ifOiK? r,?w) ?"d Thc I -jjj vM*"*' ',? Columbia. ffoodwck' fe,#""J*"'ltat W lAion' C? HA 1 S"l* ,i;,,n for the pur t N^'1 ( 'H ?? -i- 1SI33 tax ^ Wi!i L** f j tf that they are re &t**> \x ^offlfco' th^ .^!a.'P!HiU tvart of aw? ?r-: ?*??the 9tU day ?> 'J f:ir V,n^'cr or demur I aHion' ?r ' "il ?"P!v to thc C?Urt, w pit *1" ''La iu said complaint >aft **' ^ mV M ALUSO*. L CVart. Ji-?hson Coun i SH|H'I 1 ^;h tWliW jiO'i'ICE *?$$? ? COURT Cuuiiiy oi J^kMlu vs. ' .., ,1 iv'ic. -Vli>. A. ? g. rtoiu^ j"a l-' v 15. Thoma. Tk, Jfieuaati'.-. v 1 ?* \i < V il. Thoma**. , ?(o, An*- ' . '<*** thai ?u action, in 1 ?l?vo, h?* t-onimeuee^ \ r?*?i ,f Jacksor. L V.irili l>ur lhc Pu: ^.,1,-um -i ^ 1^2 tax tak ,e Jlt,i flu- tU-fcmlamls wii not ihst they are r* ';oaWK':u at. tin- Oificc of th supM-ii'!- t'ourt of sail em ila ( "Uft House iu Sylva ^ liwiiiif; "" i ho 9th day o. - D3*j ni uji-uii or demur ti ^ ^ action, or th. az \rill ;'|.j>!\ t.i the Court fc?i pltiiri 'i Misii-h'd i" o(?:np)aiiit r?,:Le i"1' ????* 'i' Mar<*h, U'3t>. DAN M. ALLISON7, jti, Suf i'?11* l ??"*' i J.- 'kson Coun \'or:L faruliiia. NOTICE jurni Carolina, lilBJNlOl'NlV , KTHE SU'KltlOK COURT Count;* i>L Jaeksoa Vj. 1.1 Smucil ai.J wife, Mrs. J. L fcgtfsL h ?.li:ai;u:l , J. L. Minnou^l ai Mrs. .! I.. Miimoutfls r! .....r iioiuf lii?*L lvii?ion, et* jfc'i- ui..v, t:?.? touimencci i It saV.i-fJiM t u.irt of Jaekso: fey, Xirfih i .u-liiia, for the pur jf?u.rt ??l tax sali: ffitar. aii.l rli. d' tVndaiifU wil tr'jfrtaki. ?)'.???; that they are re ?W in r u ihe Oi'lict: of t It iiso!'U v i? iio; of sai< i; in 'In- i' >u?l Hmi.se in Sylvjt. ? Carolina. i.u tb?; Dth day ot KM, hnsvf-r or demur t' '? the Court fot il.-iii itMl-il in ,-nid complain ?J'iy ;,i \faivli. 19116. I?AN M. ALLISON, w-s. Vi(.on.if i . .ni, ,Jx*k--on CouTi ^-Wilt t'ji? NOTICE J1'11'U CAHuIJNA, 'At.KSON COI NTY ft'Tlli: iVl'KHIOR COI HT ! '? 'Uniy ot Jauk>on j'*. i w ' v? iHt-l HiiV, \fr*. L. H p'^ % L H. ILgdon and i- ii. im<" .jiy"'("hftIil .' -iirth faii.lina, for the pur r-w rtt t ? i * htitV Ibivr'V f,l"' ^el'?'daut8 wil; fe: ? ' are r< 'lt 'he Office of th> r*w?r i 'to"* of Mid \,V * ? Court House in Sylva. !9:w " l'1" "ll^ ,la-V o' ^,Zn ? t .'Vf sai(J action, or th Kli,Uo>'',0 Court fo> ^:s 'tu- 'hi "V '' sni? ui March, 13J6. DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Cu;ixt, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson 7a. W. H. Justice and wife Beatrice Jus tice. The defendants, W. H. Justice and w,fe, Beatrice Justice, will take notice that an* ad&ra, en Ji'lod ?S p.love, has been comm*?ght ani wife, Mrs. T. P. Fullbright. \ ? The defendants, T. P. Pullfcn*^l and wife, Mrs. T. P. Fullbr^bt, will take notice that ten, action, en titled as above, has been commence.! in the complaint in paid action, or tlu plaintiff will apply to the Court .for the relief demanded in said complaint This the ?Jth day i: Maroh,-l.tf3. DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Coart, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE * NORTH CAROLINA. ! * JACKSON COUNTY ^ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson Y2L Mitt Bryeou and wife, Mrs. Milt-Bry aon; Grovar Moos; Sam R. Jones and l>r. Furman Angel The defendant, Sam R. Jones, will take notice that au aotatni, ce titled as above, has been commence*I in ihe Superior Coart of Jaekson County, North 0wolina, for the pur pose of foreclosure of ?