litt§§ anil Cut oilman. IVUunc 10. // .1. MmillL.r„ KiYitow jP C 111R Z€l? S . w \fht rllseineiits. j Notice —J. H. BRUNS. j.;W Card— C'illey »SL Alurrii.l. \»- ■., lon and Conover commence-, 1.., his week. tiemont College Commencementi cy i 1 lith of June. !U e Hive" shirts for Toct in all ! - at Royster & Martin's. \\'i aecept the Topic's apology, ' , tge and all, if that is its best 7 MylK fine Dress shirts and new Fads ji. gents neckwear at the White 1 1 *r«-n t. * j fancy flannel shirts at Royster & | Martin's White Front Clothing Em * I porn""- | I R(»3steriV" Martin have the finest! stock of ready made clothing in the I market. We want to give you a better pa- j in -111(1 to do so must have what! vou owe us. i ir three legged horse curiosity, j which belongs to Mr. Jim Herman,j i- -till doing well. Miiiisti r Lincoln sailed on the City ■ of Paris, the finest ot the ocean grey- i hound-, on the 15th. Two of our oldest lawyers have j gone into co-partnership and formed the linn of Cilley & Murrill. Full l>i •ess Suits for sale or hire! at Uoy-ter A: Martin s. Hickory, N. C. A- we go to press the city is full of Lstinguished teachers and Divines a11(r. ling Seminary commencement. TLe Strawberry supper given by tL' l little girls of the Methodist Ci. soh List Friday night was a suc ct clearing for the benefit of the pai >onage *25. il.i illi). represent the amount ot huiMing now going on in this citv. o o % it i> nuule up of business buildings,' fill lie institutions and private resi ih i.i t>- all buildings o! high order. li e Ith Regiment band is doing g 1 work now drilling and practis ii ,r up for the Encampment. The 1 iiiakc a tine appearance and will !• n l to down on music and drill. Oi.» of the largest owls we have ev i >, ,-n was caught by Mr. Jett. ! . oi our town. It has been : '"ig i is chickens and Air. Bolch M t a trap and caught the wise fo»vl. AN t are very sorry that during our :i ~:'u: 'u from the proof reading de j 1 " 111 tll. l:i-.t week, when the read f the last galleys was our duty, 'i i ookai'hu vi. errors remained 1 1 rench headline. \\ erelease the vil" and take the blame upon our i .e thirty sixth annual commence of Roanoke College will be on ''h of June.. Mr. H. T. Hover 1 - count/ is one of the orators occasion and we much regret *vi ng able to accept his kind in ' ui to attend the exercises. : I. V. Bonnitz has purchsed l ate control of the Wilmington nger Publishing Co., and yvill • 'ie the business as heretofore the exception of improvements. W ilmington Alessenger came to rdav printed with new type. J Mt -stnger is an excellent paper '■ 1u wish Air. Bonnitz abundant •" 11" 11 and success. it e vellue Raid. On the night of 20th inst. Deputy Collector Geo. W Me ans accompa i nied by Deputy Marshall Harris. Messrs. Henry JoDes and L. H. Hug gins, went into the South Mountains and captured an illicit distillery near j the residence cf Joe Reynoles From all appearances the distillery had been producing "Stagger juice" ! for a long time. The "Golden winged butterflies" have heretotore ° | made a number of fforts to capture ; Joes outfit, but on account of the lay of the land and the moral status' of the community, have failed The! distiller was just retiring for t»ie , night, from his arduous h.bois, as j the officers approached. They, how ever got close enough to him as he marched up the hill to hear him j whistle the "girl I left behind me." "Slick to Hie KiitfUsh." Thanks Brother Williams. We stand corrected. It is no more than we should do under the circumstan ces. \\ hile we know it is oneof our many faults, we cannot refrain from j using a little. French occasionally and we sincerely hope our brother, of the Futerprise will continue to correct us when we make "glaring o o errors." We appreciate and respect ; his great superiority and heartily congratulate our county contempo rary upon the fcet that his knowl edge of the French language and his capacity «s a French exercise correc tor is far in advance of his ability as an english schollar and writer. New Arrivals. On last Sunday night there ar rived in the city a very handsome! young lady, Aliss Martin by name. | She is the daughter of Mr. Jim Mar tin and weighs 1) pounds. On last Tuesday night there ar rived at the house of Dr. J. T. John-! ston a very line boy weighing 10 •/ %/ o o pounds. Last Tuesday, Miss Hunt, daugh-1 ter of L. M. Hunt, was a welcome' arrival at the Lutheran Semi ary. Three precincts \et to hear from. I Thi" stii Supper. Oil last Tuesday thr-lil) Regiment Band gave for their benefit a Straw-j berrv and ice cream suppei at the' Mineral Spring. Fvery thing was neatly and tastily i arranged and the receipts, on ac count of good work done by the voung ladies, amounted to 5i00.09. j A good scheme was the voting! a'A.iN of a handsome silver v ise, to the mo-t popular young lady of