' rti:- - --•> I'-M.o s - Til r. M VST Kit V OF A HANSOM CAB. j;V FK»I > U . HI MK. (MA ITKK VIIIO\TIM KI». Mad n e did 1 m»t >«' Iya n \ - Tll iI i 1_!". IHI t n 111 Id lint 1 K'l j» thinking that tlm-i*-was more in it tha u the inii-i*-. i 'res ♦ 111 \* .1 u 1 i;i -ea -ed. ;ini she ; »]•(»j it »se 1 to no 111. • \\!i \?" ;i>!♦•! Brian. w li > v..i- 1 villn back iii a **«»mt »rt ;i I»I • • -ea I . Slliokinn* a cjnai ♦.ll It- n i enough -11 ♦*l■» * . • | 111 \] -1 ; i It• •11 1 t> 111 y •jnot she answcivii rising. "Yon stop }i#»i ♦ • and finish \• 11 r e j n a re ll e. and *i th ;i _t"; |\"1;11 ! e 11 -! I»' flit t »'(1 111 1 ) t ! I'' Ix ni-e lik• ■;t shadow. J| 111 l t I 1! ! - 111 oketl. st ;i linn I'llt i 11 1 » T I i«' UK >( HI- j lin lit II MM II W'llile. es. the t 11; i? i w; i - certainlv wa t *ll in«r . the 1K H i SC. I )1* 11' s; I t ( »11 ti.C : oft hi* sen ts.aml k• ■ j>t his eyes fi \•', lon t In* In ill i;»iit ly li«»*lit i•( 1 \\ 111 l> \\ s. ! »i*i;i ii threw ;i w;i \ 11is •'iIretl• 1 and sh iv ♦ •!*« • 1 >1 iii 11 t ly. • ( ouh 1 any one ha \«• seen ine ?' * In- iiiui tered. risine- hi - ♦ i 1 \ . " I 'sha w ! >l r Hirst' not. and 11 h* cabman would never i»m*oen ize m«' nji'iiin. ( nrs• \\ 11 \I• I wish Il lit 1 v i'j* s• t • *\ i s upon !i itii. lie Ll'; I\ ' OlH' L! 1; I 11I t t lit' dark tinuie on t li 1 seat. and then. with a shiver. passed into tin* warm. well lin I»t»' 1 I*oolll. 11''1I 1 1 11 > t ted »' IS V in his 111:11 1. and In' w »u 1 1 ha ve felt st ill less so had h• ■ ■ known 111; 11 t In- limn on t lie. M\'| 1 W ;1S t> 11 ' «>1 1 lH' '' I' \'t' l' 'St t>l t h• Mell> nu nc l♦ *t *• tiv» s. Mr. (itti l>y had been wa Ich innt h«- I ret t lhy mansion Ih ♦ • \\ IK »li' e\»• 11 i NUL* and was •T- ( t inn' r;i i her ,'inm»yetj. Mt >re- II nd did IK »t know w IK 'if 111 zner;ild lived, and a- tliej di >ll vt ive wnn i fd 11 > lint 1 on i J hi' l«'t♦•rmiiH'd 1• > wntt h I»ri nn- movement s .iml t rnee 11 i M IK une. •• 1 i In' -ihn t | H*t*t ty ii"iris * h > \ -T. I 'll w .lit t ill hf len ves the 1 nrLLUel Mr. ( ioiv liy 11 > hiin-'elt' w 11♦ -ii he tirst t »(>k 111- - 'n t t >ll tli»' 1-.S! 11; | - I nnlt'. "'lt'' won ! -1; i v hum nwn \ tr un her. nnd u'-r he It ',* l \es tile 111 »U -e, I ! 1 I« »111 >\\ him up t ill 1 tilnl nit w here he lives." When l'rinn lmnle hi- np jteninuee enrly in t he evening » m hi- \\ ny t > M;irk I 'ret 11- 1»\ - mniisi ni. lie w .1- in even inn' 11 re--, wit h n liuht coat ♦ > ver it. nnd ;i i-»> Inn] >ll ,• j s ift ll.lt . \\ e'!. I'm .ln-het]"' ei;n n !n ted Mr. (i »rl -y. w hen In -n\\ I'it/nernld li>nppenr: ''lt lie -lit ;) fool 1 tio 11 t know who .-. tino n 1 m > ut ' n the \ * 'ty ■i ot he- he W(»re \\ hen he poli-he,: Wh\ te otr. nnd t llitlk he W ( Hi t he reel >nui/'e.| . Melhourne nin't Pa ri > or 1 .ondon. that he . nil ntVord iti !»e -ii ent'eli --. nnd wln :i 1 ] nit 11 e darliie- m him he w ill 1»e n-t Hii-1 ie. 1. All. we'i. 1 •w• • i:' on. !:n:i\ii n hi- pipe nnd ' n kit _ a m the I \ - plamnie. *• { I P have to w nit here * ot. •■- out." Mr iM• ri■ \ - . * !i«■ . - J» I" et I \ \ • t'e .