nftDVAXCZ IN THE 009HTT . i " ? ^ i . SYLVA. NORTH r? THOMDAY, JUT 31 tW9, fdWi; *M a. flu m AftVAjrCB OUTBIDS TBI GOUSTT Ready For ColorM Pageant Friday .*** Jte l'lr ? jvickrs Ce!hr<- " W&nJ, ?v r Oi>i% y<'urs Ol J'iod iU S?ith ^ : L^;k' oi uii'l '?'< iylibor rfXt-s. i" "i:~',:y l'"'t?rlV i in the "i'jjjv.'isit "i' K?/i; f^n"; for iWiiWi iiii- < t'/lo^v, tti. jjujiiv'. fi'1*' ^fit'Ut .North t'aro (iive /*?? uiduug pivparaiLioii | &?' ?'?***? jityrotluciivu v.i/I by zivvu to 0ov, fViu'av, l I?giniuu^ tight i'rloek, ou inll.iijo tlu*a [tithe itW Jj/l'T "i the. t'ni'oliii: fiaxiir.', i; J' ? iHivrio;' it yTixluniuu. ll.r sUtgv < oa ?riou ??/.'/ Ik :h< I tJientrrl ^i-V-K\ i ? .? ! .... V).-;-.. tviU J? '* ' i'liiiiiis, ufj jrfi. 1i" i'l' -r- li.iilH j;iiI I)J(. pj.vt:: mil T}^.n OftLw .-I:.",'!- , iV'f'1 ;|'r ??'?!'? ? 'nil diviilc, at.'iv.; ,'1 , t, lkj|J f-<*yW'-ly* I i-ills will bi *?' -w/j, i ? -luj1 sJiui.<j. .jjljV.ji'i, u Ilu i.i l'lVsitltfH1.. Ii?i L jvlH o, stau-ii ubuVi: the pro , i-cii V? l.Kfc i'1-" ,, Js.-L-i.!!, :? - ln -nUu-iT ?? r ,.:;j ..;;-u? liiiri;-.. L?f l O Aiif' '*?'? l''?y?>>?'?? Oil tiu'i i' 1 l.l!'' Irirhc!- *'? ^Vil! iliivr'i lh ..(illicit :!.nt ? ;ii ::: :? ' ?!"'*'' ^n.wliioh ? !'" ''' ".'->ir1.y uaawv "ili-.j v-y ,s?-\ fral >jv? sot.??!'? .-uhm an? & .YjSU* mi ? li? ? J ?v("d- ::li*in'4- ??"??I '? jsi'i! wiirk nl:; .i.0 tl?: <:?' ii'iji! lu'i'inA Xt .?t 'U: lA (.'?U'liiill.i 'i vui'lKTa b!o]lO}*^ i'rfiiiiic Vif\. ,? ?.i ? Hi!! U' .1. <v"\ moiir H-n*' in.In! "! ??'/?li'in lv .-.i': K**' I . !...!??;< No. \ .1. 'i. Ini":*iii*.*" m:us> j?v? ?>;?! jii.- '".i. ?;? '?? ni \\ ?\>t',v. 1' :;!"!i:v ' 1 ]?' !*? ii'MfU: ?* ill Hi* m?" i(. |;aim" iho. corni ". hit nr-i :.i,i.'? ,v.-!n>.l in 'Iif iJi.'Mi.j, will ai i-iu'h! v;i the I. M:, !!... i. , .;<?r oi WY.-u-rv. ' i Vi", i ,\. ill :i]?(>O U '???'4, JU tIf J' l-i tl'f l?' 'l A-lflilbly I vi; Mi'-.Uii,,'- !??? 1 ,ijt;.rdj?riatior ?f*rtl!!tl ?;I'L1 M'jv.'c \|t;t;.:r ?.f Nov \ori. i-.'-.l w filii w Sft'-'i'. V'.- Ky.l'ro W. Wil !|V ?? ,j; j I), \\ {,? :u,' -? if ? .. .ii . itm'tily. I-Wibs. r :ii> ? ?>!*' %-rf-l tllP'hi:? il f'ai |!*f f lui'i;'Ii:r,i>i nor] oihri Wiit v.*t?!n ,i.!;i,|,;i| an,] nolivic'il \ i k . ''?'w : > h.? pro ^ 'mv ??<??ir.ti. ?? F. DPIT2 'A ill PRE AC! *? '? J' ?>' i / ?.;!i pivacli n > :? !/ i,( Su:i(!?iV i.i, ;.i?v j . , * 1 'i-> i . vcni1'^ service ( ' " ' :''1 :i ??'''? JlM'lltt, tilt " " ?"?'r'.v nifr.iiiij* {'o ' ?'3.*oliia, to ^ssisi; "'i' '? i ? k ? , . . ? " ),'t" !litr miiiistn : ^ "'Y '"r ;l ir/ir. V Vf JU'S. r1- > '??iir Kin, r?i balsam ' T.K,,1,1,,, a"1 To,., I' Ku fi... m mul I: \jr ?, 'l- 11 we,k hu! . ?>***, m,>. yu, j, 11 '^li, M-cr Way. ff ^ ii'blivos tbir;.t,;; ,:"j li-'l-", ' I ? V,"S ,;'^?TVoil L? \ t ' ' "l?!l \( ., ? . ?? SmmI-, ^^.nulay <Ut Wer.^;'.,, Anioug v | "II t!i.}, ]* K'., VnW""'' ',:i u',,, i- ni>l rjnr, , W,,';Uh: fcn''"k! i '??i '"?'?"I*' 'ill. X"J i.i-.. . - TODAY and TOMORROW (Ily Frank Parker Siockbridge) AIRSHIPS ..... practical 1 got up at ttve .o'elock on the mom ing od! May 9 to soe tho great airship ?'lliudcuburg" come in. Like a huge silver tish, silhouetted against the pale, ssinking m >on and piukly iniadi ated by tho tirst gloaius of idle rising .sun, tt was a spectacle to give anyone a thrill, air ii. circled Ike great tow - ers of Manhattan before heading lor its Lakehurst, New Jersey. Sixty-two horns from Germany ;o New York with more than 00 passen gers and beversrl tons of freight, was the Himk-uberg's record on ity first crossing of the Northern Atlantic^ Its .