I j||s Chester Scott ha\e Jfr- ' ' visit to relatives at i i ri ii ?' wW1" . ili \Vi '?>" WiusKui-Salew. * * ? l, ? i ilui Rhodes attended * ?? r Jiiins ??< #,|.i i Siitur*Ii>y ill, 1,1 some friends, at Mon * * * jj,. |.v,il L. l5rvson, of Marion, is . |ii- i>:irnits, Mr. and Mrs. I)ilhr>l l> this week. * * * y(. w (? U'hilley and Mr. Richard pa *fr;,-k lwv>' returned to Atlanta, u,j to friiMids here * * * Stovall has gone to '?{?* ? tfr. ll* ii 1 1 end the Century of I'iv.' ... Ki.i i. * * * j|j,? lli/.l Allison has returned ' \i,it to relatives in Chatta fpiin ,,1 Cleveland, Tennessee. * * # \|r. iiiiil Mrs. Frank Fricks have nturii?*?l ll,,m " v'$it ^r* Fricks' lmrci! i ?*. i'hickatnauga, Georgia. * * * \|i-v Hetty Daniels, of Charlotte,! ^1, lin'n visit inpr relatives and friends * * * Mr. ;iiid Mrs A. T. Ledhctter, with j |i;uty of Waynesville friends, have rciiniu'd from the Century of Pro l':i ir at Chicago. * # # Mil i v Allison left, Sunday for Marshall, where she assumed her ,lutii-i as a teacher in the Marshall hisri, scliimU Monday morning * * * (J ? f.iit!,- Miss I.ora Jennings Payne, of CanUMi, is a guest of her aunt, Mi** I ."la I 'ill* and Miss Llewellyn RUli->, jit their home here. * * # Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Freeze, of Ralt-igli, srnests of Mr. Florae's ViUTUts, Mr. :niil I Mrs. J. F. Freeze, : *\ \Vir home on Sylvan Heights. ( * * ) * n Mr>. A. u. Allison, Mr. and Mrs.' Wiiihr L ?!>'???> iiutl son, Walter Al lison, s;? cut last week in Hayesville, s u it h < ami friends. # * W; Mr. .\(li.lpii Ih nium returned to his home in Uii-h /'? >"nt, last Friday, .il'li-f a visit to his daughter, Mrs. David K;r. |>, a! her home here. * * * Mr. \V. II. Rhodes and 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry R Ka.idalf, nf Raleigh, were quests ot Miss Llewellyn Rhodes I at tier home here, during the week end. Mrs. (I. M. Fntch, of Greensboro, (la., has Ik 'i ii spending a few days hcri', ?iili Mrs. Cora Raines, and oilier friends. Mrs. Fat eh was a mem ber of tin faculty of Sylva Colle ge Institute, a few years ago. * * * Mr. ami Mrs. Lawson Alleiv, Miss Sue ,\ Ili^oM. and Messrs. Herbert RiVson ;im.| John Robert Jones left, vesicVilay morning, for Chicago, for a vi>it to the Century of Progress ? \jwVition * * ? Mrs. Sallie Penland and Miss Anna Ma rr who have been spending some time here with relatives, left last Saturday, for Ridgeerest, for a visit, More returning to their home in Waco, Texas. * * # Mrs. Neil Buchanan has arrived, from Eugene, Oregon, for a visit of >?*vi-ra | weeks to relatives and friends in-re. Mrs. Buchanan lived here before lr"in Muscular Pains 11 CVCS bmilinq l\GllGJ, . . Periodic Pcins Most of your suffering from common every -day aches and pains is unnecessary and unwise. Unnecessary, because Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve quickly and without unpleasant after effects; unwise, because pain makes your physical condition worse instead of better. One pill usually brings relief in a few minutes. If you suffer from any of the disorders listed above, take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. If they do not give you greater relief in less time than anything else you have used, go to your druggist and get your money back. A package of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills in vcur medicine cabi net, pocket, or hand-bag means fewer aches and pains. 25 for 25 cents 125 for $ 1.00 Neuralgia Do You Know You Can Buy Good Stew Beef for 7%c Pork Sausage 13c Pork Chops 16c Hamburger 12y2c Round Steak 14c o T-Bone Steak 16c Beef Roast 12c / I, . . At R. E. Dills' Mkt. i ? sibly could to attend the outing. This highway when completed through North Carolina will connect with highway No. 102, making one of the finest connecting links between the middle west and the south. E. D. Burehard, of Asheville, gave us a fine talk on the Muscle Shoals, Tennessee River and tributary de velopment. This section has been very thoroughly je vie wed by the most com- 1 petent army engineers and a report of their findings submitted to the best technical authorities of the coun try and then passed on to congress. Among the interesting facts which he gave to us was that Western North Carolina supplied two-thirds of the water used at Muscle Shoals daring drought seasons and one-third during rainy seasons. The time allowed our speaker was hardly enough for him to cover a power program of such extensive dimensions. Sviva Rotary members always en joy having a good delegation from the Franklin club. Harold Stone, lister Henderson and George John ston represented the Franklin club our meeting Tuesday night. Our guest speaker, Mr. Burchard, was ac companied by his daughter Tuesday. 1 HALE'S ? ?? New Fall Dresses Arriving Daily Mrs. Hale is now in New York ? and lias advised the Shop here that she finds no advance in prices of Heady- to- Wear and Millinery, and the market offers better values now than for the past two years. A few of the Dresses already received are offered at these Special Prices NEW FALL DRESSES In crepes and nov elty materials 395 SATINS Figured Weaves and Prints. Crepes and all the newer materials. Dresses at 5.95 Also Better Dresses up to 1.75 New Hats 98c to 3.95 Final Clearance on all Summer merchandise Telephone 104 Sylva, N. C. # CENTURY OF PROGRESS ALL " EXPENSE TOUR TO CHICAGO, ILL. Leaving Asheville 8:45 A. M., Aug. 26, 1933 Under the persons! direction of Southern Railway Passenger Representative J 5 Days per capita All expense, except meals enroute and t i while in Chicago. / $50.00 I 1 person in lower berth and single hotel 3 FULL DAYS IX CHICAGO $41.00 2 persons in low er berth and dou ble hotel room. $39.00 2 persons in low er berth and 4 persons in hotel room Wiftfcosfi priNn md single $33.00 Without pullman and 2 per soiis to double room / AIJL KATflJRES OF. THE TOUff FIRST CLASS IN v , , EVERY WAY f Standard Pnflmani sleeping cars used enroute ? Dining car Service ? Day Coaches. Palmer House, one of Chi cago's finest hotels will be the hom*' of this party while / in Chicago. All arrangements while in Chicago under } direction of the American Express Co. See your nearest agent for itinerary and further details or communicate with: / / R. H. DeBUTTS, ^ 1 7j Assistant General Pa*en*er Agt / 1 Asheville, N. 0. ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM