| > r. i l—■ ' >rC66 ant> Carolinian. firi. to j = fc iukiull, m,U | Snk» ae tb« #-WMfct r C'fnc* Id kory r '> lt fl n>Wtl . * »- ' * «"> 1 tMDAT, Xovznxß 17, 18*7. "i III' ll'K ' 1 ri-to, ' j 111 f] f ] !• i Imwi, Halututorj. I "i|. r iol . union () f the two pan i.'r.'im!.'' 10 assignment of those interest . '''V,' po* it ion of editor has I be*n given to th* farmer ?d it 'll 6r of thjf Carolinian; while , l iJne otlbfr members of the " H i(*K () n V Pj £i.n t i \( ; C( jmra .\ v, look after the advertis ing and job worjfrof the office. In returning; to editorial work for tin* readers of the Prkhh we feel that we are meeting old acquaintances. In our ranvassing for the ,arolinian we liave met *r. of those who subscribed for tlx* Press at oar solicita tion twelve and thirteen years ago, whoarestil!stick ing to it. and we hope our new meeting will be both pleasant and profitable. )thers of its readers are it rangers to us, of whom we 1 V ask charitable hearing. (i I he union of the two papers was intended by the proprie tors, and advised by their friends, for thecommon good, and we are determined that no act of omission or com mission on our part, shall contribute towards a failure of that intention. TliiP die compromise ancf union of business shall beac eompanied by a compromise nnd a forgettingof past dif ferences, and a hearty, unit ed co-operation in the build ing up of the business inter ests ol ourtown and country. us not look back upon 1 he past, except for the pur- f >ose of a voidingits mistakes, but turn our faces forward and keep step to the music ofl progress, the principal "TieyH of which are energy and union. I he PRESS AXUCAROLINIAN will lake a hand in all the lending questions which ef fect the social or political Mat ioiiH of our people, and while it will speak plainlv > itn convidAf it will nevertheless have an open ear and an open column tor any who may feel agriev ed, and desire to be heard. Our purpose is to spread, not to surpress the truth. r and in this we ask the aid of all. \N e want a live corres pondent in every county in the State. We want facts, not rhetoric. We intend to to make the PRKSS AND CAR OLINIAN, not only a welcome • visitor in every household, l»iit an indispensible luxury. In its eight pages will be found choice reading for old and young, rich and poor, the farmer and mechanic, the ~ rr^i4:' n th* moralist, the , nml tho |ovtT : "fT'V \ ot fun shall not I (iive us a patient and un- I ivyiilictMl hearing, and when sin, come and tell nsof it, j| face to face. IThe Vnlou. As was announced in both 1 the PRKSS and CAROLINIAN 'I last week, the two papers have been united, and one paper will in the future, be sent to tin 4 subscribers of both the old papers. While the general public may not teel directly interested in this >■ of the j newspaper owners, we feel that the union is as much ; for their benefit as for l o K. The town of Hickory ! ought to have a better paper j than it has had heretofore, a in] if we receive t lie en eon r- l/ents we ha v)been made Cvroliman in eight page forty column-form for the reasonable low price of £1 .."0 ! per annum, which must be pafd in advance. Hickory | ought to have a population of 10,000 in the next two years, and this paper ought to have ten thousand sub scribers, and we intend to have t hem if we live long and do well. We send this paper to 1,800 homes from M a ine to California, and from Flo rida to Washington Territo ry, offering to advertisers the best of chances to invite custom. We mean to make a paper in every way worthy the support and patronage of the town and country in which we live, and we hope the town and country will render us the necessary sup port in our efforts. I>EAD anarchihtn. Supreme o>«r I.leeime- Last we -k was unusually excit ing time, even in the greit and turbulent city ofChicago, There were seven men—Anarchists —in jail under sentence of death for the murder of seven police-men in a riot caused by the Anarchist*' some months before. Eight were tried and seven were sentenced to liung while the other was given fifteen yp«rs in the State prison. , . 1 s.-iy l .'u r uuiO'S ine iV courts in tnecountry were and the day appointed for execu tion was drawing nigh, when one who had resorted to dynamite to slay the policemen, employed the same means to end his own life in his cell. The Governor commu ted the sentence of two to impris onment for life, and the other four were hung. When the causes which led to so much legal and natural death in one day are known, to the American people, their only surprise will be that one of these men should l ave been an American born citizen. It is dif ficult to understand how a man of ( sound mind, born and raised un der the protecting arm of our laws could so tar forget those laws and their protection o the rights and lives of others as to engage in so uuli£"£ul a proceeding as did these n,,?". I ?,V'.V'J.V.