\' I"!e ;. *ii * * iioiir .'i i i ei' liour p. i d;. t»• i no one appeared, i hen lie saw M a dee and Brian eome out on the verar.da. and henrd Miss Featherweie-ht's -hrill voiee sinjfinr. whieli -oniidet 1 weird and nneart hl \ in tin* stillness ot the ninht. He -aw Mal 1 ee e«' then l'rian. the latter turn in n" and starinn* at linn t>\' a minute or so. ••Ah!" said ( hn l»y 11> him self. his }>ip'. •■ vour t niseienee is a-smit illn \ on. is it .' Wait till \ou are in jail." Then t lie e nots tame t nit of tin* house a ml disappeared one hv one, hlaek figures in the moonlight, alter kisses nnd hamlshakiiie'. Shortly a Iter wards Brian en me down t IK* pa I h Wit h lT«'t 1 lhy hy his side and Madn'e on to her fat her s arm. I 1 let 111» V t »pel ied the Li'a 11 *; 11K ! held nit his hand. "litKxl-nieht. I'itznerald. he said in a hearty voiee; ••(Mime down soon anaiu• •• iood-ninht. Brian, dear est. said Matin*', kissing* him. "and don t t h n'et t »- morn >w. Then father and daughter closed the nntc. lea vine- Bri an t mtsitle. ami walked 1 >a k t» t lie house. ••Ah!" saitl ( iorhy to him self. "it you only knew what I know, you wouldn't he so precious kind to him. Brian walked, st rolled ahum' the Ksplanade, and then r )ssiiiLi" over, passed liy (iorhy and walked on till lie was opposite the hspla nade hotel. Then lie lighted a cinaret te and walked down the st ej is ( HI to the] tier. ••Suicide, is it?" muttered (lorhy to himself, as lie saw t he tall, black (inure st riding resolutely on. a loiiLi" way ahead. "Not it' I can help it ." So lie lighted his pipe, and st rolled down the pier in an apparently aimless man -1 H * I*. He t'ouinl Brian leaning, t iver t lie parapet a t t lie end of the |tier, and !t>kinn* at t lie nlit terinn' atcrs be i ; iieatli. w hieh k.'pt rising and jfaHin.n* in a dreanix rhythm.! that sot >t led ami cha rmet 1 the en r. " l't tt >r n'irl! pi > n* nirl! the t leteet i ve heard diim milt ter as lie ca me up. •• 11 she only knew all! 11 she A t t his moment lie heard the ap|>rtachinn' step. ami t nriietl n umd .-lia rply. The detective saw that his face w a - nhast ly pale in the ni(»on linht, and his brow> w rink led annrily. -What the devil do you w ant" lie burst out. as (ior i»\" |>aused. "W hat I«» yitu mean by follow inn* me all t tver t he place?" -Saw ine wat eh inn' the !nui-e." snid ( litrby to him -elf. -I'm not U tlh »w inn'you. sir. he said'aloml. - l siip po.-e the pier nin't pri\ate pr>perty. I «uily eameth »wn liere t »r. a brea t h t >!' t're-h air." I it / n' 1 ra Id 1 id not a nsw »T. but turned -liarply on his heel, and w a Iked quickly up the pier, lea vine; c i«irl »y -tar inn after him. 11 e'jrettinjr friirhtened." -t Vl]Oi | n i /.et 1 'he t ] i't et t1 Vet« > hiinselt. as he strolled ousilv a;«urn', keepinn the black tin -1 ha v'» to Iceej. a - :iar;»ey on .: *n »r I.