmm I ?! 1 .1 . ? Mrr. mid Mrs. Oliii Wil , Saturday, May 6, a son. * * * 'fiiiiipl; us spent the week reluming Jo ItaleitfU on ',i ? x # Mr-. I.. L Slinvi'v mill r? '.iiruf<l from a vis :V... ill Allieiir.ll'lf, ?:f # * . ; 1 1 1 Kfflur of Cnllowhee. t 1 mil here, n truest ol \\ it ! k? r. >f k * ill-: doll sj>:'.llt several I, uiili IVii nil* in Aslie II I *i \! * Mn,- Swayiitdm, who inn S|) inter with .Mr, and . \\ 1 1. * .mli-y, lin.-> returned to | , , ' \'W|MHt Nl'WS, \j|, ? * * I, \li Ivee lets returned |; i.;li, where ?he addressed i !? .a ni' i lie North Carolina , ni Wiumii'x < 'lulis. x * * \|,. \V II Taylor will return to i in Atlanta, (}?., Sunday, -|. ri'iinvr l?'o weiks In re with j?.,. M. .. I\ (J. Walker. * # # |i, U i. rltapiitiin spent the , k ? > ?! 11 ^forveii with Mm. Chap v!... hevii spending sum iiinr v.ii'i I ' i mother, Mrs, 1/ttle. i!.m i ,.!? i' ' I!' I \| Ml-. 1)JIII Moore lift' i'X ; - i < >111 t licit' wedding trip ,,,,,, ,| will oueupv t In* Moon I , i .Mil land Heights. \j, i \[ I. I >. Cowan went t" tin'; -.t-.y, t? take their ? i . Kv.'-'k. 'I"' Nuke C'luiii* , .Hill'. * * * | '? i:in returned Sat j : . ,u \i>t iu Suffolk, Va , j j, . at*, Mr. |iit?l t! - M. M . ..in. * * * W ??'. Hi ;, U wiiii has heen It: ? 1 i ii' .<-11 ? imry school i : .! ?. .-j.a it her home I. 'V :? :?? * l It I ! ,, ? no IliU lit'i >i ;i |W I . ? ? ! < i, ? i Vi hta :i I for muo1 I 'III. II Sllilu ?| III hi* In '????? Iiel't . : III' ' . .til 1. 1 >V i'i|. # ?? * \!. . i; I ills I. I?. ,\|i Hire and I hi ' Itiin I ..r. i i. ' ' i ? ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 1 illlull, (til , '.(.si I ' It.i \ r Jn ii. \ I lilfj' ????! ,i ' I . i Mi-. -I M, SwiiViiuiin has ii-lui'iiii! I.. It. i Ii. ..ii i i . \i-kvifcni \rcws Va.. 1 ? ' ? i ? 1 !. Ir-r liinlhcr, Mr. \V. H I '? ???!: . r I \Ji -. I'unh-y, for I, In J 1*1 %\ ! \\ 1 1 V i rk,?, # * Mi?? M ; > Klizahelh Taylor, Mr. | tttitiv ... ; !i Taylor mill Mr. Parks j Will in w II (hiiiio up from At* | ,f ii week end visit Mr miiI Mrs. V. ti. Walker. * * * Mi. Kail Illation, who has I 'lit i in Piedmont Hospital, At ? a fe w days, h?s returned in -i-liin.1 nt piedmont Collide, I>em " Ht. i|. i, # -* # f'ri. i:.|, of Miss Sadie Lou South- ; 1 ! \ ill regret to learn that she ?i pilii'iit in Mission Hospital, ?U||(-\ i||,. where she was taken the :M ..I i he week lor treatment. . * * * i Mi-- "*iira Crews and Elizabeth "K.I!. i,| MVftsrs. Charles Sams :, l Ui?k I try son, of Ashoville, speiit '"k i ml with Misses Joe nml , lli 'mi, at the New Jackson II.. 1. 1. * * # - N >? \lli>on returned vester n?f from Raleigh, where she ''M'lVMit!,. i tli?. Junior Club, of Svlva ?' i.n.-tl meeting of the North' 1 l > ili ration of Women's l.i'. i- visiting her sister, Miss a. at Meredith College. * * * M'-. ' '. Weigh*, Miss Kate T<on " w,! i?l Mr. J. 0. Woigle, Jr., ' '? Augusta, Oa., Sunday i " 1 !| - r s|M*iidin{jf a day ? or two ' v 'm tlu ii- daughter and sister, '*? '' Toiiipkitts, Mrs. Tompkins ..|| them to Augusta, for a It - . i n tilim ?0ARD or EDUCATION TO melt on next Monday -I u-k-.nn County Board of Ed |i'*?i * i on will DKot on Monday morn ' M;i v i;, ;,t 9 ;.'