-,'.;.::.,-tbcr* seven were all •', ! " 'istly German, who ■ [in Ml IN i . n 'IP J ' , J came'" - w'.L 1 :' "vVuY.ttj wir'h the' most ridiculous ideas of "liberty" unrestrained by law, or any regard for the rights of others. When such men get together in ?uch numbers as have for many years gathered in Chicago and other large cities, they are dangerous to society. They are generally poor and often idle ami dissipated. They live in rented homes for which they soon begin to think and to say land-lords charge too high rents. They have a meeting and demand lower rents and high er wages. , The "strike" and when other and more honest men go to woik in their places the riot com mences and murder follows. Then they appeal to the laws they have disregarded and violated to screen them trom its penal ty. They pretend that they have a cause for which they are ready fo die, and the fact that thousands ■ ~rr 1 % i ' iiurnerad es ot othei x*. .*#fc.ided d.e»:i-u i » , w-irtit have e«p( >uget \ cause has t . deadly loa.jg j n t i ie pistol of every p »lieeman jn Chicago and every other {.lace wheie Anarchists live duJ dynamite is apprehended. It is a dreadful state of affair-* and demands a desperate remedy. This is a land ot'iibertj but liber ty must always be subordinate to law. Our courts arc*, open to all, and our law is no respe\ter ot per- j sons. It these men had cattle of i complaint they should have ap-, pealed to the law and they would? : have been heard. They took tint law into their own hands to ' dress on'v an imaginary grievanc4 ; and committed mu-der. The* ! have suffered the penalty of a bro^-. ! k 11 law and their etui should de-| jt.tr others from following their ' i unwise and illegal example. T l '.* j enforcement of the law its the only safety to society. y rj.T . rr- -... rr. "VT - ,/a-L ,t-i lli.it Ik u! 'ui Uowcj* ■linclerM The Church. a somewhat lenghthy article Recently contributed t> the press by Rev. 11. T. Hudson, on the liquor traffic contains many very strong argument", bat none rr-ore so, or at well calculated to awaken the Church of Christ against the great evil as when be says ; It is a tremendous hindrance to the spread of the Gospel. Beyond all sin the 'iquor business arms both the trades, and the drinkers against the influence of the Gos pel. John Wesley in hu day said of dram-shops: "They mur der her Majesty's subjects by wholesale, neither doth their eye pity nor spare. They drive them to hell like sheep." Dr. Albert Barnes said; "The sound conver sion of the man who drinks liquor is almost hopeless." What shall be done with this malignant scourge ? This ques tion we will trv to answer hereaf- We are glad to *ee that leading men like Pr. fludson are taking open and active part in the tight against "this malignant scourge/ and we shall anxiously watch for his answer to his own question as to what shall be done with it. There is no other power or influ ence so much dreaded by the liquor makers and dealers as that of the Church, and when its ut/i --ted power is fully arrayed on the side of the home against the saloon on the side of God against t l ie devil, it will not be long before this "malignant scourge," this "hindrance to the spread of tho Gospel" is swept from the land. "He Can't Kelp Mln-welf." Fathers and mothers, can you guess the meaning of the above words ? They are the words of a inere child a boy apparently not ove» six or seven years old. Tney weie spoken of his father. Does youi little i>oy thus speak in refer ence to your weakness? He was smoking a cigarette and \» e asked "whose baby are you ?'' He re- plied "A S. We asked, "Does your father allow you to smoke cigarettes," and he replied in the words above. And has it indeed come to this ? If a parent wishet his child not to in dulge in the deadly smoke habit, is he powerless to prevent it ? »So says this little boy. What sort of a nVan is he who would sell a hoy of this size ciga retts ? There are numbers ot them in this town, who belong t > the Church and claim to be Chris tians, but it the devi! don't get *ome of them tie had about as up his shop and stop business. Of course that little boy will never like us as long as he continues to smoke. Perhaps his parents will not thank us for reproving him, but we did as we wou'd that others should do to u». Rev Thos, Dixon has accepted the call ofthe Dudley Street Bap tist Church in Boston, and leaves North Carolina to become a c iti zen, and probably a great man in a great Northern city, llis sala ry i« £.">,006 a year, and is only another instance of North Caroli na talent g«»ito enrich'and add fame to other States. Of course we need it in North Carolina as mtiJi as they do in Boston but we were not able to pay tor it. There is always room at the top of fame's ladder, and talent, honesty