♦ *!I be . ieariim' ' ' * 11 : \ll 111 rI; i. I'rian walked e ii -kly u.» :• >'. K >;; i -'.: 1 n Hi. ! 1 r !on looking at liis watch h« found he \voul«i just hav* time to eateh the last train He arrived a few minutes be fore it started. getting in to the smoking earring* at tie* near end >f the plat form. lie lit a eiuarette, and 1 ;I II ill LT back ill Ill's seat watehed late comers hurry ing into the station. Just ns tie- Inst liell rnng lie saw a man rush along, who sh'ukm] •likely to miss tin 1 trnin. It I was the same man who ha] I teen wa tdiing him thewhoh evening, nnd Brian felteonti dent that lie was following him. 11 ■eo m for ted himself however, with the thought thnt 1 his pert inaeious t'>llow er would 1 >se t he t rnin. and • being in t he last e.-i rriage him selt. lie Kept n lookout alonjj the platform. expecting t sec his friend »f i lit* Kspla naje standing disaJipointe3 on i:. was m > a j »| >ea r a nee of him. liowever. so i»ri an. sinking back into hi.- seat. eursed his ill-luck in not having shaken >ff the mar who kept him under sue) st riet surveilla nee. -• J > him ! he muttered, softly. •• I expect he will f>l low me to Kast Melbourne and find out where 1 live, but lie sha n't it 1 can help it. There was no me in tin carriage except himself, on 1 . which he felt a sense ot relief for he was in that humoi whieh conies on men some times of talking to himself. •Murdered in a rub." he ! said, lighting a fresh cigar ette. and blowing a cloud of smoke. *A romance in real life, which heats Miss Krad don hollow. There is one t thing certain he won't come bet wee n Mad ge and m e again. Poor Madge! with an impatient sigh. "If she only knew all. there would not be much chance of our marriage; but she can never find out. and 1 don't suppose a u v one else ever will. 11 ere a sudden tIK Might st ruck him. and rising out ot his seat, he walked to the ot her end >f t lie ea rriage a ml threw hiniselfon theciishions as if desirous to escape trolll himself. ••What grounds can that man have for suspecting me? lie said aloud. "No one knows 1 was with \\ liyte on that night. and the police can't possibly bring forward auv evidence to show that 1 was. Pshaw !" he went on. impatiently buttoning up his coat. "I am like a child, afraid of my shadow —the fellow (>ll the pier was mly s>mie one out for a breath ot fresh air as he said himself— I ain juite safe. All t he same lie did not feel ea>v in his mind, and when the train arrived at tlie Mel bourne station he stepped out >n to the platform with a shiver and a quick look r mud. as it' lie expected t ■ feel t lie detect ive*S 11 a T »d Oil his -h mlder. 1 fesaw no me. however, at all 1 ik♦ • the man lie had met «m the St. kilda pier, and with a sigh »f relief, left the statim. Mr. ( baby, nowever, was on the wateh. and followed him at a sale distance along the platform. 1 Irian left the statum . and walked slowly along I lindens mi vet apparently in deep '■ »O >iLlI i t . Wli • 11 lie 1_1 4 »• t Ilusisell street he turned uj ' ami did i.>• »p u;.