> 1933 tax Bales certificate, and the defendant will further take notice that theyare re quired to appear at the Office of thv; Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Sylva. North Carolina, On the 9th day of May, 1936. ?nd ancwer or demur 1 the complaint in said action, <*? the plaintiff will urfpply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the rfth day of March, J KK DAN M. ALLISON, ' Clerk, Superior Court, JwelftBn C.'oun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE * NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson n Alex Moore and wife, Mrs. Alex Moo.-? Batik of Franklin; Mrs. Mary1 Ann Stewart, Admrx.; and Mrs. W, F. Leopard. The defendant, Mrs. W. P. Lf>jj*artl, will take notice that Juq acruon, en titled as above, has been commence*! in tfoe Superior Coait of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the- pur pose of foreclosure of u 1932 ta&salsa certificate, and the defendants -will further take notioc that they ase re quired to appear at the Office of the Ckfk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in- 8ylva, North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936, and answer or detour to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the iith fay tu' March, DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Court, Jwckson Coun ty, North Carolinn. \ ' , V F0TI02 NORTH CAROLINA JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson * K. E. Burngarner and wife, Mm. K. E. Bumgarner; The Jackson County Bank; Dan K. Moore; and Mrs. 0. B. | Van Epp, Administratrix. The defendant, Mrs. 0. B. Van Epp. will take notice that ami action, en titled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosure of a 1932 tax sale certifleate, and the defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Court. Jackion Couu ty, North Caroliun. NOTICE NORTH CAROL!.-A, JACKSON COUN./ IN THE 8UPK-.ii ill oOi'iiT County oi' Jackson vs. Frederick Rhone it avid wife, Mrs. Frederick Rhonor'. The defendant , Frederick Rhon ert and wife, Mrs Kitu* ri? k Khonert, will take notice liiat u.i auaon, en titled as above, has been eoinmenccd in idle Superior Coart oL' i ckion County, North Carolina, for the par pose of foreclosure >? .y32 tax sales certificate, and t ? 'r-I-nuauis vi.' further take noti. ' '_sa they arc re quited 'to appear . l'*m vlftee of the Clerk of the Superior Court. of sai?i County in the Court U'ju'n in Sylva, North Carolina, ??* ihc irth day of May, 1936, and an.-ncr or tltinur t" the complaint in v^ion, or th-' plaintiff wiQ apply to tlu: Cour the relief demand . ... co.uplaV'i This the 9th da; of March, h)3G. DAN M. Clerk, Superior Caurt, J;vk?on Couri ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA; JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson vs. Mrs. Garfield Evitt The defendant, Mrs. Garfield Evitt, will take notiee that am action, ou itled as above, has been commenced la dLe Superior Court of Jackson County. North Carolina, for th^pur poso of taroetonnix oi' aj 1932 tax sale eertifieato, and t'ie deie.iiLuMs will further take notice tlwt they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of saiJ County in the Court House in Sylv;i, North Carolina, on the 9th day n! May, 1936, end answer or demur t < the complaint in <:aid action, or th plaintiff will apply to the Coo* the relief demanded 1.1 .said complaint This the 9th day of March, 1936. - DAN M. ALISON, Clerk, Superior C: .jacksoc Co-in ty, North Carolina. NOTICE JACKSON COU> l V NORTH CAROLINA, IS THE SUl'KIilOR COU: T County ot Jajkowi Vaid cc. iplgiiit This the 9th da oC 'i.arc!:, 1036. DAN M IT .< J SON, Cleric, Superior ( -ri, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson vs. ?B. L. Bwlwn aa?