THE PRESS AND CAROLINIAN. Polume 17. HALL'S CATARRH rURE 1 lICOMEBOrD tY PHYBICIAWS! 8100 REWARD FOR A CASE IT FAILS TO CURE, j w * ufactar» ami Mill it with * p«*ittv« ruarinttt that It will cur* any •••©» will forfait th* itbore amourii 1/ It rSi!# iu A Single inttftnc#. it * unlike uy other o*u>rr& it is tmkmr Internally, acting u^on Vne • If jon trou hi with thlt your for lt« m 4 wo i*rrATiow o« urmrrnx If ba hu not rot it, »«ml Ui us ai.d w will lajMdUUI;. Pric*, 71 otraU p«r boHlo. Tr*t lanonlali fr»r. F.J. OHINIY Jk CO.. Toledo. Ohio. ■ 1 WV. T' I ' I" ' ' " __ n CI LUtniD WAKItANT. Mat* gbw, J*p*DD*d and Platvd to (Wia f wpl«t* ■■ tloa-hoi• teUiMrt, $ IO». Kiubroldtry Pkl»«nri,OO r«aU. TERRT'I liLTKR ITIEI. BAZOM, Full »arar*4, MOBMI, lirappwl and li*ad/ for I'M, >2-4N». JUtit ik>c. paid oo racwiprt of prir«. IlluaUatad catalogue fnva. TKKIIY A CO., 113 Adam Rtruat, TOI.IDO, OHIO. IM T I ]'' > * ' r ' war m\m tttst a "the ithacacun BEST SHOOTIHG GUN MADE. O ffcrna®, aynpia, vuT. l>n'ano«il AII haT« Top Uf llmmm. RebounA- O k« - -my * I'art*. £imiuuElb, CuCD{xwsaUug • Va— T.uji r Rit* l'U>* Closo Hard Shooting Cuns at Long Range a Specialty. B-BTSta mo« OIHOUX.AH, ITHACA CUN CO., - - - ITHACA, N. Y. W LOVELADY and its FUTURE PROSPECTS. : im» I I j zn Taylorsville Street. dooQ | g i it _ ___ , y cr ! _ o ~ 1 r? cj I M -Tl H 3 £ § H 2 " s f ** r% "- 1 CO • V 2 O) Mrr -Tj 'j» gM QD ~ 1 ~3 K, — 1 UT p o 3 as ; tt - g I x -5-1 « t _P ° , j a ® H M c » «• o H g»j _ .. ® s * - is 2 I . r | § S- 5 - * ' >- M ' I - O O 3 i —— i■H o o »1 2 : r-t *' "cc M JH 03 | "- 1 Hi tn O ' y 1 | ' ; O r~ 5 o " fj Price Street. «av][ . .. —; | . | OO 1 v» _ M K . i 2 m § i c _r I r i; I i c o o W ff- tc 1 ** g C H g W! il j - I ;x 5 M A»!IY OS ] - i M !i i II g- ? S£ ! L ; • 'J O I £3 w ( «• —, O O 1 1 I * * —| !- o I r. S-T > i* 2 S H g M X! •? : . a. c j - ° 2h§ 1 i •a*uy u os c p c H i :_z I:? - - ... " I——— §■ ;»t-X:KGCIJ: —.CO V OC ■ n» w O t 5 *-N A: 1 * | - 2 t r - r* ifauds zn r 1 •oyis HO OS tic U C d j " ¥f .KOUOf -rj AV 0 : IIIIUM on. : ''A He , s at)sny mjof v I | i A Kvi Opportunity t\>r All t> Stcure t Ditty fitful tul a Sj>leti did Opportunity )i>ri I'rofitable Investment. I.a»a!aU» i» nittjntf.l on th» ili\'iilinir lietwtvn the t'afrtwlia River anil Ri»r •Jnnpowdw wfcli k rn» parallel with »urh nther for sevnn or • • atnvna ato tha i-rwk, hen e the fertility of the soil of tha toirrouiiiiiim oountry is unsurpassed It la dtractly on the C .VI Kailroail midwa.v between HU-kftry and the highest eleva tiaa tha two pla-ea, anj will rank anions the most beautlfnl towns in Western North Caroll aa la aaramar wehnve tha full benefit of the mountain breeze. ainl In winter We are protected from the cold North wisds by the Mountains which are ill tall view. half encircling u j whi.-h causes such gTasd acenary In •«miner or in winter when th« rucks are covered with sparkling icicles ami the ■ •muioi with the white, downy snow j» ary of th» advantages of Lorelady as a place of res ideate for either th« rich. middle man. bo «j. or the pn>r, it is pleasant healthy anil delight fully eituated Kish plentiful in the far the creeks, In one mile of here is a Sulphur cslmproTed. that is said to be „ |s is founi anywhere The place has just sprung s» with • population of about 200. 1'w0.,. .did churches—Methodist and Lutheran—one wagon wad blstksmi'.h chop, (wo dry good stores, both doing »i splendid business. and asother large store badly seeded. ustjnij (tore and t doctors Also a large door and blind factory, with a foundry »• he consented. There ts a a for another door and sa*h factory, as building material is ex tremely low here a party from tbe4obaoco region Kant have selected a sit* here for a tobacco facto ry and two f.a® residsnres We alto 'Have a splendid Academy which is well patroniied It is owne>i aid cos-incted by I'rof lluglies. from.Rockingham The situation of I.ovelady is such that it make? the proDerty very deelrable for basineti* or aummer reports Building lots fronting on the main street an IM ' sr.,! *•. ranging from $l»l o S4O We would therefore adviso those wishing to go in •• s«i« .