*. ■ - .Mid Will- *h i' very slace where the cab had e stopped oil the night ot . Whvte's murder. "All! said the detective to r himself, as he stood in the e shadow on the opposite side - of the Street. - You're going . to have a look at it.areyou.* . I wouldn't, if I were you—it s - dangerous." t Fitzgerald stood for a few i minutes at the corner and 1 then walked up('ollinsstnvt. t W hen he got to the cab stand. 1 opposite the Melbourne club, e still suspecting lie was fol - lowed, he nailed a hansom r and drove away in thediree . ti>n Spring street. (lorby t was rat her perplexed at this sudden move. but without delay lit* hailed another cab and tolil the diivert> fellow tie first rab til it r ) stopped ••Two can play tit tha game. he 1 said. settling himself back in Ibo rab. "and I i 1 t tin- el \ou. - 1 ' * (•!» ver re von are —an I yoiy are cit \ - er. he went on in a ton - jot admiru t i j lien, as lit' looki d round tl.e luxui'- ou> hansom. "* D choose surh a con venient pl.ice for a murdri': no dis - tuibanceand plenty of time foi es cape after you had finished: its a 1 • it-'isule • r «>illi_r after a rhap like vou t instead 4* men who tumble down like ripe fruit, and ain't got any l brains to keep their eiimc quiet While the detective thus solilo quized his cab. following on the trail of the other, had turned down Spring street and was being driven rapidly i along the Wellington paradi in the t' direction of East Melbourm . It then 1 turned up Powtett street, at which - (iorby exulted. "Ain't so clever as I tought. he I said to himself. "Shows hi*- ne-t j light off. without any attempt to , hide it." | T|?e detective, however, had reck " ,»ned without his host. f l' the cab in front kept driving on. through an interminable maze of streets, nnti it seemed as if Brian was determined j- never to stop the whole night. ' "Look ere, sir!" cried s cab- J man. looking through his trapdoor in the roof of the hansom. " ow long ' is this 'ere game a-goin t:> larstf My oss is knocked up. e i-. and is bles ... ,• s(*d old legs a-givm away under ) im!" "(io on! r o on! answered the de- O tective. impatiently: "111 pay you j we'll. The cabman'-, spirit- were raised > bv this, and by dint of coixing and a • liberal use of the si k. he manag* dto , g*t his jaded horse up to a pretty '. orood pace. Thev were in Fitzrov jo 1 bv tl.is time, and then both cabs turned out of (lertrude street into 1 Nicholson street, tbence pßsse«l on to I Evelyn -treet and along Sj riijg street, iiitil P.riai -.cab stoj-ped at 1 the corner ef *oI 1i r - -tint, and ror bv saw him alight and dismiss hi- V . cabman He then walked down the I .~tree f . and disaj \ eared into the Trea-- . ury gardens. 1 ••Confound it. -aid the ietertivt-. 1 a- he got out and paid his fare, which wa- not by any means a light one. but over which h* had no time . to ar f "we've con.e in a circle, and I !o believe he !iv« sir P wh tt 1 .-tn et after n... s He went into the gai lens, an i -aw P>iian - me 1.