-rmmur+-o*-+•***■-i ■mmm ■ wur■ win wmmmmmmx n J I —■« 1 1 TIE HICKORY FAIR. = InteresTins, Inspirim. Intsrnctire. 4 A GPAND STCESS FP.CM ALPHA TC CMT/A 3 LIST OF PREMIUMS. G DEPARTMENT A. ; 304. Brst sample corn in ear — R. L. Shuford. $1 00 i' 10. 2nd bjKt sample corn in rar —J. F. Moore. .50 130 Best fearu i »]* corn for 4 bread. Cicero Cline. 1.00 1 830. 2nd best sample corn for bread, H C. Killian. .50 2 303. Best bushel white wheat, Mrs. I). \V. Rowe. 1.00 3 321. 2nd best bushel white wheat, Abel Iluitt. .">0 ] €O5. Rent red wheat, Win. Winkler. 1.00 1 571. 2nd best read wheat. R. L. Shuford. .50 2 40k Bent corn meal, R Voder, 1 'K) 400. 2nd best corn meal, R. Yo- 1 der. .50 ! 413. B« st squashes- Mrs. S. A. 1 Haw n, .50 . 357. 2nd best squashes, H. G. 2 Seitz. .25 4OH. Best buckwheat, R. Yol, r, .50 f 407. 2nl 1 est. buckwheat. If. Voder, .25 ' 4 507. B t ci'.tcrseed (red), R L Shuford. 2.00 4 320. 2i d 1 >' t clover seed, Abe' Iluitt. 1.00 1 351. B» ->t sweet potatoes. Ivi he i law n, 1 >o »' 757. 2nd L»* st s\\ ee t potatoes, A P Mill. r. .50 5 si;i. 1» st MJgM' b I I S, G. (. Benniwell. 1 .00 :• 503. B( st pumpkins, G. C Bon niwell, 1.00 I 3SS. 2nd 1n st pumpkins, (ieo. Daily. .50 * ;»i I. I> st field peas, It. L. Shu ford. 1.00 357. Best oats, H O. Seitz. 1 00 573. 2i.d best red oats, R. L. Shuford. .50 , 505. B« st rye, Robt. Forney. 1.00 784. 2nd best rye, R. Yoder, .50 405 Best burr mill flour, R. Yoder. 1.00 401 2nd best burr mill tloui, R. Yoder, 5u 311. Best roller mill flour, A Y. Simmon. 1 00 312. 2nd best roller mill flour.' A. V Simmon. .50 271. Fx st bright tobacco wrap pers, J. H. Trollinger. 1 00 275. Rest mahogany tobacco wrappers, J. H. Trollinger, 1.00 272. 2nd best mahogany tobac co wrappers, J. 11. Trollinger. .50 i 1 12. Best bright tobacco fillcis, ;. L. Icard. 1.00 274. Rest bright tobacco smo kers, J. H. Trollinger. 1 00 273. Best blight tobacco cut ters, J. H. Trollinger. 1 00 352. Best display leaf tobacco. ,1. 11 Trollinger. diploma 100. Best sorghum cane. T. C. Garland. $ 107 Best cotton stalk, J. C. Garland ' 13S Best \ellow corn. Cicero Cline. ' 1-00; 30S. 2nd best yellow corn. H G. Seitz. 50 772. Best lot melons, 1' C. HHWII. r, ° 4(H). Besi citron melons. Geo F. Herman. - 1 DEPARTMENT r» 122. Best loaf bread, Mrs. V. A Yo.ler. * r>o 47. 2nd best loaf bread. Miss Emma Ingold. -' 1 123. Best light rollf. Mrs. A A Yoder. *' ll 3y5. 2nd be.st light roll*. Miss Jane A. Killian. - ) 125. Be>t corn bread, Mrs. A. A Yoder. - 42. Best butter. M. Bollinger, 1.00 4IS. 2nd bewt butter. Mrs. S. A Hawn. * 5O IS. P>'-st lard. Dr. Johnson. .50 2f Y7 2nd best lard. Robt. Forney. .25 4: »3. Best lot of barns. Robert Forney. -25. Of >5. Rest single cake. Mi-s Florence Martin. 25 41 >l. Best sample honey, IT G. Seitz. 50! *3. 2nd be«t sample honey, F. T„. Herman. .25 , 17. Best sample dried fruit, Mrs. S. A Hawn. .o0 ;i 2nd bert spmple dired fruit Mi>s Candace Rowe. .25 j *7 Rest sweet pickles. Mrs. R. ;j 1 W. Johnston. 50 : C( 17 Best sour pickle-, Mis A A Yoder. 50 0 i 17 Best jar pickles. Miss Flor- once Martin. 20 tn 10 Best varieties of jellies, 8 j kinds, Mrs E F Wakefield, 50, m 20 2nd best collection jellies, Mrs A A Yoder. 25 140. Bst lnigrst quanity jelly, Mrs Cicero Cline. 25 . tt 50 Best jellies, G varieties, I . Mm. (>. M. Royster. 20 10 Best fruit, G vaiieties. Mrs . A A Yoder. 