and perseverence are the three rounds by which tha r top ia gain ed. Rev. Mr. Pearson has revived reli" v n ui>ois prd gone to tackle wickedness in lug* in Kaleigh, After he through in Raleigh he has con-' sented to try Sta'esville. Is there not enough of Christian effort in Hickory to invite him here, lie is saidto a be power in his assaults upon sin and such is needed in this town. Justice is regaining her posi tion in this country to a very great extent. Co! Paul 15. Means a distinguished lawyer of Concord went into the office ot Mr. Sher rill the editor ot the Time? and undertook to whip the poor little editor, and last week Judge Clark fined the big lawyer SIOO, for his assault on the little editor. ILe Governor of Illinois coinmu ted the sentences of Anarcbists -1" leldeu and Schwab,to imprisonment for life. Kducatlon in General. Rev. A. \Y. Man gum, I). D., con tributes an art K le twenty-two and a half columns long to the Durham Plant on the theme : "The church and State in Their Relation to Edu cation in North ''arolina. It is an exaustive treatise on the subject *of education in general, mental and moral, by both Church and State, in the home, the Church, the public school- and in the Colleges, as the surest and only means of fitting men and women, rich and poor, white and colored to U'come useful citizens in this world, and heirs of salvation in the next. It is the most convinc ing argument in behalt of liberal and universal education we have ever read, and should be bound in substantial form to be read by every editor and every Legislator elected in the country for the next century. The result of the election in this State settles three points ;is thor oughly as any politicil event can be settled in advance. President Cleveland will be renom inated by his party. .Mr. Blaine will not be nominated by the Republicans. Mr. George will not control the election ;.ext year. New York is the pivotal State. Mr Cleveland's friends have had a Complete triumph. They are enti tled to the fruits of the victory. Croyer Cleveland is indeed a lucky man ; and James G. Blaine may be said to be a dead cock in tjie pit.— Nt w York World. A Washington special to the Al bany, New York, Times says that a (jniet little boom is being worked up for .Judge Thoinas Settle, of North Carolina, as u Republican for \ i-;e- President. Well if we are to have a Republican Vice-President, we very muchprefer that Tom Settle should be the man, but we suggest in all * D D honesty and kindness to our Repub lican friend if they really want to make him Vic-President they had better put him on a ticket with (Jlo ver olev. land for President. It is the only d.a ice. W. T. Bailey, a well known citizen of Statesville, says tho Charlotte Chronicle wan sent to jail last Sun day morning after a jury bad return ed a verdict of guilty on a charye of forging a check of SBOO on a dead man named Gay®, of whom he bought a plantation for $3,500. Mr. Bailey lives within a mile of StateuTille, and runs a large distillery. He has a splendid farm and has always been looked upon as a man of honor and as a good citizen. By a score of witnesses he proved a good char acter. Did messing with whisky make this man a rogue or was he al ways so? is the question on which men will differ. Ex-Congres.-,nian James I). Brady, of \ irgiuia, who has been one of Mahout's lieutenants in the past, has written an open letter charging Mahone with* the misappropriation of a large election fund in ISSO. He threatens to invoke the aid of a Court of Equity to compel a state ment *.f the disbursement of this fund. \\ hen rogues fall out honest men are aj>t to hear things not "rig inally intended for their ears. We learn that Senator Vance was thrown from a buggy, in which he was riding, near his home at "Gomb roo.i,' yesterday. He sustained sev eral bruises about the head and face. Dr. J. A. Watson was telegraphed for and i vent at once to the Senator's residency where he will render the necessary surgical attention. It is hoped, however, that the wounds are not serious.—Ashevil.e Advance of Sunday. Dr. Charles Carter, a Xoithern man but lately a resident of Abbe ville, is at Blowing Hock making ar rangements to move there next Spring and establish a Sanitarium. He has the drugstore on the sttlet. Mr s Brady has given an order for f>7,000 feet of lnml>er for her house at fairview, which will be built this winter. —Lenoir Topic. The Supreme Court has decided in the cases of Gatling against Koon, as well as in the contested cases from I raven county, that the county can- vassing boards have no judical pow ers and have no power as a court, to go behind the return, but must count and declare the results as re turned by the poll holders in each presiuct. \\ hile Miss Dorcas Nixon of Tri angle, this coJutj was cutting up a chicken a few \ajs ago she