I Traffic Accidents On I Increase In This State North Carolina streets and highways ran red with blood of traffic accident victims last month, as the death toll showed an 81 per cent increase over that of last March, the Highway Safety Division reported this week. , Records of the division list 96 traffic ' deaths last month, against 53 for March, 1940. This IS me gretii/COU iiiucooc uu icuord in this state. The traffic toll for the first three months of this year was 275 persons killed, against 188 killed in the same period last year, an increase of 46 per cent. Fifty of the 100 counties, including Jackson Comity, showed increases over the first quarter of last year. The worst counties included Columbus, which had 11 traffic deaths the first quarter of this year, against none ior tne same period last year; Wake County, with a death toll of 18 this year, against three last year; Pender with six this year against none the first quarter of last year; Rockingham, with six this year against one last year, and Mecklenburg, with 15 this year, against 12 last year. "These shocking figures challenge every citizen of our state and every agency having anything to do with accident prevention to devote more time, more thought and more hard ?nrlr t.n t.hp arrident, nrnblem than ever before,'-' declared Ronald Hocutt, director of the Highway Safety Division. ' Traffic deaths in the 20-24 age group showed an even 100 per cent increase, from 22 the first quarter of last year to 44 the first quarter of this year. Fatalities among children under ten years of age also were up nearly 100 per cent, from ten last year to 19 this year. Of the 275 persons killed, 211 wer? & I males. ! Large increases were noted in the numbers of persons killed in railroad crossing crashes, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and in cars that struck fixed objects or ran off the roadway. The first-quarter toll was as follows: Pedestrian, 84 this year, 54 last year; railroad train, 24 this year, 15 last year; bicycle, 11 this year, 4 last year; i fixed objects, 22 this year, 6 last year; overturned in roadway, 16 this year, 17 last year; other non-collision accidents, 7 this year, 5 last year. Only 11 of the March fatalities occurred in cities of over 10,00b population. For the first quarter, only 36 persons were killed in the 28 cities, against 37 for the first quarter of 1940. Print Silks Team With Plain Woolens ? !. . The ensemble holds the center of the spring sartorial stage and never was there a more practical fashion. Gay printed silks team with plain woolen coats to create the sort of an outfit that fits into any hour of the day, whether it I,. be luncheon, cocktails or in| i formal dining. Occasionally, the coats have facings to match the frock, but such a coat cannot be worn with other frocks. More adaptable are the coats which simply match the background color of the print but use none of the i * ... silk as a trim. One ensemble introduced at a New York fashion showing featured a frock with a gunmetal background and a small print of shamrocks. The coat was of gunmetal wool with two large bound button holes at the neckline through which a tie of the silk was drawn. w' Another interesting ensemble J', ' in -the same show consisted of a coat of dark blue wool with three quarter sleeves. The print beneath was made with long |K full sleeves, which formed a puff beneath the sleeve of the coat. A jabot at the neck of the dress was fashioned so that it could be worn outside on the collarless coat. For another ensemble the jprint of the dress had been used l[| , lor a large handkerchief rwhich Iltf was tucked into a pocket placed just below the enbelted waist line of the coat. In the ten year period 1931-40, HI! graduate students in American colegee and universities produced nearly 27,000 theses as candidate^ for the doctorate degree. 1 ' : \ . COOL ? Curlee ; s ? 1 Comfort in a summer suit ness and a high upkeep in i . not any more! Curlee T These light weight worste and smartest patterns, are ed. They're cool and comfo fabrics hold their shape a wear. Our stock of Curlee Suits f is complete, offering a wid I ?all moderately priced. C( j $17.5( a ^ nn vtt > J ^ I By Request Of H I A Repeat Sale | ported Cloth St I EVERY ONE N I TISEI) AT $2.5( I On Sale at I Sanforized Shr they shrink. Limit 3 to a cust< Sc ' ? . ftftE JACKSON COUNTY JOtfltWj ?SS8S8S888S8SS88S8S8S8S8SSS8S888SaSS88S898S8S8SaS8S8Sa9S88S8S8Sa^S i a breeze TroDieal JL uits once meant a sacrifice in smartcleaning and laundering bills. But 'ropicals have solved the problem, ds, featuring the season's newest smartly styled and expertly tailorrtable but, at the same time, these nd stand up under hard summer i or the Spring and Summer season e range of models, styles, and sizes Dme in and see them. ) to $25.00 : * * Shirt Sale undreds We Wifi Stage Of Arrow Surret Im- ^ .iris. yc ATIONALLY ADVER- Ai ) and $3.50. be $1.95 unk ? A new one if )mer?None to merchants i j ; !. hulmar | "STYLE C Phone 151 \ I .. ' f : r- ' * j " It, THURSDAY, MAT 8, lM 58SSSSaSSSaS?SSSggSSSSg88SgSSaS8S8Sa888S388a!8S338S8S8SSS8S88SS8S8S8SaS83S I i??: i V?9U' ' will h ! yaww^^^^yNj smartl ' ' /"[ * ' t ' . i : * rv Don't Forget Mother Dear! ON MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 11th on't she be proud she is a mother when >u present her with a lovely gift this Sunly? We have hundreds of items she will 5 delighted to receive. COME IN TODAY nd Let iJs Help You Select Something seful and Practical. . I i's Dept. ENTER OF SYLV Sylva, N, \ . i / S8* JfWtT' -I w??*i?rA yMfev.^ f i v,.. . . \ V o I 91 * * . * I C?it's the season's Jargest, loveliest crray ites...the seme alUstar cast of smart>.cccl, . fl atlc footwear you'll see feature^.'.rn l/.e Cross Shoe Summer Theater of Whites" in ? Magazine. Come, choose the shoes that ^ ave you playing your part youthfully and. ly in every summer scene. ?'???l v* f " * 1 ' -* . " ' >> ? \ " ' . , YES, We Have Just Plenty Of , I I liming Bird Nylon Hose I [ade Of Natural Ga?, CoaI and Water AVERAGE WEARING 4 MONTHS >1 ?.l / . ? - . . % t* $1.35; pr. . \ . " 1 I . . . ; . . . * " V . " .. ' % V . 1 v W'M. i N # " .* ' '% 9 " . Store c. ' I * - ' ' A ' # * % " * * ... . * . . . .. , j(| ' t ? 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