'earn install Synnj si.,: Ji >yce A.Titon, (.Vi sti'lit^rpplicr, (lilVt rnl In?.* ii| inciiiury ii" a -'.ililiui, ik>. U'.'ili acciilcnt iu Ci.iciL'ri. On'- in -uii?K fv.v J e.v.i later -i ?? ?<?!. -. alter n <1! t nm lur her \ her mc .i.iry u..tno I, ti f.i. l l>. r. elf, _.\* I* rU i.% ! ti e v. i i o oi \ui I .ici aiii, rieli i'' .lii-mu fiuu |ac!:rr. Six- ili-u-mi. ta i;-!. r.u'aOiiy ut lei; i-li'iliraiiicnt til.l :'et ai.irtlt KUriillS what slie you'll .1 'u-r tiic i<i t':e interval. Frum the com iivitiun ut lier tiict ils ami Ictti'U ill -litr ilcil: ..Iu- (.atli'ire.! thrl lie lir. I been a in.411U.1s, iik..:.i'ie-ii . i>ij! y ? tiiii v.o nun, One litt .r ilun triuil.lc i nr. w.is (rum ?t woman tiijiiiii'! Ifiyscli ." (I'lie, Maniiiw J-ViJir lur nui ;:i vin>! n home 1 ,. lisUy .Sophio was caniiK fur. I'miM It lie I ? r lali.y, l-'rill.? w< M'IjiC'I! Siu? ai?o f.uiiiil 1. I'aeli i nolvul in an n.'j.ijr .villi a .nan nt.n;\l A'.iiilanil, In S111 I ran v . ?. vlico.* .-lie we::: w'nle l>i'r li'i-1 iiul ins .. i.t,y i>ii ! ii?iiu i.., : "ie ?i<- * l<i>l'til Ainsvi hi l!i, a | lift v.hi-e work ilio lj: < j ?Iwa) ? ii lniiu I. Wlict JI'.'M rcteiiiel home, ? lit i!iviui-<! in ho |i!f.i-.:;ni( :* to \> i| than I Viili la I ?i. i m, (:nt this I v is J 1. ceroid, ti 1. ? !.'ril ???? i 1;',! '?r.i.'u- taw . 1 h .i . I.av. A:/ ; ... 1 ?' N'-il 1 :! ,r, ?? ! ?? 1 ,'?? .11 'j li lui I. ? 1 , s ( 1' , .vi ;.fc it,, 1. !i?lt All 4%<ili , iui'l .1 li:n | J ' i' I. it*'!, at 1 s I'.il-iu n! 1. 1 j . ii.,rsi'. ':('k 1 i>!i :. ? ll .) 'i, ! ?!? ?' : , ! I.;!. |. . I.tr I..U- *, I >. ?>', ..I1, v.-l t.?ll>>)', ,1.' II-' ? 11' 1 ||> A '. ? v i.r. . J|^1>' Iii:. ? ? C'i . -ii . 1 ? ? ill' ' 1 >? :.!i. :l> . U.i ? VlUo ! . .Hi} if 4*!.? \ t -A:/ ..i-.i'l .. '.. }> r 1 a.- ????? - > . 1 via ? ,k . , v :o ? 1 h . Ni ll I'll, I" I'. .. . r ! \ i ? , ? ' iit ' <11 ll c. a ?! 1 1 !" : ? 1 '*? 1 111. . I. vi'r vs.,' til. I..':- i NOV." <;?> LA.'. XVIT'.l -W'K STi'UV. Wrj iii-*; ii- '-.iii v^P. ?' i.'i'H: Vi I Kt-i Lv" I. r1 ?' I ' > !? U r -in.; : "I": . 11: . ' ,:l it s.ch i 1. I., ?'.j.i . , ...! I 1 ' ... :i"\\ 1 t. . . i!;. ' ? i 1 1 Ii (.! . I : ; .'!>?!? I^lil \\ bt^ti ?;.? . . : ^ >?. \v" ! >.<ij \vr Hit* m.tl . .ut .<? 1 wiwre flsc ! ' J ?? ?'(J.iliiV.t.y. : 'Plf.lse dtn'l ! ' ! I". >? (I .-"I tli; f :ult i.s nuiu1 n < tn l c . t?> ct: ! ? -I?ut I could n't iv.'ir i k- ii: : ?.a.i ? I f makiiw vonr Ii tuo : ? . - ! It X'-r rnttld I Imv.r In < y ? .Inin c!;i\ rdrntis and |?ri.<t?nri .:t:tl . *?> ? > v.: :? ! Iii V vf'yi * ??.??* 'f: !<:'i ' W-; i i!l Ml- ilk tv's l'? .r. till- ' II ? I'm r 1 if .' 1 1 ' : It r in. v. ???:'! .'i ::r-- .11 1 ''i:u. I un: i; <"? ' ? ' 11 ?' '?;.!? . :.;v? tiy : ' ???. !*r' 1 , : . '' ??>' - j ii ., ' ... tiv .? I 1-1 !.t: S ' .1 .?!<> Ii I'!"! t'l'.'tl ' jil ? .:l -I v ... :,;i I for,. ? - " * ?' .1 1 r?.vlv ! 1! iy 1 j j,y. ' ' ' ?? '???) ^ that ; i ; . ?. .ii' 1 ; U'li \.il ^ an lu.ly feim- 1 . !ii"? ih\ ." IICsS, 1 1 is ki;.?i ,i v<(> Iu I I ili>. I. lit !?liv fi't m'u- si::!|il A;c ?tiMn'i lit IktsiIi' j: juii tlii.- sulijiTt. ."-(i >!n* 1 ii- lii| (it it'll. "I'll j?it in t' ;vh\v, ii!i y? :t In ?'