ITLITF \M> ITiKSS.I |Dr. TainiaL'' Tells How I lie Latter Alav ari'l RHnfoiv-e ih»- J-'unii^r. The Men Who Make Newspapers and How They Can Serve God. The Sunday Paper and How it Has Improved —A Treaty of Peace. Jh. : .i;ne 17 At the service in the Taberna* thi- morning, the lie v. T. I Witt 'lage, i». !'., too . for t e ' . •• of • di- ■ .ur-e, "i u pit a:i'l I'it-s -!!a».' ill- t«- t w.i-, Luke ■.. - "'1 ne (■!.:; If'-n th.- -.V»ri ! ar-, in ti,i ir i: ration, w .-«-r th-- «ha ir r. ■>'. . h*. Ile -a! ; are; st :j»i ity and s .einn iaco •»«■" t -a v and sanctified la/ i.' -rf an- here ri 1 v ' hrist. say- w a! i lings are w. i ra*.\;:rC'- f"r op] rt than ..r • ' i.ri '.a'!-. Men of th»- world grab ■ • a .--as while ( hr -tian people let the 7 ait •.. .»• oc asions ■• • ■ t ; i. n. P r 1. 'I hat .s the nit a: .ng of our Lor' v!kn he saws "liit* chi! ren of thi- w iM are, in their generation, wiser th .n tlie i hiMrt n of 1 iu'lit. T ' A n.arkefi illustration of the truth >f :i it ia: \im i- in the .slowness of the hristian r- ligion to take po.-s-as.sion of tii-- secular printing press. The oppor tunity is open, and has for some time !>cen op( n, hut the ecclesiastical courts and the ehurehes and the ministers of religion are lor the most part allowing the golden opportunity to pass unim proved. That the opportunity is open I de. hire fioni the fact that all the secular n.-w-papers ere glad of any religious huts or statistics that you present them Any animated and stirring article relat- ' 1114 to religious themes they would gladly print. They thank you for any information in regard to churches. If a wrong has been done to any Christian church or Christian institution, you could go into any newspaper of the land and and have the real truth stated. I >edica tion services, niinist rial ordinations, and pastorial installations, corner-stone lay ing of a church, anniversary of a charit able f.o iety, will have reasonable Fpace in any secular ournal, if it have previous notice given. If 1 liad some great in justice done me, there is not an editorial or a reportorial room in the I'nited v tates .n'o which I could not go and get myself set right, and that is true of any well-known ( hristian man. Already the daily secular preps, during the course of each week, publishes as much r- ligious information and high moral sent laeut rs i es the weekly r lig.ous pr ss. Why then does ot our g -nious t hristianity embrace t «se imigniiaent opportuni tiesl have l-efore me a subji-ci > 1 :.rst ..II I last 111:1 » 11a!l« e How shall we 81- « ure the sr. uhir pr -s as a mignti -r r fui en ei.t tn r . _• i• •: 1 and tie' pill] t '! Ihe tirst th ng tow a i this r .-alt i • e-sa'ie.n at mas ri:u;nat • ho>t..ity k_m n-t ne v snap' r ■m N . «11 i gut : w> i deii' unee the legal proiessi. n b-- . > lie - .\>ti rs. tlt ie medical ; •> (• ! « en >e i»f !. e ' uaeks, or laer ■ hail liso I ecat se oi the swindling bargain !. ak rs, as to fciam bang n w.-p peis b* 1 I'iire tT 1•r• • are recr« ant !."• - a 1 utit if t ep" ! : s ail i :.• can eolut:.:;s. ' utt n r . t e 11.v : i'.: t! ■ i;:t o; ;I : . ! i \\ - ll* (>..» • ! ''■ i~ t■p> - .1 ■ • t - . t 1 ' . • >. 1-e j* U . - v: - > '" .th' p: n _ i:.._ht • • - . M e the - 1\ 1 -■ .. t ..•*-!«••, i lUtal' >I A ! i !;•' 1« t ' h S ft . t 1 ' ' .> the art 1 _ * >re I.i • 1 • '■ t e e\ il u»• 11 .t i:i i s> > he ■ ■ ■ « "-•- s. lut ther :r ■ lua* v • \ • ; rod •>* ': 11• • n C• _■ w: . ite : , r w •nt > p > t • ; - the t v pe. u .0 i. t\ e j.. t - ' ' tr-r : •• . ! in vhi.-i, he * .r' . • : • : _• * > . > ti: •.s > ' " •; v •. - .