The Press and Carolinian. Uolumc IS IP o ii m z £ ir s . //. .1. MI'MULL. Editor. lIU KOHY. N. C. .11 I.Y lit. ISSB. Geo. Ha!! i- fast recoveiin". -Mr. .Jack Baker is etectiu" a re.-i -dei •♦• OIL hi- hennery near tow D. A not her car load of water-melon wis iri 111 • 1 here but Sat ird tv. Mi--, Ada SI-IK nek IS vi>iting Hi«*k or\. tile . lest of Mis. O. M i;„v> t» r. .Mi. L..:ot. who his been in A.-he ville -on c time returned home Tues day. Mr K K Black iis to A ri gh tsville Sound to atteii ] the en cann ■ 111 r- T 11. .Mr. I) ivr 1 I'it:s of Asheville was on a \i-it to his o'd home in Hieko -1 \ this 'A'f lv Services in the Reformed Church Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and *.'3o p in. I >y I o'v j J f C*• I t• i". Dr. Will. H ermau who has been juite sick since his return from Lou isville is coin alescintr. r> 1> M Keener will run a weekly j hack between here and Marion, com mencing next Wednesday. Mr. Dan \\ hitener had the first rant elopes of the season in .market 1 tiesuny. They were line. Mr. George >j sin litlv indisposed since his • letuin from the Mock is out again. I >r. .1 I'. Mc( \ ml), ot Charlotte, was in Hickorv Puesdav, profession ally visiting his sick niece. Miss LUa M c( 'oml>. A large number of people was in town last Saturday from different parts of the county and they all re pented want of rain. •Ye Local has gone to the l'ress Convention, "the old man' is attend in- court, and the devil- are running the oaper this week. The Nairow (iuage railroad has I>« - I i well patronized this week, and was inconvenient as street cars for those attending court. If you walk out about midnight or Litt r and hear the canine serenade at the full you will forever after oppose the tariff* on str\cltaine. Mr .John Smith who gave our town marshal and citizens some trouble to arrest him some time ago was tin«*d one hundred doilais ami O Lead the opening chapters of "The MY-t» r\ of a Hansom ('ab this week It i u tine and interesting story dis plaving tine detective wor.\ and a bea itiful di-play of huguage. Col. 11. F. Arm field made rousing Democrtic speach in Newtoi T ie-dav to i very large gathering of the banner l>emoerat. Cleveland and Fowle wi.. carry Catawba sine. If i t !♦ gram goes trom Hickory tc a little town in Maine in four hours should not a telegiam started iron Sahsb.irv before 7 p. m. be deliverer in Hickorv before 10 o clock nex m^rnine Wi ■ :u New York this week, tin . ca. edit 'i w: 1 i purc.iAse t .o k • 1 new job and bod v type, stationery and > ther piinting materia t > av.ii to t: • c ffice of the Hickory Printi: t C :t 11 y. W. A. Potts. Who was to have beeu hanged I uesday succeeded iu e>cai , | ing the gallows by taking poison | Mr.-. M. B. \\ iifong has i ntetl i the Meigs Cobb house and will 'to house-beeping at once. Persons desiring tab.e or snmme! vis itors wishing a pleasant place t j spend a few weeks will find it t their a Ivantage to see her before en gaging board elsew here. 1 ne ( ountv D'-m >cr.»tic llvecntive ommitteo met in Newton Tue-dav ami ordered township meetings to be held the last Saturday in August to elect delegates to the count', con vention to be hei I in N« wt n oil the first Saturday in Kejtembei. Let > a'i Dem H-rats alter,d these conven - tion.- ami make their wi.