( 0L OFFICERS tit APPOINTED BY it LOAN BANK \\ ! i. 1 1 Syl vii, has Ix oii' . appraiser, and C. 0. . ;m for Jackson ? ilmni' liiMii Hank or [).? Asheville branch. , 1 1,? I information con- 1 ,. ? !?' ? V. . i" fo be (:"k. n by i i?nh r to secure loans .1... ; ; . un8* Loan Hank, ?set up , j, . ii. ii enacted bv the Vh'-1 ' i hr special session this -a >iiii lie in tin- bauds of "n, .1 ., ?v h' ?r It nil. JJ:i" ' -? j , i - |-:u |i of the Home Loan ... . ^ t,M,- 'irvi* llii' owners of homo; I.:, : liiiMwi! mort?a!.rc; and ? -iI'iiih, and to irive them 1 . :,.iity to (ow n their prep , i.,iy lor it in .easier inslall i '? :li. ? that home ovvnt.i- liip in I . i i>';i ' ry has been endanu -red by ; t .lancial conditions and by ?i that dnriiiir fina-iici;-! sfr?ss. 1 1 . ? ]H'l , ;i>. v <>f tin* hoiivs of the p. ople ,i, i heavy ihnrtjjajjT. 'lie ad , jiSn;i'i->ii set np \t he I Ion,,; Loan i. ;ii u-lieve honU* ow in rs through ? ?!.. i I 'Ui ry. \|l. |*i|\ il^*i!HI and Mr. Wilson will I, |,; in fivi* any desired infornia u- If me' owners in this county, vii,.,-. inn|irity i> distress. \ 5 QUALLA ? 1,7... I. I - pr. veiled at tin |{:.t,-i.i .-i.-i. ' n? 1 :! y . Tb-< saeiv-l u, !\n! a'"cr the sennaii. | W I'. Ii ? :l.<_- ."'id Mrs. I). r \\'v:V. ??? ? eiim. r Sunday lor '( \-:\ v- who a iv soe.it to i . ? :< ?> v. Mi-. Ma iv Hattl". /?"Hi /-Vi'mimi , \ i ii Lizzie Terrell I ".. Kiu ln, . I. I,. , ill ? Kcntiiso-t If'* I.i-L /J.i'ii. Uiire.ii an I Or Ti i.4 ii :?!; ! i ,.rj II .', Mr. and W' i'l'Tl Ml'-i. I.ivJht II ?? '? !?' ??in si , (ii i st nt. I I V'l I " r. ) \Y. 0. T. C.j - II I. ii ? V-. 'f. \V. Mel.:: ;' i > "> I. ?e ! . II i' ,! I ? ' i ' ... 1 1 I." I'm! ?? i'v. A'mi I I. : I :?'? ..|*h \V, b -l-.;'1 !: *? ? I; 'j(| wi'li iVi nils at (,? ;.\la. ' ,;l * V ? ?? " : I vi it. tt M '".a .!<'>?> . ' . \ ;i l:i i v.'i '?!< ?I' ;? :.|| M ,\ C:: ??;. ?f ! ? ,S i !r . -.! Ii Mis. {'.-i -I. :-Md ir?Mini i .if i.-ic IMIIsboro were ?I1 ' I ? Tei re'l. Sat nrd;>v. Ili?. f i ' l S i f i ;?!i .-tiid ehildn n lias I ii I 'll"! 'jniii ;i \ i ~ j ? with r/'lative:; in .i " V. \ "i - * j Me. M rlr'?. \V. ii, \ .i'hI ehildivn \ ri-s ar:1 in pr '^Lrr. s; at 'h Whi n i l';ij)'ist church, coii '' 1 1 I ? I,. I and Itev. '? ' 'I i! ' . S- verai Qua'.la f.i'ks at ' 'I ??in' v ev nini'. 'I . i> lu'dwi 'i li;-s been s. rioudv ? 'lie past week. ?'h. S M. Crisp wlvi has been sick 1 1 :? I days i-; inipr -ovinfr. M. H. II iisun of Whit'ier >)< i h n-.ck end with Mrs. .1. K. n/w t.,ter mii.l resumes OPERATIONS AT ROSMAN 1 ? vl, ? ii ; i Til?i">', .Inly 1-'. .. -',i I 'iiulicr I'ompjiuy :it i - i I i\- nun* op -ration I h'1 1 " ' I ilic w<-.k, wwnliiifr l<> 8 ' 1 "'u-i ;t|i hi by .Irs. S. Siivc I'rttri' K I'" ' hi I hi' I'liiic'T.n. i' i in- Inur'nil iikii wi1' l>i' ' I '?>??) l.y the < i|i:nc?>: tcr Litmlwr ' ? t'-'t-; . Mi. Silvi rsli?"? llii--4 1 ' ' ??<*!i!?!iisjf hot h pli'-'it ?p;*ia ? .'?' v. (.Hiils. iicii. IvxpcVii IU': <1 .1 Wi ::ils worker* wlm i l lie i inploy <>t* ? In* ???!?? i Miiiiln r ill' yi'jiis will lor " " " | :n t liiilk ? II |> till' CI.'WS. w Ii i ii c ii >ii| ? lain, i licintj ii'i'i'iiit I'll. r,|k' Il . Iljr illicit || til ill ii I i" it. ...It- ? |,v tin- Bivvjinl num. 1 ? ' iiiiitiy will start (iiMi i.tj !l 1,1 i", i km lYum sovi-ral Ini-tri' i In' i liiif ol' which is lo 1 ' l.nsi |.'u,lv 1 1* I he I'Yciich J!"'l hwr. Li?;?s will also lie pur 1 '""in other county property ' *' III |s. v 2 .0 TO ATTEND CLUB CAMPS ?'