• tit . . ■ ' -* e 'n 1■ i t • a 1 tl. *-i n ; r • « ' t • s, w" \\ w> r - t • : .'U w . ge- . nt «>f •• e ' i: - pr I.- : • : t . a ..r t> • .11 . : arat !r : r u- 1 • r - ' n h • w la> ; as > w b •: w • ' ' •.t ,\ t 1 1. .• * a 1 ,r .* !» x • :.• 1 « . ; e ■h • tan:: 1 ! e\» r • >es 1 - t > \y al.e w- ■ r ; r liny have t . . • i.:'- • 1 i> r at'- . ne «... • '. 'e v ■ v a t ■ -; *-' r '.he 1 ! 1 \ I V :.iV I V\ I I ; % 1 : ■ ' ' • •' m.-h" v • .an. ha . • . : • We V. -t - "a! 1 • e ; • w , ~r .. • t .s . \ Iw • t• ra * . •' '•> 1'• - -h i.e w-j :t r- ... 1 i. u : • c r a -e rr.t - ■ : h: - ; he w • ' w." 1 tor i;a r■ i ; -•, ■ • *• ' tiio t...aim t >r t:u-.r 4 ... >1 v !. 1 \ 1 .-per*. \tu kt O- .\t'> 9 . , tti'T VV . I t» N •e: t I > e,\ s • ver and ng> a a ■, * r get pit :. a: 1 1 > rn n n»e an . t • - v * •' l ' • ther,- a\ •>us a:. 1.: if.. nn n sen-e in the « '• ! - a: i * uW i 1 ev, « ' v K- tk :i or ra 1 you are really w r h an i vou «S' nt lev- .-ten dew n. .sa i if y,,\ ) ia. . e • ..• : y i_i; g' >l -:)c;ety t.'.Ht " Sl! w % out, and :: you are t e •nerd ff g«»> i Vvie'y that Lot wilioe «>tablish--.i I know what I ain ra Ik. *»• ' t- : r I .raw o». : >• , nn ex ~ ]*-n»nc*% Ail the T*-y\>- rtable new-*- | Cl j« rs as far as I know are i:.v friends ! now. J.ut mai y ot you r-m-mb* r the ' time when 1 was the rnr.«t continuou-lv and meanly attacked man :n tnia oun- : trv. ''O 1 gave me grice not to answ r 1 back, and I kept silence for ten years, and m eh ura e was re,u:r«-d. Wliat I -aid wa? j-rvertfd an itw .sted into us f t:,-- • j jK'Bit** ot what 1 ij-1 gay. M\ : . - .ii a- a.a gn- diTi .1 was 1 o, a g r_o .an 1 w - tuaiic ous'v de -1 rined bv per* n- wh > had never seen 1: .• a- ii . -d} .1 • o y, 11 in-!, an I '! ere v• r- r i' : on- o people wi o . • '.at there was a ~ir*e sofa in 1 t. a t..ou_h W" ; "Ver had «nv • t at a ci. r, and that daring th-> n ' - n.-.agbv the congregation 1 was accus tom i to i.e down on that sou and daa ge my feet over the end. l.ving New V rk'corresp n !ent.s for ten years mis re-r sented or church servi.-'-s 'ut we u. r dai I p p> from eV'-ry neighl>or hoM of 'hr'.-t ndom came here to tin 1 t: agnitU'.- 01 the l'alseho Is concera ing mvself. A reaction -et .11 and now we hive u-!i'e. full justi'-e more than u-tice. and ;i- mu h overpraise as 011 e v,e h; 1 ';t. • r ajipreciation, a. 1 no man th it ev«-r live.i was so much ndehted to the nev,»; r press tor op rt .nity t > I a £ men lint.e jn 1 - young men i 1 -.!! - ns ja 1 t«at ■ 11-, v, it. ' ~!i ca'i a'Tird t«> w• t Tike 1 nm -r j>res 11- t tion as a 1 tirkisb o start up your iange, ; e • . >n, 'i a - -t - u o: ma - k ,-c . r u ■ ti 11 iO\*ein' nt wi. s • a i'i pu -. twi-ts and ti 1 rur •sa u- T rv tiea'nn ah Ther * is on yon • p-r --n vou r **e .to ir.av.ig •an i that is your self Ke p your d sposition sweet by conn uni >a with the Christ who answer ed not asain.the society of genial peo;»!e, a d w;i . 11 :t .11 the xnn-hine witli vo :r hat '» and \'mi will come out all li_ lit. , \nd don't oin the crow i of p.-ople in our dav who -jm ad much of their tiuie damn ing liew-s iiper-. Again. .11 this etrort to secure the sec ular pr--- as a mightier r-inf'rceni'-nt 0 re! gio-i and the pulpit, let us make it the aw:.ue of religious information. If vii put tic factßof eh irch •- an I deao :.- iii'tioas hi * hristians only iato the oillin 11 "t religious pap rs. which do not in tin.- country have an a erage of more th -.u t'-n * holis m I s :t srrib rs. what nav • vou uoii • as' i w th wh 11 you 'lj if vim j. the-e facts through the daily p p- rs, which have bund! Is of tliou b-iiid.