-.mailer sister, ahe l< Graf Ze|irpoiiii'r. Has been making regular round Iri^s between Germany and South America i or seven years. I hope the establish ment of regular North American air ervice will result in a revival in :his country of interest in lighter lhau air craft. Only 1?7 modern dir giblos have ever been built and noi me of them in commercial service has ?vor eraohed or injured si passenger. PIONEER . . . of the air I saw tlie very iirst ]>nbli<; flight ri n dirigible ever made in America. I'h'ST wiW' on July 4, 15)04, when Hoy i\nabensltue piloted Capt. Tom 15ald ?.ill's '* California Arrow" in a race Kxcopt for .short llights in France by ?vuiots Duuiont and <ihe Lehaudy brother*, nobody had ever succeeded ?u -.jtefcring ?r propelling ti balloon, it w as four v'Yirs later, in 1008, before the lirst airplane flew in public. |?V,w people remember that the Unit id Slater Governmeivi was the first, iu hay a dirigible, v.irt-hip for military a so. That was in 1905. After the War iv?? got a eon pie of zep|>elins from "rrntony, and .me ot irhem, the "IjO.i Angeles", is the n.ivwl service. Tho two bi<? ones that we built, the 'Akron" and (the "Macon" both r-rashed, and those two accidents gave i s(!;hack to ttho development of air lovigalton in this oonntry. I don't see "any reason why we in'l buiM ^<ml navigate .-ir-hips as vol! :i& the German*. RAILROADS . . . travel boosi Ifc-gimiiiiK June' 'J the railroads" in In1 l-ilsi :ir<- <_fi?in.^r io do the biggest ja Wlfn^i) Oasiuc^s have "over loue. That is I lio d.fcw when th? wo-ec?i(s-per-nuIe i'urc takes effeet. ?'ot f Kuve been ];uviug $4.65 or :i single trip, or $7.50 for o ?c*nj,d i rip, 'o travel' between my x'c.v Voik office and i.p,; country home ?.i J.';->s.'.(rhiis(-as. Tho distance is 4D miles, Now i ho fare comes down ? c.u-h \uiv. * Tho r.ulrtxid.i have accepted the cw order from Washington under ?rolc*ili.f but I have au idea tHat \ s not tfoiug to bo as unprofitable ail Juy f?.?ir. There are mow people who vould like to travel and don ft. own .w.Vsr ears than .there are ear owners I: costs \ h?L more thnn two eentw a tile to riu an .automobile. It's worth he ilitr. i- .'???!?, ol course, to/uhose wlio ?re uhle u> pay for the independence ?i motor travel, hut, alitor all. thrv ? re a small minority* IOUSING .... . . lew cost Out of jdl the tolk and efforts at A'jkshinfrton to fireside low-cost hous ?i?, something prowl-iea! seems to h* morning in Senator Wafer's hotis ?is: bill. It is easier row for n famt :y of moderate mean* to own its own 'ionic tlum i'ti ever has been. The move ieiVi. now is for better homes for less money. Perhaps we will come some ilny to !he general use of- " prefabricated'.' homes, which wpl require little looal tabor to erect them on their sites. We arc not rcadv vet for that, however * * r " ; . vith our largest. percentage of <tniem fjoymera. rtmong yyfrijl in the build :ug tmd?a. F^fory-WIt homes wonlJ '?ot tflke^ muoh of 'that cmplo * 'nent ,-ovyn * Were rondjj 00 - r '??her day th*fr the ijyun liuman sooiety now 'cho l&ek firm convictions, particularly ?!monj; jho youj?j^ It itmck*no he had put his flugefr on ijjw root (4 much of otrr r0^ l ff'-rrlHiBilnnSI [Senate Showing Statesmanship On The Tax Bill V (By Autocar ter News Service) Washing^, May 20? li. is- easy