found in its craw a gol-Mollar. P A-K Temperance In Temperance. The remark* of Mian Frances E. W lllard. at the contention of the Romans Christian Temperance I, nion in Columbia, were in lent tone. There was no want of earnestness, and there was, at the same tiuie, a kindly spirit which is not always maniftfited in addressee of the kind. Miss Willard, for in stance, said she t _had met with a warm reception in the South and that "the tender-hearted humanita rians of the press had Hpoken as well of tLe act as they should. This is only a fair acknowledgement of the press, in general, in uphold ing temperance. The trouble with most of the ad vocates of temperance is. that they are unwilling to tolerate any differ ence of opinion with them as to the manner in which temperance shall be promoted and assured. They in - si*t usually on having their own way, and are disposed to denounce, witheringly, those w ho cannot agree with them in their mode of proced ure. Miss Willard. however, has a National reputation for liberality as well a« zeal, is evidently glad to have assistance in any good shape and from every quarter. So. too. is Mrs. \\ C. Sibley, o/Augusta. a thoroughly Christian woman in spir it and word and act. Such women can accomplish wonders in exposing the evils of intemperance and in preaching the gospel abstinence and moderation. The convention in Columbia will doubtless have an excellent effect. It should have. There is so much warmth, and truth, and faith, and hope in the work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, that they must make an impression wher ever they go. Inded the eftbrts of such a band of women, so self-sacrific ing, so unselfish, in these days, is an oasis of hope and promise in the des ert of money-getting and self-regard ing toil.—Charleston News and Cou- The Oxford Orphan Asylum needs help. There are more than 200 ehil dron now at this excellent institu tion and applications are pouring in. It will be remembered that the President in his Thanksgiving Proc lamation, awks us to "remember the poor and needy, and unfortunate, and.by our gifts of charity and ready benevolence, let us increase the number of those who with grateful hearts, shall join in our thanksging." Let us contribute to let the relief of our Stato Orphanage as God has prospered us, remembering that the Lord loveth a cheerful giver. The Supreme Court delivered its opinion on Monday in favor of the Durham School. The decision fol lows the constitutional provision that the tax can only l»e levied bv the rote of a majority of the quali fied voterß, and where there is doubt as to tho correctness of the registra tion books, the board of commission ers may appoint a committee to as certain and report the correct num ber of qualified voters on the books on the day of election. The plain tiff seemed to have a good case, but it didn't stand close investigation. '"lt don't pay to advertise," says the dullard in business. It didn't pay the CAROLINIAN to advertise Mrs. Grier's Hftir Restorer, for it cause? such a demand over the supply that Abernethy and Williams say thev will have to stop advertising until they can fill orders. The thing will be still worse in THE PRESS AND CAR OI.INIAN with its much larger circula- tion. But yon ought to try it just to know how it feels to Lave more orders than^joods. Col. Fellows, the recently elec ted City At'erney in New York served in the Confederate arinv. It seems like the war is ended when a "rebel'* is elected in the greatest Northern while Fredrick, the son of Uly-ses, was bad \ beaten. Louis Linggoneof the Anarchists, committed suicide by moans of a dy namite cartridge concealed in a ean d'e, lie lit the wick, placed the can dle in his mouth, and soon th« car tridge exploded blowing hie face out of shape and injuring him so that he died in a few hours. The Wilmington Star is so good and th'i people are so mean that they steal it on Sunday from the gates of its subscribers. They steal ours al! the week. The Mormon Elder who stole a silk umbrella from Mr. Hill in the Depot at this place one day last week, will confer a favor on that gentleman by returning the same.-f Elk Park Chronicle. A W'aftliiiiKtoii I.etter. i Si'** .ai tti the l'.> Pmw i WASHINGTON, D.C. I November 12, 1887. ) T'ue year proceeding the national conventions, with the s'hiriuishe> that go before Presidential nouiiu at ions, will give a xe«t to social affairs during the coming session that will render it notable vri.en it> hsitory is c»f the records of the The lony sess'.ou will be ou and tl ut it will be leap }ear when the official '-fason fairly opens is additional consideration in its favor. ' The fact that private residences here are quoted as high as £I,OOO per month stiow that the jm porta uee of the session is generally appreciated. The season will be officially launched, in all probability, tins. year, as usual by the President's reception at the White House on New Year's Day. This event will occur on Monday. January 2, lh.sß. The next calendai i al .date of interest is that of A.