k«:a» thin, CitizeiiMof >iorlli C arolina. Senator is in a very unarnia blf. mood nowaday?, and not a little' of liiK bad humor is caused by tL#- persistanee of the Hon. Levi I'. Mor ton in making him spend manv tliou Hands of dollars in endeavoring to' O carry North Carolina for the liepulj lir-ans. According to a member of the National Republican Executive* Committee this has been the burden of Morton s song ever since the be ginning of the campaign, Mr. Mor ton said some time ago that lie had giveu to tho National Republican committee three times the amount of what his salary as Vine-President wouid be, which is suppo-ed to mean that he has contributed S'JG,OOO in return for this he h;is insisted, an 1 slii. insists, that the full power of t he National Committee shall be used to carry North Carolina. Senator objected at first, but lie could hard ley help yielding to the partC eandtd ate for the Vice-Presidencv ttiid its greatest pecuniary aid. so an oiiergetic Republican campaign ha been canyon m North Carolina. an 1 Senator 4'iay has spent money in that Stat-: whic he wanted to devote to other States. Tin digu>t 'J Senator now "s due to a discovery which he has just made of the reasons which act uate Mr. Morton in desiring to have North Carolina go Republican. They are, in short, that the firm of Mor ton, Bli-s A Co. are holders of what are known as the special tat bonds, which now amount, principal and in terest, to more than S30,0(»0.000. These bonds were issued w hen North Car >iina was m the hands of tue cai pet baggers and it was pretended that they \v iv to 1 e drvoted to the building of certain railroads in the promotion of which Milton S. Little tieid was Iwe chief actor. A special tax was levied for tiieir payment, hence their name. Littlefieid took the bonds, sold them in New mi f,,] thev w ** 1 and d*d not build any railroads with them The fraud was so gro-s that after North Carolina came under the c »n trol of its decent and respcctal»! citi/ens, a constitutional provision was enacted forbidding their pi\- inent unless such be authorize.! by a majority of the \otersofthe State at I he ballod box. Morion, liii-s A Co. bought up these bonds after their repudiat i«ui for almost nothing, and have made several attempts t > collect them through the courts. Te-t suit-linv. been 1 rought in individual bonds m the I nit ed Statt s C'ncuit Court foi North Carolina iu the name o! dum -IU U .S tsho 11 side in North Carohn i. The suits are not brought by Mor ton, lilies A Co . in order to avoi 1 the piovi-ions of theeYventh amen 1- llieu t to the Federal Constitution which forbid, the brin ;ing of a -uit against a State by a res.dont of an other State. >ae of these suits is now p, n ling in the I'nited States Supn :nc Couit, with --lall chances T,ut. even if the suits were to >uc ceil. the collection of the judgment would be ditlicult, unit-- the legi lature. and the t >o\, rnot -ho iM in in favor of pa\in«; 1 ij ' n ,I- Morton us very dc-irou- u> l-w* North''Caioiina go lb ; u; . a:, i there are persons at the National Republican Head piai tei > w.. > ar unUmd euo igh to say th it his man if not hi- >.»le pui p.»« . iu obtaining the Kep ibhcan n uninati »n for il a Vice-Pre>idt i cv. \\u- to be turn- et a bit d to « Ulploy the whole powei o! the pai t v through bis National C m mittee to collect his bonds whicb hi bought foremost nothing after they had been repudiated In oltin ! word-, th it las candidacy i> •: y • rust financial -peculation, m whirl he u-es th« Republican ] a tool to accon-.p.ish ni-end- It the lb pnb.it ar.