y i y iDVAJHCE IN THE COUNTY ~ ???-? yEAtt I# , ? SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1936 C Presidential Campaign Starts ^ ; i. ?? ? ^ button. Jiiiir 21? The Pr tai ,0 Iw wtyd off with , ..u liii HrM r.vui-wimd of the ?W' 'i i LjkJ" l'uriy i-> h'tt'iijjr no gtaitu [? tfjrfih It'll. I'oliJlfatl okieTV if* now ajpvee thai fciit. The f)emocrat? Li" "** J ,.:f.U' j,.. ?*?.. .irfwpiliug a&k of the |t i-> i lic lomplete oon ilit Ptfij'ly oxgall ihi wen wluf followed ah in hi; JSu'J Moose t'l A ^ which di lW,| WucJruiv UT-nu in |ho White ; l^udoM and Col. r?x, Ol't 'i- hYpiibli|aii oandi u-i, Ifi't ilu' lv? ."i?f?lic-iiar 1'aittyiin Ij-j(i, !,??;?;* ?> >t-au(ru'd. Hf!)::!'!-"':1 k"!'1' ba?hl birgely L l!:i J;;." I in; party con L .'.si b'Vi- i';> -i-'l ii'oni the hands ''?i*ri.v itltj'.'L-i'ojiserva hjii'ii over by a grouoj t Vii'* i ?V?"J . . -J i f ti.fs nw; Republican rn .. t- probably) t|he most jjjitic v iiii.jLizcd political party Lw-r l Uom a on & natioirU [t.li -5'i lur.iiidable arjny, and il ?r, c;::..lul'iti' a geutlcmdii ? a lid oraUjp'icul abii Xi IK' U'.Vl'.i d. .Nil*. KOOSI! t > if f , ; ivt- voice auft couvine iiwiu-r ate utuiliarij ty> every |uW:!a it'1 t \\r lUteifpdi to the s!,ii ;i.x: ^ a lot "t' American-. ficl)t.ii(r:i';; 'c Urn vol it i on, in Phil (i-iiiiii, viiioii !?a\o promise tff bc aii.i r, i; i.i duvejojied inli^rh! ????* 1 ?jjsii.>i lii'O-iiYi Ii, aroused the m:? ;nni ^:!\?? flavin1 to the u ?iAc.vi ui .Seuatojj Baxkley. ri'J.U'UWi: whirh gro?(i?d the de ? vi Mr. l V.i'kic\ *s .?.peteh, de P" :i> per ii,i Limloiii'jes on the hw vi ! ^it i)u': l)eiuo ? . -tif in'following ;l|" !'?: - i' . ; I':i >'k1( lit Roosevelt, ' '?> I - i!.?- ?i:njjaign with il' tj v.':m. -iimU of cheering s, v.iih L?Mi,*!f.l ?, C .1- j^lS.SC'SH little Oi ?'??'?'y Mr. to trans i --.i 'i.alri! iiv rjuifio. Ho is * i fA a jnJdie * ' '.7 .Mr. hooper in ?' l'1-1* 'n" J'l.ij. Tli,- campaign, '"?U ran, .viii We di-terniined r v l!;" !-oi' the two 1 ilirtli byi ?' ?v M.. !.:?wi|l measure 1' i"1"-'1' i??liid to Mr. Kdoee >? ' 'K ' i*,N. ti.Uls Vx\f in Wash ! ? !'" Im v tf intV'?ai? . both parties. The I i;' .-.I'-'aMl'! i-ln'u'f oE Ihc Demo-I 1 \. -?..'tti'oy Ui^h, for-j i il;,,,- .oi tl.r t'liiUtikn Hcrahl, i' t 011W inukiipj; ?t ipecial ap '?'ii.iivU pt-'pU'.but pitting 01 -v ninth nfovc digni ' ";,t ??".i-ivuci iv?' t'hametcr thm? ' tin- [id'viuus liiMuocr.atic prop 'iVlUi'uil, National Com '* > i|x '?'>? ? Tlnne vi^illi bi t,i ,lllV vui^'r scaping ''"l*1*' ni i:vi.|i:i^un\n> from both ? ulv.-iuly m miration by -cwra-.s .ntvl iii procuration by 1 " I'-'-bV.t-uiK (icaouipWto a cam h,'- wliM, , vcrv kno^n medium " < 'ib- pu?,Vf Vy0 at^,\ car -will td ',V.e limit o} it's poen '*/ Uu,h si.h-s win Hive all tho ' lu'v ,u'' "V to ilo whatever thev W ilu. i' V ?n , .i ? , i- V K with the Cv,,,,' KcpuhlioDji National u,,1';1' ls ''??wr Provident Her W-mi!!' !S Part'w'larly plcas N tU 1 ' ' ^orm ?'VflorptM cra th? ?cttf^es be h?s preached tht m U TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker ftiockbridge) LANDOM . j . of I have never met the Kepub4ca.il candidate for Prcuideut, ball most oi the men who organized the campaign lo-r his bonfaiation are good friends k hold oi the Landon campaign. I siz-j ed him up then .?> a scrapper who can ^ think fast on his feet. Ited-headed, freckle-faced^quare-'-'houldered, with ^ a jaw that jute out like a bu'Jdon John Hamilton i? the personification of energy. The new Republican national chair ivu has been in the rough and ftjimble j ?t' Kansas politics since boyhood.' i'our vcarj he was opposing Alf Landon. iipw he is trjpng to put him' 41 tlie While Hou!>e. He proved him-j iolf a great pcliijcui strategist by' ai.T tvunpaign for Landon 's noaiina iuii, which was easi'y the biggest po 'itcal achievement I know anything about. . ( Whether nis candidate wins or Ios ?n, John flanki ton at 44, has made uiiu ^lf a factor to be reckoned with n p\ future counqils of the Repub lican Party, the' control of whieh he ta* definitely shifted to tjhe restless, oi'ward-k>o1;irig Middio Wast HOOVER ... happy 1 spent an hour with Herbert Hoo ??or jit# r.s the Cleve'kmd Republican Convention was adjourning.. Echocs )f the applause with which hps speech it Cleveland was received were still tinging in hin ears. Congratulatory