-of ica iers. livery litt.e denoinina t '>n must have its little organ sunporte I l at gre tex pen.-.e, when with one half th'? •lat la v ;i 10 am.l or half a colu in of room :■ "jiit he rented in some semi om nipotent secular puldication and so the r 1 gio as information would be sent roun lan i r » 11 1 the world. The worl 1 moves -o swiftly to dav that news a week old 1- stale « uve 11s all the great char h faets and all the revival tidings the next morning or the sain evening. My a.ivice. often given to friends who pro jto-e to itarta new paper i«: ". on't. don't! I mploy the pap rs aireadv started." The biggest finan-ial h»li ev r dug in t' is American contin -nt i-thi ho e in whivh good p"ople throw their money when the\ stait a newspap'*r. It is i.'iu.o t good iin las jaick a wa\ 01 . getting ri Io: money as lnniag stock i*l a gold m...e in olorado. Not more print ing ]r ss hut th" r ght use of tlios; aireadv e-tahlish -d. All their cylinders, all the r s am power, ad th ir pens, a.l their t ;-es all their editorial chairs and reportori.i rooms ura available if vou wo .1 1 them ia behalf of civiliza tion and *hristi nity. Again it you would secure the s o c tlar j:•ss a - 11 ig tier ivi forcemeat of re lig n ". ! th j) 1!; ir. >-\-ea i wi e-t and high-'-t 'hi .stain 11. ;rt si -- 10 t 1 e repr j -6entat v s of joarnah.-11. e them easy c rs en 1 plenty of room wi.en th'-v « o •to roj o;-t occasions. lor the most p t liitv are gentlemen of edit .1- tion an 1 re tine nent, grad ■ of c 1- I'gi s, w. 1 far.::lie- to support hvtm r htir r . »r.. t. many of th.-ui v earv the p li a hiismes,- t!iat pv-I'ariou ■ rn 1. ia'ir.g. each o .t* >: them t «» a\t a;e in.or aati* at> t .0 s-.nd- o, r* a it rs. t .eir 1.-npn s i a . : ih rv.e i to be t!i; imj'r a -c..- 1 i.\- th ■ mult it u is. Ih y i?re connet ting* limes bet we. a ■ r a son • or a nrawr an 1 t ...s g' :t • : ' •: . t • aitip up . . dow .1 the st: v hy iay an I year by year with b .rs r. ai. • ) :i;orte ian t e.r s u:.;. ore tlian eight h :a --• re ; d ■ . j e p e in It- ■ klya an 1 ir • - t I;r. i ies ar • not. - » much. I r--;» ! •. to bv ia r. s; ri of r dig. 0:1 as ■ y re '. hut a.i our tal - a' > «'•' r ] .rr. i s ra.ons. « f ai tii • i an i sera ■ as prea . It > 1 ' : t b-.* thr e jr.ea .j 1 t \ -ut" . ;'r.d ]ably not .a *. * 1 a•t! > i" r- ( «re for cla-- s ai -a t •i • y r- o It-r_- ifc r ih.s - w. 1 be SM fe v an i * ; ■■ i, ought a • r> i ; : ; - • - i . - woiad will a- v r ' 1 1 I some revival o. *• !>s over * e ;atid an 1 t:v: hd " ::g . aof e idor- w a . r'• • • ••! -i'ors. pn-s--.. ;.. n. ' .' - •'• }OU ha*, e a, a \i ' ' 1 ' : - ' r -r t at .a 1 to. 1f r t at. • - 1 • " ■ 1 t : •ir ai. : • an I ■ ' 1 e t:. w . ■ N of t:.t ■ •-a .*■ ■ 1• > •t. r.h 111 t eir> r. t . • • v - - .1 a. kw.i 1 n ! i e ;»a gh t - era:. «t df •: • a; >a 1 f tii •pa : ha> . the it a: w.l . e t;L \ ' .'"" i an i evan_e.i t*.- p a *ti o . ait hor .-j p- a. ■ " lV '• i*• ' The wir.g of th » **'• v i-'- be ta; printe-l •■-; r : t :.g pr-s a ~ r ■ a .eal *. c. ar w .y. : ig it a-k. "wool 1 ■ T .'.- i.' 1 . •' • .».* rs a»s-i a r • ••' 1 es. Iwo,i 1. i have * ' --v ti.. g, as th v are. I .J. . ca s -otfea a; • ' ' ' ya' a at..s ionic back aga a. ; ' '• • • c.a mod r v -.n lay will ■ .1 any ''-etter run a:, i v." a, n ;• Tv >° ir in*n Ifat! e-an 1 grand mt. ers un ler t e lta«h one . >-; a lav 1 1 saj • oi >ther * suits nm.Uv - « ' A*4 JA) new-papeis are Killing editors, reporter , »omjo6i*ors, anl liveryman, v.'aan. and chili is entitle! to twenty , four hours of nothing to do. It rh l newspapers put on another set of hand?, that does not relieve the editorial an 1 rejorior al room of its cares and re gponsibil ties, f»ur literary men die fast eiiO ugh witnout killing them with "un day work. P>ut the Mindav new-pap r lias come to stay. It will stay a g.