50 tt Best fruit butter. Mrs J • tl Weisiger. o0 c( 22 Best samples canned fruit, S \V Hamilton. 50 ■ P J 50 2nd be.-t canned fruit, I. ink. McComb & Co. 2~> . 02 Best cider vinegar. Mrs t; ('andace Rowe. 50 11 Best scrghum syrup, Mrs S A Hawn. 25 ; t Is Rrst native wine, Mrs J . . 11 eisiger. «>0 | 01 2nd best native wine, F L ->- Si Herman. '-> 55 B-st blackberry win>. M L Cline. 50,;; 10 B It sample countd [>each es. Mrs I>r Whiteside. 50 N - o 17 2nd best sample canned peache-, Mrs J Wei>iger. 25 j' ISO Best loaf bread by girl un der 12, Miss Nora Shuford. 50 j 1 ' s DIU'ARTM FN t C. i 1 J 5. Best exhibit of apples. \\ . 1 L K liiiu-. J?1.00 i i'» 3. 2nd best exhibit of apples. , 1 H. G. S'it/. 51) • 17. Best exhibit of pears. W. L. Killian. .^2.00^ 789. P»t-t lax f fruit j t tiees, (1. 1\ ' '••rinan. ?2 00 i j 10. 2nd trees. \N L Killian, £l 00 r»O4 l.c st disj lay of grapes, F L Herman. 50 ( 7r.7 l»est sample of apples. J F Jarret t. 25 i 304 2nd best sample apples, Mrs Candace Rowe, -*> ; I DEPARTMENT 1». 757 Best hand-made jeans. Miss Anna Raby $ .50 341 2nd best hand-made jtans. Mrs. Able Seitz. 214 Best hand crocheted sack. Miss Anna Stewart. 50 411 2nd best hand made blan* et, Mrs E C. Raby 25 347 Best cotton coverlet. Mrs. Dr Johnston ;, 0 101 2nd bent cotton coverlet Mrs. \\. P Reinhardt 2 > 260 Best hearth rug Mrs. Dr. Whiteside 50 205 2nd best hearth r.'g. Miss Ella Geitner. - ;> 754 Best knit counterpane. Mrs. Win Johnston. 50 055 2nd best knit counterpane. Mrs. Win Johnston. -o 54 Best crocheted counterpane, Mrs. J. F. Murrill. 50 53 2nd best crocheted counter pane. Mrs. J. 1. Murriil. -•> 103 l>est calico quilt, Mrtt. W. P. Reinhardt. 104 2nd best calico quilt, Mrs. W. P. Reinhardt. -5 652 Best wosrted quilt. Earn est Workers. 4S Best cotton socks. Mis. J. F. Murriil 50 455 2nd best cotton socks Mrs. t M. L. Cline. -5 !05 Best pair woolen «*ock«, Mr*. J. H Lu'z 50 _ 21 2nd beat pair woolen sock?, MiB.-JehW Hawn. 25 j 03 Rest cradle quilt Mrs. J. L. Hitchcock. 50 42 Best toweling, Mr?. E. C. Rnby. 50 (continued next week ) * t I; ;\l'l R!Mi:.M STATION 111 1.- I.KTIN. d ltitnniar> of Content* for tlie I'reM. (J Bulletin No. 58, of the N. C. Ag icultural Experiment Station, Dr. I. B. Battle, Director, has been re cited. Among the contents we no u*e a continuation of a former arti- le describing the lield experiments . . , > n lOW in operation in nme.een conn -8 ies of the State. Details are given ■bowing the size of plots experi nented on. the kinds and amounts e jf fertilizing mgredients used and be exact cost and analysis of the va- ■ ions a]-plications. The result of Ltse experiment- will be looked for vith much interest. t A meteorological summary for j he w hole State for the month as ] .veil as a table showing the state of he weather at various places from •o operating eAscrvers are given by Mr. 11. Mcl\ Baldw in, meteorologist, j I'he importance of good drinking ' .eaters, the value and need of analyz- s ng the waters in use, the interpo lation of chemical analyse-, as well is a table showing the result of ex imii.ation of various drinking wil ier in the State, made by the Experi- , !1 nent Station in the last few weeks * ire given by Mr. R. G. Giissom, As sistant Che mist. All those interf >ted in the Expe riment Station will be pleased to learn that in addition to the new work with cattle and dairy interests, other investigations