.'i two 1 1'.oiisiiuil f.inn ; 'I '.'il ls o|" | he Stall* ni l' I'X ?' 1 1 i'liciul I II club camps ?luv ?'' !> til Aiifri'st at tlic Slntc i1 !' ^Wiiini.iiion ami \Vliitt? Ink?\ ? In i i-'iiivcnicnt ssitis :Ji vn *u?U> i-uiiiitics. WEEK By WEEK (By Dan Tompkins) "The moving finger writes, and having writ move.-; on": Tennessee, hv t he narrowest margins, and Ore gon -by two to one, have voted to >Y|K*:it t1i?" 'lSlli Amendment. Thi? makes t!ie score 20 for rx-peal and loiic Against. The repeal sts asserl i hat the battle is over, and ?hat repeat now is only a nattir of form, wai:ing the other necessary lt> States. The prohibitionists say that I lie battle has just begun, and that they are going to put up a re;l fight in the otlnr Stales. Tli.' grain market slump of last wo k lia.s brought forth from the la riu administration forces in Wash ing! t n ;? demand that a eode be set tip to eiirb the gamblers and ass :re ;reat.'r fulim* stability of price , bv topping who'esale speculation. Any si t of men who gamble for tlninowi b lief it against the common g< . d are not good citizens, matter how much money I hey n ay make for their own selfish pnipos.-s. Hut, .then, bu|ii:*.a selfishness, that puts personal profit ahead of the conui:on good, is (be only thin;' that lias stood in the way of tli.- coming of thy milU'uium. < the p uelmsing pow -r ?!' .hi' labcrcr, the:' fartit 'r, ami to std ? the cut-throat conip? titio'i that has cut prnfi' to tin* po'.nt fha: rii plovers have been unable to p.->: fair wajr s. Stick by flu* pople, and tra 'e wills the people who join 'h niove:nenl IV r greater prosperity to ? us all. i he joke is on North' Carolina. Wo del S. nator Morrison ami put ' >i: r Hob ?:i ti:- ?? viate I).m.i:iso M>r li 'ii vol- d ? onfirin Frank Me r'i f |i as i tie i;. er-?ic inember of the I ." , sal p.?;v.?r foi; t'rissmii. MeNineh r d; luoMiit ; but, with the < nco-ir ;'U ui'iit' ?r ai-Mie? ami abetting, pro;-ur in and ii s it inur, M?'Niinh I'd the .A ? ' i-Smi i *i d: mocra' ie I'.ire- s in NYHli Caroliii:*, baek in *l!8, and tin re ilt was ji 00,0(10 majority far Hoover. For Senator S'n uions' part in 'he inovenuiit, North Carolina mi sirred him, am1, sent Josiali W. lifi' y ti Washinirfon in Iih stead. Morrison w.*s a mi-lily n a 1 cf valor in the party during th" Ifl'iH fight. siiio' ? Sii? uncus, MeNineh and t'oiipanv hip ami thigh. S nato? O . rniau died, and Hovornor (iardner :? ut Moirson to the senate to fill th' vacancy, and then Morrison took ur tl-:? etidtv-ls for MeNineh, whom II- ovt r had appointed to the federal pc ver ? onniii ;sio i, as a democrat. I'll1 a >'? i*:'?cirt, who had led the II over fight in th:' State. Now, we hrvii a democrat in the White House, a man "who w.'.s lo Al Smith what David was to Jonathan, what Damon wa i to I'yil ias, what ham is to eggs ai'd what corned beef is to fi'bbnge. And this, our democratic president ha . promo! ed McNiiich to the chair manship of the commission ; and the l'ok.