>»i deal longer than any of us stay. W hat. then, shall we do".' Implore" a'.l thos* who have anything to do with inning it to n1 it with moral an«l r> !go .- .niorm ation, live sermons, an i fa elevating. I rge them that all divorce .cases be dropped. an l in-tea i thereof have iro. i a vi e as to how bus >an-is au.l wi»v ought t> live Jovi 11 v sinal type the h havior of the swin lhll_' church member, an i in large tvpe th contribution oi some CI riati.m man t• ward an asylum tor led chil dren «r a seaside sanitarium. I rge a l managing editor** to put meauess an i impurity in typ« pearl or .>-, anl charity an i n b*iit> and hie- ian c>.n s.stamy ;n .a viiT «»r bouig.*o.s. If vsc cannot dii\'- i? t, -un nv iiew-pap*r let ns have the Sun lay newspaper con \erte .. ihe .a't i> that tlie 11«>• i• rn Fun lay m wspaper i- a 'at ;• merit un tne o! I V nndhv nc« -bat r. What a bea tly thintr w»g th; - n i.iv newspaper lb rty \ears ago it wa~- enough to b-st >y a man's respe tabiliiv to leave the tip end ot it st ( King out oi bis coat po ket. What editori t.s I What advertisements! Wh t pcturesi Th * mo lern >un lav new-pap r is :s mucii an improvement on the oai tine Sunday newspaper as one bun lia*d is more than twenty live: in other words, aboat • per cent improvement. Who knows that ny prayer and kin dy concultati n w .t:. »ur lit rary friends we may haw it i. t.* I into a positively religious sheet print.• 1 on sal lrdtiy night and only distii ut -d. iike the American Messenger, or the Mission ary Journal, or tue Sunday >cb«.oi Ad vo at %on saobath mornings. All tilings are possib.e with (jodand my fa.t i is up until nothing in the way-of religious vic tory v.oulJ surprise me. All the news paper pr.ntiag presses of tne car.h are go. a.: to the Lord's, and telegraph, an i tel p one, and type will yet announce nr.t.o s born in a day. The first book ev r printed was the i'iblo by l aust and his s_»n in law, Sehoe !er, in 14 >•, an I th it iionsecrati m oi type to the Holy riptjures was a prophecy of the great m.i.-ion o: printing for the evangelization of alji Ihe nations. The father ot the Ameri an print ng press was a clergy man, iiev. Jesse ti lover, and that was a prophecy oi the religious use that the >osp. 1 mini-try in th:s country were to make of the types. Again, we snail secure the secular press r.s a mightier re-inforcement of religion and the pulpit bv making our relig ous utter im es more interesting an 1 spirited, an 1 then the press will produce them. >n the way to churcii some fifteen years rgo, a journalist sai.l a thing that has kept me ever since thinking: "Are you going to give us any points to-day?" "What do you m ri an?" 1 asked, lie Fai 1: 'd mean by that anything that will be striking enough to be rememb red." Then 1 said to : Wliat right have we ia our pulpits an 1 Sunday schools to t .1: the time of people it we have noth ing to siy that is meinorabl *. I >avi I did not have any diiliculiy in remembering Nathan's thrust: 'Tiiou art the man; n>r el x in remembering I'aul's p fiat blank uttiranee oil righteousnes , teinpe r nee. iiii judgment to come; nor the I.n 1 sh n : ng any ditlieulty in remem what the court preacher sai I, iu.i ig the srinon against, sin tine ' j r '«•' er threw nis handk- rc. iei iiro the 1 n_'s pew to indicat ■ whom he in -ant. '1 i. • tea !en yof cr.tit is:.a i:i tiie th *o og ic:d seminaries is to tile o . tro.a our \o ung n.eti all thesh rp ;> >i t an 1 maae them too smooth ior any ;-.:n 1 o. execu tion. W hat we Waat i»ii of us, is more po;nh 1 s- hamdru n. -if we -a-* t ie a th" r.ght way the pres.