The Press and Carolinian. Volume IS. IP C 111R C £ Tlx S. //. .1. Mini:ll.L. alitor. [IK KOI! V. N. C . Al G. !P. IVvS Hoti Hf»tt♦-! :: Hottest;:: See R#>vster A Martin - fifi 11it at the White Front * We Iran, that Hoi.. A M. Wad ]• .i -] c;i!> in Lenoir fiii 11 #• "ii'ud. in-t I in- premium ii-t of 111#- ( it iwba Industrial Association i- now in and will soon 1)* ift 1 v f.,r the public Mr. Will W. Xe wland. *i talented voung In« Mi' of Lenoir has been iiou inat# '1 by the IVmocßits for the I,efi.siutin c 11#>111 Caldxvell. The r i egret.- that lie was not in when Rev. .1. I*. ('arter. editoi •1 the Western depai tnnnt of the K coi del called laist week. Mr. Tl IDS. Ransom spent several hours m town yesterday renewing In- acquaintance among us he goes on to 1 Rock lor a short re liixat mn. Mr. R \\ . Johnson has moved hi* house to the east end of the square, to give way for another grog shop Young man. go east and avoid the drink demon. Dr. -I. It I*' His, an eminent phvsi cian and prominent citizen of our to\yn. aft#M lingeiing between death tiiid insanitv for twenty daxs. was tak*i to the asxluni last Satnidav I hum i*i I*l4. Some \ ;illll nt has been killing and eating cattle near Wilmington ami the supposition is that it is a panther on# 4 of the two that es caped from the circus that was in W ilining ton tun veal s a« r . r> » o The pnst week has been a trying one on local editors. It lias been so hot that there has been nothing of Mitel st ei acted. W e hoj >e all lack of local matt»r will be excused, for besides the hot weather we have been o\ r I tin with job work. The Hickory Printing Co received last w#ek tin 1 largest stock of sta tionary ever brought to Hickorv. consisting of envelop#*-;. bill heads, ( ]♦ 11 * r In ads, fancy cat d>. card board j and tin» linen papers t >-1" ladies i«*t tei paper, all of which will be furn islied on close margin. We asked a man last week with a ! black eve w hat had occurr# d He said 1». W. and F A hail both jumped on him and banged him up. We asked if they were diunk. and he said "no but that he had taken a drink from the tTect of whic i he lest his sens* s. ft . the tune being. We congratulate Mr. Henderson, our immediate Representative, upon the hand he had in the Mills taritV bill. The whole of the internal rev enue portion of the bill, including the section repealing the tobaec > tax. wa> drawn l»v him. Ihe whole people of X. are proud of John Henderson Sunset Cox i- not only a very bril liant. finely cultivated, able man. but he is true ami manly. \ou can count on him every time. There is no Randallism about him. In a recent letter he -ays: •*So lor r as tiod gives me hi eat li or memorv remains will 1 strive to recall those early days when Federal i ppression an 1 recoiisti uction 'ua '.• n heroic to be a Democrat. lie is still a Democrat and wi„ die one. no doubt. l>ut where i- Raudail, who once stood bx tox Alas! alas I —Wilmington Star. \ Xacl Kites Two i'tiildreii. I Mr Sam Brinklev live- near town ! Last Saturdav while he was visiting 1 some distance from home his dog got in a queer wav. and about '2 o'clock p. in . while the cliildren wer# 4 all p.avin»i in th# 3 yard. he ran in among them -napping and biting a- li : #*aine Hie oldest. a daughter about seventeen years old. compie h#*ndin_ th- danger to which h# j r little brotli«!s and sisters were e\- posi-il. with a heroism rarely equalled and never excelled. caught and held the dog until the other children _ r ot into the house and -hut th» 4 door, and then ca-ting th#* 1 rut#* a- far from 1# r a- -h# 4 • oultl. ran tor door, but w.i- overtaken and se\»•!