Oclumc 19. 11..1 Ml'l'll IL'hi or. ii> o II 114 Z £ 1R 5 . Kead Shuford cv Cos llfcW ail. fanner* come in and get a pack ~f garden seed. T1 e '"Mystery of a Hansom Cab" completed in this issue. The ground in front uf the Ilicko iv Inn is being sodded. What 's the matter with HickoiVs utw charter ! Jlit's Why do people howl against mo ; -lies and thin quietly let them be formed. Tit,* legislature of 1880 is now a thing of the past. It adjourned Monday. Lenoir court next week. The lo ,al edifoi of the PKE*S «!& CAROLINIAN w:i'' to see all of his subscribers there. Dr. Hemy Abernethy in leaving town went to consult Col. Folk. The preliminary trial comss oil to day. Col G. \. Folk arrived in town Wednesday. He is to appear in an interesting trial to-day assisted by Mes-rs F L and K. l». Cline. We call attention to the profes sional card of Dr. I. I > . who is now prepared to serve who may call upon him. ••What's that man yelling at ? asked a farmer of his boy. '"Why," , chuckled the boy, "die's veiling at! the top of his voice/' i William Henry Harrison Cowles and Saniual Jackson Randall. Por J Hi.• , 'titni !—which is Spanish and. being literally translated, means, , a good pair to draw to.—Landmark. A petition was filed by citizens of Mt. Creek Township asking an order to amend the public road from a point near Gen. Moses' to Sherrill's ford- -ordered to be published. The V- nnsylvania militia in Wash ington got on a big drunk and tried to take the town. They were finally disperse 1 at the point of the bayonet. V lisgrace to this Christian land. St-nator !>iil Chandler will deliver the Decoration Day address at Xash aa. New Hampshire. Hill is glad that .->uch affairs are only (v)early af fairs. W hen a poor m wspaper publisher t fu.-T , a SGO, advei t'sement of a l»a v loom ii would seem that temper ance merchants should occupy that and encourage that resolution 1 rSi ."10 paid in advance we will send \ou Tin; Pm>s CAROLINIAN one year and present you, free of charge, twenty good books as pub lished on our last page. Kead the I'st ai.d send in vour subscription. Ther- i> a iuriou state of things Wt -t Yir dnia There is one (, iv. rnor in possession, liohling over v 1 tw > others h.ave been sworn in d have commenced suit for pos- S>»IOL. i»t the office. « last a large crowd of 1; in.ken mer, heavily armed, marched :• > the little town of Plymouth. ' v iii_t">n county, an 1 attempted " 1 ri n out the authorities, but were overpoweied and committed to v. I>. I onm ij v, formerly clerk of t:.o Superior Court of Iredell county. is returned to > tatesville, with hi« wife and child, and was committed to jail m default of S'-.UOU bail. T f"*? £> - ■ ----? ;t *. ( ' ■ ' x I ' ' >•*. / Apt- \ N k" r '*% k \ I Irak* .■£*' \ . i **>>, i\ : \ •;>' / v V* Joj 1 1 \ ip i J i/ -JM ■ I \ wm w -mm / \ i?'.v/ / *"' ' v - - """ /' \ , r C o ...-I*' . * »>> ' _ .. - V'.». - - pf|| cVC^\'^- y/ tr';'#'*'" " ' \V.?7*. ."\ \ X .-- .-- N St-VNVy/ /*&££ss- \ \ /T fu£■■- ';■-■■ / m£SS&&& \ ' /\\/ f m \ / pf js? \ / llHfe \ I \MI / 't 7 1 \ I «K : \ / Iff / >* \ I ■ \ / rr * Wr / ~4#f| \ - /jSHMSB; w fe ». #7 V ' \ .. >v|l jr.-- " \ s.M x ,7 sSa&gk mtla&z-Z* ■ ■ \ v-- -. •-' y ' t*-"/ \ - f:M' -A'' -f^w-' \. \ j j V p "j-'.i- : .iy \,# V —pP 5/ ... '-- v. ; : % £.-• --^|%orTo4;y /" 4Ms«B|W^:- xy 1 WmKnM// &/■* s J \ I £» I i >'' \ s W /' X>e;\tli ofDrury Hamilton Drury Hamilton, another land mark of this county, died la-t Situr day, at the advanced age of SS years. Iu the early days ot Catawba county Mr. Hamilton was one of its most prominent citizens. For many years he was county surveyor, and sur veyed more land during his life than any ctber man that ever lived in the count v. He was a member oi the first board of county commissioners that was ever elected in the county, and was a member ot tin; jury empannelled iu the county. There are few citizens of the county who will see this notice thar have not known or heard of Drury Hamilton. —Newton Enterprise. lit; Weeps With Those Wlio Weep There is a dog in town named Dan(iel Lamont). He is a Demo crat and wears dop ' black all the time. After the election in Nov. he left home and his owner was uneasy until he learned that Dan w.n en deavoring to comfort the mourners at the home of our worthy hut al most heart-broken Chairman ■: the County Democratic Executive Com mittee. Dan remained among the mourners just «*0 days ami volun tafilv returned to hi* old home. His sympathy for the di-tressc-d mav cause him to visit X.-wton \ :i\ soon. Wait for the new fads in spring cloth iu Rovster A. Martin. Hie ;orv, N.C. 10-i* See Rovster A Martin's spring >tock before yon buy. 10-2* Tbicfcorr, Worth Carolina, HDarch 14, ISSO. f">3 5:u;l!. ili Mtrs' Jlet tin^. T!;e allowf.nco per month for sup port of F.i- -ie and Thomas Killian. pauper*-*, w • reduced from S'J.OO to si o0 each. Miibala Ha'.vn was declared a pau j-.er. and allowed 5?1 50 per month for her suppoi t. Mai'v Shaffer was declared a })au per, and was sent to the poorhouse \ pi iition was tiled asking an or dcr to buy a public road leading fr n. the old Hor-«efor»l road, near J. M. Fr\'s lo^>avo barn, through tije andof J M Fr\, M. L. Fry and others. t;> tne new public road lea ling v. 