4 O: ip.'c.vO C u-oiiui.-m. •: ■»- « \kmi.lM • • » T!J I li- 11' ■ »'rinr ?«r « •••«! •IBv. -(■:••»- ; SI • - f:: tTI v ' - H !*• A V » i i I . n: " ? 1 ■ Mr. - I' W j. r Mrnnir.i.. - r.mxoH l.fi' •i« !• ' ' - !' II- '• •• N ' r * h K \ 'l I( IICKI.T. /■V;/; /'A'/>//>/•; A"/': (JkoYKll ( IJ.VKL\ND. of M • •. ' ' j '/A' \H /•, /'A7>/ bi.ST : Af.i.cv a 'i nniMA.v Of ')'!!'». w j v'i > i»? if \tic i icivi. r. / /* '/ (■ i»rrT- fi 7" -v.'f.r . , r \\ , "j " / /," • 1 1 '■ /■ /' /■ .■ i hum v s ?.r iff >r. r. mi \x -M ' N !'. / ,| /• .1 ■ t - s /«, / ' ,///•' Jr ,f I) \\" • i i RAM.J IV. •jami.s j:. s7]i;l , hi:ki), 01 liIT \ f l • f. \ I I'MONSO (' WF.ItY. "i UJ'i.i r. V •/ ' ■'./■•/ • •' .V , ; W M 1 SA I \ I)I ImS. i i ■ >i:\N'ii Inn , : f >»>\.\ \A) \V. MAIN'. n| \V \K K. / s '/ ■ / / / it i, • / ( j j• > till ■ / //- '/'// // // SJDXKY M. i INCiKIi, ' ! VI AV, i. /■•//• Iff n ii y(t /n i'nl ' HI-;n!)()i;K I\ DAYIDSOX. ill i;; 'm >m i• 1 . /'■'/' . I H lift),' .■ i. W. SAXDKMJX. ' : F W.UNL. /-, / 1 rt 11 /'. I'll)' till' S f lit. /f # A. Mc W ADDKI.L. in N ! ' \ 11 ANOXIC. J . X STKIPWI('!v. i»r ok\N;r. s" . '// /'" V/ ; .!}! »X s HKXnr.KSOX. (ll' ];i t\\ \\. y • • /' ,„/;,// /•;/,,+>,• s, bistri.-t : L. r. CALI)\M:LL. ■ r 11. >»«» N(uro >lii>;i>traU , s, Tin' K j>ul»liraii ]»r»-ss ,-iinl jH'.rsisl is >;ivin^ I!! * * r«' lllv 111U l'«' 111 L! T >II I.MU'is t: .i 1 in 11!•' St;it rn >\\ t linn i li.i ' 1 un]ti- t hrir f;i vor ilr plan of conn 1 \ II MM H . Si';)ii'> • 1« * 111« I U.-l I'l'- \ til." it 11«*l_l I' (»«••>. lui \ o In'l'll •• j 1 { *i Htll ♦ 1 • ] ra tcs 1»\- tin- Si at •* 1 K.'imm rati«- (i >\- • i aiu«ir . lit* >a vs : "1 1»vl >;il«• in iviiiLi'that ilioiv i> ''i >■ a ni'Ui t» .1 nstir 4 >l tli«: l'i 4 a- «■ 11• > 111 ili!_i* :i cMiimis^it>n •n \« »rt li "ar« >!in;i nnl» 1 it• \> a - aj»j m »ii i! • . 1 ain 1 «• »m in i>- SJI»II»M1 1»\ ;i !I• • j»n 1* 1 i • all \ 1»-rk • it* t h»' 4 'Mirt. 1 h»'\ )ia\'i» t ht* rinli' '> ai»p >int . .-it ain «ii riitn>t iiHiv aii.l 1 i,i \«• a j»} »* 11 att'«i •-« in.«' n» ■- »•■>. \ ' i >»\ i'i ni M. 1 11a \• k n«'\'i' a ]» j •« »in T»m 1 nnv lait w liit c liifii Wi' ill)n' t - x: HfpuM - r;iii >| *« a i\» ; - - 1 T» 1 j» 1 lira ii»•> in t iii> i • ■-j »• i t I»nt \\*• j»ul»ii>ii thi> "m> that cur iVifiids ma \ Uin »nn tin* t rut h ami art a»r«l liiil v PIiESS AND CAKOLIXIAX, OCTOHER 25. \ I.a-t \V«>rcl To i»r«»l>il»iti«»iii-'t-,. As ih' 1 *nni}>airn draws to r war«N its clos** wo ha' a la> f word t«»say to our friends and l»n j thr'ii of tlrnpn)!iil)i -tion ]»ursuation. wlio lean t >wards th* * third j»art v. r* ►lt * h i vi' always i-nd- avoivd r o do our wholf duty, and , not shrink from it now. \\ »* hav»* |»rot«.'>tfd th»* nomination ol drunkards l»y th»* Di'inorratio party, ai.d \\«* would now warn IV'iuo cratic Proliiliitionis? s not to aid in tlm flf'M-tion ot drunkards to important State offices. oil say. and wc do not doubt mat you feel, that you are not doii»«r that wli«*ii you vote for tlie third party, hut we think yon are. Tin-re is not a third pa rty man in t he State who helievs that ticket will 1m ■ elci - t«*d. I lie I)»'inoi rat ic or the Republican ticket will he elected, and the pr>- hibit ion 1 democrats ha vet he jmjwer to say which one sha 11 be. It twenty thousand. »r peril aps a less number, of democrats desert their old friends and \*ote !>i 1 lie thir 1 jiariy the Republican 1 icket will be elected, for but very few Repu I>l jca Us w ill fail t 1 vote t heir regular old ticket this year. There is a eil'ort a nionu'ihe Rejaiblicans this year than for many years before. They are spending more money to carry this elertion this year in North Carolina than ever has been done ill one ejection . If you. prohibition l>cino icrats. in any considerable number, deseit your old friends, we are beaten, and t here is no use t > hide the fact. Will you do it? If you do. what sort of man will you elect over (>lll* own eunity man. Maj. S. M . Fin der. to be Superintendent >f . Public Inst met ion '! We do . not know him and on 1 v re ' pea t w hat a member of his party told us. that "lie drinks too much whisky." If a Republican admits that one of their candidates "drinks too much —where do you think a prohibition democrat will find him? an \on abandon the inter est of your children in a well superintended school sys tem by aidinu't o ele'*t a man t hat his own party men say "drinks too much ?" \\ e h(>pe not I" I• nt there is vet another important elei tion ] >♦ •n 1 iuli. in which all arc in Vre>tc 1. whether ell Ihilt >s or the la t her » o lua li \ . Wei ielieve the Auditors (»f| ici • i- «»t vastly n.ioi •• import a lice in the t a \-pa \ et> i»f the Sta t» than tlie (iovernor St-e Section •»•>.)o (i; the ('ode for proot »t our assitt ion. Read i-\er t lie li-.; »f ni>>t imix»rt - I an' duties imp >s»ml >n the Auditor and ask. voursolvos ii yon can ath»rd t» aid in thf elect ion •>f a dissipated unl extravagant J >»TS()ll to this office. Will you throw away your vote and allow the Republicans to elect a man - to superintend the fiscal concerns of the State." who. liffjuisc of drink, has failed to superin tend liis own fiscal f-oinmis? Can yon trust a man to make **a detailed estimate of the expenditures to In* de frayed from tie' treasury lor the ensuing fiscal year." w ho has never been able t> est;- mate his own expenditures l' >r (me month ahead V Will you li»*lj» to elect a man •• I\» Miggest plans tor tlie im provement and managenient of t he public revenues." who never has improved or prop erly managed his own reve duties ot the Auditor and ask yourselves it you can af ford to allow a sober, iudus trious business man like t lie Democratic candidate for Audit>r to be def'eated I»\ -j • the man the Republicans ha ve on their ticket ? W"i 11 yon fail to vote against a man whose brother Republi cans say they will not sup port, and regret was] placed on their ticuet? Remember 1 hat vour candidates cannot be elected, and vour vote for ' him is taken from the I)emo ! cratic candidate foriAuditor. * Rev. (i. W. Sanderlin. a sober man and a business man. Rrother Prohibition ist, tliink calmlv of this mat •• ter before you act on the (>111. of November, and may the I rent Ruler of men and 11a t i ms guide your act ions. Kdui-atiou. 11l 1 S(>S tlie State govein nlent passed from t lie hand of the 1 >einocrat ic party into possession of the Republi cans. The professors at the Fniversity were driven >ut upon the world, and men put ill their places because of their Radical politics. The effect was disastrous. File people refused t»> send their sons there, and the 1 niversity was close* 1. The ( omnioTi School Fund, diminished by the results of t lie war. w hid. had dot roved t lie banks in which much of the fund had 1 >een invested. was vet a la rue one when tlie Republicans took possession of it. In the t h fee yea l's ( I their absolute control they s)ld »Ut t lie st H'ks ill the Wilmington A Welf«m and Wilmington A: Manchester Railroads i sr,l>i» nun i. .• it.»] in the ( ape 1 ear Na vi gat io i i i (iinpaiiy i».~o -barest— tor what reason nothing in the Act >f -ale indicates—and in vest e«l the proceed** ill "spe cial ta x bonds." They squan dered m t lie sa ur• ways 1 u.» 000 »t iiimey j-erei vei from the I nited State- LiOVern ment fu*educational purpos es. and were 011 the point ot selling and in like manner wasting the proceeds »t all the lands in Fastern North Carolina belonging to the 1 uud. I he scht >c>ls were prac tically closed during their term (>f ] M >w(*r. The reports of Republican Superintendent S. S. Ashley and Republican Auditor Henderson Adams show the following facts: Tliat for tin*part of the fis cal year during which the Republicans had power tliers was not a dollar of the literary fund spent for teach ing: that during the fiscal year ending September 1 m there was spent nit of 1 _ the educational fund si C> ~ liis.l s : that not one dollar of this large sum was spent in teaching the p ( orehildren of the State, white or black. t(> rea d or to write ; that the Republican Fegislat ure-t ook sir»s,(HM> of that amount and divided it among its ) # members under 1 lie mime >f per diem at ST a day : S:J. M M > was "loaned to the Radical Fniversity ] rolessors, and the balance of the SI C>T.O)> is charged to "expense ac count." •• I hiring t lie lical year end ing September INTO, there was spent out of the educational fund S-jo:>. H 1 > 1. as ((> 11 ows : I .