-»» or pro car* a ho a* to ga>. v ekfe iuvestment and not delay, u the cheapness of the r>ro it mr wi!: *t» the rr »t J»-«!rahla !jU'o be takes soon Above we give a sketch of the most desj-. si t --lUiUi f*n«i uj»j. Those rl»hlng to purchaee lots will call on Br *»»!! in.., - Wk ' mm " d »«' de-i'rabU of •*■*»«&* J 7tk, Ut7.—Xo. 27~n Where He Learned It. He was ft pretty little fellow, but it wan his manners, not his looks, that attracted everybody—clerks in store*. people in the hor.->e curs, men women and children. A hoy four years old who, if anybody said to him, ''How do you do?" answered. "I"am well, thanks," and if he had a request to make, be it of friend or stranger, began it with "Please. And the beauty of it wfts that the "thanks" and "please" were so much a matter of course to the child that he never knew he was doing any thing at all noticeable. "How cunning it is." said a showy woman to bin mother as they sat at dinner at the public table of a hotel one day, "to hear that child thank the waiters and say 'please, when he wants anything. I never saw auy thingibo sweet. My children hare lo be'constantly told if I want them to thank people. How well you miibt hare taught him, that he never forgets.'' "He has always been accustomed to it." said the mother. "W« have always nai .1 'please' to hira when we wished hiin to do anything, and have thanked him. He knows no othor The showy woman looked as if she did not need any further explanation of the way in which habits are formed Probably you do not.—W ido Awake. w i\( M! >l»llier»!il>j»Mjrhters! BF. Youn OWN PHYSICIAN ! A lady who for years suffered frona distress ing female complaints, weakness, etc., so common to her sex, and had de spaired of a cure, finally found reme dies which completely cured her. Any sufferer can use them and thus cure herself, without the aid of a physician. From feelings of grati tude she will send two prescriptions —which cured her—and an illustrat ed pamphlet entitled "THE STEI'PINO STONE TO HEALTH," and full iustruc tions, sealed. Address (with 2 cent stamp), MRS. W. C. HOLMES, GBS Broadway, N. Y. (Name this paper.) I> tiijterouH I>rink.H. The Philadelphia News prints the following: A bartender plaintively bewailed the necessity of having to rub con gealed drops of sticky beer off the bar. 'But if I let them remain,' said he in the tone of one soeking com passion, 'they rot the wood." u 'They rot the wood, do they ?' fiercely repeated a beer-bibber. 'Then what in the name of common sense does beer do to my stomach ? "Replied the manipulator of drinks: 'lt is beyond mo to tell. Of one thing I am confident, and that is man's stomach is made of cast-iron. Elsewise how could be | withstand the fluids ho pours into. it * Let me show you something.'j He placed a piece of raw meat on the counter aud dropped upon it a small measure of imported ginger ale. In five minutes the meat had parted into little pieces as though ■ hacked by a dull knife."' It is not surprising that beer | drinkers are held by life insurance companies to be extra hazardous i risks.—National Advocate. • « • • Organio weakness or loss of power in either sex. however induced, speedily and permanently cured. Enclose ten cents in stamps for book of particulars. orld a Dispensary Medical Association, Buf ' falo. N. Y. California raised, cured and ship ped over :JSO carloads of raisins year, and will do 100 carloads better for 1887. The Spanish raisin is now plaving second fiddle. I * Wliat Am I ToDo? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquid ut none for solids of a mor ning. His tonrue will hardly bear » o o > . • • inspection at any time: if it is not ; white and furred, it is rough, at all 1 events. I The digestive system is wholly out of order, and Diarrhea or Constipa tion may be a symptom, or the two may alternate. There are often ■ Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence ! and tenderness in the pit of the \ i stomach. To correct all this if not ' effect a cure try Greens August ; Flotcer , it cost' but a trifle, and attest its efficacy. "bichorv?, IRorth Carolina, "Wovcmbcr 17, XSSI. HOW DO WE CIS OUR BRAVES ? We muft ent or we cannot live. Tl.ii we 1 : w. But do we all k w that re die by eating? It is 1 we d r r gi aves with our te th. Hnv foo isii this sounds. \*tit is fearf",] TJ UP. We are ter rified at ti.e s; ; roach nf the cholera and jellow u v«t there is a dis f.iiS'B const;iiiij\ at our doors and in our houses iar more daiigerous aiid Instructive. M* st people Lave in .heir own st-u: achs a poison, more !ow. but cute as fetal as the germs >f those ma'rt'lios which sw*ep men 'nto eternity by thousands without warning in the tnuus of great epi demics. But it is a mercy that, if we are watchful, we can tell when we are threatened. The following tre among the symptoms, yot they do not always ".(.T* iiiilv appear in the same o: d i. nor are they alwavH the same in different cases. There is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad taste in thr- mouth, especially in the morning; the appetite is change able, sometimes poor and again it seems as though the patient could not eat enough, and occasionally no •ppetite nt all; dullness and slug gishness of the n ind; no ambition to study or v >rk ; more or less head ache and h. aviness in the head; dizziness on I to the feet or moving suddenly; furred and coat ed t : _;ue; a seiiße of a load on the stoni:*ch that nothing removes; hot and tlry sk.n at times; yellow tinge in the eyes; scanty anjd high-colored urine ; sour taste in t)ie mouth, fre (juently attended by palpitation of the heart ; impaired 'X'ision, with spots that ser in to be swimming in the uu' befor° eyes; a cough, with Pv ..v'fiish-colored oxpecto vf.tii\° poor nights'rest; a sticky sliiuo about the teeth and gums; hrtnds and feet cold and clammy: init.ible temper and bowels bound uj> and costive. This disease has puzzled the physicians and still puz zle* them. It is the commonest ot ailments and yet the most compli cated and mysterious. Sometime* it ib treated as cojisumption. some times as liver complaint, and then fttrain as malaria and even heart dis ease. But its real nature is that of constipatioi find dyspepsia. It arisen in the digestive organs and soon attocts all the others through the corrupted and poisoned blood. Often the whole body—including the nervous system—is littndly starved, even when there is nc emaciation to tell the sad story. Experience lias show n that there u put one lv that ran certainly cure this disease in all its stages, namely, Shake j Extract of Roots or Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup. It never fails but. nevertheless, no time should be lost in trying other so called remedies, for they will do m good. Get this great vegetable preparation, (discovered by a vener able nurse whose name is a house hold word in Germany) and be sure to get the genuine article. GIVEN IT LY SEVEN DOCTORS. Shaker F.xt; act of Boots or Sei gel's Syr;ip has raised me to good health aft« I sewn doctors had given me up to die * itli consumption.