'tw ai d to the Burke coun ty line; ordeif»l to he published. W. \\ Uiir}. constable for Cald well towl>iup, tendered his resigna tion. which was accepted. Wm. liobinson. colored, was de clared a jauper, an i ailowid >1 per month for liis support. AbbeAlieruethy. colored, was de clared a p:iU!>e". an * allowed Si-5 ' per n C'lith lor his support. Seventy bills of cost, from Janua rv term Su]-erier Court, wvre tiled by the v.'. S. ('., which were adjudged county liabilities, amounting to 5f1.'2.">4 To. of which St»T4 Hd was or del'trvl to be paid. Nunc v Ano wood was declared a pauot r and a'dowed Si 00 per month 14 * . for her support. Soriiclothing arriving daily at the white front 10-2* Buialing lots in "Ptenix Park in the West Fn l are offered at price- to suit everybody—solots with running water on caci:. 1* or prices apply to .Link. McComb Co., cr at the iTio:- nix Mills. 10-—t IS!*; Robbery fn t'liarlottc. The Chronicle gives n long ac count of the robbery of Mr. John Farrior's jewelry store at Charlotte last Thursday uight by professional cracksmen. The safe was blown open and £4,500 worth of diamond* and watches were stolen. There were eighty line gold watches in the n » «» lot. The robbery was not discovered until the next morning, aud there is not the slightest clue to the perpe trators Mr. Farrior's store is neai the public square, end about sixty feet of the electric light. These burglaries are getting alarmingly fre quent, and should admonish every man to sleep with his shot-gun in reach. Tlie Original Hlckoryite. Mr. Simon Haas the iirst keeper of the Hickory Tavern was in town Wed'•e.-day. lie is over 80 years o'.d but lo gics good for 30 more. Thirty rears ago he kept the little tavern —called. Hickory lavorn. Look at Hickory to day— with the flic korv Iru). Ex-President Cleveland was hear tily cue r d all the way from Wa-h -inton to New This was the tn tiibute f the plain people who gave him i- ' riy a huii lied thousand popu lar mrt : ority for \ resident. He now drives quietly from his hotel to bis la v oiliee at New York City as any other private ci'izen. All the late shapes in spring hats at the white front clothing empori um. Hickory, N. C. 10-2 IHumhcr 11. !?£I?SCIRHXS. c M > T-ii 1 \ Johnston returned from a visit to lie East Inst Friday. Mr Take Hallyburtin was in to e us Tu sday. Mr. C lowson former] v of the Clip per, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Menzies, oi;e of our most prominent citizens left for Kaleigh r>n Monday, to have his eves treated. Mi-> lila Kauisour, of Washing- O ton, D. 0. spent several Jays this »VPok visiting Mis. Z\fu 1 iil!. Mrs. Kiel.ai ilson and daughter Rlizfi, of Lincolntcn arevisiting Mis. Murrill. Mr. Richards, of Florida, preached two very fine sermons in the Re formed 1 urcb Sunday. Miss McConnaughey, of Morgan ton, who has been visiting Mrs. J. I\ Moore returned home In•= t r I ucs -3 ay. Mis, Ella ♦liulord, who has charge D( the millinery department at the one pi ice cash store, returned from Baltimore last Saturday. We are very sorry to ieam that Mr. S. S. Haithcock. who has been a ino.-t excellent cit'zen for over a ye a- is going to return to the East. Mr H. S. Chase, left last Tuesday for New York and the Northern Aiarkc-ts to buy goods and look after the interests of the nursery business he lias started. New rrospccts For Hickory. Mr. A. A. Shuford has bought a large tract of land from Mr. Sim, Barger, and it is reported will put up a cotton factory thereon. The land lies East of the Lutheran Sem itic r v. Chase I3ros. have planted thous ands of bushels of peach seed and have bargained for four car loads of trees and are preparing for the nur sery business 011 a larjjre-Hcalo. When J O all plans are completed they will con trol the largest nursery South of [Rochester. Too I.ate. We will have to ask our Newton correspondent to send us the pro ceedings of the county commission ers a little sooner. It comes to us too late for immediate publication. Send it to us not later than Tuesday night. Wiwsof Uunken husbands should wear heavily steeled corsets. Dou ald Eraz'-r, a watchmaker, forty years old. res: ling at Bryn Mawr, Pa..tired two shots ;it his wife Thurs day. and then shot and killed him self. Mrs. Frazer's li:e was saved by the bullets striking the s»teel ribs of her cor-vt and glanced oIT. We M:J j. use it is due to the im uiiMi'f crowds leaving Washington that the trail-- have be n FO irregu lar. a'd \ot sire! 3y 1 *"cau-e another I're-i lent ha- take!) up the reins of (fovf rnment. Shot and Killed. C : i.L.-ton. S. C, March 12.--- Cupt. 1 V\'. of the News an I w.is >iiui and kiiied this eviLii:-' bv Ih. I\ 13. McDow. n w Died. On ! ~->t Tuesday night, of Blood Po-.son, Mr«. El zt Davi«. wife of C ithoun I>avis. Our S_- IL.' l atLies are with the be-f reaveJ.