- wti to caj t u;e Noith Carolina at :hi- elevn >! vf colli -e tuat won .•. to. w. t,i u . r.l 1 , K R ' >j: e I ht* 1 Uit - tin ' PRESS AND CAROLINIAN. OCTOBER it would give a Republican Govet nor, a Republican Suprf me f Court, and a Republican Legislature Much may be done with -aid agencies. At least negotiation could be c n 1 2ct-d i ® for tlie payment of money on the bond - And whatever is paid would be likely to be profit to Mr. Morton?! 'One thing which militate- against the -uccf-ss of thi-gigantic scheme i the fact that the I )emorrat- of North Carolina have on' to it. Sena tor Ransom i-abnr to freely \\ it on the stump, and his exposure will finally defeat it. The people of North Carolina do n>t really want to pay for bond- from which they never receive any benefit, and which were i--ued bv whom thev ha v e recentlv driven from the State. Nf>\v ;tn«l Tlii'li. A man was brought i»ef »:e I . l.;f (iiMer.s>leeve in New York city the other day for committing a theft while drunk. Judgment wa- sus pend* 1 -not an unc nuiion or;- ii - renco by any mean—but the Ju Ige said to the prisoner : •'Your trouble i- due to rum, and that is the cause of nine-tenth.-of all ciime-. A\ lien wf have prohihitioi . if we ever do, we shall have only one Judge here and one District \t torney and probably only two or three assistants. They will be able to do all the work. That would be a srving to Ihe country of sTa.noo to sIMO.OOO a year, and of million of dollars to the pei»ple ttiroughout the country, and it would make hap py thousands of families who are now miserable. We offer O.ie Hundred Dol ar- Revvard for anv ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's ('at arah ('tire. F. -I CHENEY A C().. Prop?,, Toledo. () We. the undersigned, have known T. .1. Cheney for the last fifteen v?ars, and believe him peric-ctly hon orable in all bu.sim ss transaction-, and fmuncially abl - to earn- out any obligations made b\ their firm. i ° West iX I s uax. \\ ho 1 t>ledo, V W a ding, Kinnan A Marv in. 'A iio e -iY 1 >iaigL;ill s. '1 »!edo, K II 11. Van !I»es«a:. 'ashler. 1«>1 1 Na'lotial I'in. l'oledo. ( ». 1 Lall's, ( '-•{"! 'lite is tak> n if *' ■ - nu!!v. acting directly up m the bloo 1 ' and nine i- ,i ' the svstem. l'rict . 1 7">c. ]"•! b ctle. Sold by all drug gies 40—it i Tlit* Nortli Statt* .wc-V» il«'l>. The State ville Lan linark say-: •*A per-on of the name oj l. u- is running for I'ougn -s in thi- di-tnct on the R« i»nll 4 n• tn t • k•t ii. I the (ireen-boro North State tnaims that he will be e.»ete,l by ».>" majtuity Whv not claim soim-thing worth i talking abcit ' It would have been 1 just a- eii-v to have ?-aid J ( L )f et)in-e the Noith Stat'- vva-> iH'->ing and it ! .;--♦{ ti •* truth nllfre than a !> 11 > i.• 11 i- al■ •u, tin way the N. S. s m •' its 'lssCl t 1' ns. t I lie I KfHUll. \\ »- 1- arn tl it i 1 • ' was s li-- ■ tin bance aftei -iv ice w..- o\ f r i.t ' W an; r i i d Baptist chur -h. on ] > if' 1 nist Sunt! o . in tw et-u s, -,» rii o! t' .e citi/ens of that i!t igliiiorho. 1 A little too much wi, i-key aboaid wa • {he i ill-f of all the t! lb'e M-! - gaui >n stai. Hr.icf 1 p. f \ J A ' ■ » • t'l -s, ,'. \ ; ,i" ' * ■_ -• ■ • \ ! i•. ' ! w • 1 ! i i t ' M v • ■ i i-. .i* *! w rtv t ~ • - , • . i v j,. • i.'. tw t >t; .a- - l •',' t. ,\ i . s, \ :♦/ r> \\ ' ti.i. •• fr : ;r !