•••-• .. i|| \p,. Ji f l.Vt.f,! D.OIt Kxp»-iim» i-oiiitt 2.01J on Poll ';i \ 1 • II i nl*. I II ', I*i I '.I il ro i•' - of >i IK >O!S . ] v> I.' iiit'i! • o r>|jvi-r-ot v 1 i.('iM> ti i I .on iH-ii in t in* I if iip i l>m;i! \k ' 1111 i imm i * i l l Tut ;ll 111 "I The investment in Special Tax Ronds ot course proved an entire loss 4they were wort hless w hen bong ht .) Not one-fifth of the whole amount expend* d was ap plied to the public schools. hit of two hundred thous and dollars expended lcs" than thirty-nine thousand was paid for teaching. And this S'iS.UiS 1 is the to tal amount of the money ex pended for popular educat ion during the whole term of Republican rule. I hiring the whole period of Republican administration, whilst mill ions ot dollars of taxes were wrung from the suffering people for purposes of waste and wirs" than waste, not one cent of tax was leviet 11 >y the Ileueral Assembly for thesupport of public schools. So much for our omil m SCIHM> 1 S UNDER RE JI Übl i CA n rule. The poor children in the State want no more Rc publican inanageiuent ol t he scinx»l fund. I,et fa t hers and 1»i »t her- see to \ heir in terest and keep the rascals out. Hut 111' Will. apt. I' F. I.oveil an ap preciated working Christian a- w« 11 as a noi »i 1 I >eua » rat. \\ lii!" he was attending ( on tere 11 1 ''J la -1 eek t lie 1»i n U|e Faterpri-e. dtej».» sai« 1: *■ t apt. Fovill is expected ti day from Coiifei-ence, and if he i> assigned to Watauga. we h»j»»• he will n«»t I'uni meiice his ajipointments un til a ft* r the eject ion." No doubt you hope he w ill n«>t • miinencf till after tle* elect Ml but he w ill. More* Vetos, Cleveland's •• back hone " keeps strong against the Re publican raids 011 the Freas urv. He vetoed and returned to the Senate three private pension hills last week. One was vetoed on the ground that the beneficial y having been a soldier's widow had remarried and had a husband now living": another because the art ion of t he Tension I »u --reau upon her application irives the beneficiary a much larger um than this special act : and a third 1 »erause the soldier upon whose service the claim origininated died / from causes not connected with the army service. l>v the time Cleveland fills out his next term he nil have learned the Republican party that this government is 1 something more than a { > n sion bureau, for the special benefit o! dead soldiers, their widows ami successors. \N e pray that his mind may keep clear, his heart pure and his --hack-bone * strong till his glorious work is done. What a man he is? Tliey All "Chip In " Republican speakers ami newspapers are much exer cised about t'levland giving: slu.ooo to the Democratic campaign fund, but t hey nev er say a word about the much larger amount Levi R.Mor ton has given, and is con stantly replenishing to the fund to try carry North Car olina for the Republicans. Nor do they say a word about arncgie. t he man who made Si ..~OIHH)> clearprofit last year from his iron and steel manulact uring. t he man i ... who accompanied l»laine in his trip through Scotland, --with his c>ach and four in hand." has contri but e 1 SII II MHII) to the coiTU| »t ion fund of the Radical party, iii order to perpetuate the high tariff. Re« kless and badly in forined Republican .speakers say the Mills bill is ver\ j leasing to "Ireetrade' KulT land. Perhaps our old mot her i- e«pmll\ happy at .->«)! lie parts o{ t lie Sel.a t e 1 liJ j. "t )pium. crude, or unman ufactured. | >:• smoking, is oil the f fee list »t the 1 'cpu h lican t ari \) bill. I he c. ajnt rv lias been gr»an"iig !'» >r t his measure »I reform. CJjjim refused 1» admit opium on any terms, until it was crammed down her throat !»y I '.rit ish 1»a v met *>. i afi it be pos>i Me that ■■ I. ijg!i->h gold iias bought tie- Repui,. iican Senate 11» fa vor t hat art ic 11 • (){ »\H u>i v♦*'' 1»r: *« V j»rodu« t ion ' lor I lia\fr a .of •• :> h•. Ui-'- alio it tliit are dimtged woru.s L I v\ i 1! f r t-L • birto:. A klres*. •J L (An r * 1 -t. (_ t r. S (

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