-.h Wi liiehd.tA, the 1>« M ii ning of Lent and the end of the gay season. The White Utilise festivitn > include, at the least, three state dinners,- tin Cal inet, diplomatic and judgos— tog ther with the four evening re cept ioi.s—diplomatic, Congressional, \rinv and Navv—and the public reception, and Mrs. Cleveland s weedy Saturday afternoons, and there are but six weeks in which to bold all. The solution of this problem will be the joint task of the President and Mrs. Cleveland and Col-. L imont and Wilson, and what soever assistance more they require will be forthcoming from the State Department. It is believed Mrs* Cleveland will not resume her Tues day and Thursday levee* which were last year so 'agreeable a feature of the White House courtesies. The social possibilites of the Cabinet can not be accurately predicted. In the event of Secretary Lamar being transferred to the Supreme Court circle, to which he and Mrs. Lamar would be an accession that august social community would be more pott ut than ever. Tlie rovivial of the rumor that Don M. Dickinson of J>etr it is t » be mad'.? Post mater-General upon the transfer of Colonel \ lias to the Interior Department follows on the heels of Mr. Dickinson's visit lit re. Thestorv t hi-* time is wilely credited, and Michigan men here assert that the oflVr >f the place has been made and that Mr. Dickinson will make known his dc cision after conferring with his friends at home. Inter-State Commerce Commis sioner Morrison keeps sufficiently posted, despite his allegation, "out of politiees. to be positive that Secretary Lamar will be a])pointed to till the vacancy in the Supreme Court. When asked about his opinion as to whether or not the Senate would confirm the appoint ment, he simply replied: " I cannot tell. lam notjijSenator, I tried to jge t there once and failed." Some who recall how tho Senate rojected Caleb Cushmg and Attorney-General Williams for the office now held by Chief Justice Waite, feel sure thate the Senate, led by the present .Judi ciary Committee, with Edmunds at its head, will, as Republicans, tind far more serious objections to Lamar than they found to Cushing. lie cause Mr. Lamar was confirmed bv the Senate as Secretary of the Interior, it does not follow, skeptics say, that he would be accepted for the office of a .Justice of the Supreme Court. Caleb Cusbing's appoint ment as Minister to Spain was ratified by tho same Senate which rejected him for the Supreme Court. The usual crowd congregated in front of Dr. Sunderland s church Sunday morning. The multitude evidently preferred the sunshine to the sober interior of the sanctuary. They desired to see President Cleve land and.his wife enter The bells cal led in vain tor the Chief Magistrate. Still the crowd stayed, walking aimlessly about, or shifting nervously from one foot to the other. Some few "rounders ' who make a practice of taking iii the scene departed, but the majority of the assemblage, composed largely of strangers, re mained, worrying tli* lift; of the church attendant by insane questions that c >u'd not be answered. Eleven o'clock came and the bell* of Metro politan church clanged out som thing that soumhjd as if it might have been distantly related to "Old Hun dred. but the President came not. Only a faithful few remaimh d and they were on the ground until 11 1 "), ipjiarently ashamed that they had been caught in such a situation, hut seeing no way to deseit gracefully. Dr. Fessenden says that Cape Charles i-> now without juarantine protection against incoming vessels. "I he Marine Hospital ship Woo l woi tl . reports the Doctor, "was -tationed at the mouth of the Chesapeake all summer for purpose •quarantine, but has beeu removed, and n »w the entrance to the bay, to the James and Potomac riveis is free and open. Cholera, yellow fever, anything, may come unchallenged to Norfolk. Richmond, Baltimore and Washington. For several years past that old marine hospital boat has kept guard at Cape Charles duiing the summer, but has not been out during the winter, partly because it was not necessary, but mainly, I suppose, because she was not fit for winter service. C. S. Young, of Nevada, ex Presi dent of the department of superin tendence. National Educational As sociation, is sending out circularg an nouncing that "Senator VV. M. Steward, of Nevada, intends, nt the next session of Congress, to troduce a bill authorising the expenditure of at least $10,00,000 for the ebtabliuh nu*nt of a National' Normal School at Washington, D. C." Papers in sup port of this idea are being solioito-1 to be read In fore tho meeting of the association in