{0 A. M., for the 1' "i"1-' hi urbanizing and attending "tln i |ui'liiiiiiiary matters that ??:iv fiiin,. to its attention. Thi. !,<>;, ,-|| wj|j (.0)lsist of Mrs. b. U M. K, <.. T B. Cowan, J. E. Rogers K- Uuntor and 0. C. Turpgi. M0RELA2TD-ZA0EARY Of- interest to a largo number of friends in this section is the wedding wliioh oocurred on last Saturday at 11 o'clock- at the home of- the bride V sister, Sirs, Kelley Bennett, in Brv sou City, of Dr. Jcsuio A. Zachary and Mr. Hoy Moreland, The Beunett home was lovely will spring flowers, arbor vitac and iri IforinLng the altar before which tb vows were spoken. The ring eer? mony performed by Rev. Mr. (Hlle? pio, pastor of the Brysou City Pre; byterian church was used and tL bride was g;vcn in marring*.* by h< brother-in-law, Dr. Kelly Bennet: For her marriage she wore a ta costume, with accessories of browi and shoulder corsage of orchids. / program of wedding music was rci dered by Miss Pauline Francis pr? vious to th?< ceremony and iMiss Pnl spy Mefluirp neice of tile bride, play ed the wedding March for the en trance of (lie bridal party.. Mr. Mor land was attended by Mr. Dodlevt o; Raleigh, as best num. Tin- wcddi.ii' was attended by tin mlx-i's <>f flu I bride's family and Mr. and Mr> Dudley uf Raleigli, after the cere moiiy a wedding lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Moreland leaving iui mediately afterward for a trip which included Atlanta and other points ir the south. Mrs, More'and is the youngest daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Zaclmry of Jackson county. Aftei finishing her course in dentistry she located in Raleigh, where site hn? practiced her profession for several years. . After May fifteenth, Mr. and Mrs. Moreland will be at home in Raleigh where Mr. Moreland is in business, being connected with the Carolina Power uml Light Company. Attending the marriage were Mrs. (), II. Coward of WVIistor, Mrs. I'wnl MeCnrry ot' Asheville, Or. Daisy Mc (liiire, Min. J, It. Cochran of Svlva, Mrs. L. M. Stevens of Pendleton, S. 0, all sisters of the bride, Mr. L. M. Stevens, Dr. Wnvne* Mefluire, Missi s Nora eel la, Pntsey anil Kitty Demi Mefinire, Mr. J. K. Cochran, Zm-h and J. Ft. Cochran, .Jr. and Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Bennett of Rryson City. MRS. KINOAID IS HOSTESS Mrs. P. W. Kini'iiiil was hostess, on hist Thursday afternoon, to the W. A. Knloe Chapter, I*. 1). ('. Tin' meeting wns presided over, hy the president, Mrs. S. W. Knloe, with Mrs. P. I. Watson leading tin- pro gram. Members present were Mrs. W. I). Wike, of Cullowhce, Mrs. Kivil Hooper, Mrs, A. I). Parker, Miss .Margaret Moore, of Svlva, Mrs. Eu genia Allison, of Webster, Mrs. M. M. Cannon, 'Mrs. ('. Cannon, Mr*. L. II. Cannon Mrs. Flora Wat kins, Mrs. ' P. I. W..I son, Mrs, P. W. Kim-aid and Mi':*. S. W Knloe. During tin- soeial hour Mrs. P. W. Kincaid, Jr., Miss lion'si* Ma son and Miss Ann Knloe served n siiliid course. FISHING PARTY GOES TO SILVER RUN FOR DAY Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Moody were hosts, Inst Wednesday, to a party composed of Mrs. P. \V. Kinenid, Mrs. A. S. Nichols,; Misses Bonnie Rogers and Cleo Hendricks, who ? spent the day fishing in Silver Hun. ' > % METHODIST SOCIETY WILL MEET NEXT WEEK _____ i v The Methodist Woman's M:ssion ury Society will meet next Wednes day afternoon at lie home of Mrs. .1. I). Cowan, with Mrs. W. 