lJrcoo uuft (HatuHuuiu, IVlumc 10. 11..1. M l/tRILL. Alitor ij> C !i i!-1 C £ II? 5 . >tv VtUfrllHtMiieiits. .Mu[l r Suit'- -J* W. Slll'LKi: •' Special— I.INK A MUKKII.I. I i \\ \N TI 1• it. fil h t chli*>S J A) I> I lilt* 1 . Applj to 111 e 11 i kokv I' raCo . ] 1 lckol'V, N. ( St. \ alentines* tlav -to day. snow last Moudav morninjj O • Suiiuioi \ aiicc is in the Senat* Chamber again. Mr, i. L. Shufoid lwts let lit lied flom the N Mile 1!» markets. i )on t foiget the meeting of tL*' Ludies Aid Sui'M't v nil '• ridav night. A slight cat) inpiake shcCK was f« *ll 11J If>A »- f' South ( U'ijjilia Wednesday night, of iast week. Ml. 1' L ' ll.le li' l S' • 111 e J_fJl I V 1«-11 seed foi di**tni-ut i> >ii. ( a') upon lliiii and g« t a pack. Ihe S. nior edit-a i> still sick alp! confined to iiis bed. the local, editoi is o\*r workcd ali• I we a>l \ 1e 11 len c \ tur a! i .short-comings. Judg Phillips sent a man to jai', m \\ 1 list on last week. tor tc* 11 la\s for coming 011 the witness stand mtoxicatf l. Served liiin right. 1'" 11 ( .mo E.-|.. left last 1 uesda\ for Rah lgh, from which point lie will probably go to Washington, I). C. to atteii'l the inauguration. Catawba is not the only county that. i- now agitated over the remov al of its ('curt House. Alamance and (iast on are two others. 1 here may be more. Tlie President Ims appointed Thomas M. \ atice, of North Caroli na, Son of X »b, to be receiver of public moneys at North Vakima. \\ i^l.ingtoti Ternt >rv. We hereby warn all persons who may come in contact with a certain patent m-dicine man who is giving awa\ in- me\. el v., to advertise him self and thereby sell lus inedic'ne. i He is a sharper and will "do von if you deal with him. The C i over nor yesterday consented to an exchange of courts bv which •Judge Connor is to hold tlie spring , terms of Martin, Pitt, Green, Frank lin and Nash and Judge Armtiold is to hold the spring terms of Burke, Caldwell, Watauga, \she, Mitchell atid ancev—News-Observer. * Ihe corn ciopof 1888 was 3,000, 1 000,000 bushels, and to estimate 1 what this is. it will take 5,000,000 cars to haul it and these cars in oue | train would belt the earth and reach S,OOO miles further. The crop in , 188S was 000,000,000, bushels more than the crop 111 1887. This calcu- ( lation was rendered us by the be* t mathematician in town. .' Dropped I)fad. C >ll last Sunday, Mrs. Hawn, \ mother of Mr. Calvin Hawn, dropped dead at the residence of Mr. Abee, 1 of this city. She was about 77 : vears old. 1 i 1 Tlie I.adit-H Aid. The Ladies Aid Society, ef the M. K. Church, will give a supper for 1 1 he bent tit of the Parsonage, at the ; * Hall over Haithcock's furniture store, 1 Friday evening the 15th in St.. from i () to 10 p. in. The public respect- j fully invited. 1 I'KINTI -N(» BV KI.KCTRIC ITV. illc- and tlie "Citizen" an I'h ual, I.eadH tlie State. I lie I'l CHH & Carolinian Second . Tl.is week's issue of Country Homes, published in the Citizens otfiot. was printed on a press driven b\ a Sprß rr ne E.ctric motor. I his i is the first newspaper ever printed 1:1 Noith Carolina by electric power Tlie motor in question arrived dtv before yesterday ami was set » up vesterdty morning by Mr John j H Rtrnard. superintendent -f the Ashevii'e Eieetne Light Co., and ig* nt of the Sprague Electric Hail wav. and Motor Co.. for Noith Car olui'. South Carolina and Ihe power was taken Irom t.ie in candescent circuit of the Asheville Eiectric Lioht Co. which i- now o ;>n j»ared to furnish power to all powt r-users along its line. The fuoter itself is an iusign.ti -ant • u>S;i 11 g little affair, not a hundredth part the size of the engine hereto fore eiTtp'ovt d to drive the press. !