Jelegrams and betters were piled two .'cet liigli in his New York hotel room Mr. Hoover w,as both proud and nippy. He wa-. proud t|p> pc^cut out .hat the Republican platform had K en built on the principles wtyich he tad been advocating in his public 'peoches for nearly two yeans. He vvas happy because of the e\{kleiice -hat had been given of a united party mder aggressive leadership. He lookr ed better than I had ever seen him look. I jiakecl hlim if he wa> going tip take an .active parti in the campaign, "I'm going fishing", he said, ''bpl III do anything they call on tne to do". I have a hunch that he wttll be call ed on. BORAH Influence The one ou'tstanding Republican that I know of who is not quite hap py over the adfon of the Cleveland Convention is Senator Borah. It wouid be surprising if Mi} Bojarh ware pleased. He im made it * poind (Pleaae Ton 3b _ ; Democratic Nominees PJLS.S RoojeVeit ctvd Gamer ||j pm.i mm w Republican Nominees ?r London. ?ESr JOUM Q. ^r/^b^y sue ?-? hi 7Z SjT ,m|.. fc -swjp-1 'sv AJ^ 1* / ^ ' Jpl ^ ;O^N 4I\ f% , / / MA V Jackson county. It is planned to reach .and teach one thousand citizens and tako them iiiitoagh the fiiyt grade, during the six week's peifcod. Any adult who wishes to enroll in these elm ses may do so by making ap plication to Mrs. Morgan at the Court House in Syhra, ?r ,ai( W. C. T. C, at Culhywhte. Transportation will be provided fior tCtChers and indents, so that a!l parts of the county will Lave equal advantages. X'j is intended that) all ageMjnt of the county cooperate in niaiftng the undertaking a saccesilndividuals and orr.ituzatCons will be asked to coop* ffcte in sponsoring the program and 'in miking it a county and comn*inity 4;rojoc-L SYLVA TO CLOSE FOURTH OF JULY All business booses in Sylva will be closed all day, Ju'y 4, in oelebra 'Jon of Independence Day. All pauron^ of Sylva stores are re quested to make their purchases onl Friday Jn'y 3, &>f ^ie entire week end. 6LENVH1E WOMAN IS BADLY INURED Mit*. Alvin Holdca believed to be recoveiCng from seriojfc^ injuries she sustained, when hor husband ? irack knocked her down and ran over her chest, on Highway 100, near tho Sylva Country Club, on Monday mom Mik Holden, her two children, and acr husband wen* ixmiiug to Sylvi, ?vhon !|., L< slated. Mr. Hold en stop ped io repair u flat tire. Mi's. il??ldo? was .standing u< front of liei Iiiw band '.s truck, when ix was si lin k Uv another truck, di(J\en' by tj. U. Biu ro fl. This rSiiae?l ijio Holdeu tni.-k .0 knocking M u?. Ibilden down and passing over W cheat. Mrs. liolden, a daughter ol John Dtavi;> of Big 'tiilge, is a well known young woman. and a member of one of the equity's oldest .and most prom inettt familii--. ICE CREAM SUPPER AT LOVE'S CHAPEL There will bo an ice crean and j*e supper ;i/t Love's i hapel Method ust church, next Saturday night, June 27. Everybody is invited . LYLE ENS LEY AGAIN HEADS ASSOCIATIONAL B. T. UNION Lyle Ens ley -was reelected Associ ational Director of the Baptiat Train Jig Union, at iUj .annuill meeting, held at fuckaaeigee, Sunday after noon. Other officers chosen were: associate director, M{iss Mildred Cow an; sccretary-trea&urcr, Elva Harris; ^iaitst ;uid choiiter, Dan Cook; paa adviser, Rev. Fred Foretter; li brarian. Edn.n. Cook; junior leader, UHiise Hoofer; intermediate leader, Clarence Vance. Rev. Nathan Brook-?, the regional president and pastor if the Bry-jon City Baptist church, in stAlVd the officers. QUALLA l ivet And Mrs. J. R. Meaner called it Mr. Graver Poland's. Mrfe. D. C. Hughes made a trip to Svlva. Mrs. Cecil Springer spent the week end with Mrs. Terry Johnson aft Beta Mrs. H. 0. Ferguson made a trip ro Aahevilje. Miis Mary Emma Ferguson is spend&ng a few days at Bethel. Mr. And Mrs. D1. M. Shuler were cruets ac Mr. J. L. Sittan's, Sunday. Mesdames J. C. Martin, J. C. John son and Hansel Bradley called on Mrs C'ark Glass. Mr*. P. H, Ferguson visited Mr*. F. K. Terrell, Thursday. Misses Gertrude Ferguson .and An nie Liziie Terrell are attending sum mer ivchoo? at Cullowhee. Miss Etta Rowland went to Oullo ivhee, Monday. Mrs. J. II. Hughes spent 8und?y wrtih Mrs. L. W. Cooper. Mrs. Clyde Marcus and daughter, Mk? Catherine, of Ela^ called on *?& .ntives Sunday^ Mr. J. K. Terrell viaited at Mr. H. G. Dirdlv and Mr. Will PattoaX Sunday. ? $i 'A