#•- ly bitten on th# 4 hip before she got into the house She was bi*ten on tl«- hand while holding th#- do* from the oth» r children. W lu-n sh# 4 got away from the infuriated animal it went and bit two cows, and after a wh le came back to th# k house and when the children spoke t#> it through ilie window it would jump and bite at the walls of the house. Tt also bit and killed a chicken which got in its way near the house The heroic young lady picked her chance to get out tlif- back way and ran to a neighbor, who came and shot the dog. onlv wounding it. when it lett the premises, it may be to die, or t > bite others. Dr. White sides cauterize.! the wounds and it is ' hoped the children will soon be well. Mr. Brinklev was sent for and was in town Sunday hunting a '"mad stone. If any of our renders know of one thev will pleas# 4 inform us or Mr Sam Rrinkb'y at Hickory X. C Slalt- tsHiK'iatioii of Democratic t 1 IlllH. 'or if t 1 Nfwj .tinl ( KAI M'.n, N (Aug. 4, Is.SS, Vnmamcement No. 2 ) To THK DKM'M HA llf ('n its 11K NoIiTII "a lit >l.l NA : A number of important organiza tions have called conventions to meet in the State at various dates occupying the time from th# 4 14th to t lie 2St hof Augu-t. We note • specially the assembling of the Kai lut r- A nance, the 11• 11*r state lallii'l- \--t ;«'iat MMI slid the Horticultural Societx*. 1 iie-e will j engnge tl e attention of many ot' t>'.ir j farmers who desire to attend the j C'iub convention. We n cognize our | intelligent farming interest a- the I larg# st and mot influential element |of the State Democracy Therefore ! it deemed adviseable to postpone tlie a-sembling of ti;e State associa tion of Democratic Clubs. Voui committee, ap[)ieheiiding that the great success already assured for i our convention wili e>« magnitied b\ this course and it- usefulnes- en liutx i >l. aimounc# 4 the time aud place of holding the convention a- MOKKHI ah Cm, Aug. 2ikh, Delegations iiiifiiilv selected will please take notice. Clubs, having delegations ti» elect, wui pb'ase act acc#)i duigly. r Kd ChamN r- Smith. Chaii man ; D. Preston I'arr. Jr., Theo 1 Klutz, Clem Many, B C Beckwitl . Secre tary (Democratic paper- please copy.) New Jerse> I.ocal Option. Tient !1. N J . July M —The Su preme i'>>::: hi- r*-'.. h*it 1 a ".sion affirming th» constitutionality #»f the local option high law. 1 tie opini ras reg -,r 1- t::e high li -e feature was unanimous local op tion. Th, court stood - to T. FU I e\t* Ac. at llov -t,i - Drug Store. Tbicherv, IHertb Carolina, CburvOar, fluotiet o, isss. | Ht-nolutloti*» of Hrspt-ct. Whereas, our heavenly Father. ' ever mindful of the interests of Hi children has recent y seen tit in His good pleasure to call home to Him f Miss Ella E. McConib. a mem ber of our literarv club, an 1 Whereas, some tribute of respect is 1 »ut in ke« ping \s"ir 1 i the lrgh es teem in which we held our friend; therefore be it Resolved, that while we tiu-t with fullest confidence in Him. "who • d «»»• 111 h. things well, we regret lie untimely death of her before whom lif»- stretched s> fair and promising. Re-olved. tl at this club sincereU lament the loss ot so tirm an a!lv and so valuable a member, wtm-e xample «'e may not soou forget. Resolved, t!;• 11 t' ese resolution* be sj>read upon our minutes, sent to the sorrowing sisters and biothers whose loss i- infinitely greater tl*n ours, and to the local papers for publication, with re»jue>t that tlie Charlotte papers please ropv. Ten a Mcintosh, ) Ln'a Johnson, - ('oin. Ed. (Mine. ) August 7. ISHS. The Hickory Hall. The young gentlemen of Hickory nive a delightful little dance last night in honor of Miss Mansfield, of Ma •on. Georgia, who arrived in the 1 city yesterday. Misses Lillie Jones. M ary Lenoir. Mary Mills, from