• t - a \, r\ ' ,v 4 \ ; sfc\ mi I .v!i s* u , '.lt • villi f'T .1 : ' rtr, .i . ' I *1 >mV- Il 111 V* «•!>«• «'• at . !tl» ' ■ I»»I * ■' } vtii.lis .' r .t' v t d t i ii r v>. . : s; a .t ;i • y -i ' •* ' 1. » .t «! . k a-. > - :«--t > ■ ■ •:. ' w . t ' ' j' - i i K ■ 'r»' I'» it-* - o» ' >ij \ i , • - th• i" 1» v «•'. r - .>; j V? f Col. t»nt (ifiieral Docki rj, oir esteemed contemporaiv. the Laurinburg Exchange, remin U u >f an alrn.o-t forgotten j/lorv of t • o o • -ha!e-fai mer cf the brawling Pee Dee. It says : **A- Col. Dockery was eouirijis-i n * ] a Get;ej tl in the Holden Kii t : war. he ought to bo called General Dockery. D« rnocratic bretbr«*n ol the ]>re-- an 1 -peaker-. d >i. t ign u e the General's prop-T title in i. f. : * n: e to L:m. 'r> Dockery, tiie top of the pot to you. Like the Eat her of hi- country, you are fir-t in wai. fu.-t m peace, and fust iu the hearts ot Par-on Walker and the "ni '■' r O paity,' as you call it—W'iimingten HELP IN TIME CF NEED. V, ■• n • •' 4 * e i - A • \ vn. r • rr. Lx'.er ; : • & ... "** * ' I ■ tc-i*i ni. * t * I■. x : v r *r . •». x •J' - \S ar i .V- • , : - -I* n • - «..i. - 1-r t-r % .»• 1 b* -* a sufferer f" m i ancn n P 4 NIP P » j) y• a .. a y u or>e ur.t.l 1- '.uv r - . ; • vrv ' • ■ • I 1 t' with ■ 11. - y J . r.. . I .v - e i • lilood D.ilm. n. 1 at ■ a:. 1 i v« in i ' ' ■' v - . ' • ■ ir nv 1 .-1 'imorv. I .nt mv t>o much ii. its praise." A. 11. Morris, i'ine Li Ark , writes: i : , rings faileder.ti: Iv to cure m»»• -t s«?v -rai ten. '•, in. -I at run:.!. u'. -*3 on r. v i ... . w.\i v I . .t- . i : - ~ \ _r a! >i ct >:•» also atten . * ■i to cure :.. • but failed, 1 HOT SPRINGS ' 7 fj , V; (n.arl" in Atlanta. CI a.) ar. I ; t!i.■ I -n truly r. ir- il ..iter in.;, aj p :tite and digestion good. I steep soun i!y, at.-i r. -verf«-1t better. D-ctors t '. ! n.e that I could nt u- i.i-rei. 1 ; ' r to every t. ; ".ant or' i r i nal man of Pine Dluff- on ■ interest i w!»o dcsii to know more about the wonderful n r.t f ii. will ; '.--ase s-: i a '.riss to II .' i n ( At" : ' \ ■ . . : u r tht i'iastr-t I "I:o \\\,i. . rs.* W 'l'lieir lttisiiieHH Hoomi it«:. lhoii 11) i y n> on i ttiin_r 11 a - calls.-il >u-!i a iicral leyival of ti ilc at l»oy-t-r'.s I >rll_r -roj as t r«r o\a> to t'.*i: '"is* - ilt'l s (if s ) in ('| y 11 1 ] I,»t 'o it tit'- of I) * K nk*s Xevv Ilisfovt'iv f»r C'onsumption. I i! •:i 11 ii'lr is -iinjtly ciioMii 'iis i 1 hi- \ •i > \.i u.i 1 »1« • a:' if • 11 out t:,«• I act that it ,i w ty v in - . ; ; in-\ ,| th. ,t-. ■ c«»l,l. As'htna. 11! »n«*t. it" ("n»nj». iiml.il llnoat aid !imu tti-t-a-es .jui k!> fiiif*'. Vol, caii tf-t it befoii' Ih.\ i 4 by 4- t'iiia' a t! ia! !>'>n !•• t: t «*. !ai-■ s /-?l. »-i'' but tlf v, :U! ill it i .1 It is sal I th it W> 'dell lio-t- treilt •d a- follow'.-, at a o*-t «>f t\\> eeuit.- apifce, will hi-l -o that the par ty adopting the n;eth»d will not live to st e hi- post - in decay. 1 akf hoiled lin-eed oil. ami -tir m pu.vur i/e I cliaicoal t» the cuns>t» n. - y of pai t and put a c it ovi-r th »tin'■ r lliukloi's Vrnica S.il\f. Ihe -t Silve in the woi.'d for Puts. P»rui-e-, So'.-. 1 If i- . S'llt pheui. I•■ ♦ r See-. IV'trr, lij ie 1 11 tu 1 . b l olain-. » rn-'. .in-; ,11 Skm I'll ~ptl«>i.-. Hi 1 pt • -:i v y ; ui' s t'i i'■! no j ,ty itjin . d i' s ,»v is i»:t. . i r i _iv•• t ' rf •*t- at i-- f iclion. or n. >ney letun h t I'r.f -a o nt- t'i r 1 \ i v K.\ s:. ;. 