— So writes It. t *-ic". KirV*,-| '' r Tille, Todd Co., ~ HE HEARD OF IT JUST IN TIMB. "I had been about given up to die with dyspepsia when I first flaw the advertisement of Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel's Syrup. After using four bottles 1 was able to at tend to my business as well as ever I know of several cases of chills and fever that have been cured by it." So wn ites Mr. Thoe. Puilum, of Tay lor, Geneva Co., Ala. WORTH TEN DOLLARS A DOTTLB. Mr. Thomas P. Evans, of the firm of Evans A; Bro., Merchants, Horn town. Accomack Co., Ya., writes that he had 1 "»een sick with digestive disorders for many years and had tried many physicians and medi cines without benefit. He began to use Shaker Extract of Root* or Sei crel's Syrup about the Ist of Jan. 1887, and was so much better in throe weeks that he considered him self practically a well man. He adds: "I have at this time one bot tle on hand, and if I could not get any more / trottld nH take a ten diilar hill for it." All drugL ■ • «, or Address A. J. Wiate, Limit* d. >4 Warren St. N. Y, SHYERS'& SIOVIM VEHICLES! HIGH 6RADE, LOW PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE. HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS AND BUGGIES Priced and test cm application, SPECIAL IsdioeisMt* to large Buyer*. BAYERS &\SCOVILL, CINCINMA A, OHIO. IRADF lELD'S fflfia A SPECmC T OB. WOMAN'S DISEASES P.lmfal T rrtfnlar roftia Ucanty and JL MENSTRUATION OR ONTHLY SICKNESS. If taken the CHANCE OF LIFE, rr.*l •nflering and danger will be avoided fa* kook " SIKSSAGS TO Wo***," nuiilCii free B&AU«JSLA> K£«VLATOS Co., Atlanta, Gw. Pomona Hill Nurseries pono.\A, c., Tw(. and a half miles west of Greensboro, N. C. The main line of the R £Dfi K passes throukfli the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. .Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each wuy. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the largest nursery in th# btate and one among the largest in th» South. The proprietor ha« for many years visited the leading Nurseries North and West, and corresponded with thos« of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated tv suit the South, both native and foreign. Th« reputation of Pomona Llill Nurseries is such that many agents going out from Greensboro representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they are representing theS* nuiseries. Why do they do it? Let thft public answer. 1 have in stock crowing (and can shoiy visitors thy same) the largest and best vtock (if trees, Ac., ever shown or seen in atiy two nurseries in North Carolina, consisting »f ArPLE.PE AC 11 IIERIM PE4K, PLI\H,GRAP^ Japanese Peoimiuoii. Japanese I'lnui, Apricots, nectarine,Kuasianapricot, mulber ry, quinces. . 571.11,1, FUI ITS: Strawberry, rasp-berrr, currauts, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, ever greens, shade trees, loses, &c. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from in«. Correspondence solicited. Descriptive catalogue free to applicants. Address, J VAU LIXDI.KT, POMONA, Uuilfmd county, N C. No 17 April 28 mo ELEGANT AND USEFUL Tns jossson moLvms ecu ca:s. .WITH INDEPENDENT SHELVES ADJUSTABLE TO BOOKS J OF ANV H RIGHT. A SUPERB I'RESENT. INVAI.UABLS TO I-»\ry*r», Clergymen, Fhvalrlan*, Kdltora, Ilaukerfl, Teacher*, Merchant!, Student*, and a!l who read Hooks. CHEAPEST I STRONGEST! BEST! Made of Iron, finished in Mark, with beautiful pilt ornamentation, it cannot % arp, check, split, get out of order. or wear out. I- ach sheif. in «juare, will held 16 vols, sire of Apple'.on's Cyclopedia Holds more books in less space than any oiher device. No 1, For 1 able, to hold 1 tier of books,. .910.00 " 2E. " " " 2 tiers " ... 12.00 " 2, " Floor, " 2 " "... 12.00 " S. '* " " 3 " " ... 18.00 .. .. " " 4 " " ... 18.00 The best sire for £enera! u«e i» No. 3. Shipped, carefully packed. on re eipt of price. SATISFACTION* GUARANiTF.F.I>. T>esrr!ptive price !i*t contain rg t-stimoni »U T ree. Illuatrated f;«t aloguo of Stationery and JsoTel t lea, nearly 200 p."i.»nt on receipt of 21 ctv. ANDERSON & KSUM STATIOHEBY CO., 7 Bond Stroot, New York, N. Y. B F" A TTY'S -T' : •• Y* RW * | y > ' CELEBRATED ORGANS AND PIANOS. For Catalogue*, Addrr«« Danifl F. Bratty» Washington. Srw Jmty. C nnn UKATTVS ORKAM At B»r --4/SJ V/ U■\J \J \J , h UN» Kor part ieularn. CATA LOGUE, ndlr(?e.