* is decidedly on North Carolina. Hut, the tiling we have bean getting mound to is: what will .Foe Bailey and Our Hob do with MeNineh, when th:' time ecnvs for the senate to nvil'irm or r-jret the recess appoint imnt.' The '28 d'fa'cation of S m ii'ons put Hitilev in the senate; and ? lie M'>rr a;:i vet" to confirm Mc Niiich mas the mivdity weapon with which Onr H assaulted the Pliil i'ines end slew til." little giant from M 'cklenlmig. Wi'ey IV! Ins put I Ik* iniagin: 'in ??f" .Jules Yern." to shame. He II' w mniDiil III!' world in 7 -.lays, 18 hours, mid N 10 minutes, hinting all previous ri'iords by nearly a full day. I lis rally companion wns a I'oliot, fo which lie turned over the flying during the less hr/ardous parts of tin journey. The world do move. One waiving nii'l in (Jnstonin Imp ?i mii on need a wa *>e inereiise of 50 per edit. Wages in all lines will have to ' : nie ii|> nlinig wilh the increasing commodity .prices. Wlu'il President Roosevelt wants to deliver a ucssn homo ami toll tho'r friends i? ? i ? ? 'toi ? il:.i! i of the incney-savinp valiM ih it are being offered in RvlvSErt FA'JTS ON PROCESSING AND FLOOR TAXES ON WHEAT AND PRODUCTS' OF WHEAT Tho fi 'loving in ."iii illation .rcee'ved f i ion tho (. oplr, he sits himself down in thj White Ifruse tells the peopll what is i.'i his mind and oil his hear! It is n prc.it Hire when the Preside!!' of the I'nited States can actual] talk, heart to h.c: rt, to people throug out the country. Tic resorted to tlr radio to ?l:'liv.?r his message, Honda 1 ??'pht, and polls with white ban ners flying, with women and children praying, and with the voters and the women, who had not yet been invest ed with the right of suffrage, sing ing "Onward 'Christian Soldiers," and "Throw out the Life Line," and voted the Sta{e into the dry column, the motirite.in counties voting almost unanimously for Prohibition. At that time the people hereabouts had an example of government eontrol. Jackson was dry. Swain was dry, Macon was dry, and the Waynesville dispells:1 .rv was flourishing as the green bay tree, bringing in revenue to build '.rood roads and operate pnb lie schools in Haywood, and the thirsty went from the counties west of IHaymood to buy their liquors as thy 'were dispensed under govern ment. control. Many of the towns and cities of the State still had bar leoms. Rowan. the county of Hon. Pete Murphy, ws*.s a distillery center, aiAl, if memory does not mis lead, every county in North Carolina gave a drv majority, exeept Rowan and New ITanovcr. Prohibition had come,' little by little. Ix)cal laws had been enacted, laying off certain distances from churches, iiom school houses, and the like, as dry territory. The move ment spread and county after county was placcd in the prohibition column by local legislation. Then came the projmsiil by the legislature, submit ting State prohibition to the people in the referendum of 1908. The Re publican State convention declared against State prohibition and in favor of local option. Many of the Demo cratic le; ders were in -sympathy with that idea; but the organization, head ed by Senator Simmons, put its power behind tile dry cause, and, in con junction with the churches and the IV. C. T. I'., and similar organiza tions, carried the State for prohibi tion, and (he organization adminis tered ;i lick ill IT to such wet demo crats as Pete Murphy. Later came the fight in congress to prevent the shipment of liquor from the wet States to the d rv. Tennessee, Virginia, and Florida, for instance, h:*.d been flooding North Carolina vith liquor, and tlu> only thinp to prevent was the Webb-K< n von law, which limited shipments to a quart a week. The leaders of the drys, to-wit Bishop James Cannon, (Continued on Page two) I