l\Mumc 10. IT. A. Ml'll II ILL, p O II W C E IK 5. Nen AilverUaemwiitH. Gen'l Meichandise —F. B. ALEXAN DER. Lumber— PHOENIX MVG CO. Cen'l Merchandise— LINK. Mc- CoMB & Co. Furniture—E. & J. E. HAITHCOTK. Drugs—S. S. HAITCOCK & Co. \V" want wood on subscription?. Senator Z. B. \ unce has lost an eye. The wires are being hung for the electric lights. The pfciial j)ortion of the charter of Hickory should bo re written. B > -*d iir oiler on 2nd. i>at/e " I .eni.\ Book- given away.* Mr. 1' A. Grace will commen.ce his \it chip's on the ot'i of F»*b. To every subscriber that "pjivs wo vviii ive it oi ' I i 4 IJ J f' i i i ise n» w-\ ears trade of Piedm nt \\ ■>n (V., has opened up verv pi«niiising. "'.Hvor Hall has arranged the plans for {he new depots with the railroad authorities. Mr. L. H Phillips has opened a Backet Store next door to Bost & Co's beef market. Mr. K. L. Shufoid is on the Northern markets buying goods for Shufo»"d A- Shuford—one price store. A man who has goods to sell and does not advertise is likely to keep t hem. Buyers Lke live men and low prices. Delinquents must pay up till l c t of January 'B9, or their accounts will be put in the hands of a collect ing agency. Tne Senate Tariff bill for increas ing war taxes in time of peace is passed! Groan, sinners, grcan ; Bichmond Times, Dem. Gen. Johnstone Jones, who is an accomp!:*. ■. i newspaper man, is now editor the Asheville Citizen, aud has much improved the paper. Roger J. Page becomes editor of the McDowell Bugl, upon the retire ment of Eilitor G. G. Eaves from the position, who returns to the practice of law. We are informed that Mr. Johns ton, of Happy Home, has opened a beef market for Messrs. Abernethv Bros , in the "Green House." This is a better ooupation than what thai house was formerly used for. i Messrs. B. K. Harris and C. M. White have opened a beef nnrkat neit door to C. M. \\ hite's grocerv ctore. With three beef markets and one big enough to establish a branch house. Hickory beef ought to go down. A new paper will soon be pub I'.shed at Rutherford College, to be called TheJßutherford College Ga zette. Dr. Abernethv says it will be run a year if at'a loss. We can tell him now there will be a loss. Invitations are out for the open ing of the Art Class. The invita tions are general and if any one does not receive an invitation it is an oversight and not intentional. At the opening some examples of free hand drawing and decorative art will be given. Sweet Charity. The appeal of D H. West in :;n other colum should reach the heart of every civilized nation. The next | day after it wns published in the Citizen appeared this: The following note shows that in the presence of human suffering par tisan and sectional bitterness sink out of sight; and affords a fresh illustration ot the true words of the poet: "In faith and hope the world will disagree, But all niadkind's concern is chanty." BATTERY PARK HOTKL, Jan. 24. Mr. Editor:—Will you be kind enough to add the enclosed contri bution of #lO in aid of the poor Con federate soldier P. H. West. LI is story is sad, indeed, and worth the aid and sympathy of all. A NORTHERN REPUBLICAN. Persons willing to help tLis poor man can send direct to him, to Gen. •Johnstone Jones Asheville or to A. \. Shuford, Hickory. Roll ot Honor. Names of pupils who are on the Honor List having attained .85 or more for scholarship and deportment for month ending dan. 2 ( ,h 18S9. FIRST ORADF. Margaret Hail—.os. r> Gertrude Ha 11—.93. Essie Seagle—.9l. Errol Hay—.B6. Flora Latta—.Bs. SECOND ORADI. Lovie Sigmon—.9B. Eannie Ingold—.9l. Lucy Thurston—.9o. THIRD ORADE. Joaie Sigmon—.Bs. Mazy Hall—.Bs. Arthur Pope—.Bs. Ida Paalzow—-.89. MRS. A. THURSTON. Ilickorji's Depotn. () we are going to have em. Yes. two of 'em. A tine passenger depot —a building which will be a credit to any town and then separate aud apart from this a coinrumdioua freight depot. This last will be moved out of the public square and we will be freed from the box-car and depot ob structions betwoeen the Inn and the Public Square. When the park is complete and the electric lights are .