JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL Puhlialtcri Weekly By Tho JACKSON COUNTY .JOUK.VAL CO. l-'tttcred ?s second cluss matter at thu i'ost Office at Sylvu, N, C. Ji AN TOAII'KINS, Editor Out JIUV fifohl to Hi II 1 "Tin' old time saloon wont ronie htirk." Sere it wont. Few ppnph wiiii Id pnlroni/.e it it it did. C\ Iji*t hit; III wiin tlii' coldest iiiylit lias I'ari.v iu November within tk?* iin iiioiy ol anybody living hcrcuhouta It tiikis rut her ii dexterous jioli tii'itui to jump out ol' u parade going in tae direction mid t like the hand u WAgon go'llg till' opposite WHY. Tlii' iiinii uiib.lhc smile on his fu,u. i* i lir Wrth ('nrolinu farmer down V east, The pain in our tobacco holt IlliS belli WlHed. /,y. Pi?*t \vc jump right smack ol'i' the ?f?i'd standard, ami next thing we know we ure in the niar.kot to buy ? all the j4nl.1l we can get our hands on, i'-. pi n no object. ck . ^7 ? t 'nii,nib;ds in Pori umie.se Ouiaiui a * ate 11 French pilot and operator. |j| Maybe they thought the plane wiio kind el' a newt bird. > , '' 1-Hkt jb? h- ,i< v .ii t hut there will be nji by tile t Olifcrence ill ? <" ''Un eOiilUV. II . - tho^MJM^'tv-iiili'i.u I'.ldi-r liny , iiiid ali in Jm k-e 1 wi'l j be '. tiiruedf^g,^ Tilt- 1 ilidtrflcl anybody! rim ? candidates ??| his parly. The.n, tijin'ii thai dust thai eamc over t lit1- other da\', may ha vo been t| <111 li e I'l' that thi' sen* torinl invest i^at n n in Louisiana ha^ evolved. itself into. Jfenry Kuril once sa <1 that ii pro hibition with repealed he would fptil making automobiles; hut (In n, it is i i mcuihertd that Henry onee set out to stop thr war, all by himself. It perhaps i> correct to refer to! Hitler'* piuiis as a foreign policy. Thiy are at h??t foreign to even body pi ? I In* ( it i iiiaas, and llif is a foreigner there. / "North Cnrolina Vote Is Not In terpretid As Uiip nt President," miy thn Ovoonnbovo Nowh heiulUiu, ovov rc shooting nt old .lohn Hnrleceorn. and nobody else. HIio'h a.traid ot thi' lii>j bad wolf' Hurm everywhere nt iurrnisi'd indus actJyily, The people of this ,HhT America ifSFotf their .way to bettii days, It may he slow, but recovery i* >ui'i ami hi rlaiu. Mi*. Hoo.-i-vi'it hns been hitting iht ('i pn vsion line low and hard, every p'ay since Mareh 4. The indication* ure thai. the IVprt ssioti line is crumbling; nud, if we will all run interference for Franklin !>.. we are on our way i down the field for a touchdown. Four machine-gun bandits held np and robbed a mail t nek on the street* of Chariot to, Do yi.ur stuff Nortl Carn'ina, do your stuff. Show Vn that tin y can't g.-t away with it ik?w i on tin- Ht'iiiy side of thi' Mason ttui* l?i\oa line. Ai Smith ami .lohn .1. Haskob wen' down tr Washington to vail on Pro idi'tt' l?0" ?? velt. We havi n't heard o* "Kltler McNini-h throwing n fit nhou it, 'ilh'T. Mr. UboseveM recently pro in' t ? i him to chairman of the fedora' powt r commission. They nn> ta'kiug now , about pro tnoting a uatii mil park iu tin- Twhar rn^. Soon every place that can boas' nit il vation of as much as fift feel abiiv tlio level of the sen will want to ?r, t iS?df iiuiM-porati'd into a Na tiiir.nl park. < mi nit specialist, with an in tornntii i>;d repntat'on snvs that he dUeovi ml a serum that is n snrc fu? cure for tuberculosis. If this is iriie, it is one of the most important pnc.s of new. over to be printed in rnvhidy's newspaper, anywhere, in a'i 'he annals of history. It will in: an that mini has at last conquered mi " of the srreatest scourges thnt over attacked tie race, thnt millions yot/ e 'i burn will he snvfvl from wasting away on beds of sickncss. It will he one of the errentcst advancement* that homaolty has ever mado. I yVo don't know a thing about man- 1 I n# one great i I'liiise cf (lie fix in whieh we ha*-' ! found ourselves, these two or three ' vears past. ' <* .J ' I "? I. Another thing of inltrt>' is th< ;? laet that a lilineombe eouiity JUV> /settled the dispute between tin> piuiv ci mmission ami the Lumber Com pany over (lie ptiee to b<< paid for the j Kuvcusfonl tract. This is the las' tia' t neeessnry to acquire in order to complete the original park, and wt may see thing - take shape over there immediately. <>f taken into the pari:, as originally intended, and the main entrance will be from Italsam t, and Wood row Wilson, one j of 'he^igreatesi minds the race has produced, and his nssceiates, , .