- will be e a . to eh > an i r • echo it. .*. !. » >i t-acters, re ortu -r-, young in.* i i ol I men in t ie ministry, w.iat we alt v.if we ar to make th" i>r.nting }>r--.-s an i. liy i:i hristian work is tnat wdiich the i {» •! »er .- OKen of suggested -j«o nts. .n's ::i - :.oa'ale i» >. I'u' i; t..e i»e dead wh n uttered by li\a ig v »: e. it wi 1 lea ha tire lio. 1 more dead \. in a i is la:l out l c»i I typ ;. u'.v . s von ail have so >. tni.ig to do tne new-paper ;-r -- eitii r m i g a p.ipcr or 111 reading it, (ither as pro a . -or ms e.tfier as Seders or pure ; i- o! the }>r nt-* i she *:, 1 propose 0i t i- an ay m .ruing. Ie . ... .> - atr a vto " s gne i between th *• iureh MI i t E j.;-. 'i a J j.res-, a treaty to be rat.- f. • I 1 v . :i- ut _o • . p a ■ it w • w v.ali :»e.p etc i~: a i i.i >.r %vora ». trying t» i». : ice ;nd :. . c.a.t- t e v otl 1. v. • by you by p n w-* bv oitiv th it v.aii h i- wo:t . nri :t --mg. v..a * y pr.nting oa y that wa.i n l i.t t; - ■ a»a. V' >u ! p 'i -a.l w.• wall h ip v . i by -i Ie t:a -e t .vo pot nt . getivti s an*:', tag _ a.lgaiei.t da., wh n we : .a.>t >:: i t•'*a r ;t.n /.e i lor c- ir -r... he...thf d . blasting, ih• tw > w>! -' > . . • in th .t ay w ... •tn ; l.a -t TO: r .ig: >n and the e ii" r. they w...- e. t r- p_ rt nity i. to: u ar the »:g:a t: o. i g expr -- tra. as oi ia a n •••. a : \v.• wi.i ra i i:.t-> a vie >t oi cr ta.aLie theia oil t'ae e-ib inian -nts. What a ase.u! life an 1 wat ag' . ous • ; ..r ar • wt- th .t • tin* :a : i ... r t*n 1 r..:. din, w ao:n ;:ia ir. :h •p • ary . L.'.r r - »ur -s hav :t it tr» in y clai . e i tor the.r c ;a. b :t 'h*» : r.nt r w i.o move 1 t at t:. • i'hi.a e.pia.a to .• v-.ntion be open* 1 pray r t, • r ..- . it: >:i i st : e«. at:se a ma or.ty thought j raver unn trv, aa 1 who wrote at the tine h.' va- \. - y a'ta-k-*i 4 '-\ly raie :- to ?■> str„igat : rwa.r : in >o ir.g w hat appear ; t » ..e t > b • r.g t. lea - iug t e c nse jueii e- t) lro\a Jen *»*," and who wrote this .ua.nt • p.tap.i sia w ing bis hope of r surrect.on, an epitaph that Ihu . ire*U oi w'a.le i.v iiig m I'haaielph.a : ~ The P, -i- Fra.iLbn. rrint«r, vLike tne cover of an o'.i l»x.k. " Iti confer.t« t«-rr ■ ». ;.nu ftript ot it- lettering antl stljin^) Lies here to«>l for wonn«, Yet the work it»elf shall uot be lo*t, I'or it will (As be believe-!> *i>{>ear once mort ; In a new An l beautiful e 'it.on. Corrected an.i ameoUe-i The Author. Tint Providence reporters to l ave a mighty share in ae w orl : s redemption is suggested by J th- 4 fa n that haul and t'hr -t took a r •- I jKirter along w.t t them, and h~ 1 taeir a .drosc- an i r.*j»>»rt»-i th- r acts. I.u .e was a r porter. ..ui he wrote not only the book ot i uke bat the Acts ot the Apostles, an i witl oit that reporter e > work we W" iid av * known nothing the I't n'tcos'. and not dng of >tep eii't martyrdo :i, and n -thing of Tat>itha> resur ect ou and nothing of the at: I un ailing of I'aui and and noth'n: of the shipwreck at Meiit.i. out the reporter's work from the ' i.r>ie anl you k:ll a la-part of the New Testament. It m»' thin that in the future of the >m of «'0 I, the r- ]»ort rs ar-- to bear a n :g ty j part. About thirteen years ago«i reprcsenta- j tive ot an important : \\>paper t»• a ais | eat in t! s churcii one >ai»bath night, a: out live p.