to poke inn *i?t. the august representa [;tivefi of / the people of the United Staites bitting iu Congress assembled on Capital Hill, .and it is quite rea sonable at times, to ridicule the pe culiar aiiiiics in which both ilie Senate and tJie J lotw of l^ijoprt-sentatives frequently indulge, especially as elec tion time approaches and .the boys are ?talking tor the vo;ers in their honv districts. But once in a while the Senile of (the UniteJ Stales justifies its proud Vjasti of Ih'injjf "the greeifivit deliber j ailave body in the world". It is show ing signs now of qualities more ijkiies manlike than it lois exhibited for n long time. The Moti ve, in effect., threw up its hands when it came to con sideration of the new tax bill jind tossed into the Senate lap .a docu ment upon which both friends and fooa of the Administration for once find themsehes iu ,-igreemenL The? i were unfaniiuous in dee.taring the bill orovidng for taxing undisturbed <-or poraition Mirplnse"? to be a hastily thrown log;1!her in:u-s of incoutprchc:i sible and unworkable clauses. The Seiiaic Finance Committee ha.= gon?- jut tin: job in a serions'way .!; has praetically di.-carded everything tliat the House did. More Hum 'tha1. ill. Has goiie ilc-wn 1o the boli'om of the whole question, .as to whether any? kind of ta>: upon corporate surpluses would viefd aai increase in pDvein-j . ! nient rev.mues over tl::>ic obvi'inahlc; under procent tax laws, a - well a ?. whoLher such a h vv, of general appJi | cation, would not work to the benefit1 of the big corporations and seriouslv t in,jure sum Her enterprise*, ^Tlie Senate" Cfrfftmittee H?* HstrtePt' with great seriousnfVB to analyse^ of! the proposed measure, by friends and j foes alike. One by one, Senaitorw win earlier declared themselves in favor. of the pton Have jmnoninced i hat they j bad been convinced by the array < f faets and arguments against it, until now it iseetus reasonably certain thi*t the Senate will produce .a it** measure whi'/'h will work, and which will not j resitlh in \ f;idie.apping business en-' terprise. ' ' While !!;* ?<!lj!?e-"tion ni' this nc.v methotl tf Lax::.ri'm was originally made bv t lie P?ysidont, id; is (under stood thvt he Hu twld 'he Senators of the jftjvinee Committee that- they ca'i .1.0 W. they think W. W :V* they briivr <nit a )bill tlval will yield t"he $620,(100.000 oddtoioivd-X revenue the Government needs. Tnside the Ad (PI' ?ase Turn To Pago 2) CROWD ii?ARD Mcdonald here Dr. Ralph McDonald, the Forsylh giant-killer, brought his campaign for the Gubernatorial houon-l in Noriii C?roliiMi, ogainst; Itihc tobacco faelo j rife, the cwton mills, the power companies, the sales tax, 'the State Dcmioer/tiic organization, utul C!\?h-j lioey, Sandy Graham, and others to the west of the Balsam country, Mon ? " < \ . ' day, and sjxjke io a forge crowd in the court in Sylva, at the noon recess hour for court. l>i\ McDonald, introduced ?o the .lack-on county auuk-iice by the ven erable O. B. Coward, former member of the House and former State Seu u>?r, launched an -utaok on the pres ?'iH and past Democratic Administra tions in Mm! SLaiL-, and promised a thorough honse-ch in Raleigh, stating tha4 'the s >!d laces, with ji:st a few more v ankles are ?eeu in t!ie Capital City tfc/& have been Merc for the paa& 20 yours. He asserted iilaalii ho wants to give the "machine" tbe licking of its liie, and then fill all the >apjM>intive offl'us wil;li new lim ber, giving the west it? full share. H? held up his hands in holy hor ror aii. <!bc sales tax, and promised tl'rit will be abolished, And the >olic :?ls kept running and Ithe func i k>i:s of government kept functioning, one aud it-he same time. He praised the Uoosevelt Admini stration on the one hand, eulogized Zeb Vance, and criticicized the pres ent Democratic Administration in the S'uite. The crowd listened attentat i vel y to it-he Win?