< hau-iti every resource to .keep us II ont of the last one. Let another gen- | era! war tome, and we will find our selves into it up to nnr liOeks in all the horror, filth, and suffering. litre's mi nut; more mil now*: Th? I'liited States tJover anient has , to idiot whatever funds uiuy he mr- j I'ssury to complete the Turk to l'avk Highway, connecting the Shcmandoah and tlrent ISmoky Mountains National parks. It is estimated thai sixteen million dollar? will turn the trick. It will provide employment for many men, buy much material, and at'th same time he building au artery of travel from Washington to Western North Carolina that will hrin^r manv thousands of people here each sum- ; ?ner to regain their health, sooth their nerves, -enjoy our climate and scon ery, ami at the same time *o speue -'heir money with us. Wliat with th< Tennessee Valley authority- nod th. t*ark to Park highway, nn? mplo\iu'nt dinnhl soon he wiped entirely out in ? his part of the United Static. We still sec much talk in the papers ihout retaliation against certain wet-' and drys, come primary time, when reelect ions are sought. That is unwis< fnlk. Unwise from a party stand 'wint, leading to intstine warfare; and unwise from the stan iyi">SSS\\\NW>< "SHIES im? pp| ?ppSb iMtiMN PICKENS HIGHWAY IS NOW READY FOR USE Franklin J'ress, Nov. !>.- IVkeits Hij-rhwuv, K'osiiWIII to I lit* Si ill )i ( Ji ? ? ? linn line. was npriml to ihr public 5?titiuUhiudinfr ??out would lie plaeedou at t}iis tiui< ?or early next spring Tin* Ko'.itli Carolina ?*oinplfted several niont "tlii* Ko^inan Mi*tis6 through the Journal my d??ep appreciation and (hanks to the citi zenship cf Jackson County for their unsolicited supj>ori of mvseif as tlu anti-repeal candidate in the election cl' November 7. I did not seek or of fer myself for the place; nor did 1 reseat it or refuse to let juy name !>' to cease caviling | ibout. it. : our county and Stafi > !i safer ivid better laud for the coming ! ??eneratiens to live in. ? A:? aspired writer said: "whe.i } > ghteoiiMiess re >5 us, the people r. - !toinee'\ ? To the ;rocd man th.it tot- m tho opposite side from mt- (Mr Quo-i. i I rxtend my hand of frifiiilsliip over, and also to his supporter*. Xrvi'inlwr 11, 19-13 T. I*. DK1TZ. FOR RENT Five room cottage - newly decor ?.ted? close to school. S10 per mo D. D. ALLEY, Waynesvillc, N. C "You know how time work we telephones wii! i do for you. We call the doctor, firemen or police . . . save you time ar.d many steps . . . m?.ke vcv. easy to reach at all tir.c . . . and earn manv t: !:*?;'< our hire every men;' i Opportunity dorsnY.i o at your door todry ? . | rings your telephone! " ' * . ' Wfip.i i : WESTERN CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO. \i, H-Tri ^ : ? | Personal Experience I * ? .... is a hard teacher. Wise are t !.< ? who are willing to profit by the lives ? ?;' I - others. ; No lesson in life is taught more foive | fully and by more numerous examples ;; ? than it pays in terms of success, happi ness and comfort to work honestly and to "Bank Something Eeii.ii la rly.v The reason so many people are not a fin ancial success is their disregard of the little things in life. The person who is too big to do little things well is gen er . ally too small to do big things. Regular systematic saving of nieklcs. dimes aivd quarters make the gm*t ?r cumulation of Dollars. \ Our banking facilities and service are at vour command and we invite von to ? ? ? call on us and take advantage of these complete facilities. 3 per cent, interest paid on saving accounts. The Jackson County Bank j| ? Sylva, N. C. ' > United States Depository North Carolina Depository < ? Postal S&viQgs State Funds Hectic Days Sleepless Nights Hi : \ ' ? ???VwuN ? *A'.V^V ? ? TOO MUCH work, too much mental strain, too much worry ? ?..then NERVES". How they torture you, tire you, keep you awake nights! y?u irritable, restless: give you Headache, resign nw" j ' , ES" make you look and feel old weaken ? k.8" Pavej^he way for serious nervous or organic trouble. Nprvp* if*,? ^ru8gis^ suffered tortures from Over-wrought Vtn^ rW K duienS ?f so ca,,ed "Nerve Remedies" in hi? Mr Fn ^nr i ll IT ll"! them without relief until ... But lot Mr. Foster tell his experience in his own words. I think Dr. Miles' Nervine is the best ncrr* medicine' made, and, that a better one cannot he vnade. Dr. Miles Nervine was the only mt'd' cine on the shelf or in the prescription case tint put me on my feet." J. Af. Foster, Drugyst Marysvdle, Ohio J. M. Fotttr