1 * Consumption »*tiic-l> t uriil. 1 To TifF. Ml 1T"I. lsC . y« Lir 11 ills that I hav •• a j osjtlv rern» 1 v f. i th'* al« \ »*d i ai:.» 1 tl.s ■ ise. ll\ i'- timt .y u-c thoj^and.- if ho pelt s~ c t -« s \ l ,i\f I»» ♦ . j 1; . ■!. ently '■ lit ] I - .' 1 S•«' r ' t1 I" sef.• l two bottle- of mv remed\ ihti t(» ai. > vi voui reader- w iiO iiav « «»n « sumpti- ti ii they w,.. s, ij 1 rut- men ' •\j.i >s an ' p '.st til «:i ■il♦ --. Ik' -1 ■ t' . - . r \ >! * ••. M « *»1 Pt HI 1 >t . N»-W \« | (■■TO STOPPED FREE M Smcy~^m I I ■! 'tie- P-'i-m ■ | KLINE S GREAT m NERVE mm for i |«r«( i ll .»%»** • * v rr 1»• - . » * T • * ♦ '**• f ■ a *9 * * • ' -g * I * »*• * /r * &lr % - * •r *,« i >* %« • *«. t « i * m * \ / » • >«« . « » ' 14 « . M A « y j */. A Mv Poor Back! J That's t'." mm n n lutiti nof • ntfl ring wkh r! or !a either *sc Pabi *s Celerj C Ofx uni *ill Mtrt• "• t » or, ari ! theft .. * J any cau-- * r k- I!.- r» !- ' •* Cu:.';r: • . i« - •* -• v «■...?.• . /»-■ nor t—i i i * •■. -■ : wfi;/ liijv. ' " lia - . „ - .r: :: iti-rn I * U: :-e \r\r- , to get • \«-v on have ■ ' n- s . r -j® !- Having «**rn Paine *s (V! :•• Com fswd advotiM I ban u-r-1 n.! « • .f -v' *e and ar . * "> 1 * j . a.. . Url lively a.* .i ■ • 1 rank '*r .1 ■•. N" v ; * $ ->\ - . . : V I r > S ) 5 s: V »' i I.M"S . M P.U > WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. M. M kh>H »N , I'r. - I». w >h i uu, a-' .1 N Jcst.v A-- t C.i»h IUMvOF IIl(M\()HV, HICKORY, ISI_ O. _ + _ ___ RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to PAYMENT on DEM AN u DISCOUNT NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE ON UNIED STATES AND EUROPE. Ilnu (me of Hie lii\l hi.rslur rr.'"f S.ifiv in Wfvtirii Virlli Carolina. y I > | »-it \*.i r.i - toi .->*' •• 1 : v t • . i. •- I > . - ( . , 'iili .lti l' Ii M! I t»«'k - SANITARY CLOTHING. HEALTH WAISTS, UNION UNDERGARMENTS. SKIRT SUS PENDERS, S T '~ ' 'NO SUPPORTERS. All M)r!» of H«-a!tlt- . i m», ai rtn!'• Family lllcctrir liat(eri«» *- ... . Uutrr ua«l Lii\alHi%' « of overjr !•>» riptioi? S£ ?» 4 " CiHCULAd.i SAN 3 TAr SUPPLY CQ~» BATTLE CPF.EK, RI!CH. HEALTH~KOOiSS for nl! - kit i|'iali.), und rr:is»tu:il»l in jtri. r. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. SANITARY FOOD FOR INFANTS. and ciini Cholera Infantum. The cli autl tin »h-»i hi ilih market, SANITARIUM FOOD CO., BATT! E_CREEK. MICH. | Shovels, Spades, Forks and Hoes. » THE BOSS TURNING PLOV/S AT " ji 53.50. I' I! \" l> SI'.l.L All"' i N I I I I AXES. HATCHETS AND KICKEL PLA IED B NAIL HAMMERS 7 be. j j 1; \\|i mi i.i; >!iti:s. n T \\ii>. \Mi tiii: B CI INT'.'N" H . I!o]M; SJI"!-: \ ■j v/orci'.vorth's Paints, Linseed Oil. I Tin IPjv r r IST VE, i 1 • i>2 I J ALSOOURSI2.49CO KB'! '/ HJ. I \y V 7 TT? '> A T'.-'-R T' O R t » . I ■ i> J h->' v.- ■ ' SiS'JFORD HARDWARE CO., A i i • S i r«*» t. 11 i• k' •i y. N . I J. W Mc MIL.LI AIM, r« r ' •' * • »V"V v "*» '*" * I 'l'l'l* I. .! " . A * A A ' »*»»«'« k ' " *» .411 i. J « HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA. U«> !>K VI.1'1! W\'l HK- « !•>• K- IIWIII'.V - H.I I' -II \K l: \N I» >iJA tI: t' 1.11 i 1 I J • HK \l jl tKT i i.' i ' ' SI'K(TA( Ll> AND l-'A I>:. ' _. v t . . v , * I. • - f-t i \*f 'H RKPAIIUSii \ S.PK4 I Vf.TV 4KW }i\ \\ \i x } I l ' i i 1 ' * . t»v" I' %1 i * i* • I »♦!''»'. , \ | i»\ \| \|♦ i- ]'(i *»i11 m ; o.* M, > : i,\ *"■ > • * 1 a f * * . . . • 4 i - '-'l ' 3

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