> 11 1 it get> there all the same. The oeauti's of :in electric motor gvnera ; r are manifold. It ocuipies next to no space, makes no nois«*. gives off no heat or smell, is perfectly utii form in speed, requires almost no, attention, dots auay with tiie, oils and tlie dinger of explosion, costs ■ es> tiian steam geneiated ill •small quantities, and very much less than 1 ija-'. or oil engine of tlu 1 same now- ~ 1 er.- \sht vi)le ('itizen. The HICKOKY PKINTING CO . has [>ut electric ligLts in and will soon run their presses by electric power. Thanks. Yes. Why Not? We respectfully take off our hat and make our obeisance to Hickory as an enterprising, growing town, slit; can now boast of electric lights, i turned on last Monday night for 'he first), one of the finest hotels in the State, not a vacant house or store 111 the place, a beautiful opera house build ng, a handsome, roomy ; and convenient female college, with : an excellent school going on, and 1 a prom se fiom the R. It. Co., of a new passenger and freight depot. Thirty years ago there was nothing; there but a cross road tavern, and only the energy and push of a few men have made Hickory what she is ' Why not settle the county neat con-! troversy by moving it there?— Sali sbury Watchman. i l All intellectual Verdtct. | United States Senate, WASHINGTON, D C., Feb., 9 1889. ', MK. IhuH A. MURRILL, , : Hickory, N. C. J . \ MY DEAR Hur.ll: —I do not know: whether or not my subscription to ; your paper is expired. I do not . know of any paper that I appreciate more, there is always news, and 1 plenty of good sense. What more ' could you wish. Let me know when . my subscription is out, I wish to re- ( new. It \ Tlie Art CIaNM ( Which Mr. Grace has organized in j t Shuford's Hall is such a success that ] the word only hints at what should. 1 be expressed. The hall is lighted , i with electricity, every pupil has an 1 easel and the instructor is getting : things fairly under way now and is ' doin£ trood work. He has 50 schol- t no ars. j Have your suit made by Royster Martin, Hickory. N. C. ibte!;orv>, IHorth Carolina, Cbiirst>av jtct»riurp 14. isso. A iiiuNementH. I ilh LADIES* GUILD. As we announced last week would be the ea-e. the Cuild of th Episco pal church was entertained by Mrs. I>. \\ Shuler ou last Thursday night. Mr Shuler's Megalith- tin ishe\t and furnished house and the spacious halls and parlors are nil that could have b en de-dr« d on such an occasion, and who is b« ttei' suited and ui« r* competent• to preside over and make an entertainment 4 anv kind enjoyable than the host and hi> elegant wile. Mr-. I). \V. Shtiler > Exerything was pleasant, tvei v thing was elegant, and cverxihiii'/ moved smo«»ttiiv uiong undei tin :nent:Mied supervisions. File mai: agement, showed eleariy how weli they uiid* i stood j> easing tiic u.a e sex. tor in addition to the elegant rej as! so: vol —of which I'JH paitook and which netted the church about S3O there was at hand what was m-re enjoyabie. Suppei served bv five of Hickoi x s fairest and most captivating young Indie--. I'j tch was diesstd last it \ and eaci - wor'* spotless white aprons and cute little caps. They flitted about, like tail it s with cheeks and exes agloxv i * 11 and merry vo.ces an I pleasant smiles till the atmosphere. being laden with aromatic sweets, was highly intoxicating as well as elevat ing. whi-T i'w.TY Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MaeAvoy en tertained a small paitv of friends last Monday night in thparlors ol the Hickory Inn. After a whist L'auie and (he servi»" an elegant ci * i ry lunch a home circle dance was in dulged in Nothing but enjoyment wu.i experienced. KECKP rioN. On last Fiidax night Mr. and Mrs. D. \\. Shuler, at their res - dence. gave to a large assemblage of their friends a very enjoyable evening of dancing and promenad ing during the intervals of which came the bracing of tlie inner man. With canvas