•hining, with the Hickory Inn and the good railroad facilities which it already has, Hickory will shine as a beacon light and attract within its bounds as a haven of re»t, comfort, and health many foot-sore and weary travellers. i I.adie»Oulld Benefit. On Thursday Feb., 7th. Mrs. I). W. Shuler, will entertain at her resi dence. the ladies Guild of the Epis copal church, assisted by Misses Gertrude Ellis, Mamie Lenoir, Tena Mcintosh, Lillie Burgin, Ida Green. Gentlemen at six p. m. supper 25 cts., everybody cordially invited to attended. Kim Away Matcli Last Monday morning Lau ra Whistenhimt, of Catawba, and Mr. H. P. Milligan of Cleveland ' county, came to Hickory, took the N. G. train for Newton, where they were married. These are tl e facts as given to us. - Minnie l,ce timtreln. This troop was billed for Hickory Tuesday night but did not make its appearance. In other words tb^-v i i » have given Hickory the "go bv" and ' left thir bills unpaid. Such compa -1 nies should be broken up. UMcfcon?, IRortb Carolina, Cbur^ap, A MAMMOTHORDKR. An Afthville Firm Receives a For ty Thou Had Dollar Order From a NewVork Firm. One of the larges, if not the lar gest orders ever given to a tirm in North Carolina, is that now bung filled by Avery A Erwin, proprietors isheville Furniture Factory, this city. This mammoth order was given by a wholesale furniture company in New York city, aud the goods ordered consist of bed room and other suits, bureaus and wardrobes. The contract calls for the entire till ing of the order within six months { from its date, aud the Furniture Factory turnes out about two thou-, sand bureaus pel month.—Asheville Citizen. \oten From Haifa*, *. c. Mh. I EDITOR: —The removal of the court house from Dallas to Gastonia is th** 'ivum i -sue now. A meetin rr c o called by Gastonias citizens not long t-ince has placed the matter in definite shape before the people. Petitions in favor of making Gas tonia the counlv seat of Gaston has beeif in for some time. Last week a meeting was called for Friday night by the citizens of Dal las in which the matter was dis cussed and an e\ecuiive committee Aas appointed to circulate county petition* and to canvass the county thoroughly, so as to meet the action of Gastonia as it comes before the present legislature. There is no question in the minds of those best situated to knov *he feeling of the people in regard to change of the county seat. The decision at the polls, if it ever comes to that, will be overwhelmingly against any change of court-house and jail. Confessedlv a new iail is needed. The present jail is rather a "temple of liberty" than a prison. A half dozen prisoners having broken jail within the last few weeks, five o' which are still &t large. The joint board will have this matter in hand at an early day and the contract will doubtless be awarded. That will settle for a while at least the court house question. Dallas is to have a cotton mill to be located on square by the depot. Already twenty four thousand dol lars have been secured, and the or ! ganization of a joint stock company will soon take place. This enter j prise will make Dallas a cotton mar ket and give employment to some of ' her idle citizens. The cotton mill boom has done mjch in the past year for the Old North State. May we r.ot hope that the present year will witness still greater develop ment of our material resources * When we shall make at home what we need at home, instead of sending abroad for our necessities, then we : may hope to be a prosperous and I happy people, i Gaston college is well attended. | c Fall term opens Feb 4th. ! A NoV. Arthur's Magazine for February contains the opening chapters of the "Curse of Tracadie," a new serial story by Marian C. L. Reeves. There are a number of short stories, poems, notes from housekeepers, hints on i home decoration, &c., Jto. Send lo I cts for sample copy to 308 Walnut St. Phila. iiit' town el Chester does .i.t a dollar and and hasplentvof money I in the treasury. But she did not get l. ' ° it from liquor liceme. 3anuar\> 31, IS3O. f A I>AHT A RI>I.V HI I:N. [Special to the News aud Observer ] > * J i BIEDSVILLE, N. c, Jan. 27.—At 8 o'clock last night the B. & D. fast fieight. No. 19, was derailed at Miz- ! pah sidiug. five miles south of here. { through unknown parties breaking the lock and changing the switch, which ran the t;ain into an open side track and precipitated the en-Hne. * O followed by 14 cars, down a 30 foot ; embankment into a creek. Engineer! Kinney saw the danger, veiled at i his fireman anf saved himself bv leaping from the cab to the soft ground. Fireman Adams stuck to his post anl wa3 buried under his and 1 -"'srs C£ood For The I.awycrn. i he Clinton Caucasian says, "Bep, W. B Murphy has introduce] a bill (o ma*e it a misdemeanor, punisha- . ble with a fine of from $5 to #f>o or 00 days imprisonment foranv person ito gather any kind of wild fruits or J products without permission of ;and ;ov»ner. Ihe County Alliance recoio-! mended this measure last Saturday.'' I* rom time the memory of man runnn th not