the Valley. Miss Marv McNeely of Salisbui v and the voung ladies of Hickoiv. The Cataw ba Springs band wa> engaged and the ball room dec- P O orated. The costumes o* the young were all beautiful and one looking upon "the many twinkling feet would suppose the famiW »f Terpsi chore had greatly increased and all had centered upon the waxen floor so beautifully wa> the "giddv watlz. COl :dllctt d. I'.riata. i 'wo typographical errors appear in Dr. Abernethy's letter in 1 *ist is sue, which hide his meaning and 1 make no sense. In the second par agi iph. fourth line from the bottom (if the >!nmn : "I proposes all the cf-«s. >hou!d Mad: It prefeis all the cursf> t•. Charge the mistake to our proof reader. ■ ( 4tt*iitini Mt iiihi rn V >1 I> I'. hiu aic cal;ed t> attend an im ' portant meeting of your club «>n Fri da\ night n* \t. Fail n >t There is now no disability cn ac count »»f age and eveiy Democrat i* requested to be present and sob ' scribe his name to tin- most impor tant organization. I or S tie rift. We are authorized to announce that Mr D. V Yount i> a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Catawba county, subject to the action of the I>emocratic conventi«»n 1 or blicrtft We are authorized t>» announce -I I Long, of Cataw ba, a* a candid; te for Slier iff. subject to the nominat ing convention For Slit-rl rt. w e are authorized to announce M. S I>ea\ of Newton. u.> a can li late for Sheriff of C&Uwbt coantj, subject t » the c invention. New Style® io fisbioaabl* Neckwear at the White T mt t .othn.g Euij > • Hickory. N ( «.» >»1 W 11. sill KIHIN 111. Vl> Hi** I>«-atli Wan Ycr> Hudth-n-Tht- Knd l anif at 10:10 ii'cioi k him. fla> >ilv;lit. flit- Intuit- ctiatr t ause IU lIIK Heart Failure*. Nomjiiitt. Mas-.. Aug - |>, M. Iv e ha- 1 t i iIIU-tiii l»ri»-Hv nnnoiuicino t li«* death of (bneval Sheridan frotn hfort failiir* His d* ilh :i!» 1 ->»:«! let at I' lit» N" particulars hate \ t »»iveii nut. i 11 la! Slu-1 i]:tli v. a- fl 1-t taken l.i ll M i dar. Ma\ "J 1. |>» ;i .jut tack e I |.\ what lv |, !)( Wll a*- va! V U :tl 11 'mi 1 »le i.f the heart lie cain^ 1 \• i v far «I\i11!_• flint da\. but : tllie 1 at night. He sufi. it'i] a second attark on I lies bn. 1 »u ♦ i »•( »\ ♦-1 ♦(1 when \ i 1 11 *"i111 ♦On the following Sat«ll - il:.\ ill- -11 nt hi Was lll*lU«ljtHi'i! V e\ pect» d. 1 ive army -il i"j;e«>n.- w-tched I»\ liis bedside night and dav. H re ceived tin 4 last Mlrraliii-fit of the •1 tiri h from hi- pastor. who also re tn:till 11 with him thionghout those trying davs. He w as pii feet i\ conscious ainl de voiil of all fear Mini excitement, He made 1 is will, and with the u most coolness com]) eted all arrang* ments to provide for the worst. Lately no bulletins have been is sued by the ph\sieians in regaid to the (ii'literal - condition He WHS niueh better, and was supposed to 1 e >Hi the i Mini to rec ovt rv. His l«th at tins moment i- a sin prise. Ilurke Court -Tlld(hike is holding Buike court il:!> vu!; Th criminal dock-' et is unusually light and -how- either an impr«»vcm« lit in the state of ->o i-i ty Hi m neij't (•} t dutv l>\ the grand ju»\ |{- licit and Pink W ink Icr. in In ti d for an uflfrav with the Fr\s wa re accpiitted. • \Y. ll Kvans for cutting" Torn. Pugh *s hands was >enten cf d to jail for '.