over tlie carpets of the spacious parlors, a good violinist and pianist the dancing facilities j were superb. Serious Accident to a Man on Hie W. >». C. Kail road. Last Saturday as a freight train on the Western road was running at • the rate of thirty miles an hour be- j tween Newton and Catawba Sta-{ tion, something about thj en giue got out of older, and tlie steam and fir« rushed out into the cab. The tireman, a man named How ard, ran back and tiied to climb on top of the cars, but failing to do, so lie 'taped out, hitting the frozen ground on hi* head. Tl ie engiiie&r climbed on the steps j aud ti en on to the engine, where he I gave the sigr.al to put on brakes, but the train ran one and a half miles before being stopped. It was then backed lo the place where Howard had jumped. He waa taken on board alive, but unconscious : and the train ran back to Newton. Dr Baker, of Hickory, railroad physi cian, was telegraphed for, and met them here. He found the man in a perfectly crazed condition, a hole having be-en knocked in the back of his head, one arm broken, ami his body teiribly bruised. Spring and summer Swatches just arrived at Royster & Martin's white front clothing emporium, Hickory | N. C. Crown Prince of Austria is dead. KNM.HTS OF HONOR l*aid Charlotte $i;,ooo In 1 our Month".. Referring to the death of ('»'. liar es U Join and of his f «iui:\ getting frlW) from the Knight - t»f Honor, tlie Chronicle sa\>: Col. Jone» was one of tlie organ iz*-rs of t : ic C nai; .t t branch of i\night-, t»I H>' (.•, and wa> its List Dictator. rhe branch was organized in tni-> cit\ in 1-77. Aii told Co. •Jones had paid int«> tlie organization as 1 .ie> iess t' iri for w Lit*!■ now his family wi;l receive before this lay ne\t month the neat sum .» Ihe Iv-lights oi Honor 1- one «.»j t"e 11 nest beir.liciarv organizations in tiie Cmted States. It has prov. n i sj»«ctai blessing to Charlotte; with in 1 air months it I, as H, f . deaths in h ai-ot *, 11 itt : in any faiuii» s rec*iv 'lig 52,0J0 each. The 51 >ilro:ta Coiiiiui^sioa. A Iter much labor Ihe committee 011 OMrinis-sioi' iiave ore pared a bid A Inch had better not be come a law as it now repoited. in tie tiist place the Commnsion ei > should be appointed by the Cx,>v ei nor and hi-* ('o'inci! and not e!e ted by the peop'e which woald necessitate a st ite convention of 1 both parties eve v two years, with a hob-nobbing and bargaining for the rai'road inlluetice. The bill dec an s the ( ommissioners shall be trans porte 1 free over all the roads in the State That is neither lawful not just. Railroads have lights which the courts will protect. 1 tie bib says the Commission shall have ab solute power over the freight and passenger traffic oj all roads wlioleK in tlie State. ! his is alsi« unlawful and unjust. Strange that so much has been said about members of the Legislature and State officers riding 'Oll tree passes and the same Legis lature passing a law that three State officers slia'l ride free over all tne roads in the State. There are other bad provisions in the bill but the above are enough to kill it with any body of cool headed, ionest men. I>. C". Keever Caught. [Special to The Chronicle.] NEWTON, Feb. 0.—I). C. Keever, of the firm of Keever and McCaslin of I\t eversville, who were coi vieted at | the July term of Catawba Superior court for burning their stores at Keeversville, in order to obtain the j insurance, and who about four months ago skipped their bond and left their sureties in the lurch, has , just been overtaken at Sherewail, Texas, by Detective Rice, who worked up the arson case against them. They are now 011 their way back, j 1 and are expected to arrive here to-, ' night. Ketvei's whereabouts were discovered by following the move- ' ments of a woman named Workman I to whom he had sent money with ! ' which to join him. His wife and six little children are at Keeversville in ' almost absolute want. I "Hob" From Home. ] 1 Rev. R. A. Smyer, of Hickory, N. 1 C, will preach at the Central Bap- ' tist Church, (colored) to morrow night, services beginning at 8 o'clock. 