*oti-S.ilem school teaeher. Prom Sylva he went to Franklin, and from there to Bryson City, re turning to Marshall and Asheville. ( INDICT CONNOR ON SSFJ0U3 CftAEOB ACAINisr A CHITT Herbert Conner v as indie*'d oil the capital charge (-i the rap- oj :i female child -under !years oi age. The crime is bavc been I'ommiitted on Tro : i.'r? - k, a week or ?? ago. The little jyri is eleven'years of age; while her a ! T 1 i assailant, ii is slaved, will be . 5 rc::n month. The grand jury ;-s always when a rapikd offense is charged, came into pouirt and ifvhirned the bill in a body.; The grand jury, which completed i its work, yesterday, is composed of j< Kdward Bryson, foreman, W. T. Ashe,; H. J. Bra-lev, I,a!mhert Melton, A. C | Edwards, D. A. Phillips, J. C. Alhnan, j! IT. Stein, Dave Dillard. K. TV-. A<b?% j \V. 1?. Moody, J. V. Lovedahl. Slier- i nvsn Phillips, R. C. Bumgnrner, A. \ lVi',?,, fiiehard Hoyle, ?T. H. Middle- i toil, anfj J. T. Sliepherd. =1 Men Who Took Patrol Car Go To Penetentiary FARM WOMEN GOING ON WASHINGTON TRIP Reservations have been u?ade in Washington for twelve Homo Demon stration Club Women, i'roin .Jackson CoiuKy, who will atwnd the Third Trieimial Uonfereuee of the Rural Wcknen oi' Hie World. The delcjsate* from this county who aro it> attend I 'K ?.his inern&tional conference will ieave for Washington, SJ.urtlay, May 30, where they will join ot-her rural vomen qf America, And become host .?sse? to i v pxesentativesi from 75 or ganizations from 40 naticn;i. The conference will begin in formal ly with a vesper service* at the boau tiful Wjis-hifj^t"*.; ciiiliWlral, ?>;? Sun May y.r.y 'U, to be, ?o:!" d by a'tea, Formal .opannig is s^m.uuUd forr noon Monday, t'une l' . :.;*n Mrs. tioosovelt will .address the conference. -Lady Aberdeen of Scotland has been chos en to greet the dele.altes. It was at her suggestion tiiat the firni interna tional inf. ting convened in Unilou, n 102U. / ' A mote, trip around the city with * c ?x glimpse of the embassies oil" the va rious nations represented by, the del egates has been planned, and 'tthe Pres ident and Mrs. Roosevelt will receive fit a garden party at the White House The pro ram will include the dnrfti of the president, Mrs. Alfred Wi : .o.iibu. 'tnd rejwn'is from delegates irom all organizatins repre sented. Such vital topics as cultural inlet e.-iti of ruval homemakers, how rural women aie meeting their economic problems, and international relamonn as they affect 'the rural home are to be discussed. A program of music and folk dmciiig lias been planned, at which foreign delegate? will wear "iTi' ir IratlTtioi 'tl f. '.io?fct ^oitiMeS." Special eshibits ui handicraft will be displayed. Mrs. X. R Ashe of Sylva has prepared <.unbio) of weaving which ~11I b?? a conspicuous p.irt of the North Carolina exhibit, which has been assembled by the Ex lension Service. EAPTitfT MSN OKOANI2E Feeling the need of an ur.caniafluon in the church which would inehide only men, twenty men of the Baptis; church met last Friday night, iio ef feci huc.ii fin organir.ition. Talks were made by Alvin Buchanan, H. E Monteith, J. V. Hall and f{. TL Cope, and a eomirw. e.