*. I'iwiiel K lieattj, Washington. New Jerwy, BEATTY'S ORGANS, '£SS LOKUE. add rata. i>aniel V. fWatty. Xf» Jer*ey. BEATTY'S PIANOS,. IRVSK cafaloirii# Addreaa. lianiel F Heattr, M -NHIBG ton. New Jerne.T THE NEW ORGAN FOLIO. B.t HI nr.KTp nut ucm book ha* T>T-en PREPARED #xpr*A«lT for th« R«HLO R |RAN. IT .-ontaina a tborongh co N 1 "" OF V »LUA'>LE I&atruction. a NUTTIER of uaefu.. I„ »rio dee in DIFFERENT Vera, pretty • roltjntartea R , T#E«« ESPECIALLY adapted for the parlor at HOAA L,O. aeveral I'*«W of SONGS at>d hym« • A**« F*»lio Boar»L*. $1 LO. §«L» oa rec#ip» OF p _ a. FCPE*-INIEE pa*te* FREE \JV Literal Ducoaot to lbo BIGLOW k Min, 76 E Sinth St., Jew Tort 31 Bandolpfa Mrnt, Chicago »1 The Telegraph and the People. The people must fight their own battlfl for cheap telegraphy. The facilities of rapid intercommunica tion in this country need not remain in the sole control of a corporation, dominated by one man, which insists that upon the money it has taken from the people and expended in ex- j tensions, a perpetual dividend charge • bail be paid. "The feudal barons of the Rhine,' said th© Hon. Josiah ! Quincy long ago, "the transporta- | tion managers during the dark ages, compelled all that paused to pay tribute, but they lacked the master stroke of financiering in neglecting to compel the people to pay interest forevwr on the verjr sums of which they had been plundered." This "master stroke has been fully exem plified 'n the operations of telegraph j monopoly in the United States, and some reiief from its effects must be lOund by the representatives of the people.—Philadelphia Record. Ucjuor Dealer**' Threat. • In regard to the statement that Prohibition is contrary to Democratic principles, and, in reply to the tlmat of Col. R. Q. Mills, et al, to read out of the Democratic party all who vot ed for Prohibition, the Fort Worth Gazette points out that Fannin coun ty, Texas, "the banner Prohibition county is also the banner Democratic county; while Comal county, the banner anti-prohibition county is one of the Republican strongholds." Further, the forri^gfc . r jJi;*»nn of Fannin county istlbout*t w -,\ )\ of Conisl, nearly one-forth. "Now then," says the Gazette, "let the reading out proceed."—South western Methodist. There is one thing certain that Democrats have always been the ad vocates of "the greatest good to the greatest number," and while they have been a little luke warm for some years on the subject, for fear of interfering with the so-called per sonal liberty of the drinker, yet they begin to realize that personal liber ty is about to overthrow the civil and religious liberty of American citizens ; lisnce they feel that it is time forjliquor dealersjto call a halt in their mad career; and we have faith tbat the good Democrats of the South will rise like men and save their beloved country.—Southern Journal Progress. ' j . To a Young l> . AiiJuo in One of the l'; r ,l fcf ■ 1 f •/"st about to begin housekeeping was, "Always see every part of your house from garret to cellar at least once a day : the servants get to know this, and consequently they never throw things into corners, or leave untidy closets." This is especially good advice concerning the kitchen ; Make a point of openening pantry drawers, lifting the washtub lids ; take a look in the refrigerator every morning, and see what difference it will make in the cooks neatness. A good mistress can always manage to do this while she is giving the day's orders, and in such a way as not to offend the girls feelings; for some— and the best girls—are very sensa tive'about being watched, or rather a having