Gn? U 1 y O RCG CO U DER o ??? ? HARPER? 8ROTMtRS??u>i4. cwieenih lststjuinent , , Koil'.i. wito of ? . ?>. : i i ? ' s -:' u? a Side room ?j s ' f ' ' ; , ie <-'1 itut. I . .IVO c . v v ' .-. ,t! ' ,i 't *?;:?! w.u Je v'.ivo V?>?y 2 : 1 4 ?">? i-*,uco ? Ni:. ??Ml MM. ? , i! .-??? a < ?s*'""* : ? -1 , iW WiU'tf' j*!ir: <?**; ~ lisr Uf* .: .! to iMnd.e li?' .?.| whcii the nc? 'J .' s;\ >' ^,V>'r'1- D,,tect **?' Vi ; i. 4'. ? ai*tt cviwlonc*. ?' ' * . *? v?" i'* iVirs. Keith, j" ; : : li.Ually *11 o! w : u-i. r.y-e principal* i!.e ; ' I ' I Mr. ylnrd. Mr. |M >.'f -r ' \ , . r, ..l* vler. it woman. K? ' . 'lu'isr W Mrs. H.'W [W,.. &? - cntid^Mies . . . x \ ?' ... i>?'OHV. ? '. v, ' ;n surprise. . "'0l ! . !1 lus St'f . V ? . .i.I why lu .? :'tnl !;>? Wil lie Vwl>.l'' , ]>,' ? \ r-i'.ilHMI >-'< >?; lVk-tnriV' %*!! i . 4 ? ? i * ? iv . /. i ?? i5%'* ? : ? . :;?? i ! : ? . J i i i to ] i\ ... *' . I i . ' r.U y.V?. ' '?il hrt!l ft! :t cottKiiitl i . ihc Mibtk' a.i :!:i linn <U-r? r pn ? ???! ir. ':u ! ^Ininu >i ? . : , tl:..l '> cillt'U It? ? : ! \'.v. a\ s ready t ? :unl ?!m- i rctli., K: i. i i * ^ | j 1 1 . i , a > ! > r 1 1 1 1. : *, ; !:?? Ii.'i'l cvt ? ? 'i i ':<? ill- a-Mre < 'i i' , ???? :lv i \v t unt'.l i'i ?ft. W ! ! h ! Ilv >! m ? ? ti i . , ry tiirit, h ? ? ! i r. i!. : ' : i v. ill; wilir'i i . ; V;*n ' 'till 1 ? ? 1 . \ . r.'! ' ?' I ' ??!??; > ? ' i > . 1' '. I ' . 1 ' 1 ' ? ? '. ti" ?!: 1 1 ? ; ? ' ? : . '? <! |?. :. . ; :... ? 1 ' v. ? t#*M> !' ?' .i ? ! ' vMtlli'i ! < t ?? > ? ? nir'ly, 'in 1 i; ' ?'?>. l!i y :?:? ? i>: u; iltiMi-*.' I )vr iV '?? l>" ? ? ? < s ? 1 1 \> ? K ? ill ult >i- ii.' ri ? . . I rii . ;i?:: .f.u.i'r tl ? ' i! . :i t'<- aintU' . !.:r ii-- not I ; 1 1 1 '! ? hi > 1 ?! ipln >!i* I'v " .'M liiiviu fM'api- an ' :'?! ..i .1\ niily v. i! ' 1>r. >!l;:llt ti'i : '' " )r tn i'fiui. ?'.'unl lti> i-n:".vr-:i I ". ' I t-. Kankin - ntif - v. i, ut : i ? f:cM l!r:t ? I : : n t. St', p l?y Sti p ?' ? ' ? i \ ti an ^action of t! i ; t'?p i rat ton-, prs'can ^ :.:: l 'Tic'i dctai' > riU-il a- l?: -ins i<? " ?! ' *n? >? i ||>a|- i-;. 'i ?' i ri] ; i, tmi ' pur rt.t. Itt 4i',)iai<; ? i! di- tiin tlv '. i?.li !? nt ov< " ? ? ' ? t ? t ft*" !" ' lie p'in iy circumstantial evidence. The diffi culty was that, despite a thorough canvassing of all city druggists, Rankin's assistants had thus far been unable to trace it. Unless his quarry had never bought the drug at all! The idea that occurred to the detective at that instant caused hint to break aff his conversation with Mr. Roche. Sud denly he had recalled an item of in formation Mortimer Keith had casu ally dropped early in the case. At she time he could attach no import ance to it. and quickly forgot it; now it suggested a startling possi bility that made him stiffen and breathe excitedly, as he pondered it. lie did not believe some one else bought the chloroform for \Dennis; :hat was too great a risk. '.zrv.