<? was appointed to nominate fiffiee'rs. 'H e n?x.t meeting will be held enrlv in June, and it is thought ' sevoniy-fi\v men will probably be present. & J. Cole, Henry Barrett and Ira Roberta, vhree young men who held up Sergeant W. W. Stone of the State Highway Patrol, and took his gun and patrol ear, were sentenced to the penitentiary. yesterilay, by Judge Oglesby, in Sueprior Corntt. TJiey Dic ed chains of transporting. iV?i rim' an officer tuid larceny of an bile. was seH'<*n?:ed to mt\"1 seven, and inle and I %. 1 ? j-s four years each. Fred C'agte and (i rady Woodurd, two Sylva. h>>y*i, <-1:urged with bnoak* im? ami tMileriilg^-he cafe of Mrs. J. A. Turpiii, ui.fe of the Sylva Chief o? Police, w civ sentenced to serve 12 month* i'.'ii ii mi "the roads. Oscar Hurst was {-etiteiioed i to 12 months'on the roads for sin ;i i:in.i with a deadly weapon. ? Buck Conseene, Cherokee ln<liaii, drew ;x six months' ?en/tcnee <m ;i bastardy charge. ' Jonathan Freeman and Lewh I'ar ris, violating the prohibition laws, till days each. Gordon Sheldon, operating an auto mobile while iulUoxicaied, judgment Suspended lor two years on payment of $50 .and costs. License Ito drive re voked. Koy Stylos, operating iui aulitoiuo bile while intoxicated, plea of guilty. $50 and costs and license revokcyt. Howard He mm, carrying conceal ed weapons, $50 and coats. L. L. lope, operating an automo bile while intoxicated, 90 days and license revoked. Milton Sparks, reckless driving. $25 and costs. I, Homer Buchanan uud Paul Buchan an, murder. Verdict of not guilty. . Lloyd , Painkw, lareeny,- 19t~gtEfr iy of receiving. 90 dayb. Clyde Wilson, reckie^ driving $25 and costs. K. Ij. U'.'lltuid, prohibition violation. License revoked for 12 months. CTNION MEETING TO BE wr.i.r> AT ZION HILL ON MAY 29-31 The union meeting oi the iiapiiJt uhurches oi. the Tuckaacigee Associa tion will be held at the Zion Hill church, May 29, .'JO and 31. The piu gxiam which has been prepared is ;u follows: Theme; "Laborers Together Wil'i God." Friday Morning: 10:00 Soity," ;in<l lie volion, Uev. l'i l Bishop. 10:30 Enrollment of messengers 'm.i lmsiriess. LI :00 Sennon, Rev; R. F. May berry or Rev. T. F. Deitz. 12:00 Dinner. Friday afternoon: 1:15 Song ami devotion, Rev. EniiMt Jamison. 1:30 Enlisting ilie .Men, Mr. Jl. K. Momrfttfcb. J5:00 Training the New Convert, W iv. J. E. Brown. Teachina' the Word oi Mr. D. A. Norman. J:00 Open discussion and business. Friday Night: S:00 Song and Devotion, llev. fludi ' r ? Bishop. 8:30 Sermon, llev. L. A. Cabe. Saturday Morning: 10:00 Song and ^evotion, Rev. C. C. Conner. 10:15 Business. 10:30 New Tesc:.neat Evangelism, Rev. Wr N. " ok. 11:00 Missionary e._j>on, Rev. Fre?l Forester. 12:00 Dinner. Saturday Afternoon: ] :15 Song .and Devotion, Rev. JtKf Bishf?|?. 1:30 Denouncing Evils, RevJ. F. Wo* mack. 2:00 Sermon preparation, Rev. R. L. ('ook. 2:30 Open discussion and business Sunday Morning: 11:00 Sumliv School. 11:00 Sermon. Rev. Thad Jamison. REVIVAL AT WEBSTER Evangelistic cervices are in prog ress at Webster Baptist church, this week. Rev R. C. Sherrin is assisting the pouter. Res. W. N. Cook, in con ducting the sexies oi oaeetinfpu

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