-h«- known The local editor is attending ihe Press association this week to see whftt can be done toward stopping the cutting of prices in advertising the papers that art? m* mbers of the association so as to prot"ct tiie fratt rnitv*. \\ hile awav he will yo • •nthe pleasure excursion to Wilminr r> ton, Washington and New York cit les with the convention. All lack of local news we hope will be excused Di • J. L. McCorkle. of Newton, chairman of the countv Board of Health, reports to the State Health Bulletin for July: "A mild form of dy seu tei y has jji e\ a' 11d Ju J)01'; tvj)hoid fever have been reported. The sanitary condition e>t the county is eood far as can be ascertained without reports from physicians. The sanitary condition of the public buildings is good." Our Lutheran brethren settled with the Sisters for the Convent propertN on Monday, got their deed ai d took possession, the Sisters moving to Asheville. We are in formed that a number ot young gen tlemen preparing for the Ministry will enter the Seminary on its open ing next fall, and that a large school under competent teachers will be kept up. We congratulate our town and community on the change. Tlu- Opening Hall. The opening of the White Sulphur Springs was celebrated last I huis day night in fine style by the giving of a ball by Dr. and Frank Llliot, the proprietors of ( atawba Spimg-. The iiiu-ic was excellent, the crow 1 congenial, the lunch fine, and every 1 thing passed off very pleasantly, e Hickory was well represented Sick lie** i«i *Hckor>. We could never see why the new-- j or people c>f town -uould rt-J« ll't 1 lit tiit 1 SIC s il t i t; town, but it seems s oiue 11»> Wt r have had some sickne-s m Hick' ry, I alt* ; led with unusual fat tiity. W hii it l- r« pt : ted al roa i that in p j u lation i- Jving, !i\e i" -i\ a iay. lu* truth l- that we have had in towi si\ or I'ight cases of fever an 1 on.\ II . 11 v •, tiiree d'-atlis tbi- season. v» ht n vs t d 1 4 X It 1 read of fever m other town- am ;t . , t i.- tut . tie e mntiy wt i« « . ti. ,t w* . i i i • E L ive aouielai.t ca i-e to t>r tuili.Kl 1 . e t'.at a ( ■ f s > :itt!e afflicted. We have n. •• 1 v ie-- sickL;ess t'..s vet" ill 111 we i.u I d last, an Iwemly on lit it t the ftc tii tt t >w i. i- cl. ai.ei i. v than u ; tl \ e v eai s I ra ry l3icliotv, IRcrtb Carolina, Cbursbav, 3ul\i 10, ISSS. ;i CXtawba Court In eon-equetiee of Judge Gilmer's sickness. .Judge MHcßat. bv appoint ment of tne Governor, opened Ca ' tawba Court Monday. I'he grand " jury i- composed of good and lawful * men, with \ I>. Shu ford foreman, and th' cl.aige was such (.» win the aj proval of ali good citizens and ' t«» give Lope cf »lie prompt and '-petdy ai raignment of all violators of the law. The •Tudgi expressed his astonishment and re r ret at the of mi,- criminal docket, with 12'.» cas( - landing from murder down * and urged the grand juror* t« a faithful discharge of their «iutv us the mo>t effectual and onlv wav of 4 ''heeking 01 itue. He told the jurv and the court house full >] listeners Low vei v great . h'ange.s had been wrought in some counties where lo cal option had been adopted and the law was enforced, and many othei ' good and wholesome* thing* it would be well for all law and order lovin" P citizens to hear and to heed. A 1 out nine-tenths ol the cases on the ducktt were sent to court by liquor, ami it is a pleasure to know that so many of our people have come to see and acknowledge the. fact. I l While this is so, the evidence of some witnesses shows a deplorable state of things in some localities. \Vi»en a man with six indictments against him for selling liquor to mi nors, can prove a good character, it argues that the witness, the popu- ' lar sentiment or the law is wron ,r . ' called on Wet.. * ca.