>o days, and J Miller was sent up f>o days for using a knife in a fight, and though in some cases it may seem hard, if it was done by all the Judges there is nr doubt it would veiy greatly check this mean and cowardly practice. MOKOANTON IMPKO\ I M«. In addition to the bettered condi tion of the docket, the town of Mor gnnton is also much improved of late. Many new houses have been built and some old ones have received the ornamenting addition of modern architecture but none has more im proved than the old MOUNTAIN HOTEL. It looks like a new building erect i d -oil the old rite. The form i much changed but to enjoy the "true inwardness must go there. He meets a genial and mo-t accomiii datingand gentleman iy landlord. He goe- into a (lean nid piea-ant dining room and -it down to a clean and abuudantlv spread table. Fventhingis to the taste but the b» »-f -t»-ak beats ali. The room- ai e i ew 1\ fumi-hi-d x \ d no "1 nk\ "»mel. "r small inhabitants listurb \our sweet slumber-. If you stop 11 the \! untam Hotel yn i will 1 e glad you rea i this paper. Ttit* Farmer*' lutt-r-Htate t «»u -> rnllon. ( ol I'olk de-ire- u- to announce [hat he tri- j .Ist been not:fa 1 that railroad rates from all pouts in \ ;r -to Kaleigh during the Farmers' [t;t* r State c iiveMio?. Live p'ace ] at one f-ire f..r the roun 1 trip. [*. 1 Polk -»iv- •'.e ; v > • ithern ite vv i.. IH fepre-ente \ on tli* ..i-i Kileigb .Vev- - Ibwn• r P £KSC 111 a 1 S. M j** I' >-■ I ' ( ' 'I . ' \ . tr II - \, ,-ic Mr. (»♦ • * I*. ' utit « ' \\ n | ■»] '♦•! t a-J \\ ♦ » ;ii !i • \ 1*1". I ) 1 II itTman 1)h- t! \.i :?.to *VVV l| • ,' ~ i IVV Ills JI( '« s - I » I J 111; !Ml- ..1 \[ I. | ! • . ,• • -J en li ',j t hi- w kin V*l • \ K itie Siuif. : I . \ ft j *■ r K iti New ton this ut • * Ml'. I Mr! '»lu , e Mli) \\ 11 • t.f Washington C':tv are visit!!•_' t is >V,| home ami friends in NYvvt- • I{. H Bust, for stealing tl • of ('. K. (irahttin \ Co. ! ias _'•!•' t» the penitentiary f««r out* v»-' ; : Mi J. II»ii!« \ ' : 1. , t ■ .a b !' •} h•lr !( i ii >, !11 • , i .|| :t \ i-it to fj i*ll.l >in 11 irk i . 1 apt. .1 H. I'avne mul fjitu v re till in «1 to the -:t \ hist Tuesday Jiion.i: £ aftet all extended \ist to Mi I) \\ Shuler who lis !>»*♦ u m the mountain- for v eral davs i.-turned to tlx* nfv T')o. tlav. Mr. Charlie returned from an xtemled visit to liis old home in Maine and through tli«* Nortii list Morn] ay. Mi*s Kl!a Shu ford. one of Hn-ko ry s most worthy young ladie- left last week to make a liome ni 1 foit line in Baltimore. J. S. Allen. T own ( onstai>ie of Newton resigned his office Monlay morning and the liquor peddiers are distressed they sav. Misse- Lulie Jones, |i ; M. | y Sou Mllis MHI« f.,1 in t !|l' ell \ • day hii«K vviilspoid -om« ... !.• gliesf s »f M |-s. .1 (i. H,| . . Mr .1 •}llj \ ('limn d ■ml f foiue-i vof this p!i •. I) t ■ v of 'mil lot ? spi-iit Sin liv s' : A ! >! day wit h fi iend- in Hi- u. »i • . C'ouowr Items. 1 ii* ' r \* i•• i : • ■)' ! •. ' , ] seem- (•» •>» l li»*\ I > \ S»>\ ha- aT | ' - sition in tie school i • itrd :;i t i • Hahn lioiim Whi «• t !.er«* was n d miiiX' t:iii«" v »-t v rt : r - vvfll The oM >• -j I*•n t s who iti di ed n« a\ to »j >#-nl \ ■! a' t -t hi nii!^ r . s«v ral caiii** in .i ■ 'A'.-k Mr- (iiiilit!! ha- moved * k ' » her o! 1 1, ('lurni t ii >\ • S• 11 o >. opened" tl.;s mom . _ v/.i thiitv live, -it h'ij»*l « *i-ici-. : elasses were at rar an ! r s assigned to !>ej_'in work »• The Senior cla-«* »eif a.. [ t»--» r.t and rd>out aii th*-Junior. Ti..- \ ■ • pert* ai« favorable f. raj • o . • tei rn. The fruit rrop i- murh I « !• r .•» this -♦•rtl' i. th.t!. wa- ilit: . vet it is i.i t of an extra jua..t v Mr I S Sriiyre i» rem -d. _ liouse W atn :>' I. -at»• j • fit f> ■! . r ket now . Thtr merehantH had «jwjt 1 butter a* iii«- thev •(■ ;i i rot } revent it* r • tin 1:: % -ai*' for it but ty can now tiud more :• ilv *a!« school ha* . t. i There h«-eiin t" 1h- a detna.. ! ' » the st .!• !.: .f i'.i( -r hi a- '• . h er* ; there hi* a ha'f d /»t. *. .♦-s at. 1 leretti boji tMchiog t it -i. ak- vf»ii f I the --i . . i Au- »' WumlYi 32.