Hickory. Miss Mamie ljenoir got the vase. I There's an opening in Lexington. N C. for some man who wants to he Mayor. The Dispatch say- May or elect Robbins persisteutly de olines the honor that was thrust upon I iin last week. 1 p to this time he has not taken tlie oath of of tice. Our former townsman, f H Jones was nearly elected and turned ' out to electioneering for Mr. Rob bins. We ate always glad to hear from our old home and especially anything that is good. The Wil. Star says: "The surveyors running a line from Burlaw for the Buigaw and Onflow railroad were expected to reach Swausboro yesterday. From the lat ter place they will run a line back by i wav of Tar Landing. As soon as the road is located the work of construc tion will at once begin. Mr. H. Mo- Bee has charge of the corps of sur veyors." Ibichorv, IP.oitb Carolina, Cburs&a?, 23, isso. Tlie IZickor> Ilrivint I*arU. The fust meeting of the Hickory Driving Park which was held here on Wednesday and Thursday of last week was a real success. As is the case with everything— the start is always an experiment. The people of Hickory and sur roundings are always ready to go iu to anything for enterprise and thec al ways "get there." A great deal of money Las been j put. on tlie ground and race track and we can now claim as good a half mile track as there is in the state. Wednesday the first day of the opening was a line day. The track was in fine condition and line horses entered from Charlotte and Augusta formed the attractions. Horses were entered from Augus-1 ta. Charlotte, Newton aiul other points in Catawba besides entries! being made from Tennessee and one from Burke County. Good premi ums always bring good races Thursday was the big day. The: grounds were well peopled and with j the 4th Regiment Band, of Hickory, i and fine horses, the day was a very j enjoyable one. On the whole ever}* thing passed oft' pleasantly and the Driving Park feel very much encouraged over their J D first meeting. Keep good horses J and be ready for the Fall races. I A Sad ni(l Vntiiuely neatli. AY. IT. Pryor, of Lynchburg, A'a.,! aged 27 years, a nephew of Gen. R. I A. Pryor, died in this city last Thurs-! day evening. He had been employed by the Railroad Co., about Hot Springs and on Wednesday he was paid £7O and started home. He j stopped in Asheville ard got on a; spree, spent or was robbed of most of his money, and on Thursday again boarded the train for home. He had been suffering from rheumatism and had a box of morphine pills to take | when in pain. Soon after leaving | Asheville and while too much under the influence of liquor to think of consequences he swallowed enough morphine to cause death in three or four hours. There is no suspicion i that the poor man intended suicide. ! A telegram brought his aged and ; grieved father to attend the burial of i a son who left his home a year ago •J □ in tine health. It is intended to re 1 move the body at some future time. It is said: "every dog has hi* day. 1 and the nights belong to the cats." but there are a dozen or more of d ( gs in this city that make w k^fill pt-op.e hate f r night to come. They ai er t 1 e l)i eed that on their tails and iai k at tin* mo»n i r stars for hours bf tween midn'g} t and day !'ln'ie is n on* y m inis wor I and peace in the next, for the man who will exteiMiiuate those night \ arking c r dogs. Tin* liisUnt Time lcrc>«i*» Hie Ocean. Xtw Yoiik, Ala} s,—The ocean git y-hound, the City of Pari*, was sighted off Fire Island at 11 o'clock this moruiug She left n May 'J. and made the vovage in 5 days, 23 hours and 7 minutes. This beats the best previous record The city of Paris on May 7 made her best * laily record—">ll miles Airs. Dr. John Fin!; has an old cof fee mill that has been in continual use for over half a century. It is still in good working order and is in daily use.—Concord Times. News Notes. Capt. S B. Alexander, of Ohai lotto, pre- : rt#»nt of the Xo»-th Caroli na St ile Farmers Alliance, has ac cepted an invitation to deliver an agricultural address before the Bun combe county fanners' alliance. July Gth. Other noted agriculturists in the State will also be present, and a big time is anticipated by our farmer friends upou the occasion The Governor yesterday pardoned Fphram Davis, sentenced to the penitentiary for life for murder in Alexander eight years ago. He has been in the penitentiary eight years AIASON CITY. lowa. Alay 14, —John Forester and William Nolan, resi dents of New Hampton, became drunk Saturday. The former in his 1 drunken stupor laid on the railroad track and was killed by a passing j train. The latter while on his way home drove off a bridge and broke I his neck. We learn that Mr. T. B. Kings- ' bury, for the past twelve years the talented and able editor of our con- ' temporary, the Morning Star, has resigned his position on that paper, j and that Alaj. P. T. Duffy, formerly of the Greensboro Patriot, will be I . i his successor. We trust it will not be long when Mr. Kuigsbury will again be in the editorial harness j where he is so thoroughly at home , and where his facile pen is much appreciated by a host of admirers in all parts ot North Carolina. A dozen or more beardless young men recently attended, while they were intoxicated, St. Paul's Church in the country. Several of them behaved bad!