*ws from the ir nt oi t as i puip t He t«>ok (.it ftencil anl re- ' put rs J>Hl resolve I to caricature tiie 1 wn-'ie sc. ne. When the inu>.c i»egan lie 1 began, an i with hi pem 1 h • dci i ie . . the pray- r. and then derided the rca ing jf the r ptilies, an 1t i e*u began to e ii le the .- i ui 1 ut. h• s tys. for -ome re-s ia. it s mn..l 1> gan to trembie, an I j he, lahviug hitnseil, -ii iTjiene I his p -nil | jn !st art- again but i>r »ae down ag;u n, ind then put pencil anl piper in his ' :»e>cket an*', has ueal dow i ou the ironi 1 jt tiie p'u and begun to pray. At tiie c!os • ot the service he came up and ! a-K 1 tor the prayers, oi other-, an 1 gave , h s heart to imi 1, ami, though st ill eii- in newspajier work, he is an e an 1 bites a h-dl at his own j t.xt»-*nse, and every -abbath afternoon j preaches .fesus Christ to the people. And tne men of that profe-sion ure going to i come i'i a bo ly throagii >ut t .e country, i I know hundreds of them, and a more genial or highly educate i class of men it would he hard to tin 1, an t. though the t n lency of their profession may be towards skepticism, an organised, co n mon sense, gospel invitation would fetch , them to the iront of all Christian en- 1 deavor. Men of the pencil and pen, in all depart neuts you need the help of the hristian religion. In the day when ' people want to get their newspiper at three cents, and are hoping or the time when tiify can get any oi them at one cent, and, as a consequence, the attaches of the printing press are by tli • thousand ground under t'ae cylin ler-, you want >od to take care of you and your fami . lies. Some of your best work is as much j uaappreciat *d as was Milton's I aradise Lost, for which t'ae author received i twenty-live dollars; and the immortal po mi ' 1 lohenlin len" of Tho i as ( amp bell when In* oTered it for publica tion ati l in the column called "'Xoti e to orrespondents" appeare I the wor ls: "l'o T. C. — The lines commencing '« hi I.inden when the sun was low,' are not up to our stan lard. J'oetry is not T. C.'s I forte." 0 mon of the pencil and pen, amid your unappreciated work you n -e 1 en couragenit nt and you can have it. Printers of all ('hristen lom, editors, rj i porters, co a, p asitois, pr. ssmen, publish- . ers, an 1 iva 1 rs of that whi h is printed, | re-olve that you will not write, set up, e lit, issue or rea l anything that, debasis body, mind or soul. In tie* name of 'O i, by the laying on of the hinds oi I faith an 1 pr lyer, or lain fie* printing press tor righteousness an 1 lib.-rty an I J alvation. All of us with s > ie in u »nee j that will h -lp in the riglit -are-t -»n. let us put our hands to the work imploring j io 1 to hast n the consunimati »n. i \ ship with hundreds of pas-engers approaching the South Ameri-an coa-t. the man on tiie lookout m* lected his w .r', and in a few minutes t .e ship would have b». n dahe ! to ruin on the ro !s I'tit a cri k t r>n boird the \*es -el, th it had made no sound all the \ovage, s.-t up a shrill call at the sm 11 fd i and. anl th • captain, knewing that h tbit of t In* in-ect. the vess 1 was stoppe 1 n time to avoid an awful wrecrc. And so. insigni i ant moans n-w may d v.o ch*r- •' -i the .- rate i of a pen uiav save the sb P v reck f a soul. Are you all rea iy for the g'gni* g of the contract, the league, th** olemn treaty ]»rop'»s. 1 actween iourn t i- m an I • vangt i-'u .' \ye, 1• -t "it be a bri-ti tu i arr age o t: >* pu ,;t an 1 the printing pr.