^rr. ? ? " ???? ?? screen. Only it's so difficult to be lieve." "Not if you knew the person we're dealing with as well as I do," Rankin returned. "Hut wouldn't Mrs. Keith be curious about the theft? She'd question it, or stop hijn, or inform me of it." "She was in no position to pre vent anything," Rankin explained "She didn't dare interfere. ... You had better look, doctor, to find out whether I'm mistaken. Hut just point out ithe drug; we must be careful not to destroy any clues or prints." "I hope to God you are wrong." Dr. Hrantman murmured fervently. More pallid than usual, he stepped behind the screen. The - ? ?? ? Rankin advanced to the apartment door and boldly sewed the brass All. I if In- figured vroiii'.ly. In* ' n"*l i ill hack on the o.sin.k--. of ,'v thon-jh that would do'ay ?!!.? iiii ?.! an .-?>!. In one coaeht-don ?iv i'..itii. or laier. it Ik* ?I'uV.ed the man's movements dur ? ? ? ? ii> two v. v.l;.< i'.'i.jVM" ? ?? l .. J h , :ic would il;. Ci'vti ("lie n( tlic weapon lit* mill i u- detective immediately acted ? >.! i.ts tli , iry and decision. As soon; - i.e finished li is bi-iiuss with tiu > i. r.v. !:?? r? t v: i*uo?l tu the tniuii i.ii'i>a and (at ":l? caught a train i . i ! jii!.idel;>hi,i. < <? hour,. later the train depos ed hi:. i ia r.rotd Strict Station ?d !u v.\ : ; t di.ccilv to C ity Jlail t o ? ,;nv!'.-'v tin* nea -vs?ry formalities. . n : r . i k (I with tin: warrant, he . j) Tied : it < 1 walked down !?; <sd Slrei ( tu l'inc. i I ere he turned. and ju-t past lMh Street lie -topped before a bleakly respect i!>!e btowiistone house, lour stories high. I lie lower windows were dirk; hut a brass shingle on one ..out >il!- "l)r. Anton Hrantinan" imlieated one ot the most ? uijient specialists in ailments of !.;? head lived there. I lit ??!?_: h it was long alter office > ?.'is, Katikiu ran? the bell. Five iMiititcs elap.ed before footsteps ?i!aing along the stairs announced ! r. 1; rant tn ill's approach. W tihoiu any comment lie led ankin into the lofty waiting room or patient-:., I':* ?' in apologized for the intru . ! -tlx :i came directly to the ?M!i:r. Hi,-. Inst query caused Dr. 'i ani iian io shake a solemn head "d lighten his lips with a sigh. "Vis, I was well acquainted with !r.. Keith." he replied; "1 treated er for headaches. ... A dreadful in -. ?> tl:; !." lie paused and mad? .?.umiscratiug sounds. "Only I loii't th nk it was Wednesday eve . a , May t wcnly-fourtii. that she . ulted me last; it was several 'ax ?> later." lie went with Rankin into hi i?ii.ate office. "Yes, 1 am right." !lc pointed a finder at a scrawled, .'most illegible tf<?tation. "Here il . twir-diys later, at ei.^ht-thirlv i. in., on Friday. May twenty-sixth.'" "< )f course, doctor, that fits in ?i rfertly after all," declared Ratl in. "She couldn't have visited you Wednesday. She was accompanied, vasn't she. Dr. Brantman?" At the physician's reply, his face is'ii l ed with a half smile of con dence. After that more eagerly p I rapidly, he began, to put his nestioiis, insistently pressing upon Dr. Hrantinan his startling inspira ; ion. Finally, the doctor could no long er. contain his uneasiness. i/ "I don't doubt, Mr. Rankin, that what you uggest is possible," he admitted. My nurse, Miss Vickers, wasn't here to watch and I had no other ?atients; and my drug shelves are ; ii i i c open. If I happened to be occupied at this desk, I might not notice what went' jon behind the i ctective ilu' i ?? : J , . "I t? r : ?? ? ! \. is .? r '??In. alt? r ? till. Mr. Iv';irik.:i. If i- ;>'MV>-.;itivd j ?. l a \ vl\ . " I'Ik* .1 ? j- ??i't ? : I ; 1 -??!? lit., >'? 