? iri\ l? n. *; | Xdl, 1'iV.ti. ir'll u.iiit (<? l>c uctt'ii. a klivnriV tuur 1 siutti'l .stand iu ym ." ay.' Juyci. ' Saiu \v:. ; v rtii'M^ tilt W'rtjT ? 1 the Ducm-uV ; ; >i?' 1 ii! 1 luai* it yurrrr .I'titait'o tiie l"ii:< lncui^i windows. Joyce flung hcrsi'li iIcavii on tl ?. davenjv>Ft and stillo-1 ?- her s >'as in a pillow. "Oh, I >ickv," :.liy said an a Tittle nose insiuuaU -1 itii lf into h' v cleucheil i>uhn, "why slvutld 1 1 e?.*l ! ' utterly wrctchf ' a'i 'Ml lite i nly dccc' t tiling I've d ?nv siaec l'\e heeu in this house? I (I.u't want t. y?, I licky, I really I >n*t A.iiit ti. leave at all!" JujVe li., " S..111 taKe her t" the Y. V. . j C. . \ . in t\Jtteh .shy "Isfid prex ums'y stayed in San l*ntlici-ii>?, btit ^li>- r? - mainc.2 there only o\Vr niplit, teelir ; | that it .Veil ; re>-e ! Sam \ery hard I j ihifdit tell liet wlierca!i nts, and slu jiri ferre.l t > remain in liuling. *'I know Xejl will i'evi that lie sl'.oiil 1 1 make every effort t.i iind me." &Ik thought, "hut it'll be. better it lie iWrn't j succeed." Joycc found it harder to get a j?o ] than she had supi?osed. Alter inst; :lin.T herself in a cheap rbomuigchnu.tu under the name c?f "l'lorencc |lilt<>n" (to make it easier perhaps for Neil t.)i get his divorce) she set out to find em- 1 ployment. She to >k to reading the Want-Ad ; in the daily jia|urs, hut she coul'i Kit up 110 interest in the kiud nf work the? offered. Slu ftnin.I that the luxury oi living as Mr?. Wil l ackr.rd ha ! sap ped lier c;mra;;c, and left her I- a'de to face hard work and unc nnl rta'di: living conditions. Her rc> >m filled he;" with horror; site was acutely unhapjiy every moment she had t< spend in il. She hegan to wonder what she wotiK ] do when all lur money was spent. Somewhat sa:!lv, she let her mind open itsilf t- thoughts ut" Kobwt Ainsworth. She hat' tried to hani^h hint !-?t f til it-it finite : persistent- ! ly the th: u;ht of him w ntl ! thrust itself up, only to be persistently ig nored. She hail but one conclusion | to reach, and that was that he had failed her, that lie had shown him self lacking in chivalry r.nd courage, J that perhaps . . . he . . . did not . . . love . . . Iter. To Joyce this was t >0 hitter for ] tears, too hitter for complaint. SI11 cottld not lu.ld her head up under the shame of It. When the hundred dollars was so nearly gone that Joyce was seized with a feeling of sudden panic, she shook off her lethargic mood and, strikineifut wildly for employment seized upon a position as file clcr!; in a large paper concern. The work could not have bceii less interesting or less profitable, but in her disor* Kaniml state its very tli: JJness was beneficial to her. She kept to her self, finding that the other m'rls vvc i e suspicions of her Guer clothes. It amused her to wonder what they \v?m Id think if they knew how she really got them ! One day, less than a week after ?;he had begun her job, Joyce was IvMvinu the ? irtiee a I five-thirty in company with \\\% of the other girls, She had tried to banish an awful lot. No one knew anything about you, but I guess a lot of gos sip went the rounds. Then just two days ago Roxie told me bow she'd heard Miss AbboU telling