Washington next February. Ex Si cretary of the Treasury Daniel Manning could not *ote this Tf» rk because he has not technically been a resident in New York county for four months, and could not be registered. In Albany, where per sonal appearance at the registry bureau is not required, Mr. Man nings name bnd been placed on the lists, and yet Mr. Manning could not legally go to his old home to vote, because he hail really given »bp all claim to residence there wh£n he leaded and occupied his house on Fifth avenue. So, for the first'time during his majority—except when hewas abroad—Mr. Manningdid not vote. The dredging machine at work oir the Potomac ilaU brought up a mud covered and broken safe this week. Hie safe is like those used by Adams Express Company for carrying money, atiu it is twenty eight inches long by sixteen and a half wide ami fourteen deep. Ten (Trill hole*, made bv a three-eight inch drill, surround the place where the lock had been blown oft. The panel of the door is one inch thick, and apparently the lock was of ordinary key form. A similar safe was stolen from a gumboat in this city iu 1802. A desk, and safe were carried bodily from the boat and nothing WHS e*«r heard of them after. There can be no doubt that a party of professional thieves entered the ship and took from it the articles named and proceeded to the arsenal, whore the safe was blown open and dropped in the waters of the Potomao, where it remained hidden in the slimo and mud of the river for twenty-five years. The amount taken from the gunboat exeeels $40,000, besides valuable documents of importance to the Govement. The suicide of Jensen, alias Ross, in New York, is tho eud of a famous grave robber, who was from IHT'J to l ss'2 a Washington sensation, having the audacity to defend grave robbing in lectures in the old Theatre Comique. On the suieido's body was found it paper covered with the following inscription: "Veneration shown to the memory of the departed should be inspected and (encouraged, but the idolatry shown the corpse ia pernicious and the result of fanaticism and superstition. You seem to for get that man never dies, but only de part* to what is to bo hoped a bettor life. There is nothing any whore in the Bible to show that wo should venerate a corpse any more than the old clothes the man wore." Ros,s was appointed on October 20 last an attendant at the insane saylum on Wards Island by U. A. Trautuian. Ross was a Knight of Labor, and belonged to the Auti Poverty Society. Some years ago, wljon tho survivors of the ill fftt etl Jcannette Polar expedition—Lieutenant Melville and others —returned to this city ado lnonstration of welcome was arranged by the citizens, and an escort, including the famous Marine Baud, met them at the depot, and as the procession started up the Avenue the band played "Home Sweet Home,' with what seemed unusual effect and sweetness. Among the prominent people present to* do honor the Arctic heroes was the venerable W. \\\ Corcoran, whoso carriage was next to Melville's in the procession. He had known John Howard Payne and had befriended the struggling author in years long gone, ami as the music of the familiar song burst forth his eyes were suffused with tears. He thought of "the sweet singer of the song of home"—ahomo lcsc wanderer: his bones mouldering in a foreign land, ami there and than tie resolved that John Howard Payne's remains should find their abiding place here at home. As with him to think in a cause is to act., the rest you know. Mr. Corcoran at once entered into correspondence with th* State Department and Mr. Payne's surviving relative. Tho details were soon arranged and tho remains were brought home and interred with appropriate ceremonies June IKB3, Mr. Corcoran bearing all the expenses. \\ in. Harper A: Frank Rice. 1". xeltemeut In Texan. Great excitement has been caused in tim vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable recovery of Mr. J. K. ( 'irley. who wu* so helpless he could not turn in bed. or raise his head; everybody said was dvingof ( on sumption A trial bottle of Dr. Kings New 1 );->c jvery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a largo bottle ;ti ; 1 4 i,.,x of Dr. Kind's New O Life Pi!!-, ; bv the time lie had t iken two boX'-s of Pills and two bottles of the L.-covery, he well and had gained iri llesh thirty-six pounds. /" Trial bottles of this (IREAT DISCOT ery for Consumption free at ltoyater & Co. s dru^ r store. T. A. Love, Att'y at Luv of liakersviile spent Sunday night at the Banner House. He reports three deaths near liakersviile in on® day. Two from milk poison and one from some other cause. The parties were John English, one of the Wiilis boys and we have forgot ton thf name of the other ruau.—• Elk Ptd k Chroniqle. fires are reported to be do i4l great damage" in Illinois and Indiaua.