to the contrary the poor people and negroes have eu joyed the right of "common because • of viscinage' to pick big blue huckle berries in tne swamps of Sampson : county. I hts law makes it a misde meanor and makes more work for i lawyers. j TVTO Zirixftit NEWHJ E'apert*. The Asheville Citizen " and the Charlotte Chronicle have taken on i entirely new dresses, and are now j : the brightest, neatest and newsiest j dailies in the State. They are an honor to North Carolina journalism, a credit to the proprietors and of ' great value to the cities in which ! i i they are published. They just show what newspaper men will do | when properly encouraged. A Raleigh correspondent of the , Statesville Landmark says : "I was sorry to see Dr. Turn-' er, of Catawba, not looking well, i T {o would be a valuable man in a 1 -ir'shitive body if he w. '• free of i •'"* • * .« | Uis'physical silments " Later reports sav Dr. Turner s i health has much improved. We ; are pflad to know this and hope he will continue to improve. New York is trying to be like 1 London. It had a fog Jan , 24th on ! 'he city and the rivers so dense that | steamers and vessels ran against each other like blind men. There were several collisions with ferry beats which very much alarmed the ' passengers but no one was hurt nor ; any serious damage done. | ■■ 1 Can't Trade. The Guano men say they cannot ; sell without an advance of $3 or 14 per ton. The Alliance men have resolved that they won't buy at an advance. So it seems that the bain | yard must be worked for all it is worth.—Gastonia Gazette. Married. I In Newton last Thursday after noon at the residence of the brides father, Miss Mary Locke McCorkle, . Newton, to Mr. F>. 14. Simons, of - VV'adesboro. A drunk white man at Hillsdale, Oii, made an i4k.k>.%Civ oil a pait\ of • ..t— M O . OE . S LAW 'auJ wounded four. is too good for such a devil—Wilmington | Star- IPEKSCMBUS. * ~ Tu want straw on subscription®. Mrs. (r. N. Folk and son am veil at the Hickory Inn Monday morning. Mr. H S. Chase left. last Monday morning for Birmingham .Va.. on a business trip. Miss Richardson, of Lilesville. N. C , spent several days visiting J N. Bolianuon this week. | Mr. H. H Crowson has taken charge of the mechanical work on the Statesville Christian Advocate. Mr. J. L. Ludwig left Tues day for Birmingam, Ala., after spending several davs in Hickorv. ! * Miss Lillie Jones returned to the Happy Vftllev last Monday night, nfter making her friends line a viiit. 'Sorry indetd are >vo all So see her leave. Mr C.iis Self, a'ter reading' law under C»l. (». N Folk for three month* left Hickory f m Raleigh last. Wednesday moinin r to procure his i license. 11. A ; McA !#•! . a promi-sent citi zen ot Charlotte, an 1 oiic the most extensive manufactures in tHe Ststo died on the 24t1». innt. age 1 marly ; Hti venr-. T!ic Telegrams ol Satnrit«>. [Condensed from the Sunday NVwf. J The New Orleans races were post poned on Saturday on account of I ♦ 1 ru : n Inspector General Roger Jones, F. S. A., difd ftt Fortress Monroe on Saturday. A fire in the ccntial stock yards at •Jersey City on Saturday caused a loss to the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany of $lOO,OOO. The Western railroad passenger agents m session at Chicago on Sai urday adopted a plan to freeze out the ticket scalpers. The Mi-sissipni is on a boom and I _ the rivet bottom planters are lii alarmed. 11 (n i v i . av t s and (i eorg eH. St uy - nor. New York banker?, are in jail. : charged with swindling. Bail htH been fixed at a (piarter of a million : dollars. The Brooklyn street cars are still '•ti?d up." The postoftice at Lynchburg, Vi, was robbed on Friday night by bur ' glarp, who got $l,lOO in ca«h and postage stamps. They blew open the safe. • Secretary W iiitnev thinks the na*v , t - is equal to the Saraoan situation, un i less there is a change of policy. The Senate substitute for the Miils bill has been by the House to the committee on ways and means, de spite the opposition of the Republi • cans. The British stermer Albany, ashore •off Little Bock, N. C, had to throw overboard 1:000 bales of cotton be fore «ho could be pulled off. Mofl ( of the cotton will be recovered. The world's visible supply of cot t( n is 2.791.071 bales. The New York banks now hold in reserve *20,014.300 in excese of legal requirement. On Saturday no jurymen La 1 been secured for the trial of Cleary, New ( York* ' codle alderman. 1 L.e \\ec£ Virginia deadlock iu iLe ( election of United States Senator ' continues. Unmbcr 3.

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