will shortly be commenced which we are sure will be'acceptable to our people. These additional investigations will be pos sible by rea-on uf the Stations re eoiving the benefit of the Hatch ° Funds from tho V. S-, and will em- t brace Botanical and Entomological investigations under the charge* of experienced specialists. The Botan ical work will include the examina tion of seeds on sale in the St at« . for it should be the duty of the Sta tion to protect the farmers against adulterated seeds as well as adulter- i tcrated fertilizers, for it will be easi ly seen that one can be. practised as well as the other if care is not taken to prevent it. A similar work is annouueed in connection with injurious insects, and tlx ir ravages, remedies for , their prevention. Also identifica tion ot these insects when sent to . the Station, and publication in the bulletins of their habits and growth. ' Publications of the Station will be scut to those desiring them. I*ut>lic Speaklii);. Hon. (.'has. M. Stedmau will ad ' dress the people on the issue of the i campaign at the following times and places: Rutin rfordtou—Tuesday, Octo- , ber Shelbv—Thursdav, October 11 - Liucolnton -Saturday. October 13. . Charlotte—Monday. October 15, ' at night. Concord—Tuesday, October 10. Salisbury—Wednesday, October 17. at night ° Greensboro Thursday, October IK at night. W inston —Saturday, October 20. Durham Mon lay, October 22. at night. Ralei"h Tu« - isv, ( * tober -•>. at P • , night. Goleishoro —Wednesday. Octer 24. at night. All wLo wish to Lear a good rou=- i icg speech go at d Lear Maj. Stead man. > Mr W G Burkhead of the Dur ) him progress, ha* been nominal* 1 for the legislature iu Durham coun ) tj on the Third party ticket. Broth er Burkhead Las |*ot his foot in it 3. bad xcchx neras. Youman and Dunlap'a latest 2apes in fall hats, at Itoyater A: lartin'i*. Hickory. N C. When Mr. Cleveland is re-elected vril} b* the first second term the ►emoerata will ha»e had since An rcw Jackaon was re-elacted. lover seed at Royster's Drug Store, -t Hickorr, N. 0 ■» • Col Polk tells it that there are ow 1,106 organizations of the Far ier's Alliance in the State with a tembership of over 48.000. It i* rowing ail the time. Campagin Badges given way with very $l.OO purchases, at the white pi :ont clothing emporium. Hickorr, N C. 11 pl A The Republican convention of the nth Ohio district has re nominated acob B. Romies for Congress. Mr [urd should try him again. i Yantld. - t: Propositions fur the sale of paper ii ton lots will be received at this •fiice for the next thirty days. Send A amples and ca-h prices. j 1! 1! kpcakiiiu Vpjiointiiunts lor CaUl- II \> ell. r ' 1 lien l»v announce the following « c ippomtments for L. C. Caldwell. •.lector for 7th district : i Catawba—October 15. Conover—October 10 Coons'—October 17. KeeversviJle—October 18. A. A. Sun or! . Chm. Co. Dem Ex. Com. « !" I*nl>lic SpcaKli!};. Ihe Democratic nominees for State Sei ator. House of Repre.