Mr. Neil that she had seen you in San Fran cisco the day before, that she'd told you about Mr. Neil's mother dying, but that you'd said you were sorry but you couldn't come back to him." "Oh, Sam! did he believe her? You don't suppose he really believed h hi mi she u:i? i'xclianpiu' rlo ? '.ilfi'i'v remarks, ?v lion a tjuniliar i-t.Vr made her t.ciuM.. , "1^1, Mk Paok:.rd, Mf#. Pack ;.ri! !" It \\a> Sam, <aluui? to her ir.,'5n the i-utf-ciilihi, \\ hii h he < jeered ?iiiu*k1y I i 'ho curb and <\ iMijK-tl. "(lie. I'm glad I found vi n !" 1' was out in a moment and i .'Min;; t'ui d??or f??r her, and Joyce. I ..i) I* fuddled to think of thi: [ ??.nn^vnteul oi* the office girls, or t .. ? ? 1 1 to remember to l?i?l thoiu g?i??d I ' j ??, i liiilK-di i'i \ i /'Scot srtr'td tin- car Injure he '?ii.uk o further,, and Joyce, r-nddenly i, vyiioine, buf.M into tears and be [ tiutt Mtim.- uncontrollably. "'I'll) re, thuijc." Sa::i was saying. "i"VV4i!| right. gee, I'm Uad I found yonl . . . au.l then in a minute, when Joyce was Calmer, "Shall I make .->trai.ul?t f-tf Mau/unita, or do \t u want to ^et your bags first?" "Oh. Sani^l mustn't goto Man zaiuta! V ,>u took r.ic so minh by Mtrprise that I just naturally got in the car, but I'm njt goinn to be weak -minded as you think! If you '(??n't mind driving me around for a lit t to. until 1 pet control . . she sobbed afresh. * r "What do . you mean, weak min let!? Excuse nie, Mrs. Packard, but I think there's a tall lot of ex plaining to be :loiie somewhere!'' Sam suddenly reddened, and looked at her with a mixture of apprehension ami determination. "Maybe it's none of my business, and ;? 1 1 that, but ? gee, 1 like you and M r. / Packard both too much " I lie slopped confusedly, ? and then shot at her a perplexing question, "\\ liy didn t you want to corne home when Miss Abbott told you Mr. Packard's mother liad died?" Joyce stared at him in such hon est bewilderment that he was im pressed, "\\ by. what on earth arc yju saying, Sam? What do you mean? Has Mrs. Packard d:ed since ?since I left? Oi course 1 didn't know! I haven't seen a soul from Manzanita! Tell mo ? please!" Neil's mother ? she knew how fond he was of her ? how he w- uld grieve! Oi course she must go to him at once. "Gee, that's funny," Sam an swered, "Miss Abbott said ? w?ll, you see, it was this way," he paused to collect his thoughts, "guess I'd better go back and tell you all that's happene.'. sinc< ?? >n left. When Mr. Xeil came the next morning and got your jtote he was about sick. He was sick anyway, I <oke;I terrible, never saw him take on so ' . Sam stepped on the gas, a prim expres sion around hi* usually pleasant mouth. "He sent ."or me right away, and I don't mint' telling you that I told him all I Vnew. He brightened a bit when he heard I'd taken you t > the Y. W. C. A. in the city, and we both went there right away, and missed you !-y just twenty minutes, the clerk said. We hung around all day. h - big you might come back for S(.i hing vou'rf left. Then wo came home. Mr. Neil was ne?ii' crazy, what with worrying about you and worrying about bis mother, who really was sicker than he'd let you know. . . "Oh, Sam!" Joyce's misery shot her words through with pain. "Well, anyway, Mrs. Packard died four days afterward. Everyone felt terrihle sorry for Mr. Neil. That Miss Abbott seemed to come around 1 ? r "I dnnno. It's hard for nun to V now what you jane* arc pullhig. ; tut Roxie didn't. She said to mo. 