4il, :..?;?? '! ft. Kven if my nr. I ;'iui t?t is o:.ty 1 r? -it ? : " :.i i i'iifft. .'i !ea>t t ? ?iir i j j Iiv i;: Di-lijjlitf.l by the ?iili-t:nitt:?uon t ? i his theory, lilted llic \iul v.iili extreme caution. " \i ;.! that means there should be ii. ;i i ; iriiits. '. lit co."!:uentcd, "ii 1 ? lis hasn't been ill.-turiu d since. . . lie probably l>t<?u;.;lit along a small Container ii^tcad of taking tiii>." Fifteen minute> later, with the evidence upon which he relied and 1 >r. Mrantnian as a witness, the de tective left the houM* >?n I'ine Street. ( >n the warrant in his pocket he had tilled in the criminal's name, llis eyes glistened with excitement as he summoned a taxi. Experi enced though he was in the pursuit of wrongdoers, lie would have been 'ess than human not to be stirred bv this momentous occasion. lie gave the cabman directions ? as he climbed in. "And on the way." he directed, "if you notice a cop, stop so I can pick him up." The taximan obeyed. Near 44th Street two uniformed men stood on toe corner, conversing, and the taxi drew up to them. Rankin beckoned them in; and by the time he had identified himself and explained what he expected of them, they reached their destination. It was an exclusive, somewhat elegant red-brick apartment house, ''-shaped, each of its three wings hiving a separate entrance. The detective dismissed the cab and selected the entrance into the left wing, in the vestibule of which he paused at the letter boxes. He indicated one. "That's the one we want, boys ? thrce-C, third floor," he declared. "Xow remem ber your orders ? to stay out of sight while I enter." He drew out a whistle, borrowed from one of i!m: officers. "Don't interfere unl.-ss 1 blow this," iic continued. "I ex pect I can manage him by my.-Hf; but he'll be desperate, so st,.nd by, ready in ease lit is troublesome." With that, he pressed the button beneath the name of :he man lie sought; and in a tnomria, a t;tz::!iii, sound released the catch on the in ner door. The three men trooped in, over a red-tiled floor, and, dis regarding the elevators, asceridet, the stairs on the right. On the third floor, the softly-lighted corridor stretched in both directions, lh.^ri with regular-spaced, iujmbrrefl doors, 3C so close to the stairhead that, to prevent observation, ;)ie policemen retreated down several steps toward a midway landtag. Then Rankin advanced to the apartment door and boldly seized the brass knocker. Concluded Next Week i ( notice op^jalb of land v? I uiVt au(\ \?\ mcIuv <>\ ;i'k w^1' ^ viu; Sn^H'f.Dr I uiut <>[ ' ?Unty, m>; ult' \n ;i jivm-ci'iVl.' 'u'.nU.t, "V. \.. t .\,\uum-lrnl??: f)t Mark \\\,\l*i Imn, ,U-vi-a \ &Ki \y v ;,. (i ? ;Vv. .???? w.?- tw it' '.*.?*?? iud viiic, Mr?. Li;u? \ Wliiltuu ? . . >? iiiirtr, lit. al.", i ho undersigned Com-. Mi- doner will, on f Ik* 41 li day of X<>- | ? ' iiiUt, t !>.*}."?, al 12:00 o'clock, uo?> <ii I In* (,'onrl. Ilon-e door in Sylv:i,j Xoil'i Carolina, offer for sale to tr.;* ? li!