-tai.ee ahea i o: I hi::: v rapi-i.y. It wa- bright lu- t. 'he c i ! eas'.!v • :i --. H-- . .ii • !.- : v t.i- •1. : •." Then be went aioiijj the Wtlliugtou parade. and turned up Powletl street, where he stopped .it a bouse near Cairn's Memoiial church, much t Ti". Goiliy s relief, w ho. like Hamlet, "fit and scant of breath," found himself rather r-xhau>t»d He kept well in the shadow*. however, and saw I «jive one final look around before he disappeared into the house then Mr. (Jorby, like the Robber Captain in *A i Hal a. took eatetul stock of the house. and xed its locality an 1 appc nance well in his nurd, as he intend* 1 to cull at it on the morrow "W hat I'm i*oin« r to d". Ie s iid. as O O he walked slowly l>a« k 10 M« !b -nine, "i-to see Ins landladv w'r»-n he'-. out. and find out what time he cum* in on t!'- i)ij_rht of the mind- ! If it tits into the time he 'mJ* > 1 Jan kin s cab. I'll t out a a: ran:. an 1 hi i e«*t him si rai*ht >lT ro hi covriM t>. The 1*» dlictloli of t !te public debt dining .Tuh w i> $ i I«M>.Hiti I wiil puv cadi fu ai } juantit} OI ra r s. H. A. Mi i.itu i.. i l 11K iiKV. «KO 11. of Boart>on, 1 n«1 . says : "Both iii\m-:i him) wife i»w«* i-iir" live- t> Mlli.nil-s (i\ 1 sr.MI'TION rt'llK " F..i - !.• \s Dr. ■ I'eeple*. A I!K >l M AI?K »» i-i i.t1.1. i>\ I»■!iyes tion, l'oii?»tip«ti«'H. Di'/it e—, !,«>-- f a |«)►**- tit«-, Yell«»w **kin7 Miiiol, s ithh/»-r a dositive cure. For sale 1»\ Di l'i eplo. WHY WILL Vol' ei.ii»|. wlieii'M.'ilTirs Cure will yiv * immediate n-li.-t Price 1" «t- , .*i)et>a Mi If 1, t\ Dr. IV. pit silll.o -s (■ VTA »' i:n I; K MID V—a positive cure for ('atarrli, Diphfhiria and ('anker Mouth. Koi -n'-- In T*« « j I^. ELEGANT and USEFUL » | omm * = t fis^ 4 'i ; *! ■* O # ; v, • Jy ■ »»•- •#■ «M«* M 4 A U W V W** *4m t WW ' »• ' ** V W~ * «(* V M , IVITH iNLEriINLIEM "''PI ' \ t ■'!,'S X A*i. ■7 O IiOOKt C'P AN V liy II .11 . a si ri i:i: ri:F>KNT. JNVAi t*A. t.K I» lawjern, Clergymen, r)iv«lrl»n«, l\lit«r*, Hunker*, I #•»*«• lien. Merchant*. >«Jiiilrnli», and a »' or»a ! I . CHEAPEST! STRCNCEST! BEST! Ma-'.e of Iron, f . , rrnamentitii n, it ..• t * «r| .'• » • get lt of o-'irr. or on* i> ' •'. * -w |] ' J ]6 »ol« sire •{ A;* 1 ' .1 ' • ilol.i mwre books 111 ies» sjiai e tliau ar.y 'r ' No 1, Ft'l »Me, th \i I*-r of l'> . RIO.OO " 2*. *• " tier* • 12 >«» "2, " Floor, > o •« «• j1 no " 3, " " " 3 " " I.VOO " 4, " " " 4 " " 1* OO 'I he best s './e f irj' -.r:..' r. SV.ipped, car*' j V• ' ' • ♦•! ». .SATIS! A' li l N" lit. T>ev-:;>ti\e j - - ' ? -••• ;•- I"re*. Illllftt r;tt«*l (' it iliv , • * *- 1• 1 ••n«-1 > Miid Novell ie«. : «a * « - A-'«»X.U-W.l K~ . . .t. ... w J., 7 Bond £!r~o\ v /. N. Y, > m *3-=*i ■■■■■ r~ ' *v* 9-* i — S v - j 1 Z. Z 3?: m £: S. = Sa-:-fe^s^n£^SS - - z•* " Z i 'Z— ~ ■ re. - O*.Sj.- —.B C T»- -aq -5 * z~-s i = -i-= * ,£T -4 = L f\ UI 2-Ira H pr» - —I- ~ h •5- - = ~ ;r s*c = 1 s = " ?1I IllJlf|f » S ■- b~ -z2 " - i —~— "* ?K3/ riU = so

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