1 Wilmington Star. 1 i . I Meeting of Hickory l air At»*ocla- i tlon. This associatian will meet in ( Hickory, Saturday, Feb. lfi, at 2 P. M. Let Farmers and everybody be on hand- S E. KILLIAN, Secretary, ii C ono\or _it*ms. \\ 11 tei lav >,t la-t put in its an i biingiii:.; weatluv Mini a nice int.*- - now. Pi of. .1. I . Mo:«cr - amputated arui v He has r» aol ing two V* i't K ». 1 Hlli] Mrs. \\ . A. Boyle will ieave t omoi row fo \ i-it Mr. Bovle's N atives ii Mouio . Coiieoid, etc.. * • I hey expect. after returning, tn.sfirt to \\ ash*. ngton Tel. about the Sir-t of Maivh. Mr. 1) A. Hun- S "C •! and family. and Mr. 1{ K. • I'.sf-i nit] eontem plat ing ihe same long journe\. Mt -srs A L Ho:i« »» ami Jatob \\ in- *ho weie teaching have iv -1 .11* i.e. 1 t» school ' 11 ' ' 1 ' the ClI It e 111 I jll» vt 1 -Ms Wli It'll i.- now oi :ng agitated among ibe cit - »/.-JIS in i. . i- that of l nit; the ' l Ih » Hi >\ i I'ii.it is ici - t.iini\ a n.«»\e in the 11 ii I dinitioi;. I hi-, i'eii w the vol y rentie of the c. mi ii I\. a in! located so 1 hat its bor ders rail ~i a luos ii null ably « \t« till ed wi { »;: t uie:ging off into r> «'ieat ia\ll . > 1i; i.- i >een his? c «> -« ;i !or tin «' >U !. t \ s.-;t{. ! hell sun i- !!.;• ;ai;intds iiavf !>;•« r, ron t!ii :igii tli.- counlv. maii\ ,-eoj ie wish to « > to tl.e count \ st at ON lai 1 . an.l ii 111 ■ \ would tome hole tliev won »i not have s> j»;t\ '_£■) ol ,">o ds \ tu get lo ti r i'tmlll iioil.se or else i i.iil or thi t e-quai lei s of a tll.le; .iiiii w !;mi I'.islllf'SS has bt Mil t ' - u*ie i. ii u.\ they vkill t>e just in Mint;- to I>.- t> i late lor the tiniu to tar: s tin i»i ht/ine. thus being left for •i ! v.-.ve or twont\-four houi stay in . oun. win n hut ft w seconds would ! >e necessary to go to the depot at (Ymover. Furthermore. Couover is not remitted almost inaccessible oil account of almost insurmountable hills or impas-übly tumhlv roads. Then sur«.] \ t lie mass of tiie citizens of ( at aw ba county would l>e greatly bem {ited l>y the change. The peti tion asking that an election i>; or dr, v «d on the contemplated change of t lie t iamt y seat has bec-n sent to lieadtjuarft i I heie are I>« tween Ji thousand and fifteen huudied peti ti«.Miers. We have noticed differ* n :nd va occurred here the night of Feb. 2. As for positive facts few are known. The man who was killed, Frank Hrannan. was discovered bv some of the tram hands on the east bound train Sunday morning about sunrise, they reported it at Newton and a man came to see about it. he was found to be deatl The Coroner was* sent for and got here about tive p. m. The trial was had in the college chapel. It was proved that he bad been at .Jane Kkaik s who dealt in mean liquor illegally. Jaue swore "he left a few luiuutes before the west-bound Narrow Gauge, Satur day night, I*. M. The decision of the jury was that the train killed him. Jane Ekard wa.- tried for illegal traffic in liquor on Monday eve Feb. 4. ami is now lodged in the same Luilding that Geo. Huffman is occu pying—county jail too good for such people. Her board is J?1 50. She could get no one to go on her bond. Mr. John Heffuer formerly a pu pil of Concordia College hail to giv« up his school this winter on account of the loss of one of his bis eyes. It is thought that the only chance to save the other is to have the one tak en out. W. Feb. 11. ISB9. Suits to order and fit guaranteed, [at Royster A: Martin's, Hickory/N. C. M umber 7.

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