* vSfr, ;.i;-;. B. L. Brown The defendants, B. L. Brown and wife, Mrs. B. L. Br-ewii will taEe notice that an aclaotn, en titled ?f abow, has beer, commenced in ifce Superior fc.irtof Jacks #b C ?????: for ihe pur pose of foreclo?u, n of ? 1932 tax sale.-" certificate, and t.'i* defendants w^H farther take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Sylvo. North Carolina the 9th day oi May, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in ?a.'d netioK, or th plaintiff will mpr - + the Court f the relief demanded in said eomplain' Thfai the 9th day of March, 1936. DAN y ALT TSON Clerk, Superior Court, Jaekson Cour ty, North Carolina. mm NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THB 8UPEIvi?>i COtliT County of Jackson Mftifie Gibson The defendant, Margie Gibson, v, ti! tnke notice tEat an action, en titled as above, has been eemaeneed in t'.Qie Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosure of a 1932 tax sales certificate, and tno defendants will further take notion Ihat they are re quired to appear at the Offisc of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County jn the Court House in Sylvn, North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936, and answor or demur tr the coiap?ainf. iu said actum, or th<* plaintiff will aipply to the Court ft The rf-Iiof demanded in said complain. This the 9th day of March, 1936. T>A\ M ALLISON Clerk, Superior CV.ua, J.idr -on Coon ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. JACKSON COTTNTV IN THE SFPE1*?R COTTRT County of Jarkti n VB. McKiiiley S. Co-.lill ur.d wife, Mr McKuiiey S. Ca^dill. The defendants, McKinley SP Co;' dill Mid wife.Mrs.McKinhrv S. Coerdil' vii! take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commenced in -tfhe Superior Court of Jacksor Cinty, Njf*1! ''vliiia. >-?r the pur pose of foreclosnre of a1932 tax sale certificate, and the defendants wi!l further take notice that tl|fey are re quired sto appcav at the Office of th< Clerk of the Superior Court of said Comity in the Court House in Sylva. North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936. a the relief demanded in said complaint This the 9lh day of March, 1936. DA \T U ALLISON, Clerk. Superior Conrt Jfjckson Co?ir. ty, North Carolina. i KOTICE ' ? vl NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COl'?T Co?ty of Jackson TB. Herman 8charg and wife Mrs. Her man Scharfr. The defendants, Herman Scharp ond wife, Mrs. Herman Schrup, will take notice that sin action, en titled as above, has been commenced in Ae Superior Corrt of Jackson lointy, Nsr ( uoHn. fr.r the pur \ !>ose of foroe'.cscr* nf it 19^2 tax aales ccrtifie:v:c, <)f") the wil) farther take notice that they are re quired ito a;*>ear at the Office of th ' Clerk of tLe Superior Court ?f said j CcKitity in the Cnart House in flylvs North Carolina, on the 0th day o May, 19S6, rfnd answer or demur to the oomV?"* fc said ac^ino, or th. plaintiff MI) *i tlj *a the Court for the re!i j? b' Mid eomplaint Th!* the 9?h "s '* or March, 1536. DaV At AW.T80N, diV Ic. Superior Conrt. Jaekson Coon ty, North CrjivHas. notwe NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN TUB SUi iiRIOR COU1T Coonty of Jackson n H. C. Myers and wife, Mrs. H. C. Myees The defendants, fl. C. Myer? and wife, Mrs. H. C. Myers will take notice that am action, en titled as above, has been commenced in itie Superior Court of Jacksoi> ?Toniitr, North C?nil.i:^. jV-i the pur pose of foreekeere of at 1932 tax sale, c^rtiftea-te, and the defendants will farther take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of thi Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ?n th" Court House in Sylva North Carolina, on fho 9th day o1 May, 1998, and answer or demur tr the eompldxt ln said action, or th pfikjtiff wif? wnply to the Court fn~ the rel! ^ ueaunded in said eomplai.i This the 9th dp.y of March, J 936. DAN M. ALLISON Clerk. Superior Conrt, Jackson Coo? ty, lforth Carolina. ?ones YORTji CAlTNA, JACKSON CmJNTY IN TOt BDVERTOR COURT County of Jackson Richard T. Sfcathers and wife, Mn.J Richard L SmalWf. 