their ability to keepy a ti dy kitchen doubted. At the same time the knowledge that her mis tress is more than likely to take a look at the refrigerator at anj time will greatly influence the putting awav of provisions and keeping . ».y?Buu * pan em * ■ ■ 1 Bazar. i , i Nam JOIICH' L»olitlc», Sam Jones, at the Plattsburg. Mo., camp meeting, ."aid: "Thank God I don't belong to either party. I be long to Jesus Christ from my heart to mv heels, all over, and inside too. Do yon hear that? I was a Demo crat an long as a Christian gentle man could be one. then I pulled out. (Laughter and applause from the Republican side of the tent; and you Republicans needn't be crowing, thank God I never did get that low down.*" (Great applause from the Democratic side,) An Offensive Breath is most distressing. Dot only to the , person vfflicted if he have any pride, but to those with whom he comes* in contact It is a delicate matter to speak of, but it has parted not on'y friends, but lovers. Bad breath i.nd datarrh are inseparable. Dr. .Sage'fc Catarrh Remedy cures the worst "Muntb' z 7 PURELY VEGETABLE. It act* with •Ktraordinary eWeacy on MM. tiver, kidneys, 1 « . and Boweia. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR 1 UowH fiimiilal'rt*. Oyapepaia, Conatipatlon. KMnry Affection*. ,?aundl©». Mental Deprfwion, CoI» Ho Honsehold Shoald be W and, by l>eliig k«*pi f'»r Imm !tl©iw*, ■will narts rpany an hour of Mil' many a dollar in time and docto • bins. ThkRE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGU) 11 See that you get the genuine with i W »• 4 on fV-ont of Wrapper. Propared -A.V , J.H.ZEILIN &. CO., 9ot«l ProprJ.tar*. Philadelphia, Pa. VIIICE. •>.o^. Business £ professional. H. C * t? Aft IrT te'b rok eR Will bar nn.l nwll towu Intu and lain! to ord«tr. HICKORY, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. f, A, in S. S. 2, " DENfisfr Hickory, North Carolina. CJ. ERVIN, " ATTORNEY .A.T % Leiioir, IV. O. i 0 Practices in Caldwell and (alawba o#tit *nd in tli* Federal tJvurt at states villa. C C. MORGAN, Painter and Decorater. i —)»( m PAPEKtiIAXGiNCIOFALLKINDSifI SATISFACTION OUAUANTEFK I.cftvo Order# Ht Koyab»r°a Drug Btore. { HICKORY, - NORTH CAROLINA K«pt«uil»er 3tt, IRBT. 1 n F. L. CLINE. ATT'T k COUNSELLOR AT LAW HICKORY, X. (J. ■ o l ( , Will practice iD Catawba. Lincoln, Burk* r %ldwt'll and huriuunduiE conntioa. Alow Strict attention given to th« collection of claims in any pait of tli* Stat », and returns promptly made. THE BELMONT HOTEL, lIICKOHT, N. C- Located on tli# Public Sjiiai«..Y) from tli* it K. Depot. Has been o*»rhauled and put in ord«r. ' The patronage of the public is solicited. I\];i,l) BROS., Janß.nol:ly. PROPKIKTOH* A Charlotte lady was heard to re mark a tew days ago that Mrs. Crier's Hair Restorer was the best pre paration or the hair s1• hll ev"r n •I. ii hut the opinion of hundreds of others who have used it. For sale at O. VI. lloyster's and Abernethy a Williams. LADIES ! Do your Own f>ynny, at Home, with t> K E H I. E «gj Tney will dy C 10 ta ;i packajc-j—j Colors. 'fTi r y h iV--no fur siren, brnfbtr.t*Bi*, amount ir ju. or for n -> of color, or riou fadiojj I'he? do not crack poi «uiu l Fur J.O. (iIMNT, SKV>*> m BANK of HICKOmI IHickory, N. C« All branches of Con*er »tlri lianki I carefully conducted. bi»«-.ciat attention I en to colleetnma. We writ# insuiance representing four th# best companies. M Mek-bo*, Pre*. J). W., Caib. Oct 23rd,lMte—ly. DR. J. T. JOHNSON, Hickory, U. Ilavlnir graduated In medicine Ik- >. war, and having spe nt aU>urth««"ir tftotu. recently in COIXEIiE Ac IIOSIITAI> attending lecturr*, tc , Is now prepared to - treat upon th« moHtlUjproYed mstli od. DISEASES PECULIAR TO WO MEN AND CHILDREX A SP« CIALTY. PILES CURED WITHOUT PAIX. Hickory.Jan. 30, 189T. —So *.

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