*rJ:cs( bidder fur cash, Hint eertii. i Itiail df land, lying and being: l" ? ' Nylva Tow i ltd) ip, Jackson Count.', At'.i'lli Carolina, M'ld more particular-! / ' ' ?? ? :''* d as follows : dpi. : . ; iio lands of, Co'<? I-iu.. garner, P. C. Reed, Peter Bryson and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a small white oak on the Hog Pen Ridge, in or near P. C. Reed's line, N. E. of the old house place, and runs thence S. 38 deg. E. 27 poles to a bunch ofsmall dogwoods on tho S. bank of the branch; thenoe S. 8 dogs. E. 39 poles to a pin? on top of the hill; thence S. 85 degs. E. 83 poles to a small chestnut oak on top of (he ridge;; thence S. 20 E. 6 poles, to a large blaok oak, thenee N. 13 / poles to a stake in Whittein,urg's i line, thence X. 10 W. 40 poles to :j stump, thence X. 15 pules 10 a stake, bhenc* N. 39 W. 13 pole* to a chin quapin, thence X. 67 W. 10 pole., to a black oak; theace S 45 W. 2 pole to a stake, thence W. 31 poles to a j chestnut, thence S. 19 W. 13 |k>N's lr. ' a post oak, thence S. 80 degs. W. 27 j>oles to tJio beginning, containing 34 airtl 3-4 acres, less oue acre heretofore conveyed by Mack Wihirtenburg t.? Jack Murr. Secoiud Tract: Adjoining the lands of L. W. Alien and others. Beginning at a pine, thence S. 40 K. 54 poles to a stake and pointers on ? ridge, thence X. 68 E. 38 poles to a pine, thence X. 52 W. 40 pole- with Meigs and Freeman line to a s! ike in the field, thence X. 33 K. to L. W Al len line, thence with Aden l?*:o to :i small SpaMsh oak, '.hence with top of ridge to beginning corner at pine, with all minerals excepted on the lead ing ridge \\ e<| ?i" the wain line This the 2nd day of October, 3935. V. L. COPE. Commissioner iuiiows Dad's Order LYNN', MASS. . . . Carelton ! Xichols, 8, (above), retused to salute the flag or sing "America" at school. His father, member of a religious sect'- which thinks all man-made emblems the symbol of t Ik' devil, had to'd his son to de- ' eline. The father was arrested and awaits trial. THE JOURNAL, now 52 waokt for $1.00 in Jackson County. All home print. No patent inside. Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood WOUR kidney? are constantly filler ? ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their wo*k ? do not act as nature in tended?fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at niglit, swollen limb*; feel nervous, miserable ? all upset Don't delay! Use Doan's Pills. Dom's are especially for poorly func tioning kidneys?? Th?y are recom mended by grateful users the counts-/ over. Get them from any d.-eryiit. THE OLD MASTER by A. B. Chapin ? ? I 1 ??? ' ? The New 1936 PSy mouth is Here! i ' ' j . *? . \ " , ) : Best Engineered Car ? a HERE is the perfect value, and an absolutely thrilling lus ury. The worlJ's most economical full sized car, with startling per formance. A new Floating Ride with the quick action of genuine Hydraulic Brakes. And the most brutishly sturdy Safety-Steel body in history, masked in delicate a New Peak of Perfection elegance of design and trim! Yes, there are surprises ahead for you, when you see the beau tiful new 1936 Plymouth. And when you ride in it and find out about its new roominess, comfort and economy, you will agree that it is "Perfection.' ' Come in today. It's on display at ? Cogdill Motor Company f I ; ' ' . .

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