1 lit Mnduts, Richard. L Smatli an tad mifa, Mrs.Bichard LSmothers will t?k? ?doe that an adtkn, ?n tUM aba**, lis been commenced ft1 At Superior Coaxtoi Jacks* n Canty, North Carolina, for the pnr poaa of foreclosure of a 1932 tax sal? wtiflat^ and tbe defendants will bother take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Oak of the Superior Court of said Comity in the Conrt House in 8ylva, North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936, and answer or demur to the eomplaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 9th day of March, 1936. DAN M. ALLISON Clerk, Fui'prior Court, Jackson Cout> y, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON' COUNTY IN THE SPPKRJOR COl.'.f'J County of Jackson vs. Mrt?. IJollie Sellers (widow) The defendant, Mrs. Dollie Sellers, will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commence"! in Khe Superior Court of Jackom County, Not ill (,:in?i*r,:i, foj the pur pose of foreclosure ot ju 19.12 tax sniff aertiilcate, and the defendanth will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Conrt House in Sylva, North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tin plaintiff will supply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 9ih day of March, 1936. DAN M. ALLISON Clerk, Superior Court, Jiuckson Co m ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR CO UK T County of Jackson vs. Zeb Taylor and wile, Mrs. Zeb Taylor The defendants, Zeb Taylor and wife, Mrs. Zeb Taylor, will take notioe that an, adUoc, en titled as above, bas been commenccl in tChc Superior Court of Jackson ICoiLty, Nc u* Caioiaa, for the pur pose of foreclosure of a? 1032 tax sale* certificate, and the defendants will further take notice that they are re quired >to appear ac tne Office of tho Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Sylvfl, North Carolina, on the 9th day of May, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tho plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded in said complaint Tills the 9th day of March, 1936. DAN M. ALLISON Clerk, Superior Court, Jwckson Cou.1 ty, North Carolina. NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. County of Jafckson vs. Sam B. Godsey Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a judgment rendered in the above entit led action on the 3rd day of June, 1935, I will on the 22 day of April, 198ft, offer for sale and sell to tho ?highest bidder for cash at public a nc - lion, at the Courthouse door in Sylve, S. C., at 12:00 noon, the follow in.: described property: A lot lying -and being in the t?wii oi Sylva, county and state aforesaid, tmd fully described as follows: Being lot No. 20, as showg op* made by H. R, Queen, Surveyor, rntl dated July, 1926, of a subdivision in side the corporate limits of the Town cf Sylva, and known as Courtburd Heights, sa:d Map being recorded in \fap Book No. 2, page 84, more ful!v described as follows: Beginning at % stake in the West line of RLdgewav sireo', and at the S. E. corner of lot Vo. 21 and runs with the line of that lot S. 62 dr#. W. 188 feet to the East line of lot No. 22, thence N. 27 deg. 15 mintrttes W. with the line 50% feet to a stake and corner of lot No. 19, thenca N. *2 dee. E. with line of No 19, 2