-ses were to be • will take up most ot im* if f : 1( 4 | f '} ' ' ] To Our SuJ)»crit»ers. I To each and every one of our sub scribers that comes in and pays up all back subscriptions and one year in advance between now and the 1 >t of September, we will give a copy right receipt for ma ing fertilizer that will save you hundreds of dol lars each year. To ali who pr« fer it i we will "five a handsomely bound I PS book on etiquette which costs us S'2.2"> per book. We Lave been very lenient with our subscribers and are willing to do ail we can. This is our last appeal to delin linquents and all that are not paid up by the Ist of Sej ten ber. 188H will be cut off our bo k~. We can t - afford to gi\ e our woi k for nothing and boai d ourselves. Any kind of r produce taken on subscription?*. To al! in w subsorilx rs we will also give a fertilizer receipt. lay I vour debts and live and let liv* The ton I air. We are indebted to the President of the Catawba Agricultural and In dustiial Association a copy oi the premium li>t ot thtii tnst uiinuu. j fair to be held in Newton on the r 11th. 1-Jth. 13th and 11th of Sep y ber next. The united exhibit.-, are miiut inclu 111 g t»\eiything ur- l e ally M ei. in faii>, and tie premiums offer» da e liberal. W"e are informed th'ieu.l i-e exhibitors from other . part- of -he Stat* with tU-tlnest v stock known the South, an l that e the fan will be a success in its ex ,] Lib ti 'Us in other .incs as well as in ~ -Lock. W\ believe uch eilul tiOLs stiumi-it' t:.t ag! :ouit ira. i , «fi•• \, i e >--i Ca* ! a fmer* ;'£ t! *• v ■ C»•'. iit x t tV.• -. 1 | | i! tas make im a. a- . i; hull ...i> ectac.» -. (-ye g. -• .Ve . at l:. y 'ltl*r >g Stf r« f ®* llr )1 liUTiil Spring. Hickory has some leputation for " blowing." but it lots been on the busiiu line. People who rea 1 ami know much 'f our town have never heaid we have a minei il spring of the be-t chalvbfHte water in the whole State. Why J.n'l we -boom up our spring and M the sick, the lainennd the beautiful come and speiid then and money with n- and be 1 eal« d Hijd go nwav happy, a- »K> all who happen to vi>it our .-prin'_' and drink of its health-giving water, lueieis i.o denying the he and palatable jua!ity of our chalyb eate spring, and as a matter ..f busi ne-s to OUJ- town and of good to the jtub.ic ue should let the world know tlmt Hickory ijas as tine chalvbeate water as can be found anywhere. A few dollars spent fixing up the j»lace and publishing an analysis of the water would :>il>l laiL'e mr.'elv to Hickory's summer visitors A woid to the wi-o we deem sufficient II >\\ 11 I .OOk •». W lif*Ti yon heal - a man cursing the editor of a paper and threatening to whip him you may set it down as a fact that, in nine times out of ten. that man. and not the newspaper, is at fault Tf a man lias been misrep resented and wronged by a paper hp can in nearly every instance be >et light merelv for the asking. If the truth is told and the shoe pint'h e- there is scarcely ever sny asking to be set right, but there is verv of ten an immense amount of swearing - • - V-n Thifl i- the bv the people and they are anon* correct. We can furnish the PRESS \NI> CAROLINIAN and the New \ork World to new subscribers for 7" cents c>t*h. or the New World to our old ones for 35 cent-, till after the elec tion. Send in \our mfmes and the cash. I'or SlieriH. We are authorized to announce that Mr. I>. P. Yount is a candidate for the office of Sheriff* of Catawba countv, subject to the action of the 1 democratic convention. ••nit'* nciu£ii*h,.va K,ni»." Mr. >. M. Royster has just received a fresh lot of Kinney Bro s. "Latest Knglish" straight cut cigarettes. Iry thojn. Peach stones bought until Octo ber Ist. by A.. A. Shu ford «V Com panv. cash or trade. 