-ss. 1 ie* or lination f»t th" tor ner ou vh» el. t, * pen >: the 1 I'ter i mv lc.n l. it is fi|.;»r..pria'o t'i it 1 publish th") banns o' -u i a n arri.tge. i.«-t them fro; i tli - d y ue o i>* : a th * ju tgn !i eat \ .uk oi the worl 1 s red ;iup:i >a. I -1 ■ l * *-ani j. •. '-1 > .4ii. 1K i ii.. i»>i. - !>♦* .f. 1!;; _ .* i. t I tin ■ ; \: • i >vt lani ai ' -1 rt- trn anl i . . N w tuv. tne* ? « i.* ie ol tli*• r. w - i>. •• i 1 ,t ' .(jo , ai. *h.-m «w• '', t. t host t t ..-* t!,. |. un |. h ' . Till r.-»t «»n r> > 1 f ■ irt ren tit II a • ; t!.- -av •» tr Tlii ti One \V«»ul«l N«■ \ «*r . ut id * -rs, 1 v 1. imrnering can rc*- i : • g i .• • a • s -o th T1 * 1 .t "g ' nu-t .\i .1 ai •i h oth- :'> pr > u e ... • t!. .n-*s • n .ii h. y* • i ; »• p ra- R an 1 i ••• fro N h 1 - that on J : t a a. ; . i on a: v « : :r: v >*, i. _- .d --ng. g v -t . t:• p ra:. eo' - >.i i go. l. i . v ..r - tan tl it it t.r a**d into a ' t O >k. tA. ve tho land WOlli i o*cUpy ttiO -.. i•* •. as. g . ai of co ain i n : t p»*r ; ai. 1 an octavo volume ot an inch tn. -v woui 1 hav . s .any pages as r a •■ >y o: a w- i- t" kt-1 iibrarv of 1. .►» v».- U'TIP-. : -ar ban ired f>a_- - ;n T-ac . M: 1 thin:, r *. 4 an F S IS TN • « -CR.g .f go D p> 'i a.- s.. x wre ol v.: liit ta ■ i g'»i.i i.t 1 1 a.num and -liver an be drawn in mu. h hier t human ha.r. A gran oi blue vltjiol or carmine will tinge a gai.on of water so that m a drop the co: -r w,;i be r iv»-d. A gran ot mrnsk wi i scent a room for tweLtv an : wa» in taat tia.e ha .e lost little of its we.ght. A turning taper, u .cohered for a single in*>unt, dur nir which it i«.es not 10-*e : one-thou>anJth part of a grain. would till 1 xx ith a sphere four miles in dia met r, so as to he visible :n every part 01 lt * . . • ii 'I net rea 1 o;t i» s!k worm :s so s nail that raanv of them are tw sted 10-tetiier to form our ti .est sewing thread . but that of the spider is tiner still, lor two drachm- tf:t hv wight \non 1 f four h,' 1 n;il s ' IK water .n which have 1 b, e i i >( >e 1, the mier s-ope discovers animal *ul of whi h many' thousands to_' th r do n >t equal a era in of sail 1. an i V; t oat ;r . w.t i a singular prodigal ity has suppli" i ma: v »i the-' with o' MI s3 s complete as 1 >-e of whale or~ot the elepnant, and their Inches coti s.-t of the s HUP substan e, ultimate atoms, as that of man himself. In a Single p *rn 1 «>! such matter there are more living Features t an oi human beings on the tadfe of the globe. What a i.trl Can lte. Cheer til, but nev r boisterous happv, j but never thoughtl ss, our bonnie ia.ssio , is the pea • ;i ~er, the universal h- I per, Ihe syinpaihi/er, th * ac tive work-r oi her ho lie. Whatever is waute I she can snpp v ; an 1 she can do all that is needle I ! f-.r th * roin'ort of every one. >he is eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, ha is ; to the incapable. If anyth ng is to be done h* grandmamma, it is she who do s it- When mo her is ill, it is she who waits on her, who l«K>ks alter the little ones and does the housekeep ing. lovi ig, unsel: sh. energetic, indus trios eh sno ambition outsi ie the cir* l* o: home and itsaile tions. and she does not preten 1 to intellectual merit, i Hie a-lores her mother, and lives in per fect p aee with her sisters wh ch do s not prevent her giving her whole lieait to her lover, nor make her ie.-s than help -1 ful an 1 tender to a eomparati .e stranger. :s oi tli ♦ most perfect type oi a wo ii n oo 1 .content to live in the shade o! ho.i.e and a strong man's love. NN here : e\er sh" goes she will carry peace and create happiness h-r influence will be . v-ver essentially i»u;e and gentle. Hie will k ow nothing of "burning ques t ous.' so .