'II. Oliver) as joint hostess. LOCAL GIRL WINS HONOR Miss Will Nell Iligdon, daughter of Mr. o?d Mrs. J. S. Iligdon, has rcently been elected prescient of the Athletic Association of Eastern Car jolina Teacheis College. This is t hi first time in the histoiy of the col liege that a member of the Home Economics dnss has had this honor. NOTICE The Jackson County Bank opened , Wednesday morning, May 10th, 1933 jwith license to do an unrestricted hanking business and it is now nec essary that all funds which ha v. been deposited on trust account b< I withdrawn or transferred to regulat I deposit ammnt and we respectfully l ask that all those who have funds ?ill trust account call and transfer tie same to . regular deposit account without definite advice all trust funds will be transferred to regular ac counts at the expiration of 15 day? from date of this not-ce. | THE JACKSON COUNTY BANK f> 10 33 1 RA YMONDGLENN r( JEWELER i,l \ ? ? " SYLVA, If. 0. * i WMMYttHOOi ? LESSON ?y Charles E. Dunn Jesus Asstrts His Kingship. Lesson for May 14//i. Mark n ;1.3i (?olden Text : 9;9t tl." fir", te, CJ"",eJ o? *' J?1 *aln? Sunday long ago, H# gave ifis approval, for the }?.a Pub,ic recognition of His c|a,J to be the long antic ipjlted Messianic King." For Him it was the day of public decision. I ii e secru-y He had hitherto insist ed upon was now cast aside. We ob serve the .Master determined . ? make a ;>tihltc stand, and then to ?2?*' ?* cru,l 'ate His enemies were preparing for ohs so dear to Him ,,?We n etrop triumph. But whin^J " .a, ,,a>' V'.,0?ed. remmSr tog 'that 'th *'* Si'" 1 cents tl,.. .V ? 11 C(."ifession. He ac? His time lias come. ?' thc ,mi,tit"de; I ."VMiat shall I (lo W l!!r,,!-nv aS t'?e: ?s "ponlv challeiifrin., J ^",JV ^ ''<> shall I fo?/,w n:f How help to Him'" An I in Ca" * hc ?' natical 7eahu t i tt,cm,es ,he 'a odia,,, H?j Pilaris**, aJI were il,.?b- fs aiK* ' >??!? , , 7n Z ? l",w King. tn,Ml strange Oil the .lay <fof|owin?r c- . an emit t< >? >K uL-ire 1 , entry I) into tne hamTs .f | s'ter Mo tored the temple ? , I ? He c" ngainst the fratididei'ii ' i"\ pro'l'st there taking Kft' V "!*fr }ra,lic tuals and the evclnn^o f am* out. With < r i f n,lo,!0v- ''rove ^?t 0/ ry- T,,is Ud antagonism to i|, . Ar* Pll,ed the hasteiliW V 11,1 ,.Masfer. there'./ His :SiSo,;!ra,ua,ic ^ Lyric Theatre Program Friday and Saturday TOM KEENS in "RENEGADES OF THE WEST" lwo Comcdicj Monday and Tues 'ay CLARK GABLE AND CAROLE LOMBARD in "NO MAN OF H3T OWN" Comedy and New.v Wednesday & Thursday BUSTER KEATON AND JIMMY DURANTE in "WHAT! NO BEER?" Comedy ROUGH your finger means . . ROUGH MJV YOUR STOMACH It's easy to say they're all alike? and easy to prove they are NOT. . Dissolve a genuine Bayer Aspirin tablet in water, pour it off, feel the fine powder that coats the glass. Do this with some other tablet - see what coarse particles are left i They feel as sharp as sand, even to your finger. How must they affect those delicate membranes which line your throat ? your stomach? For immediate relief from head aches, colds, sore throat, neuralgia or neuritis, lumbago. rheumatism, , there's nothing nke Bayer Aspirin. It cannot depress the heart. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere t hanks to our friends for t heir acts of kindness mid the sympathy shown us in our reeent bereavement in the death of cur son and brother, (irif fith Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morgan & Family ? The Rotary Wheel ? (By John Parris, Jr.) __ Congratulations to Dan Moore and his bride! It is a pleasure that is in deed rare to welcome tin* new Rotary' (Inn through this column. May we say here's an orchid to tin* bride ami groom, and "llappv returns of the day!" **-:!? Torn Cox, who can talk on any subject that is brought up, made a very interesting talk to 25 Kotariaio at the Tuesday evening meeting. His topic was "SUirs ? My Acquaintance \Y it li Them."' And everyone enjoyed the talk very much, .lust leave it to the program committee to seieet a speaker. They certainly