3" cents p# r bushel. It will pay you to -ave ttlC'lli ■*( .eveiaml hat - atj * I i»u» n. ban l.ii i- at li«>vst-r A l w I,.t•* front clothing emp n .m. Hickoiy, N Wi, te hats f»r >l. eaeif nt the W ;t » fl'ont cloth 1! ♦!.]• i'.lll". Bv v .r "( .« v .ai. u hat - from Ro*st*-r A Mai tir Fv siia b - at Itoy ster - Drug St :»' ii ank lee 1- and \ ittel I.lO rt U'H-e- f r -ale ht this office P. v-t.. A M .tl.n - - .w f Humbcr 20 I i Tl>r I atmrrtt. A- the I'li.vh t!• i . of :\ t v K > > % l;itic J'MltX f ( *:lt :l 'A i|«• , I c.t.. i*t 1 tn :in i { hi Nfwl.jj; ;j t first "I >» mi.# r . mdtia - !t ;d |, Hr *v. which t i,,. |»xt\ in • ..w »r ii this State and co'iiiH, i.s ,• rhtirivof an! I fjrth»«r fact that tin 11.;«•», of this State and county is nerallr -o»c* d.-d t ho jh»* f , un 1 4lln „ U p OL W.Jli ii !i.l otli t Hit «'!«•>{-, mils' «lt* pend. wo t UMK->l]\ app« ai to liuy fanner in this count v t«• ik« to a 11 lie >c:ise of thicr own n *t i «-.,t an,l that of their calling, and tL *t the* arc faitlifui'v i«-j«11 t-1 ; J ,u saiil lon \ * -111 i«in. '•MI IMll.lsl IS said to l»e tie tlr-t law .f natuie. ianet- no man can mi fa.i ,i,. s -,,-j the firm. is tf . la. 1.,, :. u( , , ;j , |„ ni^ r 11 ue, : ! t }»•• fal iiii'i > t til i: out to tliif. conwidion and •>.. that Mich men air noinir irt .J l\ u,» l( volition a- will 1h« ti u,. t,. t.j. f. lt . Tner s int»i»st> In unn i ii.ii" i,s htl'ftlijjlli, Hiui UceHliiMhth t>lv liaf no fai m» i commit i ,:u~ 1,, l; ., support .f any camhdat.. ut:i w i have mot ami COM Kiiian j 'uriiid Bl ethl en of thf l'Jow. vt- , ; ,li command ?-sp ct f Wf . tl lie to each other, and t« tlii> en 1 .• ? us ail turn out and consult «■:. .. r | #. r { K°od oil tills occasion M an, 1 \ v.i i. . duly lf»tii. 1 ss,H give space to the a! o- • which was handed out m circular, on Mou lf f,u * *«thor had nroprr!v law of nature. \\- «• miTil n*»r> ®Wt doiHed evor\ word in th- reular. Self-interest, to a certain tMi nt, may he commendable, hut .1 ;s not approved by the Script un and it some times leads to crime It i- tie that in thin county and State the Democratic party i« chiefly compos ed of farmers. It is true tii at the farmers compose the greater portion of the population and their il tural interest is the foundation of all prosperity. All other things be in ft equal, the farmer could met faithfully serve the farmer, hut we do hope if our farmer fr:«-n 1, suc ceed in monopolizing all th* 4 ofTn•* * ar.d places they will select r; • w! . have the capacity and th» di.po i tioii to look after the other n.t of the State and the peoj "« The ! Agricultural. Mechanical. I. location . ° a!. Commercial 1 other inter all need, and should comma! 1 'e watchful care of the Legis'.at .: -i Ohltiio! y. Marv I'eail Hit -i; ' ' . ,;'« r of .T T* h ; 1 M M If part* 1 ti, - '.if*- t ! • 1 j;i .i ■> ..y J ] S*. V J . i Ir. •?}ir* •* r I ' F.i*> -1. . n . Death ctuit with frien 3 y ire. 1 i.e opeMl:/ In i ' H \t \ i. \:. l 1 i.t .*■ ' '> -»-■ 'li. t I • 1). i\ > . i'. I. i i . ' i \>\ a m tke '* it a elite • t\> ai d i" .i.d »t -u lute. lrn ... i f y. ii. i n»-\t j .• i \ :ii . I "•l''!.** t i l* t% *.»•* I, » T . I .4 I, t r mark - t!» t.■» n t.. 11 ' i ; t.» ■ * *.. i i am"-it.' of •• i •> iv 1 whi-fcV V»* .i t# . V h cor n ] ',■ ■

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