-h«* wi I not be iible to discuss th»MH. The d> ep *r riddles of life and iiior.duv. «>f society and humanity, she wlt n(»i touch. 11>i Will tii y tumble th• ■ sere ;e !«>\> I.:i o. her tho ;gh* s. .\ .. , that sh • K or ever wi.l know, is, 1 tii::t . fe i- -w because o' h Tailed ions an ti r utu- i* • uise li r conscience ! i> vi i! d! ') • u * • b lore io i and man ! tii e us • .-h UikiW neither idleness nor r i in.:, math r thi' o unsatisfied a ; riu i no tie* tiers' p tins «>t passion, of e;iioiisv, o envy or oi hate. l.ove 1 hv ri- -ti she. not name, and home is ' her ait ii, . ot her bungeun. IIEU SII.K STOCK INT.S. * Two ;..,! old ( HIIM i i Clve Moort Thought of Th. tn. "We were much amused :.T a couple of eminently rc-;>e' !e oM Moor fsh gentlemen, who stord in picturesriue J attituiles, HS if waiting for some pain tcr to commit them to c.mva-. at a busy cor ner near the Archbishop'* palace iu Algiers. As they chatted and attitndini/.ed a Mohammedan lady of the better class went tripping saucily by, lad at first sight to all out ward seeming as the fol lowers of the Prophet ought evertoelothe themselves. Hut the good old Moors, snitTing innovation in the v*-ry sweep of her walk, gazed down wy.tli mingled amusement and contempt at the huzzy's feet. | My eyes followed their glance insMbnet ! Ively, and in a moment I saw w hat had I attracted their attention. That wretched j innovator's nether extremities were po« itively incased in ivat Parisian high heeled liottitn s, above whose bron/.ed t»p, between the shoe itl f and tho bag _ry 'Turkish trousers that enc.ved l.« r limb-, one rould just iteli a glimjise of an ex ceedingly I'rankish lo» king crimson silk stock 1 ng. I don't nnder-tand «• »11«>' t u;; v l Arab.i . a least when rapidly and hotly delivered, but I know exactly what those two good :\e old r.-j wcie .ng moment. One of them looked up a* the other and remarked: "Well, I declare, did you ever pee any thing like that in your life now?' 1 And his neighlwr answered him in very choice A rabic : "V" i may say so. indeed' with their heels a; d their I. t.rj :n- I wontj. rw! a* oti earth tbe women are g to ' >rnhi i M igazlne. I N NO I.NC i: AT I A !n tin i hi in S« i • t.iiiiii il i?i*> ■ row ii- uj» - i »11 i. for a 1 t:.e { lv. f , i a j .» . ' 1■ 1 e-. ill h th•. * war. . '. 1 r1 r t » :• KSU il pray» r. . : .J»r.u i. and \ 1 1 - ' M.- I - i, i I 'i' al.- >1 1 • r •i. . i jj • 1 i■ ■ , i I-.' 'iv ■. i " ■ t j,; •. t . :j . • i'it » t it-' yw 1. " ; iev. ; ray-r-., a:. I ti. :t .«•••::• d I•» **- . 1 t i • ' 1 ' > a v. -* kef e j, j r; t ; Jar- It!, rj s . ' a d. I rr. a t .-' a». I > •. : ' . -s '» h. '' - I\ '* v '.*. ■•* t ' 1!.- ;*r»» t. n ght w.fh Mr S- ; - ii. ar •! I g ■-- 1.■ 'i 1. rla.V I • i (. M.- --M --r-itnpaoii." —> m FrancUc >(';,r ... " ltak»l ( u«i.ii'l. la 1» I,e y K- of f« 'ir : re- e/«'« lor at ,-a-t 111 ! a:i hour, all tive o e- of ..ver. •: w .*ar th-n-' r.ntoth*- 1 ._*.r a t • _'-'s on-? quart ' : ri rj n" •. n.. C ' i. A id ate is. o jiil il O! d:-l .1 .••*1 r - • water. r at.v tta.\ : t n v. 1 ill »c.r cu-tar 1 c ;;an I then ■. tKetn ir• 1 stone ptn had id *'l w ;» A«iter. ch may >e warm at hr-t not h t. l'ut the pan in a rather cod oven .•ral lailv to a ttioi>.ra"- heat. In .ibout twenty minutes a t-*a.Tj in :ui'j one of trie cu«tar is to a-certa . : it ' i- r rm. —• -

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