'Sam,' she said, 'I don t trust that . lis*- Abbott. I'd haw > hear than \ r.rds from Mrs. Packard hcr-clf Ivfore I'd believe them, her having changed and go s<? nice lately, and ;,i j ' " Sam paused in confusion. "Go on, Sam," said Joyce. "Tt's :.1! r'-jht." "\\\ II, so Roxie she snid'o m?* ('tat I was to JfO to Si U'?* x.? .? (I not c >:nc hack ut. i found you! So 1 came, and ijone ii I i'Jn't lin'l you the second day!" "So Roxie believed ? in me!" thought Joyce, deeply touched. And aloud she said, 'i'.less her! I always >' kit Roxie could he depended on!" Suddenly she realized that they were more than half way to Man . anitu. Half way home! A sob caught in her throat. The house seemed deserted when they arrived, anil Joyce, who had been nerving herself for t reception !>y "the gang," felt trenu nd ?us!y relieved. She wanted a little [ime before seeing any one, even the uilhful Roxie for whom her heart was full of gratitude. She flipped ? juietly np to her bedroom, and stretched out on the bed, in tense silence. What next? What next? She had never felt less mistress of the sit->' nation since she had found herself I'rills Packard. Gradually, as night drew on, she heard sounds downstairs, and, along ivith pangs of hunger, she relaxed somewhat and began to consider facing Neil Packard. Sh; took a hasty bath, and dressed herself in one of the pretty frocks Aat still hung in her closet. It shocked her to notice how worn and haggard she looked; the life she had led in San 1'rancisco had left its mark. Sam was standing by the door as Joyce came down the wide stairs; lie smiled at her with a return of the old friendliness, and then slipped out. She was left facing her husband. Aii thought of how she should meet this situation vanished when she saw Neil. Such an intensity of unhappiness brooded over his face that Joyce was instantly stabbed, and without a moment's hesitation she ran toward him. Here was some one of whom she was genuinely fond, in the greatest trouble ? n thought but to comfort him! He di, not once lose his self-control, bu the tragic look in his eyes lightens' when he saw her, and his whoh tense expression softened. ''It was a lie, Neil!" she said. "I? was a !??; that I knew! Of course ! didn't! Oh my dear, my dear, f. r give me. I'm so terribly iorry. ! loved your mother too. No onv could have helped loving her." "I guess I was the dud," he said gruffly, "to have believed Jove. A Shot t. Gee, I didn't know women d'<1 that sort of thing to each other' "Not all women!" said Joy a "Remember it was Roxie who didn' be'ieve her, and sent Sam to fmr ??? Continued Next Week QUALLA I Rev. R. U Bass and family of Fllin- 1 Miss Louise Hyatt of Cullowhe# i wood called at Mr. H. CI. FeisfusonV j <c! <?i| pen; Sunday with home folks l^ualla folks wcii' very much, inter- ? Sunday. ? Mr and Mrs. Ramsey of Wood fin i sted in a splendid prohibition ad- The Prohibition