-eu• tativesahd county offices v ill addre-s their fellow-citizens on the political issues at the following times and places Maiden, -Wednesday, Oct. 10, 'BB. Shuford s store—Thurs., Oct. 11, 88. Brittian's store Friday, Oct. 12 'BB. Hickory—Saturday, Oct 13, 88 Conovor—Tuesday, October 10. Coons- Wednesday, October 17. Piney Grove—Thursday, October 18. Catawba—Friday, October 19. Crossing, Saturday, October 20. Shaw nee—Tuesday, October 23. Slier: ill's Ford—\V edneselay. Oct. 24. Mt. Pleasant—Thursday, Oct. 25. Olivers" Friday, Oct. 20 Newton Saturday, Oct. 27. Messrs. C. h. Turner, J. F. Murrill, W. i> Gaither, and F. L. Cline and others have been in\iteel and one of them is expected from time to time to take part in the campaign. Every voter is earnestly requested to attend these spea ings. A. A. SIU KOKK Ch.nri I >e-m. Co. Ex. Com. i Clover seed at Hoyster's Drug Store. *2t Hickory. N ' # C ' _l '" » The Lenoir and Blowing Rock telegraph line was completed on the 20th in-t This will be a wonderful advantage to both places. Fall style- now ready at Roy>ter & Martin's white front clothing em porium Hickory, N C You e'an find all the new ai 1 i atty stvle* in men at R .y-ter ai 1 Martin's. Hickory. N. C. V our opiM>rtunlt> . For sale—new two stor, house, 4 rooms on front, nicely finished at.d 1 paiutteii— H room** in all—with lot 100 x 200 feet, adjoining new Luthe ran Seminary. P>est chancy to pur chase a home, as this jroj*rty wi.l • £> S be sold at a «wrinctt. Clink A. Mtrbim ROYAI By POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'J This p»wil»T never v.*ri«•- A i arv« ! of jrity, ?«trrrijr'.h *ml w • •-*«. Morn onornica! than th«' ot.hn.tr> kiixU. and inn»tt I** xtlil id v.itf. th«* niul fu«lt- «>f |o\n !••«!, -tior*. t nann or |M)*||»T .N, ; 01. t, in ,* lIuV L BAKING Powprn « .» .Hi.'.Wal! >t N V. liol4 l(l liOII) f'KOIH ( I >1 I 111* I I. • urr.- t!«v lit.* M • ' > urn it* . . »;••! • -•») 1». ii -r- V.ik. . i V yo( Caai > I'ro.N* ~ THI'IIMi.X V Aui-r .v 53 »*»•! i.«—l>rl*-«1 ;im 4 Ih n- 1* i "> «i' . Hit>» - nll u t , t trrf. n , > * \i t.N . 10 dr* i tt» 1" tA' I.Hi KMU - J! i>N • Y k r " '' - Urn-.!, t M» \ i u.ktth'Mit Flour « ■ rii ' I.K«V» A\. .11*1- uhv, ■ lit-nrnut" ( li»v }.• r !«u •» • i»TT"N—!• .!«■ I. • !' . A • >•••' Hll'kl • f h v. ' ■ H • ilbl) H«ft» M . K'— * i h .1". ■ I'.n .'i - itK vY* . ; I i !-h j r' >i " A "! * \«i !' (••!! ; . K\ I ;• r 1 i 'l m il — 'l' u,t t>* !>• rTT " • ••X t I- ■ . J X \\ |« > *T 't (Tiirg* \\ ! • > i It..J )!»>( I.1111;S. i;i»» iff 2*l >; 111 —\S lilt# ■•«•». ;iU -•> I r—«! Ii h til I*. .} 1" Y«'ltlW k*l«l» ,«r i'!h r, UfiHl.. ; at«»- x i ,ip«T aft or: n,,:• I'orto |j'« u -»».» :» > ir^'i ir! Into!: I'ri.-t'H Hub].* t !?«i • •. r \ i i.n r lioi i.i it i i.t.i .. i Who!. - I*i • - «' t Mil' »!iow ik'- . Willi* ItlMf, '' Hxtr.i ho ■ Li t r.i I nm i U . I Ii IV! core &Co Hickory, IV. C. WK AUK NOW I.« X A TKI) IN TIIK New Iron Front Iluildmß (op posite Depot) jit. ■ 1 ;*!•• !" tt' r | i • | i-'-'l tnan rver to supply tin* of ?:.«■ Furniture Trade Ol'K S'HH'K I s I.Ali'iK ANI> WKI«I* ;i-*orte«l, and a- !>\\ .ii ANY HOUSE IN W N. C. B» 11 >K - A . I. Ny ISA I. LINK «»F* FURNITURE - \VK A UHV TIN CHAMBER SETS, CHINA TOILET SETS. BABY CARRIAGES, FLY FAN'S. MIRRORS. COFFINS AND SUPPLIES. :: PICTURE FRAMES : •* j ; MADE TO ORDER:; WADSWORTH S SILICA PAINT. FOIiMS AN TA 81-K l'Oi;i*K!.A 1 N w riiFA K I.IKK I'OI.- MAKBLK Ot'T-C'OVKILs AM) ANY OTIIK H PAINT, TWO TO o>*K, NO K\ I>K NOW FMU I> IN'»V KAUKD BUILD IN«.>, AI)O!*TK;> r.v THK UNITKD STATES OOV KUN M KNT AKTKP. t»k >K VKRKST tf>r nv TUB NAVY DEPARTMENT AND ARCHI TECT C.LAHK OF IHE CAPITO AT WASHINGTON. CALL FOK PAMPHLET AND CIP. ULAKh AT MIUFoRI* H \HT»WAKK Hirkorr N C.

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