}' and vomited on the floor during Rev. Dr Brooks' ser-1 mon.—Shelby Aurora. Jacob Johnson a colored barber of Wilmington attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the temple Monday about 1 o'clock. His wound will probably prove fatal. He had been drinking heavily some days. AY ashingtox, D. C., Alay 17.—Airs. Sarah E. Allen has been a public school teacher in Washington for many years, and during the last J %> ' o twelve or thirteen years she has | supported from her earnings her worthless and vicious husband, Os wald A. Allen who to day went to the school room and shot his wife and then himself. LONDON", Alay 1«S. Airs. Afaybrich. neice of Jefferson Dav : s. and French Canadian aristocrat by birth, has been arrested at Liverpool on a charge of poisoning her husband with arsenic. Alaybnch, who was a prominent merchant, died with symp , turns of slow poisoning. Washington Bishop, the famous mind reader, is dead. He was try ing to peiform a feat. He had faint ed once and was warned not to try again. He replied he would make the attempt if it killed him. The under taking was to lind a concealed book and designate a word selectel there in. It was accomplished, but, on writing the word backward. Bishop fell in ft cataleptic fit. He had had similar attacks, and recovered, which causes his fiiends to believe that Lk was no' dead when his body was cut open by the doctors. A suit is ei pected against the doctors. If Mr. Harrison don't happen to have any more law partners, brothers, or any other kin around that he can appoint, he can subsidize another newspaper with the Russian Mission. [0 £ 1R S O U-1 tl 15. I. i*. M' , ''t>iuh mill Jim Martin. two \oung busimss meu of Hickory are building private resi dences. Messrs. John Micha-l and Frank Clinard hare returned from a very successful trip for the Piedmont Wagon Go. Rev. J A. We>ton is this week at tending the Episcopal Convention at Henderson. Ihe Convention meets next year in Tarboro. We are hidedted ♦o 1). Matt. Thompson, of Lineo'iiton, for an in vitation to attend the closing exer cises of Piedmont Seminar? on 2lUh and 3Uth in-ts. Rev. H. M. Blair, formerly of Hickory, but now ot Farmville, was in to see us Monday. He looks well and it seems natural to have him with us again. Maj. Finger reports that arrange ments for holding Teachers* Insti tutes in thirty-five counties have been perfected. Five instructors will be elected to conduct them. We failed to mention last week that Mr. .J. H. Bruns had been re elected secretary nnd treasurer of the city of Hickory for two years. A bettei man could not be found for the position. Mr. H li. Hyder: a Catawba boy, after spending some time in Ruth eifordton, is now on a visit to his I parents, near this city, with his bride, are Miss Celia Walker, of RutherfordtoD. to whom he was married on the 16th inst. I*roiuincut People. Senator Ransom will deliver the centennial address on June sth next i before the Alumni of Chapel Hill. President Buchanan's niece, Mrs. Johnson, formeily Miss Harriet Lane, who used to preside at the White House, has been to see the | President. Ex-Secretary Bayard is said to be engaged to be married to Miss Cly , mer. She is wealthy, cultivated and ; refined. Ex-Governor Jarvis has been elect ed a member of the Board of Com missioners of Greenville. If he can't get a big office he will take a little I one. With Jefferson Davis, the honored ex-President of the Confederate States, as its guest. Fa\etteville will be the biggest town in North Caroli na at her grand centennial in Novem ber next. Judge Bennett is at Hot Springs, j Ark , under treatment for rheuma tism. i Allen 1 horndike Rice, Minister to Russia and editor of the North American Review, died on the lGth at 3:30 A M. in his rooms at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. Thus is ended a brilliant career— the surpassing career, even, of a man who lea\e- on the times in which he lived a considerable mark Though young, Thorndike Rice was felt as a factor and an energy in the thought UL 1 movement of the world Gen. Clingn an -till believes in his tobacco cure all—he is a remarkable man —must be not far short of 00.— Reidsviile Review. Great scott ! man, what do you mean ' *Gen. Clingman will sue YOU for much damages; he is still "on h:3 fir:-t legs." —not yet married. I * P. umber 21.

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