committee met a< j wive Manila visitors Sunday dress delivered Sundnv morning at the Baptist church Monday afternoon r Mi's. Maty Blackwell of Sylva is the Methodist church by ll?v. K. C. J Mr. (ihrtin PeTRURon and family j visit ins; her sister, Mrs. T. \V. Mc Widenliousv ill' Cullowhoc. Jard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferguson at : T<aughHn. Six candidates were baptized in . tended revival services at Brvson Mrs Ruins .lohnscn and children ( amp Civek Sunday afternoon by ' City Sundav evening. of Khi and Mis. J. h. Hyatt arid John tin. pHst or, lu v. L. Rogers. | Mr. Zcb Watson of Speedwell and Jr., visited at Mr. D. M. Shutar's. Rer.ilr. Jamison of Sylva preached , Pi of. W. E. Bird called at Mr. T Sunday *t the Baptist elmruh Sunday even- 1 W. McLaughlin's Sunday en route j Mr. Wayne Rhinehart is spending '"f ^ ' home from Olivet a while in Canton. 'J A Staunch Ship In All Weathers Size, age, position or goal- all may differ? among slnj?s as anions men? hut one qualification must exist - siiips must [>e seaworthy ? men inii^t he life-worthy. aiiv ;ill of life's problems concern money ? or the lack of it. \ proper understanding of money an:l an appreciation ?f the true meaning of saving makes for superior life-woitli in ess. Money -- currency -- represents the confidence of all people in business conditions. The more business prof itably done ? the easier money cor litions. Savings are the real surplus resulting from the normal business of living Hoarding is forced surplus ? scrimping. The chain's weakest link is confidence ? but it inav easilv become the strongest. The severitv of the storm and the ability ? ? to weather it are personal problems. The Jackson (Vanity Bank merits your confidence ? urges your cooper ation, wants to help you become life worth v. ( \ V Called Statement Report of the condition of The Jackson Comity Bank at Sylva, North Carolina, to the < Vanniissioner of Bauks. At the close of business o'\ tl>" 25th day of October. 1M. RESOURCES ('ash 011 Hand and Due from Banks . ?? ;>4,710,i:> Cheeks for Clearing and ('ash Items ? 1 Ponds: State of North ( \irolina Bonds $1 25, 021.10 Federal Land ?!c .Joint Stock Land Bonds 65,000 Town of Svlva Bonds i. 300.00 n Total Bonds 190.821.16 Loans and Discounts 262,584.'. >?> Banking Mouse and Site (Appraised Value March, 1933) 12,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures (Appraised Value March, 1983) : 3,000.o0 Other Ileal Estate (Appraised Value March- 1933) , > 4 25,500.00 *5 !8, 1 28.94 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ? Common $30,800.00 Capital Stock ? Preferred 1,419.00 Surplus (Invest or I in North Carolina Bonds) 15,400.00 Fndivided Profits 1,907.18 Reserve for Losses .. 84,427.28 Reserve for Interest 2,(?00.(K) Total Capital .~v $136,8513.40 Deposits 310-346.89 Cashiers and Certified Checks On. stand in;*'.... 925.88 Borrowed Bonds : r 1 W M >'.M U M i Bills Payable - NONE Rediscounts ? NONE (-ash Over.... 8.21 .f548.128.94 The Jackson County Bank SYLT'A, NORTTI CAROLINA Dspositciy State of United States Depository Postal Savings North Carolina

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