know, what they a re. about, * * * Congratulations to Charles I'oin dexter, Sr. and Notary Ann Poindcx ter in the birth of a junior Rotarian, C. C; Poiudexter, Jr.' * * # Cloti He Allllel' ot Williaius|>ort, Peuili, was the guest of Audy Ileve lior Tuesday evening. # * Following is ,-i report of service s by the Sylva Kotary Club from July l] 10.TJ to March I! I, UKM: Hospital :-C. .).? Harris Community a -non-profit /community hospital co operating with the Onke Foundation; ?luring reeent months greatly in need of support from community agencies. Kotary Club's contribution: I'y monthly contribl ionu total $!)U.Uit, By special contribution (in co-opera tiou'-with Syiva Junior club) .+100.00. (.Vote; $5.00 monthly pledged from April to July.) * * * Faun Boys' 4 II Club Work. The Rotary club began a piog.ant of back ing (he .Farm Boy's' l-ll Club Work in the spring of I!I!I2. This work was to cnihntc* tli'f following tyj?es of assistance* (I) distrilnrng p.uebnd j;*gs aiuwig Wuithy farm hoys; CJ) distributing- ? certified seed corn among farm boys. This work has been continued and will be continued l'nr ;i period of three years. As a result of this inter* st that the Rotary Club took: (ll Two boys now have brood sows ii,;:u which -1 pigs are being distributed to four other boys; ) seed corn troni corn furnished boys last season is being ; distributed among 8 other boys. Co-operation with Farmers: Plan -r.^.w^^yx-. y.^^^sgttsssssesssssams A Beautiful Line of ? Summer SILKS and SHEER GOODS at Schul man's We have just unpacked glamorous yards of silk and Sheer Goods of the kind you'll love for a jaunty frock! And such an array of lovely pat terns and colors, we haven't seen in years at such low priccs. Schulman's Dept. Store jadopted liist reason lor co opt ratio!, ?witli farmers in >oil iiiiprovt-uieti' through ;i period of three yours. ]{? suits: (1) Ten lime diin<ui>)iatioi; by ten (different r.Miini r-. J'lii ni.shed I ?y Kotary Club. (2 1 A> exsim | ?l<? ul value of ih:>; on:* farmer dou bled his eorn yield of |a?t year. (!j ; S|n?rinl: A ?;i!'t e.f a bn ~ht*l of seed eorn hv .i member of" (lie Kotary ('lui I will enable 4 additional boys, in tli county to ? nt? r -I- 1 1 Corn Club work ; frftoi'ial : Five nieuibers ol' the )fo tnry Club, living 111 miles from th> place of lueet ilia, have been shut ol : t'rjni e'ub meeting* much of the win ter bv reason of road construction an.! rain. This group of 'marooned* l?.s -tamils met regularly at each other' hoin >s, using tin ir regular fees for food to assist, in community servic work. Insults. (1) A pon family, uid ow w Hi dependent children had work <loii<* on house, d slies furnished, etc. f'J) Moiuy turned over to Com munity Club lo help Inrnish h??? iuriehe s to undernourished children. $<>."?() wliiili Iniii" a total of $l'5.otl. 7 ' i * * * And one doesn't have lo ask th; question '"Are they living up (<? their motto ' Srrviee Above Self'.'' Tlu* above report answers the (pies- i tion. Skating 'Jams Now^ | K?cJ> generation of youth has its vogue on roller skates and 1933 find? even New York 's social reglsterites doning specially designed apparel for skating atop skyscraper build ings and on the avenue. . . . Theresa Townsend and Joan Hamilton ant wearing wrap-around pajainaa width fasten to tli ?Jeft leg. Kitchen Cabinets $22. u A real value at this price and we only have a limited number on hand. We believe it will be a long time before you will be able to buy at this price. Hardware

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